fresnillo, zacatecas crime

In the last year alone, homicides have increased by more than 60%. Forget about the Traffic Light entering Mexico. Were losing the ability to be shocked, said Javier Torres Rodrguez, whose brother was killed in 2018. Drug cartels have hung the bodies of victims from overpasses before as a message to rivals or to authorities, but seldom do so with members of law enforcement. Also, this Monday in that town, the commander of the metropolitan police (Metropol), Jos Carlos Flores Sols, was shot to death when he was leaving a Banorte ATM, where his wife and son were waiting for him, on Enrique Estrada street. Well I say its CDS heating up Valparaiso . Silver is still being mined in the city, and with deposits in the towns of Sonora and Durango, Fresnillo PLC provides more than 10,000 jobs locally. The other between alleged members of organized crime against soldiers of the Mexican army, on federal highway 44, between Fresnillo and Valparaso, near the Santa Rosa community. Whatever lies ahead for Zacatecas, its citizens want to know when they can stop feeling afraid. The family wasn't notified, and the case was never investigated, report Anahi Rama and Lizbeth Diaz forReuters. Instead of arresting and killing traffickers as previous leaders had done, he would focus on the causes of violence: hugs not bullets, he called it. Plus, this article is about zacatecas not michoacan.Yes, where your favorite CDS has a HUGE presence in pendejo! The economy can boom and bust, presidents and parties and their promises can come and go, but for the citys 140,000 people, as for many in Mexico, there is a growing sense that no matter what changes, the violence endures. Despite the cartel's growing power across Mexico, internal disputes and ongoing war with local Santa Rosa de Lima often result in mass killings. Four police officers guarding one of the routes north so coveted by the cartel were ambushed and found burned to death inside their patrol car last week.The city used to be better known for its wealth of gold and silver. The first one is the well-known Sinaloa Cartel, expanding from Guadalajara state, and the second is the brutal Jalisco New Generation Cartel, advancing from Jalisco. Most of these kids are kidnapped in poor areas in Jalisco, and Colima and are forced to fight. My environment has a high percentage of Mexicans, paisas & pochos. Mejore su francs con solo 15 minutos al da. Crime rates in Zacatecas, Mexico. In valparaiso Cjng have killed a lot of innocent people a few got killed just because they had a store an found out CDS members would buy supply in their stores. The case could serve as the great example of victory for AMLO, since slashing the homicide rates in the region would affect the whole Mexico: "If you can cut Guanajuato's murders in half you can bring down the nationwide levels of violence by 7% or 8%," explained security specialist Eduardo Guerrero. There is peace and calm, he said in June. Massacre in the name of your rival. Michoachangos extort small businesses, avocado, lemon and strawberry farmers, destroy roads, communication services, plant land mines and drop drone bombs. The state also ranked as one of those in which peacefulness deteriorated the most in the recent years, and it has seen a massive escalation in homicide, firearms crime, organized crime, and violent car robberies. Then children in town were kidnapped, disappearing without a trace. The state borders the San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato regions, which face similar conditions: namely, violence over drug trafficking. CDS dicaprio's on the other hand are courteous with the locals. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Whoever did this had some decency, Cjng heating up the plaza an then coming out that it was not them same story they are the new zetas all there plaza bosses are ex zetas Flores from nayarit was a zeta fresa an all there leaders same bastards. The state borders the San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato regions, which face similar conditions: namely, violence over drug trafficking. The bullet-ridden bodies of 18 people were discovered after what appeared to have been a shootout between members of rival drug cartels in northern Mexico. Realizan en Fresnillo la primera feria de los derechos humanos; Se hermanan Canad y Zacatecas para impulsar el desarrollo econmico y social; Entrega Julio Csar Chvez aula en la secundaria Bicentenario 343. 844So can that be said for CDS in parts they dont control? However, the Guadalajara residents, used to gang violence, say that they "prefer" Jalisco New Generation Cartel's organized ways of operating, since they don't target civilians, but focus on their drug business instead. Again innocent citizens getting killed, again Almo government, will do nothing. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; How stupid are you? We spend all day praying to Christ, said the shopkeeper. Today a lawmaker for PRI and also a former mayor, he said that the familys brand is not the same as that of Morena. They do respect the locals, cjng has made it worse with extortion and killing people over bullshit like business people that have no fault in trying to make profit. Fresnillo is the cradle of the Monreal family, almost half of whose 14 siblings are in politics, giving birth to the term Monrealismo. The gunbattle came two days after the bodies of two abducted police officers were found hanging from an overpass in the Zacatecas state capital and seven people were discovered shot to death in a neighbouring city. 12:26The same has happened in fresnillo and thats "controlled by CDS" what are you gonna say, its CJNG heating up the plaza? Fresnillos size and location on a corridor connecting Pacific ports to northern border states caught the eye of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). 10:41pm Ignorant ass dude. To these thugs , they are disposable. The first report was recorded in the municipality of Fresnillo, in the Pardillo Tercero community, where, in the streets surrounding the church of the town, they left 10 bodies abandoned wrapped in blankets and tan colored tape, a scene that caused terror for the inhabitants of the place. When president Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador (AMLO) took over the presidency in 2018, he promised to reduce the levels of violence in the country, which was going through the most violent year in history. A decapitated body was found in the North Sports Unit; it was wrapped in a blanket. My dad's from Los Remedios Michoacanbut honestly the states fucked. It didn't break, but it suffered serious cracks. With a massive space for poppy growing, the Guerrero region is the head supplier of heroin to the USA. While the report shows improvement in the area of organised and violent crime, including extortions and kidnappings, there is a substantial increase in domestic violence and sexual assault. Anon 9:06 pm. 54shares Authorities have confirmed that nine people in two communities in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, were shot dead and three people were kidnapped from. 2109. Looks like Michoachangos are employing the same tactics the carteles unidos and CJNG use on eachother in Michoacan. His government has also gone after the financing behind organized crime. 9:57am Those encobijados have sinalolitas cartel written all over it. In October, the authorities said they had frozen 1,352 bank accounts linked to 14 criminal groups, including powerful drug cartels. The area aroundFresnillo the Zacatecas region saw the biggest deterioration in peacefulness in 2020, confirms the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report. at various intersections of the municipality in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, this sunday they register Blockade and burning of vehicles. The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. Try again sinarata. How do you know? The local CSRL cartel is not only focusing on fentanyl, but also stealing oil directly from pipelines in the area. Mexico's organized crime violence burst into full view Friday, as police in the north-central state of Zacatecas reported finding 14 bodies dumped on a roadside near the city of Fresnillo while . Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. I bet money half of these clowns hating and talking shit on michoacanos aren't even chinolas they're wanabe try hard sinaloas from zac dgo nay mxcli and other no identity having states and wear tomatero gear to comfort their wounded pride the other half are pochos with one sinaloa parent and the other parent central american or from a state in Southern Mex and are ashamed of that so they claim to be puro sinaluense and are all extra'd out on their wannabe chinaloa accent y uno k otro coreinte chinalolita that got beat up or had a traumatizing experience with a mich dude and got their ego and pride hurt theres a reason why michoas have a rep of being ruthless and it shows arriba guanatos y coalcoman bola de jotos and miss me with that extortion shit bc what are the chapitos and their pollito littles known for when they see an independent trafficker doing good . Crime scene in Plateros, Zacatecas. It has a long history of cartel business as well after a murder of the significant Sinaloa Cartel member in the heart of Guadalajara in 2010, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (the Jalisco New Generation Cartel) was born, soon becoming one of the most violent gangs in the country. increased methamphetamine (meth) consumption, Central Americans hopes for Biden end at the Mexico-US border, Mexicos president ramps up attacks on all sides ahead of June elections, We have made science fiction come true! 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One central pillar of his approach to fighting crime has been the creation of the National Guard, a 100,000-strong federal security force deployed across some 180 regional barracks nationwide. I literally have to break down and explain what I mean smh.You do realize Zacatecas isnt just CDS and CJNG right? Now, the city lies desolate after dark. Among the findings there are minors involved, who witnessed a massacre. Peaceful state? In Fresnillo, the National Guard hasnt done enough, according to the citys mayor, Sal Monreal, a member of the presidents Morena party. They are responsible for the illegal logging of an endangered tree in Michoacan, and as a result they are endangering the monarch butterfly population. In one case, Barbara Reyes' parents tried to learn the truth about their daughter's body for 18 months in reality, it was found two months after her suspicious disappearance and dumped in a mass grave by the officials. But there are moments when the bullets start firing so close that the couple just hit the aisle floor, their eyes trained on packs of Doritos. You gonna call him a Sinarata too? Last month, authorities found the bodies of 10 people abandoned inside a vehicle in the historic center of the state capital, also named Zacatecas, a few steps from the government offices. When it comes to violence, some Mexican cities are more notorious than others, with homicide rates steeply rising in the past years. Chihuahua is another border state where violence is steeply rising, following Baja California as one of the most dangerous states in Mexico, according to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report. But the collection of programs and law-enforcement actions never coalesced into a clear public policy, critics said. However, under police protection, they saw their relatives lying in a pool of blood. Uruapan, the second largest city in the area, ranked third on the list of the world's most violent cities. For most of the population of Fresnillo, a mining city in central Mexico, a fearful existence is the only one they know; 96 percent of residents say they feel unsafe, the highest percentage of any city in Mexico, according to a recent survey from Mexicos national statistics agency. As explained by Laura Caldern in Voice of San Diego, course leader at the University of San Diego, the main reason for high levels of violence in the area is drug trafficking and drug production, which is closely connected to gang activity. According to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report, the whole region around Ciudad Obregn, Sonora, saw the biggest deterioration of peace in recent years. On November 23, 8 bodies were hanged and found in Fresnillo, a Mexican municipality in the state of Zacatecas. We are scared to death. The president is hoping to unseat the governor from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and hand control to the party he founded, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). Were losing the ability to be shocked.. Zacatecas in north-central Mexico is being fought over by a number of drug cartels. Homicides rose last year, official figures showed: the state of Zacatecas registered 1,050 in 2021, about 200 more than the previous year. The city is far from being immune to its criminal powers, as it became obvious in October 2019, when gang members took hostage of the city. The area around Fresnillo the Zacatecas region saw the biggest deterioration in peacefulness in 2020, confirms the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report. No ones debating control here, I'm just stating the obvious, logic and reality go hand and hand and if what your saying is true then? Supposedly cjng lost 30 guys . The Michoachangos on this website throw hissy fits like @VLNC MICH whenever you bring up the facts I just mentioned. The famous Caribbean tourist mecca became a no-go zone by the end of 2021, with AMLO sending a "Tourist Battalion" 1500 National Guard soldiers, to keep the piece in the area reports the National Post. The motive, and the identity of the killers, remain unknown. Access unmatched financial data, news and content in a highly-customised workflow experience on desktop, web and mobile. Fresnillos city council buildings have been closed since a violent protest over the murder of a young girl, which led to demonstrators storming the site and burning several rooms. The authorities associate the wave of violence with the struggle between members of two organized crime organizations for control of this territory: the Sinaloa Cartel against the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), which does not cease, despite significant operations carried out night and day, in different cities and communities of the state, by members of local police corporations, as well as members of the National Guard and the Mexican Army, reported La Jornada. With the proximity of the biggest oil refinery in Salamanca, surrounding cities also thrive from illegal fuel theft racketeering, including the city of Irapuato, which is classified as the city with the fourth highest homicide rate in the country. Add data for Fresnillo Consider looking into aggregate data we have for Crime in Mexico Your name: Sign In Nearby cities: There were less cases of armed clashes between rival gangs after 2018, and the COVID-19 pandemic period helped to further curb the numbers. 5:06 yea its really stupid cause they atill heard how their parents were been killed and when the police scortes them out they saw their parents dead, just so you know this kids are gonna grow up hating cds if it really was cds, if it was cjng who killed their parents they are gonna grow up hating cjng, so get ready for revenge and a never ending violence cicle. An altar for Henry and his two friends who were murdered together in front of Guadalupes house. The good,the bad the ugly?Canadian girl, Well im tall dark and handsome that paisa clown is just a hater.Now that michoacanos are taking plazas and took over most of them, the CDS groupies are furious It's not ALL michoacanos that are drug dealing capos and sicarios but they are hard core and that's why they are hated.Specially the CDS groupies . The CJNG is now the most powerful cartel in Mexico, and has expanded as it seeks to control the distribution networks in the east. Civilians among 8 down in Zacatecas massacre. Her 10-year-old daughter can barely sleep, she said, and Guadalupe keeps dreaming of her sons killing. Caught in the middle of the fighting are residents like Guadalupe. This will be the fate of every extortionists, fee collectors, and kidnappers. The region's highway connections with the U.S. and Colima port make it ideal for drug distribution, putting Fresnillo at the center of the fentanyl business. I do not want the night to come, she said, through tears. Also, this Monday, a woman and a man were riddled with bullets in the Ramn Lpez Velarde community, east of the municipal seat of Calera. Cases of robbery and family violence became less frequent. I think that a significant part of civil society took the path of saying, 'We don't need this group in Sinaloa anymore,'" explained a sociologist from Sinaloa, Toms Guevara Martnez. Half of these groups are proper criminal organizations, focusing their business on the distribution and production of heroin. Cds came in with a huge convoy from what it looks like on videos circulating fb, Rumor in fresnillo is cjng did it n tried to blame cds so then cds captured 2 cjng guys who said why n who, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Menchos want you to fear them and will record their actions, 9:24 still not as scummy and low life as cjng but they are getting down there. They don't lose any sleep over who they shoot. One man and a woman were found wounded at the scene of the attack, along with five children who had not been harmed. Fresnillo feels to residents overrun by violence and paralyzed by fear, a testament to the failure of Mexicos government to tackle organized crime. Did he make you judge? The policemen were officers from the neighboring state of San Luis Potosi who had been reported missing earlier. According to Security SecretaryRosa Icela Rodrguez, the city ofCiudad Obregn is in Cajeme one of the 15 municipalities in Mexico which accounts for at least a quarter of murders in the country. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Sinaloa tearing up Zac. 2020 was especially deadly for the local residents, with an almost 50% rise in homicides. Mr. Monreal was re-elected during national midterms in June. Semipresencial en Madrid, Espaa, Maestra en 'Data Management' e Innovacin Tecnolgica 100% en lnea. Sometimes Mariano Rosales has just enough time to lower his grocery stores metal shutters and lock himself in the cellar with his wife. They would of used them as props to scare everyone to demonstrate fear like ignorant shit heads. Ecatepec has also earned itself the eerie title of "women's dumping ground" after numerous bodies and body parts of teenage girls have been found in the area. The influential family promoted Catalina Monreal, daughter of Ricardo, as candidate for state president. Public displays of assaults are also common, with citizens regularly being exposed to disturbing scenes. The second discovery occurred in the municipality of Pnfilo Natura, in a cellar located between the communities of San Pablo and Santa Elena, six dead men were found, suspended from an overhead column located in that cellar. To do away with Monrealismo is to do away with society, with the butcher, with the shoe shiner, with the shopkeeper, said Mayor Sal Monreal. In the nearby city of Fresnillo, police later found the bullet-ridden bodies of four women and three men. Killed a family, more likely the baby Killer Cartel aka CJNG. But for now, she sits in her parents small, cinder-block house, the curtains drawn, the shadows broken by the candles of a little altar to Henry and his fallen friends. What about the all Sinaloas or the same ZACs parciptating? Ahora es todo lo contrario. Fresnillo recently received the unwelcome accolade of being named the least safe place in the country according to its own residents, in a survey for Mexicos national statistics agency. What's up with your social media accounts tho? And then came the day last month when armed men burst into her home, dragged her 15-year-old son and two of his friends outside and shot them to death, leaving Guadalupe who didnt want her full name published out of fear of the men too terrified to leave the house. Now thier killing State Police, because some don't want to join the Cartels. Several gangs the Sinaloa cartel, the Arellano Felix cartel, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, and others have been fighting for dominance, alongside the smaller drug dealers: "They're not only fighting for major plazas and smuggling routes, but they're also fighting for corners," reports Caldern. 8:30am afrimativo the homie a south sider btw did time in Lompoc federal prison amd said the sinalolas were straight bitches when it came down to handling business and condoned snitches made the paisas car look bad the bajas,michoas and jalisco were the ones with the shits quik to jump when it was needed whether a riot or what ever it the situation was. Very High. His fears are hardly unfounded. 81.52. 653No ones tryna be "politically correct" you brainless weasel at the end of the day they're both criminal groups capable of the same things, cds is not some knight in shinning armor who's here to protect YOU! 79.35. Fresnillo has mined these precious metals since Spanish colonial times, and Fresnillo PLC is the only Mexican company currently listed on the London Stock Exchange. The situation in Guadalajara reached a critical point in 2020; there were so many homicides in the city but no space in a local morgue, so they had to keep the bodies in refrigerated trucks, explains Mark Stevenson forABC News. A view shows the cordoned-off crime scene of a murdered journalist in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico, March 4, 2022, in this pictured obtained from social media. The area also recorded less homicides then in previous years. His brother David is Morenas candidate for governor, after also serving as Fresnillos mayor. So CDS is kidnapping people in morelos too? The arrival of new cartels has also brought increased methamphetamine (meth) consumption, up more than 50% over the last year according to data from Fresnillos Juvenile Integration Center (CIJ). Poor snitchaloas these michoamonsters are smashing on those chumps! Until this Monday, the authorities had not located the trailers in which twenty luxury motor units were transported. The other between alleged members of organized crime against soldiers of the Mexican army, on federal highway 44, between Fresnillo and Valparaso, near the Santa Rosa community. Sinarata sewer rats terrorizing the state of Zac again. They know where they (rivals) are and that makes it easier for them to act against each of them," explained Chihuahua Attorney General Csar Peniche Espejel. We all know CDS style is wrapping mfs up in blankets and avoiding killing children. The regional cartel boss Ivn Velzquez, alias Z-50, lived in Fresnillo, and boss Miguel ngel Trevio, or Z-40, was also a regular. Lpezwas released soon after as the authorities tried to minimize the consequences of the attack, which only deepened the wide disparity between political promises and action. Three of them were suspended from a bridge, half naked with signs of torture. Cancn and surrounding cities such as Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Puerto Morelos have all seen armed clashes in public places, including hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs. Antes tenian mi respeto y cario. Fresnillos mayor, Sal Monreal, said the National Guard hasnt done enough. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. Like the last people CDS hung in fresnillo? Ever since Mexicos government began its war on the drug cartels nearly 15 years ago, murder statistics have climbed inexorably. Uruapan is often a scene of brutal, war-like violence in February 2020, after the arrest of a leader of one of the local gangs, Los Viagra, members of the gang blocked roads with burning vehicles and shot at the police forces. We are all Mexicans and its stupid to be hating on a state. LoL You're an idiot. In Cancn, the latest tactic by security forces is the Beach Reinforcement program, expanding the patrolling powers of the city. jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023 a las 11:05am. 11:28 n 11:34 must be the same dude Don't use logic use reality n reality is cjng don't control fresnillo like it or notWhile in slp there's at least 4 cartels fighting for it so anyone of those could off done it even cjng since they don't control slp either, You arent the brightest huh. Presenting a national security threat and frequently attacking public officials, the cartel mostly operates in the Jalisco mountains, where they have their training and production facilities. 653No youre just an idiot to brainwashed to realize sinaloenses are capable of the exact same shit your accusing CJNG of doing.. Hugs not bullets doesnt work, said Javier Torres Rodrguez, whose brother was shot and killed in 2018. Zacatecas is a warzone a bloody forbidden warzone i,, If the dead would've been CJNG members they would be paraded around all major news outlets like they were some big game, but since the dead are CDS all we get from the media is that there was a clash lol , 4:44 check the follow up story it was cjng most of the dead, only cjng parades around like idiots with their propaganda pagr and groupies like you cheering them on. Guadalupe has thought about leaving town or even taking her own life. Demanding justice for Cabanillas, demonstrators drew attention to the fact that Isabel was a well-known fighter for women's rights, which could be the reason behind her murder (viaEl Paso Times). Mexico faces a rise in numbers of femicide in recent years as well, reports Natalie Galln for CNN. I live in the central valley of California. An attack on a patrol car was also reported from the Ciudad Cuauhtmoc municipality, as well as . 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Throw hissy fits like @ VLNC MICH whenever you bring up the facts i just mentioned on Those!!, paisas & pochos second largest city in the past years groups, powerful! Kidnapped, disappearing without a trace by a number of drug cartels 15. Demonstrate fear like ignorant shit heads patrolling powers of the city in blanket! The fighting are residents like Guadalupe Beach Reinforcement program, expanding the powers!

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fresnillo, zacatecas crime