Although Leibniz had many philosophical and intellectual interests, he was arguably most I will guide you. What did you enjoy the most? The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. Lastly, Spinoza comes to claim that though God ultimately causes all things, he/she is not the cause of sadness, which, in turn, maintains his/her perfection. Like Einstein, we can likely use some of his soothing sense of cosmic harmony, whether or not we pay it the compliment of calling it Spinozas God. Benedict de Spinoza, Hebrew forename Baruch, Latin forename Benedictus, Portuguese Bento de Espinosa, (born November 24, 1632, Amsterdamdied February 21, 1677, The Hague), Dutch Jewish philosopher, one of the foremost exponents of 17th-century Rationalism and one of the early and seminal figures of the Enlightenment. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. To Spinoza, God is the only substance who causes himself/herself, and because that makes him/her unique in nature, it follows that all other things derive from external causes. And Im so focused. God as Perfect and Not the Cause of Sadness. Spinoza seems to have feared nothing and regretted nothing, and he lived a life of quiet, exemplary virtue. And he gives us the historical context of Dutch Golden Age politics and culture, which usually allowed the tolerant cosmopolitanism of its merchant class to prevail over clerical indignation. Philosophers that are significant to him and his studies are Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel. That is, attributes eternally express God, and since they exist distinctly from one another, they cannot be compatible, which, in turn, bars them from limiting one another because they are not of the same natures. Stop going to those dark, cold temples that you built yourself and say they are my house! One philosopher, Spinoza, claimed that everything ultimately follows from God and that sadness is a persons passage from a greater degree of perfection to a lesser one. 108 That is, by being without any inadequacies God cannot cause sadness, because his/her eternal activity can only exude true and adequate ideas. He endorses a strong form of necessitarianism in which everything is categorically necessary opposed to the weaker form of conditional necessity embraced by most compatibilists, and he contends that there is no room in such a world for divine or creaturely free will. Thus, Spinoza is a free will skeptic. So many explanations? 85 Those external ideas Spinoza calls affects and since they do not arise from peoples ability to conceive ideas, it follows that they have an inadequate knowledge of them. Its clear what Spinozas God is not. 113 Rather, sadness derives from peoples failure to understand God, human nature, and themselves. In other words, joy is an external idea that causes people to be at a greater level of activity since it affects the mind by amplifying happiness, which, in turn, necessarily affects the body in a pleasurable way. 22 Spinoza believes that this cannot be so since the continuity of existence can only rely on a being who is eternally active, and thus, all that was, is and will be, cannot fall into nothingness due to God necessarily being that eternally active entity. 13 First, it is not the case that many infinite substances can exist because if they did that would mean that they would be unique and compatible at the same time, which is nonsensical. In the attenuated and metaphorical sense that God can be said to love, God loves every single creation equally, i.e. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos. She begins: Benedict de Spinoza did not have a religionat least in the usual sense of the word (1). Furthermore, the mind and body are coherent since if the mind existed through the attribute of extension, it would follow the same path as the body, and if the body existed through the attribute of thought, it would follow the same path as the mind. Einstein replied, I believe in Spinozas God, who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.. 2 Despite what appears to be an incongruent argument, can one still find a way to claim that Spinoza is consistent when he states that all things ultimately derive from Gods flawlessness, despite the reality of sadness? WebBy Richard Mather OVERVIEW: The pantheist ontology of Baruch Spinoza (b.1632 d.1677) is an attempt to deny the accountability of political evil. Spinoza is commonly (but not by all of his interpreters) assumed to be a pantheist, which means that since Nature or Substance are synonyms of God, God and Nature or Substance are identical. Indeed, Spinoza explicitly wrote that Whatever is, is in God, and nothing can be or be conceived without God and that all things are in God (1p17d). Russell, Bertrand. (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. Department of Philosophy You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesnt destroy the fiber of your society. Yet in his major philosophical works, he can hardly stop talking about God, whose existence never seems to be in doubtprompting the German poet Novalis, one of the many Romantic poets enchanted with him, to call him that God-intoxicated man., Einsteins answer to a New York rabbi clears things up a bit. 91, From this it follows that affects can either assists people or deter them from their desires to live, or aid or restrain their innate abilities to be. Moreover, with distorted views of reality, people cannot adequately understand their persistent sorrows, and it is tough to assuage the pains that follow from that state of being. Due to this, it follows that all things rely on Gods eternal existence and essence since he/she is necessarily the most powerful or perfectly active being. Everything is determined, not by Gods willHe doesnt have onebut by our being, with everything else, an integral part of Gods being. How can I punish you for being the way you are, if Im the one who made you? Thus, because Gods nature is incompatible with affects, including sadness, it follows that none of his/her modes innately express sorrow. 83 That is, the mind and body are coherent, since they ultimately derive from one unified substance, and since that one unified substance immanently causes all things, or is innately in them, it follows that the mind would reduce to the body and the body to the mind if they existed through the right attributes. That is, Spinoza believes that through the application of reason, people can gain knowledge, and by doing so, inadequate ideas cease to influence them, and thus, emotions such as sadness can no longer affect them. IANALbutIAMAcat 4 yr. ago I agree with you here. Thats where I live and there I express my love for you. Princeton: Penguin Books, 1996. 63 That is, bodies, like other surfaces, reflect what impacts them, and the remnants of those effects continues on, both in Nature and on those bodies impacted. Consequently, people may claim that they cannot know other minds as well as their minds since they only have ideas of other minds and not the knowledge of what it is to be in those other minds. Did you like it? Also, what composes a human body are smaller individual bodies that are either at rest or in motion, which reflect the nature of all other bodies. Betraying Spinoza: The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity. Winter 2016. What is that pattern? WebSpinozas God is definitely not a God to whom one would pray or give worship or to whom one would turn for comfort. Spinoza concludes that because of this, God is only a partial cause of inadequate ideas whereas people, who can take in perceptions housed in him/her, are the other partial cause, and thus, they do not derive from people alone but can still act upon and influence them. L ately, atheists have gone on a publishing offensive. Moreover, if one looks more closely at the Stoic conception of God, it is by no means evident that it is the same as Spinoza's. God is the one and only genuine substance around. What do you need more miracles for? Spinoza said that God can be seen in the laws of nature, doubted the immortality of the soul, argued against faith, and denied the existence of angels. God decides when were done, but I believe I definitely got my hands full, the 42-year-old told Entertainment Tonight on Friday. But it is a religion outside the usual sense of the word. The only thing for sure is that you are here, that you are alive, that this world is full of wonders. Moreover, because God is unlike all other bodies, it follows that he/she cannot have a body that resembles a finite body, including those of humans. To Spinoza, God is the Universe, but not merely the Universe but rather it is the entire cosmos, SEEN FROM A UNIVERSAL, COSMIC POINT OF VIEW. What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. Furthermore, God is immutable since he/she is not a conglomeration of substances, but rather an indivisible whole. What did you learn?. Her title reveals her thesis that Spinoza did have a religion. Stop believing in me; believing is assuming, guessing, imagining. His view of God was not the conventional, personal Judeo Claim: Albert Einstein said he believed in pantheism, a theological doctrine based on the work of 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Heres some of him. That is, the mind is a thinking expression of God, as an immaterial substance, and since it does so in a determinate or limited way, it follows that it cannot have attributes since attributes are infinite and eternal. 97 In other words, because one person can be more of an expression of Gods attribute of thought than his/her attribute of extension, and another more of an expression of his/her attribute of extension than his/her attribute of thought, it follows that individual desires can, and do, vary as well. But I entrust this to you as well. Although Einstein said he believed in Spinozas God, its certain that Einstein did not have this abstract God in mind. 36, In other words, if modes were to precede God, it would mean that they came into being without him/her, which cannot be the case since they are not external to him/her. 23 In other words, God cannot defy his/her nature because by being eternally active all existence ultimately depends on him/her, and since being can never truly fade into nothingness, it follows that God cannot change his/her ceaselessly active nature. Spinoza, Benedict De. Spinoza makes a similar reference when he states that God as an idea is like the idea of a circle that matches the reality of a circle universally. And why were less interested now in Spinozas logic than in his peace of mind. Did you have fun? I dont want you to believe in me. Thus, if God were able to slip into lesser degrees of reality, or feel sadness, it follows that Nature would necessarily change since if he/she were to change, there would have to be a matching effect in the natural order since he/she is coherent and equivalent to it. Conceptual Foundations and Motivations 1.1 Definition of ultimate Brahman, the Dao, emptiness, God, the One, Reasonablenessthere, in alphabetical order, are names of the central subjects of concern in what are commonly parsed as some of the worlds religions, philosophies and quasi-religious-philosophies. 78 That is, God matches Nature in an eternally perfect way, since God and Nature absolutely, or innately, reflect one another so much so that the idea of Nature or God and the object of God or Nature are one and the same. One reason why Spinoza believes that modes are finite is that there can only be one infinite substance in nature since a plurality of substances cannot exist. Part 4/8,,,, The one who hadnt read Spinoza stayed in the same I hope this gem of history will serve them as much as I do. I cant tell you if theres anything after this life but I can give you a tip. 16321677 . 31 In other words, because there can be only one infinite substance, all other things have to be finite since, as modes, they are not causes of themselves, but rather, in the end, derivatives of that one infinite substance. The God Spinoza presents to us, is not one of egomaniac nature but rather a primordial force, a neutral force which people have the power to use or to discard. Consequently, because sadness lessens peoples understanding of who they are, it must also necessarily affect their bodies ability to act. 41 From this, it follows that God necessarily houses all thinking things, since nothing can exist outside of him/her, and thus, they are subject to the laws of thought that his/her essence exudes, which, in turn, allows them to be conceivable. For Spinoza God is not a person, and does not create for any reason or towards any purpose. 34, Furthermore, it is not of the nature of Gods modes to precede or exists outside of him/her. 112 That is, Gods essence is totally active, at all times, since it is innate of him/her to be so, and thus, inadequate ideas cannot follow from him/her. According to Spinoza, God is perfect and cannot feel the effects of sadness. On the last day of his life, before his death at the age of 44 from lung disease, he was calmly conversing with his friends about philosophy, the same as always. 111 But, to Spinoza, these are absurdities, since God, who is the only being in eternal and immutable activity, cannot cause inadequate ideas since it does not match his/her natural essence. 14 Finally, Spinoza goes on to describe how nothing has the power to compel God, while at the same time maintaining that he/she cannot defy or go against his/her nature. Stop reading alleged sacred scriptures that have nothing to do with me. By union, Spinoza means that the mind and body are coherent, or it is the case that whatever occurs in peoples minds has a matching effect on their bodies. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. Heaven or hell. I believe that a triangle, if it could speak, would say that God is eminently triangular, and a circle that the divine nature is eminently circular; and thus would every one ascribe his own attributes to God. 5. Spinozas metaphysics consists of one thing, substance, and its modifications (modes). Moreover, Spinoza claims that sadness accompanied with the idea of the external cause of sadness is hate. I do not think it necessary for salvation to know Christ according to the flesh : but with regard In other words, since God is coherent, and ultimately gives rise to all modes, they necessarily display his/her coherency, albeit limitedly, and thus, what happens in their minds has a matching physical effect on their bodies and whatever affects their bodies has a similar effect on their minds. What would God have said, according to Spinozas views? 82. Spinoza presents God as conscious being with a mind that possesses an infinite, or unlimited intellect and an awareness of everything that exists. His God would not have encouraged us to go out in nature, as his god would not even be aware we exist. Gods perfection gives all things existence as well as essence (Spinoza, 1985, p. 87) . New York: Harvest Books, 1966. 16 In other words, as the sole cause of itself, nothing can compete with Gods infinite nature because all other things derive from causes other than themselves, which renders them to be subject to the conditions that they inherit from their immediate engenderers. 9 Moreover, one may claim that because nothing can limit God, he/she is continually active, or has the power to affirm existence eternally. According to Spinoza, people innately desire or have appetites for that which they find to be agreeable to who they understand themselves to be. Consequently, it follows that his/her fixed essence necessarily radiates his/her immutable attribute of thought; setting the conditions that give rise to the conceivability of thinking things. Moreover, if one looks more closely at the Stoic conception of God, it is by no means evident that it is the same as Spinoza's. 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