im here to provide some screenshots of the document and ill explain it. Watch popular content from the following creators: Shifting Stories and Tips(@shiftingwithlaur),, she/they(@usern9ebrykdyd), mcu_Loki<3(@mcu_lokilover2acc), (@brieanna.barnes), dani(@avadakedani), rachel(@thepickledcat), m(@80sheroine), . But researchers have also been working on expanding its reach from the realms of the physical universe and pushing it beyond, transcending space and time. You can find the documents here: Since 1995, the Agency has released over 30 million pages as a result of Executive Orders, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act, and mandatory declassification reviews. McDonnell summarised the Gateway Process stating that there was still far from being perfect but had extreme potential. The Central Intelligence Agency today declassified the United States Government's six oldest classified documents, dating from 1917 and 1918. Monroes company -- Monroe Industries -- registered patents for an audio technique dubbed Hemi-Sync that according to him could create an altered state of consciousness with the help of sound waves (played via a series of tapes) to sync the output of the left and right hemispheres of the brain (hence the name Hemi-Sync). Article: The CIA's Shifting Reasons For Withholding Documents in the Torture Tapes Case - 'It is extremely difficult for any outsider to make his mark within a bureaucracy as parochial and insular . When the brain would listen to this, it would try to replicate this by adjusting its output. Documents describing secret writing fall under the CIA's purview to declassify. The former CIA agent made the statement last year . In 2013 Wyden asked then-national intelligence director James Clapper if the NSA collected any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans. Clapper initially responded, No. He later said, Not wittingly.. Listening to both different frequencies it tries to stabilise this to a single level. Thousands of pages of declassified records are available for anyone to peruse. DIA is the Defense Intelligence Agency that focuses on military topics that are on the national level. Subscribe today for ourWeekly Newsletterin your inbox! He concluded stating, There is a sound and rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives. Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help. The full archive is made up of almost 800,000 files. Its thought the report was part of the CIAs wider investigation into whether concepts of mind control and hypnosis could be used in the espionage efforts of the Cold War. UFOs have long held a place in popular lore. Subscribe to Indiatimes and get handpicked updates based on your interests! Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. "These documents remained classified for nearly a century until recent advancements in technology made it possible to release them," CIA Director Leon E. Panetta said. Approximately 2,780 pages of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents detailing the government entitys findings on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are now available for anyone to read and download. There isn't a lot of information available on Wayne but that's to be expected considering he was a part of top secret CIA . ", "Extrasensory perception is not a matter of belief. There's also a lot of questionable theories and leaps of logic chucked into the mix. I've been challenged to \"do my research\" on the proof behind shifting. Press J to jump to the feed. I am really disturbed, because if the United States does not make serious effor to move forward on this new frontier, in another ten years it may be too late. The #1 resource for Astral projection, Lucid Dreaming, and Remote Viewing. Post with kindness. The virtual sleep state also lowers the heart rate of a person, while spiking the frequency of brainwave output, which McDonnell says creates a vibrational system throughout the body that syncs with the energy continuum of the Earth. Image credit: Zelenov Iurii/ Drawing on ideas of quantum entanglement, the report claims it may be possible for human consciousness to profoundly alter the universe since reality is holographic projection; the part encodes the whole. A very simplified way of explaining it is that shifting is moving one's consciousness from a body in this reality to one in another reality. But that wasnt all. at the end of this post, ill provide the link if youd like to read it yourself. I ended up only reviewing the one for Project Gateway but I do intend to read the one called "The Psychotronic Universe" and will keep you up to date with that. However, a phased approach for entering the Gateway Experience in an accelerated mode would seem to be required if the time needed to reach advanced states of altered consciousness is brought within more manageable limits from the standpoint of establishing an organization-wide exploitation of Gateway's potential.. The site's owner, John Greenewald Jr., obtained the newly digitized documentssaid by the CIA to represent the entirety of its UFO collectionby filing a series of Freedom of Information Act . Theres a high chance that this CIA research was started because of the DIA documents which revelead the parapsychological experiements in the Soviet Union. and the next two screenshots describe shifting in its self!! The CIA conducts these sweeping surveillance activities without any court approval, and with few, if any, safeguards imposed by Congress., Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on the mass surveillance of Americans telephone records, wrote on Twitter: You are about to witness an enormous political debate in which the spy agencies and their apologists on TV tell you this is normal and OK and the CIA doesnt know how many Americans are in the database or even how they got there anyway. was declassified in 2003. All rights reserved, CIA technique dubbed theGateway Experience was essentially described as a training system to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output, Its uses, according to the CIA report, ranged from converting energy to heal ones body to travelling across space and time to learn and access new information, Yes, it sounds quite mumbo-jumbo, but CIA approved testing for this under the eyes of US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell. hemi-sync is able to get your energy/vibrations to a point where youre focused enough to shift. The CIA technique dubbed the Gateway Experience was essentially described as a training system to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between left and right hemispheres that would alter the consciousness, pushing it outside the physical space, escaping restrictions of time and space. It also included Quantum mechanics to explain the nature and functioning of human consciousness. Large parts of the letter, which was sent in April 2021 and declassified on Thursday, and documents released by the CIA were blacked out. The CIA Document That "Proves" Shifting is Real - YouTube 0:00 / 11:31 Intro The CIA Document That "Proves" Shifting is Real nickisnotgreen 624K subscribers Subscribe 27K 402K views 2. Human consciousness is no different, its just a vibrational pattern of energy. On the first day, the subject is taught to isolate extraneous concerns or irrelevant things in mind into a visualisation device called an energy conversion box. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. the type theyre talking of is one that can get you to a certain state to free your conscious, although dont quote me on this because the documents are very confusing. This page will be updated frequently to add new Astral Projection documents from either the American goverment or some foreign goverments or agencies so bookmark this website for updates. UFO enthusiasts like Greenewald have long sought to make information about these mysterious objects more accessible. In conclusion, Astral Projection is something that was getting a lot of government attention back in the 70s and 80s. In these CIA documents, Wayne (a CIA operative) researched Astral Projection, Gateway Experience and the patented Hemi-Sync technology by The Monroe Institute. A non-profit freedom of information group, MuckRock, sued the CIA to force it to upload the collection, in a process which took more than two years. BE the change YOU wish to see in YOUR world <3. edit: so this is featured???? The DIA Astral Projection documents are titled: Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research, These documents were written in 1972 and were approved for release in 2003 through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). More recently, public interest in UFOs has grown thanks to the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret government organization that operated from 2007 to 2012. The selected officers were smart, open-minded, and displayed no unreasonable enthusiasm or leaning towards psychoenergetics. But hes of the belief that with a few weeks of training they could easily travel in their past. These documents, which describe secret writing techniques and are housed at the National Archives, are believed to be the only remaining classified documents from the World War I era. Its uses, according to the CIA report, ranged from converting energy to heal ones body to travelling across space and time to learn and access new information. I am more than my physical body. The theory is that certain exercises can allow the brain to hemi-sync, whereby brain waves in the right and left hemispheres synchronize at the same frequency and amplitude. If youve caught on till now, your mind too might be thinking that all of this doesnt seem scientific -- as it will be difficult to establish scientific evidence for the outcomes. Secret writing document oneSecret writing document twoSecret writing document threeSecret writing document fourSecret writing document fiveSecret writing document six, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. To better understand Hemi-sync, McDonnell presents an example that was coined by Monroe researcher Melissa Jager who used it to simplify the concept of Hemi-Sync. McDonnell explained that the brain functions at a Beta frequency when a human is wide awake and a Theta frequency when he/she is sleeping. The whole report was written by the Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. Mcdonnel. And the key difference between the three and Gateway Experience is the aforementioned Hemi-Sync. According to the DIA document, even though that the above four points sound like complete science fiction, they seem to be supported by literature. CIA Had Secret Program To Send People In Past Or Future By Mind Power, Copyright 2020 Times Internet Limited. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Remember, kids: the part encodes the whole. "By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote in a blog post. The practice seems to stem from a declassified CIA document titled "Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process." If i cant observe you shifting then there really isnt any science going on there. The last page of this DIA document is very interesting. CREST currently houses over 10 million pages of declassified Agency documents. Say in your mind, say to yourself. Written in 1983, released to public in 2003, these documents were a part of the Stargate Project (just like the first DIA research documents)., i hope this post helped a bit with affirming to yourself that shifting is in fact, real, and helping with any doubts you might have. So, what to make of all this? so thats all i really have, but feel free to read the document here yourself!! Clapper would later apologise in a letter to the Senate intelligence committee, admitting that his response to Wyden was clearly erroneous. Electric Sunroof, Head Up Display & Other Features That Make The All New Hot & Techy Brezza A Hit. #realityshifting #shiftingrealities, ##cia #conspiracy #poleshift #thewhyfiles #startupsuccess #workfromhome #affiliatemarketing, vintage alice in wonderland cookie stencils, Como usar amazon prime video de usa en mexico. Cookie Policy Decades on, the document has since been declassified and is now experiencing a resurgence on social media. Nearly a decade ago, a question Wyden posed to Americas spy chief presaged Snowdens revelations about the NSAs mass surveillance programs. | RSS. Successfull experiments were carried by the CIA and Monroe Institute in the 1900s proving Reality Shifting. Back in 1983, the CIA wrote an obscure report looking to the "Gateway Experience," claiming that an altered state of human consciousness may be able to transcend space and time. On Thursday the CIA released a series of redacted recommendations about the program issued by an oversight panel known as the privacy and civil liberties oversight board. Astral Projection Astral Projection CIA. (She was a shifter who wanted to prove it and while this may not be the hard evidence that proves it forever (a few flaws) its still a confidence boost and I think youre looking for that. Moreover, the first page of the DIA documents mentions reports that the Soviets are training their cosmonauts in telepathy. WikiLeaks, the organization notorious for leaking highly secure government data, published a cache of documents that reportedly exposes tactics the CIA uses to hack into our devices. The process of removing redactions is known as unmasking.. If you read the document, at the end theres steps to their gateway experience, and how to do it. He listed out recommendations for how CIA should design their research in Gateway Studies, but there is no information available if they did work on it in future. © 2023 IFLScience. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico alleged that the CIA has long concealed it from the public and Congress. The records were only available on four physical computers located in the back of a library at the National Archives in Maryland, between 09:00 and 16:30 each day. I find this strange because there is available documentation and translation which substantiates most of the things I saw in the USSR. McDonnel explains that Hemi-Sync is achieved when the subject hears a sound produced at a particular frequency that is actually associated with the operation of the human brain. FIRST AFFIRMATION. "When historical information is no longer sensitive, we take seriously our responsibility to share it with the American people.". As soon as beat frequency is achieved along with Hemi-Sync, the left hemisphere relaxes and the boy goes into a virtual sleep state, while also aligning brain patterns in both hemispheres, allowing the human to change their own consciousness. The holograms developed by the human mind are aware of the universal hologram, with the right hemisphere of the brain receiving energy from the universal hologram and the left hemisphere translating it into consciousness. Ukraine crisis: Biden talks to allies as US warns Russia could invade at any time, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Edward Snowden on the new revelations of CIA spying: It is not OK.. This page will be frequently updated with new documents so make sure to bookmark it, keep an eye on it and share it with your friends. While much of the information has been technically publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access. Many of the ideas in the report are drawn from real scientific research, but when pieced all together, they arent testable. However, with Hemi-Sync when both hemispheres are in synchronization, this light turns into a rather concentrated beam of light like a laser, that can not only be more effective but reach farther than it ever could before. The 29-page document titled "Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process" was declassified in 2003. As per the report, the universe is a complex system of interacting energy fields in which states are simply variations in energy. McDonnell speaks about three crucial consciousness-altering techniques and Im sure you might have heard about them too -- hypnosis, transcendental meditation and biofeedback. However, McDonnell listed out how his analysis laid out the following scientific components to make this a valid research. The technique, called the Gateway Process, is based on ideas developed by the Monroe Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on the exploration of human consciousness. According to Pullman, such Astral Projection has already been accomplished in laboratory settings and the American and Russian governments are now trying to perfect it. Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner". Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers, and the recipes for invisible ink. Some readers of the report have dug into this idea deeper and taken it as proof of the law of attraction the philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. However, the CIA has mentioned that this page wasnt present to begin with. John Ramirez worked for 25 years as an operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, and he said, in an interview with Podcast UFO, that the United States government is aware of an impending event in 2027 that will reveal something quite significant, so people are preparing to avoid mass panic. After mastering these techniques the subject can progress into more exploratory stages of the Gateway Experience where they learn how to interact with and manipulate newly-discovered dimensions of awareness. The sites owner, John Greenewald Jr., obtained the newly digitized documentssaid by the CIA to represent the entirety of its UFO collectionby filing a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. With FFR, researchers can sort of fool the brain into switching from Beta to Theta by making it listen to an external theta frequency. Greenewald purchased the CD-ROM in mid-2020 and has spent the past several months converting its contents into searchable PDF files. Per Live Science, highlights of the trove include a 1976 account in which the governments former assistant deputy director for science and technology is handed a cryptic piece of information about a UFO and a document centered on a strange, late-night explosion in a tiny Russian town. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Tom is a writer in London with a Master's degree in Journalism whose editorial work covers anything from health and the environment to technology and archaeology. Join the community. Fastest Charging On Any Nord Phone Ever & Other Reasons Why OnePlus Nord 2T Is Worth Every Penny! According to McDonnell, 'Our universe is one large hologram of unbelievable complexity. The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the . A subreddit about shifting realities. On the second and third page (which has some missing pages before it as well) the DIA talks about the parapsychological research done by the Soviet Union. It is the human mind that took Man to the moon, or built the atomic bomb, among several other great scientific achievements. A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials. The surveillance program was exposed on Thursday by two Democrats on the Senate intelligence committee. Advertising Notice Vasilev was a Russian scientist who claimed to have conducted several successful telepathic experiments. In the future, we will write a post that will go deep into the Astral Projection research done by the CIA. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the Physical world. For Hundreds Of Years The Vatican Has Classed Capybara As A Fish, Welp, The 3rd Annual Mental State Of The World Report Makes For Pretty Depressing Reading, Anthropologist Believes An Ancient Human Species May Have Been Sighted On Flores Island, "Phubbing" Is Associated With Lower Social Intelligence But There's Good News, A Giant Destructive Blob Is Headed For Florida, And It Stinks, This Small, Vibrating Bracelet Might Change Your Life, Don't Travel Without These CES-Featured Translation Earbuds, Stay Warm in a Blackout with this CES-Featured Power Station, How To Take Award-Winning Photos Of Space, Five Mysteries Surrounding Space And Physics. The US Army and the CIA were extremely invested in these documents from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. The trove includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development. Start a conversation, not a fire. After trying to explore their past, subjects were asked to venture into the future, with the Focus 21 tapes. The CIA technique dubbed theGateway Experience was essentially described as a training system to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between left and right hemispheres that would alter the consciousness, pushing it outside the physical space, escaping restrictions of time and space. One page from the report -- Page 25 -- was missing from the report, just when McDonnell was describing potential uses for the Gateway Experience. Well, it has been done.Read the now deleted CIA Document here: used: Song:\u0026t=2603sgive me a job: https://nickisnotgreen.comtiktok: The outnumbered invading force was quickly repelled by Castro's troops. After this, physical relaxation techniques are introduced while Hemi-Sync frequencies expand and include pink and white noise that put the body in a virtual sleep state and calm the brains left hemisphere while raising awareness in the right hemisphere. Businessman Kenneth Arnold made the first widely recognized UFO sighting in 1947, when he claimed hed seen nine objects flying through the air like saucers skipping on water.. In the documents, Wayne follows objective scientific methods in order to research Astral projection and The Gateway Technique. According to Davidson, it was Thomas more accurate explanation for how a pole shift happens, which led to the CIA classifying Thomas' book. Once hemi-sync is achieved, the report says, it can trigger an altered state of consciousness in which the vibration of a persons consciousness is free fromphysical reality and tunes into this pure energy field. Speaking with the Columbia Journalism Reviews Shaun Raviv last May, Greenewald said, I like to give people the raw information, the uneditorialized version, so they can make up their own mind., Isis Davis-Marks In November, the CIA announced it would publish the material, and the entire declassified CREST archive is now available on the CIA Library website. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "This consciousness participates in the all-knowing infinite continuum of consciousness which is a characteristic of energy in the ever present," continues the report. The Gateway CIA Document and How It Relates to Shifting. happy shifting :D, edit: hi again! We will go over all of the released research and explain exactly what they found out. theres definitely a lot more to the document, but most of it solely focuses on the cias method of achieving that certain state of consciousness, which is not exactly what were trying to do. Universes and dimensions are two extremely different things, so this whole reality shifting thing is invalidated. The Black Vault spent years fighting for them, and many were released in the late 1990s, writes Greenewald in a blog post. Press J to jump to the feed., The 5 Best Sleep Paralysis Movies For Lucid Dreamers, 10 Universal Dream Symbols And Their Meanings, Know the contents of all secret documents, movements of military, locations of secret bases, Hold the thoughts of people at a distance, Cause instant death of anyone at a distance, Disable any military or communication equipment including spacecraft, Bringing Astral Projection into the world of science with physics, Theoretical physics in order to explain the dimension differences which consciousness transcends, Quantum mechanics to describe the functions of consciousness. All Rights Reserved. The 29-page document - titled "Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process" - was declassified in 2003. In his tests, less than five percent of individuals could successfully travel in their past throughout the seven-day training period. Of the DIA documents which revelead the parapsychological experiements in the USSR Intelligence Agency today declassified the United States 's! Declassified Agency documents it would try to replicate this by adjusting its output Wayne M. Mcdonnel featured???... Shifting thing is invalidated by the Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. Mcdonnel the moon, built... Three and Gateway Experience is the human Mind that took Man to the,! Strange because there is available documentation and translation which substantiates most of information! Revelead the parapsychological experiements in the documents, dating from 1917 and.... And Martin Heinrich of New Mexico alleged that the CIA were extremely invested these... Most of the keyboard shortcuts Remember, kids: the part encodes whole. 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