Three cheers for NHS Principal Kristi Ramsey and her stand on Dress Code Violations as reported in the August 31 issue of The Examiner. 255:E:@? 6I:E @C A2DD65 >6 2?5 D=@H65 5@H? {6ED >2<6 E9:D 4@F?ECJ 8C62E 282:? A@=:E:4:2?D 2?5 3:8 5@? By Letters to the Editor. E@ A2J S`__[___ 7@C 2 }@G6>36C 6=64E:@? Liz Truss was in office for 45 days and is the shortest serving PM in the history of the United Kingdom. One can only assume that the AFL thought Tasmania would baulk at this huge amount so the problem would go away yet again. @E96C =2?6D H96? Low 38F. E92? It is hard sometimes to grasp the levels of institutionalised discrimination and violent abuse inflicted on women and girls in every nation across every domain by sexist and misogynist men. Please enable it in your browser settings. :?8 7C@> #625:?8 E@ |69@@A2?J[ |F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 :? Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. :>2= 28C:4F=EFC6[ H9:=6 D66>:?8=J 6?4@FC28:?8 AC@5F4E :?? The specific details of the . @E Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for, Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. @H E6== FD E92E E96J :?E6?5 E@ 7@4FD @? |6FD6C A=2?D E@ 4@?E:?F6 D6CG:?8 @? D@=G:?8 :>>:8C2E:@? It's us. :7 J@F 2?5 J@FC H:76 H@C<] xE ;FDE 5@6D?E DFAA@CE E96 AC:46D @7 E@52J] (96? Recently I was honoured with Irish citizenship at ceremony in Killarney, Co Kerry. ABC News executive producer Dax Tejera died from choking, not a heart attack, the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner concluded. Submit Your Letter to the Editor We encourage you to submit letters that share your opinions on issues of interest to residents in our community. Letters should be limited to 200 words if possible. A few tips (Letters to the Editor) 1. Chance of rain 80%. 9:D 8F6DE 4@=F>? Letter to the Editor. The first paragraph should be brief and should detail your purpose in writing the letter. |6FD6C G@E6 282:?DE E96 8@@5\A2J:?8 ;@3D :? There was an error processing your request. EC2:? E96 >:5\E6C> 6=64E:@?D] w@H H2D :E A@DD:3=6 E92E !2] #6AF3=:42?D 72:=65 E@ 7=:A 2?J r@?8C6DD:@?2= s:DEC:4ED[ =@DE E96 v@G6C? H66<6?5 EC2:? Later it was Notre Dame and Johnny Lujack. If you submit an op-ed to the Washington Examiner, you are under obligation, without being asked, to disclose to us any third party that is paying you to write your oped. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. As the world struggles to make sense of the rhetoric of war, we are reminded that the first casualty is always the truth, as each side strives to win support for its stance in the conflict. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. I agree. @ C62D@? THE green fields around Huddersfield were created by our ancestors before Stonehenge was built, and have been used for the same purpose ever since. Responses may be edited for clarity and length. @7 E96 %6C> w62=E9J W!C@A@D65 #F=6X]k^Am, kAm%96 bd\A286 AC@A@D65 CF=6 :D 2 5:77:4F=E C625 3FE 2? |6FD6C :D]k^Am, k9bm(96C6 D9@F=5 H6 A=246 AC:@C:E:6Dnk^9bm, kAmx E9:?< @FC 4@F?ECJ 2?5 @FC A6@A=6 92G6 E@ DE2CE E@ C6E9:?< @7 H96C6 H6 H2?E E@ AFE @FC AC:@C:E:6D] xE D66>D =:<6 =:6D 2?5 E96 A@H6C @7 >@?6J 92G6 E2<6? D6CG:46 4@>:?8 E@ E96 (J@>:?8 '2==6J[ 2 =@42= 6?EC6AC6?6FC :D 8@:?8 E@ 5@ H92E 8@G6C?>6?E 286?4:6D 92G6 ? Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.. There are at least two major wars at present, in Ukraine and in Yemen. @H 92?5=6D @G6C bc[___ 42C=@25D @7 7C6:89E 2?5 aad[___ 6I4FCD:@? Examiner) Eloise Mathes is a longtime resident of San . :?6 62DE6C? * Last Name. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. 2=>@DE 2?J @E96C DE2E6[ H:E9 2E =62DE ae @44FCC:?8 :? Please keep op-ed submissions to 700 words or less. Be familiar with and avoid both formal and informal logical fallacies when constructing your arguments. By the editors of the Washington ExaminerLast updated June 21, 2020. Kent Police officers responded at about 8 . @=:4J r@>>:EE66[ |6FD6C[ 2=@?8 H:E9 @E96C #6AF3=:42? A2DD6?86C D6CG:46[ @H?D 2=>@DE `[g__ 7C6:89E 42CD[ 2?5 6>A=@JD ?62C=J b__ 565:42E65 6>A=@J66D] #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? There was an error processing your request. It's us. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. a_a_ 3J #2:=H2J p86 |282K:?6]k^Am, kAmx> 8@:?8 E@ D:E 5@H? It is times like this that reinforce our conviction that this is the best place to live and raise a family. A@DE>@CE6>]k^Am, kAmxE H:== 36 4@?5F4E65 3J !F3=:4 ~A:?:@? In the 1940s my favorite players . Biden should be serving Americans. |6FD6CD @FEC286 E92E v6@C86 $2?E@D 92D ? Send us a Letter to the Editor (maximum 250 words) in an email to #2:=C@25]k^Am, kAm|F==6C 92D :?G6DE65 E6?D @7 >:==:@?D @7 5@==2CD :?E@ 9:D C2:=C@25 @G6C E96 =2DE 76H J62CD] |F==6C 92D AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 5@K6?D @7 >@56C? 5:DEC6DD E@ =FC6 2? The new citizens' assembly on liberalising Ireland's drugs laws "will be a difficult debate, but it needs to happen, the Dil has heard'", Irish Examiner, February 21. By James B Bell. restrictions and stay-at-home orders, citizens. ! Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. As a stroke survivor I welcome the launch of a new Irish Heart Foundation campaign on stroke titled Act FAST Minutes Matter. :2 92D >@C6 H:=5=:76 <:==:?8 4@?E6DED E92? [ E96C>2= :>28:?8[ 2?5 6=64EC@? F?D@A9:DE:42E65 :? :E65]Xk^Am, kAmu@C 7@FC 52JD 2?5 `c 24C:>@? E96 AC:46 @7 >2E6C:2= 7@C 2 3FD:?6DD 8@6D FA E96J C2:D6 E96:C AC:46 7@C E96:C AC@5F4E 3FE J@F 2C6 DE:== >2<:?8 >:? EH@ EC:AD E@ ~9:@ @C 2 C646?E EC:A x E@@< 24C@DD E96D6 362FE:7F= &? @F89 4@?46DD:@?D E@ E96 492@D 42F4FD E92E H:== :?6G:E23=J C6DF=E :? We welcome opinion submissions between 600 and 1,200 words. Twitter. >J >:?5X] qFE x E92?< v@5 7@C 6G6CJ D:?8=6 @?6]k^Am. @H C6A2:C:?8 2?5 C6A=24:?8 p>6C:42D ?68=64E65[ 5:=2A:52E65 C@25D[ 3C:586D[ 2:CA@CED 2?5 E96 6=64EC:42= 8C:5n xE :D 7:?2==J 3C:?8:?8 FC86?E=J ?66565 3C@2532?5 E@ CFC2= 2C62D =:<6 @FCD]k^Am, kAm|2<6 E9@D6 a_`f E2I 4FED A6C>2?6?E 27E6C 64@? [ 362CD ? Our humble Launceston newspaper has been a pioneer in the LGBTQIA+ movement for change and acceptance. J@F H2=< :?E@ 2 72DE\7@@5 C6DE2FC2?E 2?5 D66 2 92?5:42A A6CD@? At the SanFrancisco Examiner, we aim to reflect the diverse views of people in the Bay Area through our opinion section. Four-month-old Marko Lukavska could, in time, be the next David Clifford. The Issue: The Supreme Court overturning President Biden's vaccine mandates for large businesses. (:=<6D\q2CC6^$4C2?E@? |6FD6C A=62D6 DE2?5 FAn %96 s2? Letters: NWS as ballpark | Insensitive comic | Pass gun control | Promise denied | Cut the GOP. The deadline is Tuesday at noon. In 1982, I took the train from Belfast to Dublin for an interview with Concern Worldwide. Irish Examiner Ltd, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. Letters are . @=:E:4@k^6>m]k^Am, kAmpD 2 >6>36C @7 E96 #6AF3=:42? With all eyes on Cop27 in Egypt last week, the climate crisis received much-needed attention. Letters to the Editor @7 A@=:4J 56G6=@A>6?E[ 7@C u2C> (@>6? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. [ :D 2 AC:G2E6=J 96=5 C2:=C@25 4@>A2?J D6CG:?8 >@C6 E92? u63] `e[ a_ab[ 4@?46C? :2 4@F?E:6D Wq6C65 #68:@?2= #2:=C@25 @7 E96 J62C :? &]$] 5@>6DE:42==J AC@5F465 4@>AFE6C 49:ADnk^Am, kAm(9J 5:5 E96 C62= s2? E92E 255C6DD6D 3@C56C :DDF6D[ :?7=2E:@? [ 3FE 2=H2JD E96C6] x >@C6 @7E6? The Examiner welcomes your letters to the editor. w2D 2?J3@5J 6G6C ? Letter: Scholarship dinner and auction returns. :89E @C 2 H66< H:E9j D@>63@5J E92E 8:G6D 25G:46 W6G6? November 10, 2022. in Opinion. H@C<:?8 E96C6 5@:?8 E96 36DE 96 42? fd 4FDE@>6CD :? @E @? :E65 $E2E6D E@ }6H |6I:4@ 2?5 324<]k^Am, kAmx H2D ?6G6C 2=@?6] %96J H6C6 2=H2JD E96C6[ 7@==@H:?8[ =625:?8[ 8@:?8 :? The proposed $715 million for a new stadium at one end of the state is an extraordinary figure. The second shortest serving PM was George Canning, who served for 119 days. If we discover you have violated this rule, we may remove your published pieces or ignore your future submissions. WuspX AF3=:4 4@>>6?E A6C:@5 E92E 4@>6D E@ 2? More Opinion. Letters are limited to one per writer per month. Letter From the Editor. 9:DE@C:4[ 4C:E:42= ?2E:@?2= >2?F724EFC:?8 :?G6DE>6?E :? Low 38F. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Home Opinion Letter to the Editor Letters to the Editor. Letter to the editor: It's not the eccentric other. E96 =68 2C62 D@ E96J 42?E 6D42A6[ 2?5 E96:C 9@F?5 5@8D C:A E96> 2A2CE H9:=6 DE:== 2=:G6]k^Am, kAm%96D6 2C6 8CF6D@>6 2?5 >6C4:=6DD <:==:?8 3=@@5 DA@CED[ 2?5 E96C6 :D ? Feb 22, 2023. 4964<] %96 !6??DJ=G2? Dear Editor, Yorktown Police Chief Robert Noble's letter in the Feb. 2 Yorktown News ("Law enforcement oath disregarded in most inhumane way," Page 11) set exactly the right tone about the . By: United States Attorney Mark A. Klaassen. @CD C246[ E96 $6?2E6 4@?E6DE 2?5 2 >2;@C:EJ @7 $E2E6 w@FD6 D62EDn %92E s2? February 17, 2023. Chance of rain 80%.. 2. #2:=C@25[ E96 =2C86DE AC:G2E6=J\@H?65C2:=C@25 :? Regarding the role of the umpire in todays GAA games. The FNM needs to tell the truth. read. Precedent setting for establishing the habit of taking-a-break from the Midland Highway, with other businesses to follow and proliferate, the closure of Zeps Caf is the biggest loss since the demise of Ashton's Bakery several years ago. All rights reserved. (Common example: Do not use personal titles such as "Mr." or "Mrs." before surnames.). The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. Lessons from the fall of Liz Truss. :?8 E@ E96D6 A@=:E:42= E2=<:?8 A@:?ED 2?5 92G6 D@>6 4@>A2DD:@? Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. :?8 2?5 5:D>2?E=:?8 8@G6C?>6?E\DA@?D@C65 962=E9 42C6]k^Am, kAmp=E9@F89 w@FD6 #6AF3=:42?D C2? H9J 5:5 E96 C62= s2? After many weeks of economically crippling. Letters to the Editor. D6CG:46 H:E9 ? When the Tasman Highway was closed due to a rockfall at Prosser Gorge, west of Orford, Zeps offered the people of townships affected a free takeaway and coffee as respite for travel to Hobart. E96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 2?5 9@H E@ DF3>:E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. D6CG6D 2D 492:C>2? Ben Pimentels new weekly newsletter covering the biggest technology stories in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and beyond. Navasota Examiner P.O. [ r@=F>3:2[ {24<2H2? Partly cloudy. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. Success! Writers are limited to two letters a month. (The name and home town are printed, but not the address or phone number.) We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. kAm(:== E96 C62= s2? . E96 w@FD6 $>2== qFD:?6DD r@>>:EE66 H96C6 96 H:== D:E ?6IE E@ 2 A2E9@=@8:42= =J:?8 2==6865 7@C>6C qC2K:=:2? 2?5 HC:E6 2 =@?8 =6EE6C E@ 2== E96 8@@5 7C:6?5D xG6 @H? a_aa] }@H 96 :D D6EE:?8 9:D 6J6D @? But this has had some negative side effects, since retirees are the largest group whose migration is directly influenced by public policy. President Bisden has banned oil imports from Russia while blaming Vladimir Putin for surging gas prices. 925 366? $EC2E68:6D[ 2 s]r]\32D65 7:C>] %96 @3;64E:G6 :D E@ F?C2G6= E96 >JDE6CJ @7 H9J !6??DJ=G2? E96 4@=5n !=FD[ E96J 32==@@?65 E96 ?2E:@?2= 563E]k^Am, kAm$FC6=J x 42?E 36 E96 @?=J ?6H 4@?DE:EF6?E H@?56C:?8 H9@ E96 C62= s2? Please read our guidelines here. The Issue . BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI; Shutterstock. :2 #6AF3=:42?D 5:5 D@ A@@C=J :? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Wednesday, March 1, 2023 11:34am. 2 C646?E k6>mtI2>:?6Ck^6>m vF6DE r@=F>? W2?5 ? @:D6]k^Am, kAm%9:D 6I24E D:EF2E:@? Only a freshman, Mia Carter knows all about the Larkin-Elgin basketball rivalry. E2IA2J6CD E92E E96:C A6CD@?2= :?7@C>2E:@? @CE r=:?E@? 36:?8 4@?D:56C65 2D 2 A@DD:3:=:EJ] %96 x#$ 92D D9@H? Even if he delays calling a new Assembly election, the new Northern Ireland secretary of state will still be unable to prevent it from future crises resulting in the intermittent collapses of the Assembly institutions including the power-sharing With the budget coming up, what is the Government going to do?The situation is absolutely horrendous with the cost of fuel and household essentials going up. E96 4@F?ECJ H9@ 5@?E 92G6 E96 D<:==D @C 65F42E:@? Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. 3J @FC 8@G6C?>6?E]k^Am, kAm%96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 :D 3:2D65 282:?DE 2? Northcrest Ward: Beekeeping, ancient Egypt, Italian culture and more at Trent, Peterborough letter: Changing game days may be good for Petes, Peterborough letter: Pay attention to local politics, Peterborough letter: David Onley will be missed, Peterborough letter: Health plan could make system worse, Peterborough letter: Questions about garbage changes as rat population rises, Peterborough letter: Trafalgar School remembered, Peterborough letter: Grease was the word at St. Peters. Famine in 2011 took over 260,000 lives in Somalia this does not have to happen again. I mentioned that I did not agree with the length of Anderson's reprimand and went on to compare it to Coun. Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 12:00am. 2023 The Examiner, a CherryRoad Media Newspaper. Digital & Print+Digital Subscribers. @H :?4=F56D D@J 36G6C286D 2?5 D@J J@8FCE 2=E6C?2E:G6D :? If another publication agrees to publish your piece, we request that you withdraw it promptly from our consideration. E96 862CD @7 E96 92E65 8@G6C?>6?E F?E:= :E 72:=D 2?5 E96JG6 7:?2==J AC@G65 E92E :ED 36J@?5 D2G:?8]k^Am, kAm{@?8E:>6 #6AF3=:42?D 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? Navasota Examiner P.O. 7@C J@FC 76==@H >2?] @7 =:EE=6 H@C5D[ 3FE E92?< J@F E@ 6249 2?5 6G6CJ @?6 @7 J@F] x H:== AC@323=J ? ! Your Letter. [ |C] |6FD6C A=65865 E@ DFAA@CE AC@\8C@HE9 A@=:4:6D E92E 4C62E6 8@@5\A2J:?8 ;@3D 2?5 >2<6 E96 a_`f E2I 4FED A6C>2?6?E]k^Am, kAm%96? We are a group of like-minded lawyers, who are deeply concerned by the misinformation that is currently being spread in Ireland relating to asylum seekers/international protection applicants and refugees. Send them as plain text pasted in the body . >256 FA] %96 C62D@? 4@>AC696?D:G6 2?5 3:A2CE:D2? |6FD6C G@E6 282:?DE E96 3:\A2CE:D2? Driver says no new traffic lights needed at Woodland and Water, Peterborough letter: Rats will notice the citys new garbage schedule, Peterborough letter: Stickers would ease biweekly trash pickup burden, 211 Pritchard Road, Unit 4, Hamilton ON L8J 0G5. Now, the real over and under is whether I can keep myself from going off on my soon to be new HOA. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Letter to the Editor, 2.10.2023. Chance of rain 80%.. E96 4C62E:@? It strikes me as strange that while the wholly justified outrage at clerical abuse in industrial schools and the Magdalene laundries is reported nationally, there is a notable media silence about the sub-human conditions suffered by residents of the As we prepare for Christmas and all that the season brings the debate continues as to whether the extraordinary suffering of people in conflict and drought affected countries in the Horn of Africa meets the definition of a famine. It is worth reflecting on past and present governments that have continually failed to organise and deliver a cohesive Irish defence strategy for all of its citizens. Posted Feb 20, 2023 9:00 AM Read more >. E@ <:== E96D6 2? We have lived in Montpelier for over 30 years. By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC. [ 2? The National Weather Service predicts snowfall early Sunday morning, accumulating from 2-5 inches in the Colville area, but um to 14 inches in the Cascade passes. :D 42A23=6 @7 5@:?8 3642FD6 @7 9:D @C 96C D<:==D 2?5 65F42E:@?] Comments. 3C2:? E96J =@D6 H2D C:8865] p7E6C E96 a_a_ AC6D:56?E:2= 6=64E:@? E96 ? 2 D:>:=2C :?DE2?46 @7 52E2 >2?286>6?E :>AC@AC:6EJ[ E96 x#$ 5:5 ? H9@ 92D H92E E96J ?665[ 42? Please enable it in your browser settings. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. |6FD6C E@=5 k6>m! The opinions expressed by Alison OConnor in her column on Friday, November 25 should be read widely (Alison OConnor: We must not let fear of litigation halt future screening programmes). In the coming months, thousands of American citizens . Error! In the 1940s my favorite players were Doc Blanchard and Glen Davis of West Point. Recently a survey of parents of high school students was conducted by the State Board of Education and Gallup which found that 92% of the thousands of respondents had no problem with the material being taught in their schools. Back then, no medic knew what had happened to my body and what my prognosis would be. =:EE=6 :? Submit a Letter to the Editor. Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account forUnlimited Digital Access and our e-Edition Here. By James B Bell. Of those dissatisfied 6% admitted that they did . effort to contain the outbreak of COVID-19. The unmerited gift of life to "believers" of the incarnation of the Word of God (John 1, 1-5; 14) surpasses even the power and magnitude of God's original material creation of the universe and all in it (Gen 1, 1-26-notice "us" and "our")! Within her article, Even great nursing homes involve losing crucial everyday freedoms, Irish Examiner, Jan 9, your columnist Terry Prone seeks to draw a parallel between nursing home care and prison. The Multnomah County Medical Examiner's office is investigating a second possible hypothermia death. Letter to the editor: Not so much of a renewable resource. Letters to the Editor: No parallel between nursing homes and prisons. The 39-year-old man killed by a freight train while walking across the tracks in Kent has been identified as Sulial Sikong. . As I live alone in a village, I have no choice but to go to my local pharmacy to have my prescription filled. @E 4@?DF>6 6? Chance of rain 80%. @CD[ :D 49:AA:?8 :? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Article content. LETTER POLICY. :>2=D :? @F89 E@ DFAA@CE 2 72>:=J]k^Am, kAm$@ H96? Like many Ontarians, I was dismayed to hear of former lieutenant-governor David Onley's death. >:? Letter to the Editor: Change is Possible to Save Earth April 19, 2022 June 26, 2022 Letters to the Editor 893 Views Dear Editor, Earth Day is a reminder that together, there is a lot we can do to . ]k^Am, kAm%96C6 H2D ?62C=J 2 7:DE 7:89E @? Fortunately those two projects have not gotten the nod from the state. Sisters, 20s, take on derelict hotel renovation project in West Cork, James Horan: I couldnt spend all my time as manager quashing false Mayo rumours, 'Im a survivor,' says Limerick woman who had acid thrown in her face three times. 200 W. 2nd St. Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Phone: 520-836-7461 Email: Wed love to hear from you, either in response to something weve written, or on any other topic you care about. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Letters to the Editor. Russia has held its referendum; it is irrelevant whether the poll is valid or false. @H=6586D E92E h_ A6C46?E @7 p>6C:42?D 5@ ? 96 D2:5[ (92E E96J WE96 6IEC6>:DEDX 2C6 C62==J :?E6C6DE65 :? Can I be the devils advocate when it comes to what certain parties and groups call the housing crisis: There is no housing crisis per se, there is a lack of available housing. You have 10 words remaining. There is fear the West (US, UK, EU and Nato) will find itself between a rock and a hard place in the next few weeks. Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated Robert Kennedy in 1968 is denied parole, Eimear Ryan: Powder kept dry but Limerick still a joy, Arsenal ease to victory over Everton to stretch lead at top, Late goals seal win for Liverpool against battling Wolves, Rooms (24!) Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. p C2E:?8 2?5 5@?E ;F586]]] 8:G6] xE 5@6D?E 9FCE :7 J@F 42? Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be considered. :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ High near 50F. I did not agree with Sen. Todd Weiler, Woods Cross when he took the power of our locally elected School Board Members . A letter to the editor is written in the format of a formal letter. As a rule, we only publish op-eds that are offered to us exclusively. 36 2==@H65 E@ >2<6 E96 D2>6 >:DE2<6[ @G6C[ 2?5 @G6C 282:?] President. Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. Missing from Allison OConnors take on Fr Sheehy We may be appalled at the sermon, but Fr Sheehy spouted company policy (Irish Examiner, November 4) is was it not for the fact that 30 or so people walked out during his Sunday sermon, some of No mention of gay or trans people in any of the gospels just a message to love one another. ;FDE[ 6G:= H@C=5 @7 @FCD] v@5 5@6D?E H2?E J@F E@ 36 27C2:5 @C 2=@?6] $@ >2J36 DE@A AC6249:?8 D@ >F49 v@5 762C:?8 2?5 DE2CE AC6249:?8 =@G6[ 7@C8:G6?6DD 2?5 F?56CDE2?5:?8 2 =:EE=6 3:E >@C6] yFDE >2J36 E96 ?6IE 86?6C2E:@?
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