smartest to dumbest personality types

A big fail. I think T/F is almost as important as N/S as a blind-man's guide for guessing intelligence. ESFP, eh? If that's true, then you are correct in that you list N's as more intelligent than S's, and I's as more intelligent than E's. -We don't write decent articles on feelings. Okay heres why I listed them in that order. NP on comparative. Ironically, politics is mostly centered on the needs of white cisgender heterosexual men, the very group whose "ideas" are normal. enjoy! Which Meyers-Briggs Profiles Have the Highest IQ's? I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers in many of the ways that I do. For example try to bring up the subject of "intuitive bias" within the MBTI Community and there would be RAGE and trolling immediately. 4. the way people learn and develop their preferences evolve over time as they gain insight and "polish" their "cognitive processes/preferences". So I split them apart, assigned their own variables and came to my senses that this was all simply, an algebraic equation; in philosophic-linguistic form. Why should an introvert be smarter than an extrovert? 11 Reasons Why And How To Handle It. (Sorry if I made mistakes, I'm a non native English speaker). learn the cognitive functions. Personality types are simple outlines that help us understand each other, but they dont define us as individuals. I am of the opinion that N's are smarter than S's. I think most animals would have neither T nor F as an option- these are both equally human traits. Most coordinated ;) i have many INTx friends (also members of mensa) whose average IQ is between 130-163. Lack of source, logically inconsistent (why if it's a measure of 2% of smartest population, no type goes over 2%), methodology is dubious (how were types identified?, so far there is no empirically proven way to measure them; also, the whole data almost follows a close pattern IN>EN>IS>ES: real world data are rarely this clean). I would have suggested you being sarcastic, tho something in your syntax is suggestive of otherwise, see. I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. But you will find that a majority of the studies points more towards those who are (I), those who are (N), those who are (T), and those who are (J). Very few who lead with those functions are open to new ideas and aren't able to arrive to a conclusion that doesn't jive with their personal beliefs. A relevant omission is the frequency of occurrence of each personality type? - INTP/ENTP: Most "genius" (By far the best at scientific studies, observing inconsistancies, and technological fields) The letters (traits) are nothing but to help the definition of the cognitive functions which are divided into Judging functions (Thinking extra/intro, Feeling extra/intro) and Perceiving functions (Intuition extra/intro, Sensing extra/intro). But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : ISFJ- The second to bottom, I put them higher than the ESFP because they know what to do in certain situations, they are sensible like the ISTJs but they know how to heal a person to health, in everyway. I should not have to post this stuff twice. Yes, I may not agree with you on some points, but I haven't done a study either, so I can't say you are wrong. I personally think mbti "personality" types can change due to exercising separate functions in different prioritizations, so mbti really stems from motivations, which influence brain function, so a subliminal logic decides which mbti behavior is needed for survival. The N's pretty much run the world while the S's manage the world and work for the N's. And that is the paradox. It it also false to assume that T means more intelligence. They just arent as pro-active or as consise as ENTPs and INTJs. They share the same rational approach to finding conclusions, but like the S/N relationship, ENT's are like an S when it comes to precision and putting it all together. Many of the influential E leaders that we see had influential I philosophers in the background working behind them. You're just saying that I'm wrong because I didn't do it the way you think I should. INTJs also have a better shot at this than INTPs, because while INTPs think the deepest thoughts the most, INTJs validate what is biased and not biased much more, therefore being the more accurate to the outside real world. Go on, explain to me why that "theory" is accurate, what you have to support it, why it makes any sense at all or how it is anything less than totally arbitrary. Opinions are baseless unless confirmed by some hard data .. and there is no data here .. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. Im kinda confused how the percentage of people with high IQs is so disproportional to the amount of intuitives in the population. I would just like to say that I am an INTJ and my Ni function allows INTJs and INFJs to see the perspective and motives of others better than any other, thus allowing us to extrapolate those perspectives and make the most open- minded decisions. Being a proficient writer of fiction requires an adept utilization of symbolism, foreshadowing, use of metaphors and similes, etc., in addition to a great sense of imagination. So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them. This may seem like a rare case, but a case I see far more often is a NT growing up in a family of sensors. 5. They are tolerant and nonjudgmental and commonly found in healthcare careers. It's the reason why you see no data to support your claims. First of all, MBTI itself is pretty much bullshit. Virginity and the amount of partners seem to distinguish intjs from intps. May tend to play dumb to get what they want from people, and are able to succeed doing so with the majority of other types (Jarring maybe ENPs/INJs) PPPS - That goes double for Mensa members. These and Truth Control are probably my favorites from Quinton. INTP is too busy making things work that they have no time to plan. I am an entrepreneur at heart. From what I have been able to observe, in all the years that I have known them, is that the INFJ is way smarter. So is she less intelligent because of that? I am an INTP with an IQ of 142(Member of mensa). Me: You know Bob quit his job and decided to . Don't allow your emotions to dictate your perception of theory and speculation. K~A. They can be ambitious, forceful, optimistic, and even egotistical. I personally think it's accurate in the way that it captures sixteen general personality types which you can divide the population into. Introverts are most likely to spend time by themselves studying stuff. Other big brains on the list are ESTJs. The MBTI just isn't accurate enough and can only tell you about the way people might prefer to do things, it can not estimate intelligence because even the concept of intelligence is biased by what you think it is. However thanks for this interesting article. As an intuitive person myself, I know this may sound self-obsessed and biased, and truth be told it is but show me a piece of research, no matter how scientific that does not have any bias at all and it will be impossible. He did mention in the video / article ( either in this one or the Ns are smarter than Ss video / article ) that intelligence can be measured in many different ways so as the author he would go by what would be the best definition of that according to his opinion. They are being rational with emotion. All Rights Reserved. Maybe I don't quite understand what's meant by influence being the marker for intelligence in this case, but I'm not sure I'd choose that as a unit anyways. And I apologize for not responding earlier; I had pneumonia and havent been online much in the last few months. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. 13. Even if an extroverted thinker is using reason, the way they are focusing and putting the data together may be lacking due to the extroversion. Also forgot to add this. According to data from Ball State, these types make great pilots, landscape architects, systems analysts, and engineers, speaking to their can-do attitudes and innovative mindsets. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. "They are resilient, always working, moving, thinking of the next best thing They think ahead of situations and people are often threatened by them.". For instance as an INFP I could very much disagree with T indicating superior intelligence. And you may not be smart at all. Can an unintelligent person convincingly pretend to be intelligent? "They are everyone's confidant, always helpful, offer intelligent solutions and advice, are emotionally intelligent, respectful, understanding, alluring, and overall easy to access," Puglisi says. Surely? Here's the explanation. But are they really that much more intelligent or study that much harder? Do not think you are a genius because you are an INTJ. I'm an INTP, and while we tend to be more intelligent in general, there is great variance as with any statistical population. They are interested in the here-and-now and are more likely to focus on details than taking a broader view of things. I still need to find how to handle this because I'm seriously interested in staying in science As an ISTJ I find this article very offensive. These people are "born to lead by default," Puglisi says. Excellent (logical) research that is based on nothing but opinion and not reasonable at all. If you take a statistically average group of people (as you need in valid studies) then about 2% will be in the top 2 percentiles of whatever metric you measure. This person also can explain things to others in great detail and very clearly, while me, at that same position will be stumbling to find the right words as I grasped the situation intuitively, and would find it hard explaining it to people in detail. INFP: Getting heartbroken one too many times. Dying as virgins for science is true dedication to nerdship. This is kind of like the J/P relationship. Please read more, learn more, starting from the the multiple inteligence theory. Many of them seem to be INFP or ENFP personality types. Not with the MBTI types, that's for sure. There's an ESFP out there who's smarter than you. 4. Idealists i.e INFP, ENFP, ENFJ and INFJ in my opinion are the most spiritual of all types.If there was spiritual intelligence these types would easily top all other types with once again the top being a possible tie between INFP and INFJ.When it comes to logical and mathematical intelligence, its unfortunate idealists are behind rationals.It is the precise reason why most scientists are rationals or NT types. Well, this gets even more tricky. Watch on We first need to define what we mean by smart. Do you honestly believe this yourself? So with all this said I would put the INF above the ENT. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. I studied actuarial science in university which is a pretty tough discipline.We did all kinds of mathematics(both abstract courses and more realistic courses) and a few programming courses.All the time rationals came top of my class.If I would order them ENTPs seemed to be top of all, followed by INTJ then ENTJ and lastly INTP.Of course this order could be biased as you know INTPs are slackers/lazy but could be in fact be most intelligent of all if they put equal effort with other rationals.In fact I had an INTP friend that ended up dropping out not because he was not smart but he got distracted and fell in love with politics. But we often make a point to distinguish the most empathetic creatures as the ones like us- even if they are also relatively logical. :0 cheers! In fact its said that after reading Kant at age 14 and Hume at 15, he switched to physics and then self taught himself calculus at age 17. The first is axiomatic and self evident. Very well said, and when viewing this on the basis of the functions I would have to agree with you. ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) is known as The Protector. I said that the INTJs were best at knowing the world but by that I mean the logical, factual world. Ti is very smart due to high logic. And therefore - no data / no good. In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs. An introverted feeler is going to bring in greater accuracy than an extroverted thinker. but "Which MBTI has the greatest capacity for influence?". Which means that this answer is okay; it's valid and could be, but doesn't have to be, nor is it maybe, necessarily sound. This article isn't about the cognitive functions. It follows the same pattern I am already talking about. Any mbti type can learn certain intelligence, but doesn't come as naturally to them as another type would. Are intuitives really generally smarter tham sensors or just more interested in the unconventional and hypothetical = higher crystalized intelligence? Neither are SP types, but SP types, due to their tendency to just do whatever they want to do in life would still intentionally use their intelligence to support their desire. And how about J's and P's? I've witnessed it firsthand. And they have so many ideas too. It could very well be that emotion is above reason in which case F would be above T. I see them both as much needed but I give the edge to the T when it comes to intelligence. However, unlike their feeling counterparts, the ENFJs, these types are lacking when it comes to their emotional intelligence. All I'm saying is don't dump your date because you find out they're ESFJ/ESFP, though if you do that's your life I guess. Except that I think Js are smarter than Ps because Js are organized while Ps are spontaneous. Was I unnecessarily feeling inferior for being a sensor? They don't even want the future. i agree that ESFJ are the bottom of them all Nice analysis, everyone. One of the rarest personality types, these individuals are incredibly adept at organizing. ENTJs have this dominant ability of extroverted thinking, which puts them on the list of "most intelligent," according to Robledo. The I's get their energy on their own. So in short, intuitives tend to show certain traits that people associate with intelligence. to solve the problem that we face. INFJs are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society. Again these are all my opinion but I am going to explain my reasoning below. Intj like Stephen Hawkins married only once at a late age and had few kids. Your IP: INFJ's are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. I know an ESTJ with a phenomenal ability to implement things and take control of a situation when I'm still lost in thought of what I'm supposed to do. There so many wrong, incomplete and ilogical assumptions in this article that is hard to know from wich one should we start to comment/correct. But according to what you're saying, you would pick the INFJ over the ESTP every time because the INFJ is smarter the majority of the time even though you could be missing out on a genius in the ESTP. Personally I'm Enfp and I wouldn't say I am anywhere less intelligent than my Intj best friend. But I suspect his IQ is high despite his M-B profile. I am simply saying that I view reason above emotion. Interesting, though i think it might be misleading! I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. Are there more geniuses among one type? While IQ tests may attempt to do so, they cannot accurately predict a person's ability to take in information and process it in real life situations. J's are generally more organized as compared to P's therefore viewed as much more reliable. Anyways in my experience ENxPs and INTJs tend to be the smartest. Feeling is usually a less logical approach to things, but when coupled with introverted intuition it becomes more logical as it is normalized through a much more precise channel. I'm an INTP and my IQ is 160 ( 17 years old). I'm surprised people actually talk about this kind of stuff. Performance & security by Cloudflare. The P-types in less organised workspaces while J-types in the more structured jobs. It can be quite analytical in terms off the outside world. lol. Lol you're right that's absurdely inaccurate. I've known smart and stupid of most all the types. I's may prefer to think more rather than talk, but that doesn't mean they are better at thinking (in my experience). I can name countless influential E's and I can name countless influential I's. With that said, I am of the opinion that reason is above emotion and therefore place T above F. The thing that separates humans from animals and lower species is our intelligence and our reasoning abilities. And don't even get me started on this "cognitive function" nonsense, lmfao. - ESTP/ISTP: Most Skills Smart (Tend to be naturally very good at a lot of things, and are usually the best at hands on making/fixing things) I think they are kind of a blank slate because they can almost become anything if someone tells them to. Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. 1.They are not interested to really use their intelligence to begin with. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=c5bc9501-7c6b-4791-87b5-1df9ce7e11fa&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7498571900291713234'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); Intelligence has nothing to do with independence, you can only say that the extroverts get their energy from the outside, which does not even represent a dependence (moreover), because we live in a human society, not on the moon, the world is full of people from whom extroverts can get energy. Define intelligence however you want, but the word smart is almost always used in reference to mental acuity. " The I's are more independent than the E's". What does it means? I have met a very intelligent person who happen to be Esfp. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. Dot's Writing Dojo. And for the record on the NEO-PI-R Big Five test, I also score very high in openness, again demonstrating how the correlation is far from perfect. ESTJs are the eleventh most intelligent personality type. It's just a random data without ANY backing. Answer (1 of 20): Define Intelligence. Because these situations themselves vary too and will be quite different from the test. 1. Who knew that a test comprised mostly of theoretical questions would cause an intuitive bias hmmm, Visual shape analysis and logic steps are not theoretical. For example, INTJs lead with Ni and they have weaknesses in Se; INTPs leas with Ti and they have weaknesses in Fe. NF's do use critical thinking as well. Just go home. People with a preference for F doesn't mean they think less, and vice-versa, and it's also possible that yes, some think less, and vice-versa. they dont specifically state that the most "intelligent" is the intj (multiple were included in this article). Why don't we talk Chakras? Many of the E leaders that we see were put in place by I's. The I's are more independent than the E's. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. And that doesn't make it objective nor fair to other personality types. But I'm smart, somehow. This isn't some self-contained, external-association-sterile S article that was contrived in a narrow vacuum. INTJs and ENTJs introvert feeling, often being seen as self-centered or cold, when really, they just get all emotional validation from within and don't see why everyone else can't, although that's an assumption. Could it be that Im an ENTJ? Where are your sources? No hate tho. I was told by the membership director of Mensa that IQ and MBTI are not correlated. You're wrong because that's not what MBTI is about! I think P's have a slight edge here as they are influencing at a more esoteric level before the influence perverts itself to the physical level with errors. Why some got so much offended having to post novel-long comments? i think this is an interesting "start" to answering this idea of smartest type, but at the end of the day its convoluted because to mbti there are 8 functions of general strengths and only a handful of different ways to see intelligence quotient. #16personalities #the16types #mbtiJoin our Discord - Instagram - Tiktok - luann. The actual scientific studies done with that model to establish actual correlations between personality and intelligence show a very mild correlation at best, and even that correlation is restricted to one trait - openness. Also there are types that are perhaps better at logic than others. what about a simple "I disagree because" ? Yes, regarding the topic. Also the most creative/inventive Tied with Ni doms as quickest to find patterns) However, it ignores other aspects of the human personality and doesn't really acknowledge a spectrum. And feelers aren't stupid. I remember reading a comment on here about the different personality types and how they fare in different types of intelligence. I'm loving it to know how some people are getting butthurt by this innocent article. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. (emotional, social, mathematical, logical, kinestethic, etc). I have an INFJ friend who by this guide should be smarter than I. Some are more focused on social issues and are open minded about listening to everyone's point of view , then narrowing it all down to the big picture according to the humanitarian aspect of the basic human needs if survival to basic emotions and thoughts regarding life on earth. ENTP's tend to have the best social skills. Moreover, I's seem to have a better attention span and are able to focus more and for longer. However I do get a sense of types who are more up in the clouds and more that are down to Earth ( aka Real Life / five senses / logic ). I put them higher than the INFJ because I feel like their mind is more open to new things. These series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on. What about istp aka me there 1% of the population and I'm in the top of my class ap in all but I do lack in ela but that just may be me for istp. But the average IQ for INTx people are generally higher than the average IQ of other MBTI types. INTP: Loss of respect for ethics in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. As for this analysis I don't exactly agree with it. So all in all, influence? } ); Like you've said in an earlier comment, one fine day a person shows up, reads your article, says 'I never really thought about it like that before', and DOES AN ACTUAL STUDY! Your email address will not be published. I can think logically, but I do not believe I should always follow it. ENTP- They are big idea people, they can do what the INTJs do pretty well, they can store alot of information, the only difference being they outlet it and try and change things by using their information. If you're a Sensor, you're going to think people are smart based on the decisions they make. (Or maybe you're a god and you're smart in all ways.). Famous INTPs seem spiritual on some level, I agree We make motivational quotes and carry wisdom. I have many INTx friends ( also members of mensa ) any online.. 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smartest to dumbest personality types