brewster middle school yearbook

The DoDEA School Meals Program (SMP) supports academic achievement by providing nutritious meals to your students through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Brewster Middle School was named in honor of Brigadier General David Lukins Shoemaker Brewster. High School and Middle School Gymnasts Take To The Mat To Compete INCubatorEdu Is A Hit At Brewster High School Dr. LaRhonda Ware received her bachelors degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, where she also earned a masters degree in English Education. Yearbook. Previously, he completed a four-year term as the Principal of Lakenheath High School (England), after serving a two-year term as Assistant Principal at the same school. She has one grown daughter, Danielle K. Gilliard. Students earning As in all courses for the quarter are included in the Principals List and students earning As or Bs in all courses for the quarter are included in the Honor Roll. Brewster Middle School offers an academically gifted program to identified students. A statement from the childs health care provider is required if an immunization cannot be administered because of a chronic medical condition wherein the vaccine is permanently contraindicated or because of natural immunity. The ECISD encompasses 945 square miles which makes it one of the largest in the nation. Students may visit DoDEAs Sexual Harassment Awareness and PreventionWeb page ( learn more. Dr. Lamonski is excited to begin her role as the Mid-Atlantic District Chief of Staff. Homework is one means of developing the necessary skills of independent study and learning for present and future use. 1984 Sansom High School Yearbook. We have a diverse population which makes our students willing to accept new ideas and new people. Assoc. Instructional time is protected to maximize learning opportunities. Dr. Lamonski has devoted her career to educating our children and believes in excellence for all. To avoid disrupting instructional time, only emergency messages will be delivered directly to classrooms. Goal 3: All staff will ensure Equitable Learning standards and practices are implemented so that 100% of students will participate in the Social Emotional Academic Support (SEAS) program on a weekly basis. She was the DoDEA Georgia/Alabama Teacher of the Year and named a Woman of Distinction by the Columbus, Georgia Optimist International Club. During School Year (SY) 1989- 1990, Brewster moved to the old Lejeune High School building, which now is called the Russell Building, and became a true middle school, with grades six through eight. If you ordered a Brewster yearbook for SY 2019-2020, they have finally arrived and will be ready to pick up on Monday, July 20th from 9:30-12:00. Philosophical exemptions are not permitted. related to a school activity while on school property, while en route between school and home, to include school buses. For students arriving after the school year has started, this request/written statement must be submitted at the initial enrollment and at the beginning of every school year. Apart from special education, a student with a disability, or who has a record of a disability, or is regarded as having a disability, shall not be excluded from participating in, or be denied the benefits of, any DoDEA education program or activity or be subjected to discrimination based solely on a disability. The Director, Manpower or his designee will notify the Base Executive Officer (XO) about the schools' operational plan. When hurricanes, snow or other severe weather conditions occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early. Check local television and/or radio stations for closure/delay announcements. Parent-Teacher Conferences ( parents the opportunity to ask questions about their childs classes or progress in school. If such is happening to a student personally, or to someone they know, the student should let an adult know about it right away. Reporting Abuse Neglect Suicide Risk and Threats,, 1325.01: DoD Impact Aid Program for Local Educational Agencies, Change 2, 1342.29: Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, 1342.25: School Boards for Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS), 1358.01: School Boards, Advisory Committees, and Dependents Education Council, 1342.13: Eligibility Requirements for Education of Elementary and Secondary School-Age Dependents in Overseas Areas, Change 3, 1342.26: Eligibility Requirements for Minor Dependents to Attend Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS). We are proud to be a DoDEA school, and we are proud to a part of the Camp Lejeune community. They may not share their locker number, lock combination, or locker with any other students. Counseling programs are designed to foster a foundation for lifelong learning by removing barriers to students academic success. The comments should be based on evidence about the student and should not represent opinions that cannot be supported by evidence. Frequent, loose or watery stools compared to the students normal pattern; not caused by diet or medication. During school year 1989-90, the school was renamed to Brewster Middle School and added sixth grade. Middle School Bell Schedule 2022-2023.pdf Pawling Middle School. In accordance with DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1443.01, Volume 1, Executive Order 13160 Administration: Compliance Requirements and Appeals, February 22, 2019, all high school students, and middle school students in some cases, are provided the opportunity to participate in the Interscholastic Athletic Program without unlawful discrimination based on their race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, status as a parent, or other factors unrelated to that participation. Ronald K. Gilliard. Chaperones may not transport their student or any other student to and from the study trip. Brewster Middle School was named in honor of Brigadier General David L. S. Brewster, who served as Commanding Officer, Barracks Detachment at New River, 1941-1943. Tuesday March 21. Any student, including eligible DoD dependent home-school students, who has not met the graduation requirements to earn a DoDEA diploma may not receive DoDEA commencement regalia, the DoDEA diploma, nor participate (walk) in a DoDEA commencement ceremony. There will be a Q&A portion for families to ask their own questions. Contact your school first to find if they have a stockpile of a few extra yearbooks. Parents may review their child's cumulative school records at any time, with the assistance of school personnel. In accordance with Section 6 of DoDEA Regulation 2720.1, should a student sustain a more serious illness or injury, the school nurse will make a judgment call based on nursing assessment to determine if the student needs emergency medical care requiring a response by an emergency medical team (EMT) and possible transportation for treatment at a health care facility. Please call the front office within 30 minutes of the start time when you know your child will be absent or tardy. Students will go to the classes that are shown on their respective class schedule. Student progress Test scores These ratings measure how much students from low-income households improved academically from one year to the next, compared to similar students at other schools in the state. At a very minimum, a child should read or be read to 15-20 minutes nightly. Brigadier General Brewster was born in Washington, D.C. on December 31, 1887. In addition, a copy will also be kept on file in the school office. The child must have an identified disability; The disability must adversely (negatively) affect the child's educational performance; and. Our mission is to nourish a community of creative and critical thinkers who actively contribute their richly diverse insights, talents, and skills to our current and future society, locally and globally, where a focus on . Phone: 910-451-2561 The policy will also be enforced on all school district property including school buses and other school vehicles. The DoDEA school administrator shall immediately report the following student behaviors to the local law enforcement entity: The DoDEA school administrator shall also immediately report any act that may constitute a criminal offense to the parents or legal guardians of minor students involved in the act and shall report that the incident has been reported to local law enforcement, as required by Federal, state, or local law. Katie Buscher 2nd Grade Teacher. Per DoDEA regulation, before an animal or pet can be brought in to the school for any reason (to include bringing in pets when there are no classes in session), the animal or pet owner must first have written approval from the Principal. Curb-to-curb only applies to students with disabilities who require such service as documented in the students IEP. Our school's goals and priorities are threefold: ensuring achievement for all students, providing a safe and nurturing environment in which students want to learn, and ignite an interest in becoming innovative 21stCentury learners and global citizens. Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary. After being honorably discharged, he began his education by attending SUNY Brockport, where he received his bachelors degree. Contact your school nurse for additional information regarding the DoDEA School Health Services Program. All chaperones pay their way (entrance fees, transportation, if not DoDEA funded bus, etc.). Absent up to 25% of the school day = absent one-quarter of the school day, Absent between 26%50% of the school day = absent one-half of the school day, Absent 51%75% of the school day = absent three-quarters of the school day, Absent 76%100% of the school day = full-day absence. Click HERE to learn more about this exciting program. Classroom instruction is developmental and engaging so students are successful. Smith looks forward to serving the community of Camp Lejeune and is committed to the continual success of Camp Lejeune schools. The action will vary based upon the type of evacuation. Search and browse yearbooks online! Ensuring a safe environment for all students and visitors is a primary focus for the school administration and staff. The district employs over 130 people including approximately 70 teachers. For typical classroom matters, the following procedures should apply in order as needed: These procedures follow the correct chain-of-command/line of authority from teacher to principal to superintendent and focus on resolution at the lowest level. If it becomes necessary to cancel school due to inclement weather parents will be notified through our AdHOCsystem as well as local radio or TV stations in the morning for information about school cancellation for the day. Manhasset Secondary School, also referred to as Manhasset Junior/Senior High School or simply Manhasset High School, is a six-year comprehensive public middle and high school in Manhasset, New York, on the North Shore of Long Island.The 7-12 school is the only secondary school in the Manhasset Union Free School District. design program options Find out which of our yearbook design programs is the best fit for your school. The underlying principles all relate to student rights to a safe and secure learning environment free from the threat or fear of physical violence; free from drugs, alcohol, weapons and other prohibited items; free from hazing, bullying or intimidation; and free from gang or criminal activity. He is a proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps in which he served as a nuclear biological chemical defense specialist for six years. To return to school, your child must be without symptoms for 24 hours and fever-free without fever-reducing medications for at least 24 hours. Please contact your childs school to discuss your concerns if you suspect your child may have a disability and be in need of special education services. Get a Sample. In 1917 he was selected as a Marine aviator as he was qualified to pilot airplanes, dirigibles, and balloons. We believe in educating the whole child; by that, we look at all aspects of the childs life and work to address issues of concern. If the missing required immunization is a series, then the first dose of the series must be administered, and documentation must be provided to the school within the required 30 days. If participating in breakfast, students should enter through cafeteria door. She represented her school on district strategic planning committee for three years. If your child has any animal allergies, please notify our School Nurse in the school Health Office. There are four technology labs in addition to a gymnasium, a multipurpose room, and an information center. All DoDEA students, including students with disabilities, English language learners (ELLs), and students with accommodation plans, should be afforded the opportunity to participate in the standard DoDEA secondary curriculum, as appropriate, based upon their individual circumstances. The immunization waiver request must be completed and submitted to the school at the beginning of every school year. The administration at each school is responsible for the management of student behavior. Students with more than 5 unexcused tardies and/or early dismissals and students with more than 7 unexcused absences may be referred to the Student Support Team (SST) and then to the Command if the problem is not resolved. Water bottles should be clearly marked with the student's name and teacher. As middle school students learn to manage more independence and responsibilities, school counseling programs are designed to connect learning to practical application in life and work, support personal/social skills, and foster effective learning/study skills. Achievement codes will be given at the end of the second, third and fourth marking periods for students in grades K1. In addition to their academic classes, the students have the opportunity to participate in different school-sponsored activities. Every effort will be made to have announcements generated prior to 0600. Parents/sponsors who plan to attend a parent-teacher conference scheduled by the teacher or school should inquire on the amount of time allowed before attending. Grades will be given at the end of each of the four marking periods for students in grades 212. Franklin High School Alumni Class List. Email Katie Buscher. The sponsor's note, by itself, does not constitute an excused absence. A student must remain home if a) he/she looks or acts ill; b) he/she has diarrhea with temperature elevation of 100F or greater; and c) he/she has diarrhea and vomiting. Prior to that, he completed three years as Assistant Principal at SHAPE Elementary School (Belgium). Thank you for your continued support throughout the school year. DoDEA School Health Services aims to optimize learning by fostering student wellness. To avoid interruption of instructional time, flowers or other gifts will not be delivered to students. Some items prohibited at school include, but list is not all inclusive: Cell phones may be brought to school but must be turned off and stored in the backpack or locker during the school day. This position works in a collaborative . There are equitable uniform eligibility policies for participants in all athletic programs. Students are responsible for their own scholastic integrity by neither giving nor receiving assistance (written, oral, or otherwise) on tests, examinations, final evaluations, or class assignments that are to be graded as the work of an individual. The team teachers will coordinate with each other to ensure students receive the extra assistance they need. Other behavior management techniques will be considered prior to resorting to more formal disciplinary actions that remove a student from school for a suspension (short or long term). Let us know if you would like to reserve your copy. The pet owner will provide a copy of the Veterinarian certificate for the Principal and School Nurse prior to bringing the animal or pet into the school. Ms. Sheila Gilliard was named Principal of Brewster Middle School in September 2016. Students may express their beliefs about religion in the form of homework, artwork, presentations, and other written and oral assignments, free from discrimination by school faculty or other students based on the religious content of their submissions. Closed-toe shoes will be worn during science labs. She was also awarded the Dr. Mary E. Walker Forces Command Certificate of Achievement. When deemed appropriate, the Supervisory Logistics Specialist will contact Base personnel about facility concerns. Low cost yearbooks are our specialty. Past Reunions No past reunions Plan your High School Reunion Already registered? If participating in breakfast, students should enter through cafeteria door. Find My School/Group Store. Students may engage in independent religious discussion to the same degree that they may engage in other types of permissible speech. Students will not be released from school on the basis of a telephone call. Her leadership experiences include serving as an Assistant Principal and Principal at Fort Benning, Georgia; and in Europe at Baumholder, Bitburg and Spangdahlem, Germany. Student behavioral management consists of teaching and reinforcing positive student attitudes and behaviors. As a result, our school has achieved gains on the Terra Nova Multiple Assessment (standardized test), especially in math. Therefore, study trips may be ongoing throughout the school year. DoDEA joins the National Education Association and schools across the nation in celebrating Read Across America on March 2nd and all year long to help motivate kids to read, bring the joys of reading to students of all ages, and make all children feel valued and welcome. If you will be TDY or on any type of leave while your child(ren) is/are attending school, please be sure to obtain a special power of attorney to be used in case of emergency, and inform the teacher and school office of the name, address, and telephone number of the person taking care of your child. Other gifts will not be supported by brewster middle school yearbook Optimist International Club symptoms for 24 hours and without... 910-451-2561 the policy will also be enforced on all school district property including school buses and other school.. Is developmental and engaging so students are successful water bottles should be clearly marked with the assistance school. Enforced on all school district property including school buses, and an information center ask own... To their academic classes, the Supervisory Logistics Specialist will contact Base personnel facility! 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brewster middle school yearbook