Alternatively, there are other ways to prove your identity. Add $9 for international post. If you live outside the Brisbane city area, bring yourorder receipt number (if you paid online) or a completed application form with your proof of ID and supporting documents (as required) to any of the following locations: When you buy a birth certificate online, you can show your proof of ID in person by visiting a participating JPs in the Community location: Bring your printed order receipt (if you paid online), your original proof of ID and other supporting documents (if needed). Courts will only deal with LEGAL FICTIONS. THINK ABOUT ITWhen you were born, your parents gifted you a name. All Members are bound by the Common Law Australia Terms of Use when entering the site. Meaning you have exclusive use of that which belongs to another and must pay ALL the bills that the name gathers. Presumptions of parentage under the Family Law Act common law and statutory rules tend to be detailed. Due to the UK, Canada and the US beingbankrupt countries, yes all these countries have been bankrupt for some time now; they all have currencies that are known asFIAT currency. And that applies to every commercial contract you have entered using the BC name. Commemorative birth certificate package (1 official birth certificate and standard postage included). Reinforce our commitment to the inclusion of all communities. They have quietly acknowledged this, but it is only verifiable on his website. To stand against any authority that rules unjustly against our will. You must register the birth of your child before you can get a birth certificate. We went on a virtual tour of Buckingham Palace and the queen still has her royal emblems on the main gate . Recording your details here protects your rights and property under Common Law. Register your intention to marry. By nature, every man, woman, and child is free, equal and sovereign, possessing the inherent knowledge of whatever is true and right. Thanks to former Senator Rod Culleton for these template letters which may assist in preserving an individuals right to employment. Australia Post advises customers to anticipate, information about any brothers or sistersand. Our commemorative birth certificates have been designed by local artists to celebrate your child's birth in a unique and lasting way. International registered mail is used for overseas deliveries. Shutterstock Explainer: why removing sex from. The BC does not belong to you, so the government are quite within their rights to value that document, invest it, claim against it, borrow against it, etc. However, this cant be tracked and signing on delivery is only available in some countries. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. It's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold. Am I eligible for an Australian Common Law live birth record. No further dispute necessary in any capacity. This name was taken from you by the Government, unlawfully.You can now RECLAIM YOUR NAME by submitting your application to the Common Law Court.As this LEGAL FICTION was created unlawfully, the Common Law Court will confirm that ownership of the LEGAL FICTION has been reclaimed by you. This comes out of the Gospels binding on the Crown by the Coronation Oath 1688 ( 1 Will and Mary C 6 ). That is why the courts must make you agree to be the BC name, so the responsibility is accepted and all that is left is payment of the bill. The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. You believe you own your land and property because it is in your name. Law Foundation Law Oration 2014 on 21 May 2014 in the Banco Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Common Law Australia is functioning for entertainment purposes only. I am really keen to somehow obtain instruction on how to gather ALL the interests in the BC name the bonds, derivatives, futures, etc, etc. Well as we are a bankrupt country (just waiting to go into an economic fold exactly what is about to happen in the US) thegovernment needs collateral to invest and to receive loanson, so we, the people, become slaves in bondage to be used ascollateral with lenders. you will need to register an account with the website in order to fill out the forms available. 1. The maximum penalty for not doing so is $1,250. Further the birth certificate proves that you are the beneficiary. Immediately you fill in any Records form you will receive a PDF certificate for immediate download by email. Within Australia because of this concealed suspension of all Constitutions, all Supreme Courts inclusive of the High Court of Australia pay no judicial attention or notice to any purported breach of allegiance or breach of any constitutions, in effect the United Nation Order has taken control of all Constitutions within Australia, since the 6th November 1999, but, the illusion/fraud of having a constitution in position within Australia must be maintained ,which is the sole reason why another Commonwealth Election is about to be held. "The decision to include the mother's name in the ID card is a big step towards gender equality and the . A certificate costs $52.60 or a commemorative certificate package costs $68.35. You are born live. Many folk will have been mocked for believing that. Service NSWcan also help you to replace certificates registered in other Australian states and territories or in New Zealand. Advance Australia proposes this Vision for the Future of our country. Birth, Marriage or Change of Name certificates that have been destroyed due to a natural disastercan be reissued at no charge at yournearest Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88 for more information. select the green checkout button to continue, by post to Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, PO Box 15188, CITY EASTQLD 4002. I waive all rights. Your Fees In Action We instructed the Commonwealth to gather ALL the interests in the BC name, that WE generated, attach those interests to the RLB name and then we gifted the RLB to the Commonwealth. Please click on the link at the top of the article and join the Facebook group hosted by the original author of this info. . If not, you can still prove your identity by mailing certified copies to us. This name is a persons legal name. Shops benefit in the form of the necessities you, the new baby, required. Enter your email address to follow Real News Australia and receive notifications of new posts by email. David Wynn Miller (1949 - 2018), also styled :David-Wynn: Miller or David-Wynn: Miller, was an American tool and die welder, pseudolegal theorist, and leader of a tax protester group within the sovereign citizen movement. Freeman concepts of admiralty law and common law, their obsession with capitalisation of words and . If you are able to access this site please let me know. Do you use a bank account in the BC name? If you were born in Australia, you need to provide your full, original Australian birth certificate issued by an Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. signing a charter is a fee for getting the form signed and sealed. The Victorian Fauna commemorative birth certificate has been superbly painted by award-winning artist Lynne Tracey in the style of an illuminated address of the 19th Century. General Maddox | Find a JP. What are your Rights and Freedoms? The first question the tax office ask is what is your assessable taxable income. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. ~ John Philpot Curran (17501817), (Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom). His encouragement and inspiration has helped us build a fast growing network of common law communities that are empowering people.Any information supplied by Kevin and reproduced here is made available for free. [The initial joinder is formed when a legalBirth Certificateis issued by the State, name in all CAPS. The 1953 Births and Deaths Registration Act requires a birth to be registered within 42 days of a child being born. However, people often write their names using a combination of lowercase and capital letters, which is, legally speaking, a separate entity. Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, registering authority interstate or overseas, Fill in the birth certificate application form, Queensland Magistrates Court or Queensland Government Agent Program. If you need a birth certificate as part of a family research project, find out more about family history research. This style also comes in birds. This occurred when a mans condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. Apply for a death certificate. Please allow extra time for Australia Post to deliver your birth certificate to your address. By recording your birth with the Common Law Court, you now have an option, you can remain under the statutory system and rules or stand under the authority and jurisdiction of the Common Law Court. We aim to get it to you as quickly as possible. Click on the image to join the Live in Private (LIP) Telegram group, This website is operated under and in accordance with the Crimes Act 1914, s.13 and 15F. The law was passed by the Philippine Congress in December 2018 and signed into law by President Duterte on February 21, 2019. It is a promissory notenothing more. YOU are acting in dispute and trying to tell the government lies by saying YOU are not the BC name and therefore responsible for the fine. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV 'If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the Title is revested.' Hi there, what law are you referring to under common Law? The Commonwealth picks up the tab? Once signing this charter, you will also gain access to other declarations that further declare your right standing. They are the creators of the birth certificate trust and you as the beneficiaries, are the ones who can lawfully benefit from your trust and its assets. It's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold. As awareness grows of what is happening in Australia and around the world, the need to gather to create change for humanitys common goodnow and for the generations to followis not only necessary but urgent! From the 1920s, adoption practice in Australia reflected the concept of secrecy and the ideal of having a "clean break" from the birth parents. So YOU, driving a car owned by the BC name, using a licence in the BC name, get a fine (in the BC name) and have the usufructory responsibility of paying it. Not subject to alienation; the characteristic of those things which cannot be bought or sold or transferred from one person, your God given rights it cannot be taken away from you unless you give consent, The WHY of the Common Law Community derives its authority from human beings themselves and from their capacity to know what is right and wrong and treat others in a just and fair manner. Common Law Australias intention is for a movement that is arising to reassert the divine purpose and its operation to restore every Man and Woman back to their natural and lawful being. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. As to the benefits, we shall see., When using a birth certificate as a form of ID in the USI registry system, please be aware that: state refers to the state or territory in which the birth was registered. Use your official birth certificate when applying to schools and for other services. We'll ask you for the following information during the application process: You may be able to prove your identity online. When you were born the government created a LEGAL FICTION (Strawman). A name which does not belong to you in fact,3. You must provide a least 3 forms of current identity, one of each from Categories 1, 2 and 3. You have a written power of attorney given by the person on the birth certificate. All it takes is another commercial action being generated, then another, then another.. And I believe those commercial transactions must be generated through the massive corporations, so to my way of thinking, encouraging everyone to use a card to purchase, fits the picture of linking your commercial actions using the BC name, straight back through the bank account, to the share market securitization of the new purchase or payment. If you are getting a message that your shopping cart is empty: If you can't complete the order online, you can use the PDF application form and apply by post or in person. That is the first important clue. Go to any good stock office and ask them to check these . Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. Failure to register your child's birth after 12 months has elapsed can result in a fine of up to 200. We no longer claim to own anything in the name, we simply act as the action to create the wealth for the name. What if a birth is registered late? It is for decorative purposes only. Commemorative birth certificate packages include an official birth certificate. For general enquiries, feedback, complaints and compliments. Reclaim your Sovereignty: Your Birth Right or Rightful Birth? Can you stop giving it future value? When you get the fine and complain, YOU are being belligerant. So whats the process and benefits of separating yourself from your legal fiction? 1: Two Universes in the One Country. They know YOU are not the BC name, but YOU have been telling everyone you were in commerce and benefiting from the use have you not? Even names appearing on official licenses, such as those issued for marriage, appear in capital letters (ALL CAPS). It explains the 5 simple steps we can take to create a better future: Click here or on the image to visit the website: How have the political parties destroyed our country? For this the Commonwealth pays the costs (as your no longer under Usufruct) Get the birth certificate application form. Reply. As does every commercial activity you enter into that uses the BC name. Now that is all bad enough folks, but it gets worse. Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life. Your child's passport (if a child is included in your application) Submit your proof of ID by post or in person. Now, you are born without a name. That which government gives you. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. What laws have they broken? Particularly if you were under age when this agreement was created. You can apply for a Queensland birth certificateor a replacement birth certificate or commemorative birth certificate packageif you or the person you are applying for were born or adopted (and registered) in Queensland. Because it has massive commercial implications. The following information has been offered as context to give a greater understanding to why and how our government began trading our birth certificates on the stock exchange. Going back to the law of the land, do no harm and cause no loss, If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. But I have the deeds people say to me. This is a very important concept to understand because by understanding it you will understand how the government and the global cabal have systematically planned and conspired to . Within Australia and in particular at Werribee in Victoria, Julia Gillards former Labor seat of Lalor, all persons of any type of position or influence within Werribee have concealed the real fact in particular the organization known as Wyndham Ministers Network have known over a period of years that Julia Gillard, John Howard and others have been criminally charged and remain pending Grand Jury process in Victoria, but, have concealed this from the people of Werribee to enable the transfer of the people and land. You can do this via the common law court website, this is very much a 3D process and par for the course, however what I have discovered is that when you energetically embody the vibration of Sovereign SELF that is where you enter the realm of 5D! A delayed birth certificate, which became more common after 1937 when obtaining a Social Security number required proof of birth, can hold quite a bit of information as several unique records or testimonies were required to prove what the person had provided. The Victorian Aboriginal commemorative birth certificate brings together artwork by three of Victoria's leading indigenous female artists, Vicki Couzens, Lee Durroch and Treahna Hamm. Give it to them. By phone: local call* 13 QGOV (13 74 68), International +61733284811 (+10 hours UTC), (Phone lines are open MondayFriday, 8.30am4.30pm)., Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Commonwealth Custodian Workshops/Zoom Timetable, Road Map to Reclaiming and Restoring The Commonwealth of Australia,,, What the Corporate Government dont want you to know, Doorway to the Divine Self Hooponopono Prayer. 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