The Commissioner of Education by rule has clarified what constitutes a personnel shortage, extreme economic condition or an unavoidable or unforeseen circumstance. 211 0 obj <> endobj H.B 2862 provides the ability to reallocate any minimum instructional time or instructional hours per course required under A.R.S 15-808 and 15-901 on a per-student basis so that students are able to spend more of their required instructional time on courses of greater depth or There are many implications that need to be considered, including pay for hourly employees, child care, adjusting bell schedules for impacted programs across the district and adjusting transportation schedules., Mansfield school Superintendent Jim Vaszauskas told trustees at their Sept. 22 meeting that administrators may bring a couple of recommendations for changes to the spring semester, but theyll be minimum.. d. Divide the total number of special education service minutes by the available . %PDF-1.3 A. The change gives school districts flexibility in cases of natural disasters, as well as flexibility to adjust calendars to build in professional development. Instructional Time a. Minimum Annual Instructional Time Requirements The following table is a summary of the minute/hour requirements for an instructional program (A.R.S. Team or grade level meetings and PLCs are not considered self-directed planning. Middle (Grades 6-8) 120 minutes per WEEK per COURSE, for each of the four courses. Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)-based instruction to be offered at each elementary and middle school grade level, but the format is flexible. Gun crime will always equal hard time, said ATF Dallas Field Division Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Boshek II. |,) House Bill (HB) 2610, passed by the 84th Texas Legislature, amends the Texas Education Code (TEC), 25.081, by striking language requiring 180 days of instruction and replacing this language with language requiring districts and charter schools to operate for a minimum of 75,600 minutes (including intermissions and recess). Districts and charter schools must continue to follow the rules in the SAAH. 464 (S.B. Texas mandates at least 135 minutes of moderate or vigorous structured physical activity per week in provide instructional minute requirements in accordance with the proposed 2017-2018 SAAH, two-hour rule for half-day funding or four-hour rule for full-day funding; the SAAH defines instructional minutes as the portion of the school day in which instruction takes place along with certain other exceptions and are considered a subset of operational Instructional Time Requirements School District and Charter School Instructional Time Requirement Table Note: This page may need to be printed in landscape view on 8.5" x 14" paper. With the new law, a district could avoid adding days or requesting a waiver by instead tacking minutes onto the school day or extending half-days already in the schedule, Culbertson said. Students eligible to participate in the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) will receive full funding if they comply with TEC, 29.0822, and applicable rules. School districts are required to excuse a student's absence for reasons listed in state law, such as to: Observe a religious holy day; Attend a required court appearance; Serve as an election clerk; The Texas Education Code describes these reasons in greater detail and lists additional statutorily excused absences. The time is also for reviewing students homework and for YOUR planning and preparation. In addition, Chapter .. 17918051: 8/24/2016 Vol. Satisfying funding requirements does not relieve an open-enrollment charter school from the terms of its contract and any changes must be reflected in a commissioner-approved amendment. Parents should not be required to use the same textbooks or methods as public schools. However, the administration has the right to ask employees to sign out when they are leaving and sign in when they return. Although things in #1LISD slowed down for a couple of cold, icy days, the district is back in action. LISD banks additional minutes to grant flexibility for inclement weather; however, the district prioritizes the instructional day due to the overall impact on student development and family support. endstream endobj 212 0 obj <> endobj 213 0 obj <> endobj 214 0 obj <>stream The 85th Legislature changed requirements for minutes of operation and average daily attendance (ADA). required instructional hours. The commissioner of education is exercising his authority under TEC, 25.081 (b), to approve a reduction in the minimum number of required 75,600 minutes of operation for all LEAs during the first six-week attendance reporting period of the 2021-2022 school year. According to an Attorney General opinion, employees can leave the campus during lunch. 5xy~usF@L~Y;.,;vdu0oS6U)=Wt\ Ls]Yi~\>6JrpIo0]f.WS0^G_@V16pu^U?e? %PDF-1.5 % Below, you will find answers to some of those questions. 8 Va. Admin. States with academic assessments to provide accountability. 2 0 obj Can I be assigned other duties such as watching other classes during planning time? Instruction time for ages 7 to 14 are total minutes per day devoted to a subject multiplied by 185 (instructional days per year). The daily or weekly instructional schedule should provide guidance to the teacher and bring about needed stability in the events of the child's day. We're reviewing the possibilities provided by HB2610, including extending the school day to makeup for weather days, said Leslie Johnston, a spokeswoman for the Arlington district. A district may not extend the school day solely to provide time for the required 45-minute planning and preparation period. TEA will examine this inClass News is the weekly newsletter of United Educators Association. The Board values a well-rounded curriculum . We will always provide free access to the current law. 0 Why doesnt Leander ISD increase instructional minutes to shorten the academic calendar? hbbd``b`n@H V d $&drKH8)Ml @B$! Yes. A-2d. The other components of the instructional day for students will be thoughtfully planned to . FourstatesKansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, and Oklahomarequire parents to operate for a certain term or to provide a number of hours or days of instruction, but do not stipulate in whichsubjects this instruction must be provided. % Intermediate (Grades 3-5) 90 - 120 minutes per DAY. (1) Six statesGeorgia, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Washingtonhave . What about employees other than teachers and librarians? Overview The 84th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 2610 to amend the Texas Education Code (TEC), 25.081, converting the requirement for 180 days of instruction to a minimum of 75,600 minutes. Please see the corresponding TAA letter dated August 31, 2017 from the Waivers Division for additional information concerning changes to waivers. 0.5 hrs./daily : Social Studies . increasing citizen access. "?Ht "#$X $30Nz` . (last accessed Jun. (There are a few exceptions for alternative schools.) b. The school week should consist of 1800 minutes of instruction at both the primary and upper elementary grade levels. 42/165 : Final 6A-1.045111 Hourly Equivalent to 180-Day School Year: 8566281: Effective: This includes decades of combined service as classroom teachers and school administrators. Subject: Minutes of Operation - Updates to House Bill (HB) 2442. Adding two days at the end of the year can sometimes create challenges with the graduation schedule, she added. 4 0 obj 1 0 obj IC 20-30-2-2: Requires that the instructional day for grades 1-6 consist of at least 5 hours of instructional time, and the instructional day for grades 7-12 consist of at least 6 hours of instructional time. 20-2-161. No, not unless you are provided more than 450 minutes every two weeks. %PDF-1.5 % include the time required to meet due process requirements during the instructional day; . The planning and preparation period must be at least 45 minutes and supervising students is not one of the ways time can be spent during planning and preparation time. We know there is no perfect solution for every family when it comes to the school calendar. School calendar. Ed. Each state defines instructional time differently, and states have varying requirements in policies that reflect the needs of their state and their students. Can we be assigned lunchroom duty if we are given a 30-minute duty-free time? xMH )1gs"4PmPV B@zhThk~yx|~?o?~o??j>?G_?~o_>)-?i5?~|=6j_?[(L>z&9LY?] EC. ~PlBYA3;xq#)!aDKD0gD1pP9JiTeZ;|K}i+71w,jL$y}y&e~qn&{ EQ? Allocation of Instructional Time . The change gives school districts flexibility in cases of natural disasters, [], 84th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 2610, 202324 Academic Calendar Approved; 202425 Drafted. House Bill (HB) 2610, passed by the 84th Texas Legislature, amends the Texas Education Code (TEC), 25.081. In 2016, House Bill 59 proposed prohibiting schools from starting before Labor Day. Compulsory and intended instruction time is based on the 935 hours of legislated instructional time in the Yukon. On June 29, 2020, the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 98 which reinforced these concepts providing required instructional minutes for grade-levels while emphasizing the necessity of teacher-student engagement. Required Instruction s. 1003.42, Florida Statutes, provides for required courses and instruction to ensure that students meet State Board of Education-adopted standards.Most specifically: Members of the instructional staff of the public schools, subject to . David Marx Director of Financial Compliance. To receive full ADA funding (and avoid a reduction of funding), school districts, including Districts of Innovation and open-enrollment charter schools must: To receive full-one-half ADA for half-day prekindergarten programs, school districts and open-enrollment charter schools must provide 32,400. The new law, which was passed as House Bill 2610, counts recesses and other intermissions such as lunch as instructional time. Yes, that is one of the purposes of this time. Therefore, please: CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR CALENDAR ASSISTANCE: Please contact Chanda Williams at (512) 475-2012 or Yolanda Walker at (512) 463-0947 or at Standards s. 1003.41, Florida Statutes, describes the core curricular content to be taught in the state of Florida in grades K-12. Preparation and planning periods must be scheduled within the time that students are being instructed in regularly-scheduled classes. per period, and A/B and 4 x 4 block schedules must provide at least 94 minutes. satisfy the following instructional time requirements: (i) Any grade K - 3 shall have not less than a daily average of 4 hours (270 . The Commissioner of Education has ruled that planning means individual planning. (270 minutes) of instructional time based on the 180-day school year. You CAN be required to attend meetings during the day if you receive more than 450 minutes of planning time every two weeks. Code 20-131-150 Washington N/A West Virginia K-5: 315 minutes Grades 6-8: 330 minutes Grades 9-12: 345 minutes For comparison, the instructional minutes are equivalent to: K-5: 5.25 hours Grades 6-8: 5.5 hours Grades 9-12: 5.75 hours W. Va. Code Ann. Lms4uLw:;ybo'v2mji{q~#n>~==o'2x||}z?|n_|zlh(&?%o'O?^(G? The state also requires that high schools provide their students with physical education. )Z-_LKN4lfw/A!x8c~=|z{ qzx.x89yx?/~~qP?>^K_OC5='Grytc>ki@Gk~|L3dSUs9}y`sz^vh__nubki/jK|j>p;G y3u:_WTN;Oj>.|__~xRuU=GP*:4zo;Gv-T I`>B`l}zpm.]not_il.4@[kc[uQ. Districts maintain local training records and must document proof of completion for each user. Because of a change in state law, the Texas Education Code no longer defines 180 days of instruction as an acceptable school year. L@blQ68SSC0d2K/ J(I& iqE7{>i-Y5Z@~`4um-ZR> |K.kFxAG p# !wa#J'& 5z Y:]2d:YhVqwJnD& "2C%>. 5zmQ~=brk=BkJ)d Catch up on the latest, including * an update on the recent weathers impact to the academic calendar; * upcoming community forums on middle and high school attendance zones; * a new Feedback & Applications resource []. We appreciate the different ways parents work around inconveniences so that we can continue to provide a tremendous education to ALL students. 18-5-45 Wisconsin N/A Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. Instructional time policy is often used by states to set minimum education requirements for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. C~zWHh %+ :+'aVuS!UF:YN:xi&E[e \p GvG9oEHY Dissemination of an unlawful surveillance image in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor. A classroom teacher may not be required to participate in any other activity not provided for in the law (instructional preparation, including parent/teacher conferences, evaluating students work, and planning). 4 0 obj the suggested order for teaching the content and skills. For Grade 2, a total of 310 min or 5hours and 10min per day for each sem shall be alloted c. To assist school districts and charter schools in complying with HB 2442 while developing their 20182019 school year calendars over the coming months, please see the following significant updates that TEA will propose in rule for the 20182019 school year. Section 25.081 Operation of Schools, Typically, school districts incorporate two makeup days for inclement weather into their calendar. While some families provide fantastic learning opportunities for children even when they are not in school, that is not the case for every family. The change gives school districts flexibility in cases of natural disasters, as well as flexibility to adjust calendars to build in professional development. (1) "Instructional day" means a day within the instructional term which meets the following criteria: (A) Instruction is offered to students for at least the minimum number of minutes as follows: (i) For early childhood programs as provided in subsection (d) section forty-four of this . Can I be asked to attend team or department meetings during this time? hbbd```b`` 3@$$ fgH=`56`v -&jL0&@$2SA&0_ The annual instructional minutes offered are 50,600 (grades 1 - 3) and 54,004 (grades 4 - 6). 540 proposed using hours rather than days to set instructional time requirements to "provide greater flexibility." That bill was also proposed in 2017. email. Therefore, rules and procedures regarding leaving during a planning period are left up to the district and campus. Please "contact us" to request a format other than those available. With the thought of snow days still months off, districts in North Texas are taking a slow approach to making changes to take advantage of the new law. 7, 2021). Open-enrollment charter schools granted a charter before January 1, 2015, and satisfying the relevant ADA requirements in effect immediately prior to January 1, 2015, (e.g., provide 180 days of attendance with a minimum of four hours of instructional time per day) with any applicable waivers and complying with their charter contract terms regarding student instruction time. the recommended number of lessons and amount of time for instruction. Live instruction shall mean the combination of in-person instruction and remote synchronous instruction. The law is clear that planning and preparation time is only for instructional preparation, individual planning, meeting with parents and grading students work. Archived Content Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. Location: Accommodations and additional guidance may be made in 20182019, as necessary, for those school districts and charter schools affected by Hurricane Harvey. $HQ+@ 0{ At the Jan. 26 Board meeting, Trustees approved the 202324 academic calendar, closing out a monthslong process of community feedback and consideration of multiple options. 417 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<48B4D5946FD18F4B91BC412F642BCAF1><3993078D4F4D944CA36A2BC8434A8F58>]/Index[394 57]/Info 393 0 R/Length 112/Prev 177917/Root 395 0 R/Size 451/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Absences excused by district Copyright 2007-2022 Texas Education Agency (TEA). This is not to say that teachers in those districts are not receiving planning time, but the rules that govern that can be found in the districts Innovation plan. Why doesnt Leander ISD increase instructional minutes to shorten the academic calendar? However, LEAs must meet annual . Original Source: Prev Next Cite this article: - Texas Education Code - EDUC 28.002. %%EOF endstream endobj startxref Teachers ask more questions about planning and preparation periods than any other subject. c. Multiply the number of instructional minutes per day x 5 days per week. Since school districts and open-enrollment charter schoolsas part of their third TSDS PEIMS data submissiondo not report their minutes to TEA until after the school year is complete, districts may not realize they are subject to a reduction of funding until time has expired to correct their calendars. When those days are exhausted, or if bad weather comes after the days have passed, districts look at either extending the school year, taking away other student holidays or requesting a waiver from the state. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Science : 30 minutes daily or 150 min/wk . Period-Minutes 1-80 2-80 3-80 4-80 320 Student Attendance Minutes Absent 60 80 80 220 Attendance Minutes Allowed 0 60 80 80 Half-Day . The 84th Texas Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 2610to amend the Texas Education Code (TEC), 25.081, converting the requirement for 180 days of instruction to a minimum of 75,600 minutes. 27.1 In any configuration of grades K-8, the curriculum must include 150 minutes of activity-based instruction per week and 45 minutes of instruction in health education per week. Due to the flexibilities provided by 75,600 minutes of operation and the repeal of the. 450 0 obj <>stream The current law ; xq # )! aDKD0gD1pP9JiTeZ ; |K } i+71w jL! We can continue to follow the rules in the palm of YOUR hand twelfth! Perfect solution for every family when it comes to the district and campus been altered or updated it... 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