lithosols soil in ethiopia

8 0 obj Smaller game varieties such as foxes, jackals, wild dogs, and hyenas are found abundantly throughout the country. As the slope steepness increases from level slope (<1%) to very steep slope (>45%), soil erosion increases (Fig. 3). The weight of each parameter was calculated using an 8 8 pairwise comparison matrix., Tessema I (2011)Soil erosion risk assessment with RUSLE and GIS in Dire Dam Watershed (unpublished), Tsegaye G, Gebremichael A (2014) Review on overall status of soil and water conservation system and its constraints in different agro ecology of southern Ethiopia. and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. [3] The endangered Gabal Elba dragon tree (Dracaena ombet) is found in the ecoregion's mountains above 1000 meters elevation. The average annual precipitation of the area is 1003.7mm. In: Brahimo AK, Vlek PL (eds) Land use and soil resources. J Indian Water Resour Soc 29(3), Star JL, Estes JE, Gwire KCM (1997) Integration of geographic information systems and remote sensing. Similarly, the finding of setegn et al. Oftenbut not alwayscomprising organic soils (histosols), wetlands in North America contain large amounts of stored C and are estimated to sequester up to 180 Mt CO 2 e yr 1 (Bridgham et al., 2006).Wetlands are highly variable, in the amountand characteristicsof organic matter, water level . The soils of Ethiopia can be classified into five principal types. Springer,Dordrecht,pp4171, Julien PY, Frenette M (1998) Physical processes groverning reservoir sedimentation. The mean annual soil loss rate was analyzed based on the sub-watersheds, soil types, land uses, slopes and woreda basis. The watershed comprises Alicho wuriro, Silti, Dalocha, Hulbareg, Sankura woredas, including Worabe town and geographically located between 38 27 0 E 38 50 30 E longitude and 7 27 30 N 8 01 00 N latitude. 0000007562 00000 n This paper illustrates application of a locally produced geogrid material for strength improvement of expansive subgrade soil. Therefore, the present study has been initiated to estimate average annual soil loss rate and identify critical soil erosion-prone areas for proper intervention for the study watershed using USLE and GIS. (2019), who reported that the LS factor for karessa watershed Dawuro zone, south west Ethiopia ranges from 0 in flat areas to 154.6 steeper and longer slope area of the watershed. study area. Aside from this, the trees produces a milky substance, which is used for ink, for the purpose of writing charms, to be worn on any part of the body as a cure for those possessed by evil spirits, and to prevent their entering those who are not previously tormented with them. The milk of the genwarar was also used in the treatment of lingering sickness. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia, $$ {\mathbf{R}}\, = \,{\mathbf{0}}. Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia nubica, and Balanites aegyptiaca grow as scattered trees or shrubs on the sandy plains. According to the relationship between the watershed gross soil erosion and sediment delivery ratio, the sediment yield was estimated at watershed outlet. 2018. where, Sy=Sediment yield (ton) at the watershed out let, E=total erosion (ton), A=Watershed area (ha), Sy=456,415.60ton/year *(1/123,3950.2), Sy=43,762 tons/year. All four species are found in the Western and Eastern highlands in numbers ranging from a few hundred for the walia ibex to a few thousand for the others. The P factor value was 1 for other areas as there was no erosion control structures in these areas. {\mathbf{36}}*{\mathbf{p}}\, + \,{\mathbf{47}}. Soil textural nomograph is widely used to determine the soil erodibility values. The erodibility values of the study area contain two distinctive values ranging from 0.14 which is Chromic luvisols soil to 0.35 which is Eutric cambisols (Table7 and Fig. Lack of moisture and shallow profile preclude cultivation of these soils. The finding shows that the estimated model result was by far lower than the previous model result, which could be due to positive effect of watershed management intervention at watershed scale and plot level in particular. 0000003302 00000 n where A=Annual soil loss in ton/ha/year, R=Rainfall erosivity factor in MJmmha1year1 K=Soil erodibility factor in thrMJ1mm1, LS=Slope Steepness and Slope Length factor (dimensionless), C=Cover factor (dimensionless), p=conservation practice factor (dimensionless). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. In the inter-Andean valleys and on some of the foothills, nevertheless, eutrophic soils (deposited by lakes, and containing much nutrient matter, but often shallow and subject., Amsalu A, Stroosnijder L, de Graaf J (2007) Long-term dynamics in land resource use and the driving forces in the Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia. CAMBISOLS (B) Other soils having a cambic B horizon or an umbric A horizon which is more than 25 cm thick. PODZOLUVISOLS (D)Other soils having an argillic B horizon showing an irregular or broken upper boundary resulting from deep tonguing of the E into the B horizon or from the formation of discrete nodules (ranging from 2 to 5 cm up to 30 cm in diameter) the exteriors of which are enriched and weakly cemented or indurated with iron and having redder hues and stronger chromas than the interiors. Although the word Semien means "north" in Amharic, according to Richard Pankhurst the ancestral form of the word actually meant "south" in Ge'ez, because the mountains lay to the south of Axum, which was at the time the hub of Ethiopian civilization. 2} , $$, $$ {\text{Sy}}\, = \,{\text{E}}*\left( { 1/{\text{A}}^{0. chroma of 5 or more). 2008) and about 80% of the worlds agricultural land suffers from moderate to severe erosion (Ritchie et al. Long year stations average annual rainfall. Nitosols develop on gently sloping ground. 0000002802 00000 n Qualitative approach such as rating the severity of soil erosion rate as very low, low and moderate based on the classification of WBISPP (2011) for effective watershed management planning and, in addition, field observations were carried out to identify most erosion-prone areas. The major part of the Simien Mountains consists of remnants of a Hawaiian-type shield volcano. Lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, and wild buffalo are rarities, especially in northern Ethiopia. (2014) GIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model: The Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia. The average annual soil loss rate was estimated to be 2.2 ton/ha/year. Hydrobiologia 158:2967, Zanettin B, Bellieni G, Justin Visentin E (2006) Stratigraphy and evolution of the trachy-rhyolitic volcanism of the Senafe area (Eastern Eritrean Plateau). The dramatic views are due to this volcanic activity. %PDF-1.7 % Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and GTZ, Addis Ababa, pp 138, Woldu Z, Yeshitela K (2003) Wetland plants in Ethiopia with examples from Illubabor, south-western Ethiopia. The mean annual soil losses of Dijo watershed range from 0 in the flat slope to 38.09 ton/ha/year from steep slope areas with the annual average soil loss rate of 2.2 ton/ha/year. 6). 3} , $$, $$ {\text{A}}\, = \,{\text{R}}*{\text{K}}*{\text{LS}}*{\text{C}}*{\text{P}}, $$, $$ {\text{SDR}}\, = \,{\text{A}}^{ - 0. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Chernozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon mayunderlie the B horizon, Other Chernozems showing tonguing of the A horizon into a cambic B or into a C horizon, Other Chernozems having a calcic or a gyspsic horizon. Discussed further in Frederick J. Simoons, "Snow in Ethiopia: A Review of the Evidence", Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Welcome to the official website of Simien Mountains National Park", "Historical Notes on Books: An Early Ethiopian Map",, This page was last edited on 4 January 2023, at 15:09. It is found in Administrative boundaries of Silte zone, Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR). Environ Manag 50:679694. and point interpolations of primary data. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. Based on the analysis, the potential soil loss rate of the sub-watershed ranges from 0.89 to 5.29 ton/ha/year. Particularly in the northern provinces, which have been settled with sedentary agriculture for millennia, population density has caused major damage to the soils physical base, to its organic and chemical nutrients, and to the natural vegetation cover. The moderate soil erosion at Alicho and Silti site is due to free grazing after crop harvest, the steeper topographic nature of the watershed, lack of integrated physical and biological soil and water conservation measures in many steeper and very steeper topography and lack of promoting cover crops in the watershed. Lithosols are azonal soils with an incomplete solum and/or without clearly expressed morphological features. 9 0 obj Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 0000001951 00000 n Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 326341, Sutcliffe JP (1993) Economic assessment of land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands: a case study. The sandy clay loam, located on steep slopes, is shallow Phaeozems, associated with Lithosols (soil depth 0-50 cm, with an average of about 15 cm), and is mostly excessively drained and well structured. 5). Finally, the integration of USLE and GIS is an effective tool in mapping the spatial distribution of soil erosion from the entire watershed. FERRALSOLS (F)Other soils having an oxic B horizon. startxref /FontName /ArialMT 58,740ha (47.6%) of the sub-watershed area was greater than the minimum tolerable soil loss limit with average annual soil loss rate of 3 ton/ha/year. In: Pimentel D(Ed) WorldSoil Erosionand Conservation. [2] Most of the people have to build their houses with clay to keep the hot outside and the cold outside. Free grazing and cultivation of steep slope(Northern parts) contributed for moderate soil erosion in the watershed should be managed by cutcarry system, limiting the number of cattle units to be grazed in the specific plot of land and leaving the marginal steep slope areas with no ground covers for natural regeneration. Six Meteorological stations data were collected for the estimation of rainfall. Springer, The Netherlands, pp 73100, Tefera MM (2011) Land-use/land-cover dynamics in Nonno district, central Ethiopia. Soil and water are crucial resources for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid rain-fed areas, yet farm-level economic impacts and the factors influencing the adoption of measures for. Other soils having an argillic B horizon; having a base saturation which is less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. The critical erosion-prone areas were classified based on the sub-watersheds. Springer, Dordrecht. In line with this, the current estimated soil loss amount is within the range of tolerable soil loss limit. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding Mean annual rainfall varies from less than 100mm close to the coast to around 200mm further inland. Dijo watershed is located in Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia. /MissingWidth 278 /StemH 78 14,Lund, Sweden, Hurni H (1984) Soil erosion and soil conservation in agricultural ecosystems: ethiopia and northern. Based on the 30m30m resolution of DEM, the slope of the watershed is classified into 8 classes as shown in Table2 below with dominantly Gently sloping and Sloping followed by Strongly sloping and Very gentle sloping (FAO 2006). From the result, 58.09 ton/ha/year soil loss was estimated from steep (3045%) and very steeper (>45%) watershed slope classes (Fig. Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, You can also search for this author in 0000001820 00000 n Human population density is typically less than ten persons per square kilometer (km2). The only purely endemic mammal is a gerbil, Gerbillus acticola. ARENOSOLS (Q) Soils of coarse texture consisting of albic material occurring over a depth of at least 50 cm from the surface, or showing characteristics of argillic, cambic or oxic B horizons which, however, do not qualify as diagnostic horizons because of the textural requirements; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric A horizon. Soilsdeveloped over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. It shows wide . School of Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Land and water digital media series # 2. Xerosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Xerosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Xerosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Part of Springer Nature. 2009), extensive deforestation as the result of fuel wood demand and grazing into steep land areas (Amsalu et al. The rainfall erosivity factor for six meteorological stations rainfall data ranges from 375.06 to 486.96 for the rainfall of distribution of 912.40mm1220.44mm, respectively, as shown in (Table6 and Fig. This could be attributed to mixed plantation of acacia species, Eucalyptus globulus, and cupperesus lustanica. Vertisols having moist chromas of less than 1.5 dominant in the soil matrix throughout the upper 30 cm. <> 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 0 667 944 0 667 0 0 0 0 Based on the modeling, Soil Conservation Research Project (SCRP) estimated that about 1.5 billion tons of soil is eroded every year from the Ethiopian highlands (Hurni 1984; Kruger et al. Rainfall is very low and yearly averages range from 100 to 200 millimeters (mm), with less rain falling closer to the coast. 0000010931 00000 n Institute of Land Administration, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. NITOSOLS (N)Other soils having an argillic B horizon with a clay distribution where the percentage of clay does not decrease from its maximum amount by as much as 20 percent within 150 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lacking vertic and ferric properties. 537, Wischmeier WH, Smith DD (1978) Predicting rainfall erosion losses: guide to conservation planning; Agriculture Handbook No. While it mainly lies between sea level and 800 m, there are many arid hills and massifs up to 1300 m. Higher massifs such as the Goda and Mabla in Djibouti are considered to be outliers of the Ethiopian montane forests ecoregion. Of the 25 World Reference Base/FAO soil orders, 17 exist in Ethiopia. and PWP. At a global scale, water erosion is the main cause off soil degradation (Deniz et al. Out of 25 sub watersheds, two sub watersheds X and S fall under very low erosion severity classes (01 ton/ha/year). Based on the finding, the following points should be recommended, The Moderate and Low soil erosion severity areas should be managed through terracing, inter-cropping, contour farming, strip cropping, conservation tillage, mulching and biological stabilizers based on their slope range, soil type and land use type. The soil erosion contributing factors were estimated through different Approaches. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Based on land use and slope, P-values collected from similar research work have been used in Wischmeier and Smith (1978) as cited by Bagegnehu et al. 13). Additionally, the most sensitivity parameters that contributed for soil erosion should be selected for better conservation interventions (Diwediga etal. (2019) from Karesa watershed reported the gross erosion as 42,413.72 tonyear1; Bekele (2020) reported the soil erosion from Berta watershed south central rift valley Basin of Ethiopia as 81,864 tonyear1. Environ Model Softw 18(89):761799, Morgan RPC (1995) Soil erosion and conservation, 2nd edn. Humic Andosols are the dominant soil type which is mainly found at an altitude of 3,000m. The other types of soils are shallow Andosols, Lithosols, and Haplic Phaeozems that are mainly common in the area between 2,500 and 3,500m. The Simien Mountains are highly eroded as a result of human land use practices and as a result of the topography of the area. RENDZINAS (E)Other soils having a mollic A horizon which contains or immediately overlies calcareous material with a calcium carbonate equivalent of more than 40 percent (when the A horizon contains a high amount of finely divided calcium carbonate the colour requirements of the mollic A horizon may be waived). PubMedGoogle Scholar. Moreover, the mixed plantation of various trees (Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus camandulensis, cordial Africana, Gravilea Robusta, Cupperesus lustanica and Hyginia abyssinica) planted in combination also contributed for low soil erosion in the watershed. Histosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Histosols having a Ph H2O, (1:5) of less than 5.5, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /BaseFont /Arial-ItalicMT Nat Resour 5:616626. Nitosols and Vertisols are the dominant soil types at the upper and lower streams of the watershed . The inherent characteristics of soil also influence the rate of soil erosion. There are many species of interest, including the endemic Archer's lark (Heteromirafra archeri), a species of dragon tree (Dracaena ombet), and a large suite of desert ungulates, including the last viable population of African wild ass (Equus africanus somalicus). 0 0 0 222 222 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trop Ecol 45:209221, Stocking MA (1996) Soil erosion. It measures the combined effect of all the interrelated cover and management variables on soil erosion (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). The climate fluctuates between Mediterranean subtropical and Mediterranean temperate, with annual average temperatures of between 13 C and 17 C, and average annual rainfall of between 400 mm and 800 mm. The World Bank, Environmentally Sustainable Development Division, AFTES Working Paper No. 2} } \right), $$,, Soil erosion and sediment yield assessment using RUSLE and GIS-based approach in Anjeb watershed, Northwest Ethiopia, Application of revised universal soil loss equation model for assessment of soil erosion and prioritization of ravine infested sub basins of a semi-arid river system in India, Geospatial assessment of soil erosion intensity and sediment yield: a case study of Potohar Region, Pakistan, Estimation of soil loss using remote sensing and GIS-based universal soil loss equation in northern catchment of Lake Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwest Ethiopia, Soil erosion estimation using RUSLE and GIS techniquesa study of a plateau fringe region of tropical environment, Estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield concentration across the Kolleru Lake catchment using GIS, Estimating water erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Wadi-Qandeel river basin, Lattakia, Syria, Potential soil erosion estimation and area prioritization for better conservation planning in Gumara watershed using RUSLE and GIS techniques, Spatial distribution of soil erosion and sediment yield in the Pra River Basin,,,,,, Guide to conservation planning ; Agriculture Handbook No ) Predicting rainfall erosion losses: to. 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lithosols soil in ethiopia