ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.. BOCANEWSNOW.COM IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK. However within Boca, both east and west were close to 1.8 counts per arrest so it shouldnt matter within Boca. After the publicity died down we learned that police departments and prosecutors were discussing how to respond, and this led to my arrest in Coral Gables. Some said drivers have to talk to police, rejecting the right to remain silent. Boca Vista Estates, Boca Del Mar, Watergate Estates and East Boca residents involved. While this might make East Boca seem bad, their numbers are actually much better than the county as a whole. Apr 9 We are investigating Isaac Gabriel Yunes on OVER 30 Child Pornography charges. An elderly couple was killed after their car crashed into a residential building on Brittany L in Kings Point. COPYRIGHT 2022 PLEDGED MEDIA, LLC D/B/A BOCAPOST.COM. West Boca News | Boca Raton FL 3. as the break line. But zip codes are useful so thats what were doing. COPYRIGHT 2022 PLEDGED MEDIA, LLC D/B/A BOCAPOST.COM. I even became the #1 trending story on Facebook: In the heat of the moment we received some threats of arrest by local sheriffs but their comments were vague and often just plain stupid. East Boca includes zip codes 33431, 33432, 33486 and 33487. BOCA RATON, FL - Boca Post ( A Boca Raton woman is facing stalking and extortion charges, according to jail records released to Boca Post by the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office. The worst zip code in all of Boca Raton is 33432, with 4.2 arrests and 8.8 counts per thousand residents. Zip code 33434 hasthe lowest arrest rate and also has the oldest population with a median age over 62 years old. The police claim video puts him at the scene but we dont know how clear that video is, and there does not appear to be any evidence showing what he did, if anything, inside the house. There were no bullet holes found on Oveidos vehicle. The official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that three Palestinians were also wounded in the raid in the Aqabat Jaber camp. There are various ways to break down east vs. west. The passenger, Mark Muffley of Lansford, Pennsylvania, is now in FBI custody, officials said. In response to that I came up with the Fair DUI Flyer. His reported address is in the Bella Vista apartments in Boca Del Mar (southeast of the Powerline-Palmetto Park intersection). We do not have information on where the arrests or alleged crimestook place, so this is what we have to go on. We found it at a blog titled [womans name omitted link broken]. In other words, if someone is arrested for battery and for resisting, thats two counts. That is using arrests per population. In this second part, we will look at arrests in West Boca and East Boca only, by individual zip code. ARREST MADE IN WEST BOCA RATON SHOOTING THAT LEFT MAN DOWN ON GLADES ROAD. Boca Raton Arrests OOPS! Comparing and contrasting our analysis and data with Crime Statistics Australia might aid us in deepening our future analysis, increasing the data range that we can draw on to better judge the local crime trends. Renting a property knowingly used for manufacturing illegal drugs West Boca News has obtained two probable cause affidavits from the case, and researched Mr. Agudelos arrest history as well. arrest statistics in West Boca with East Boca and with the rest of Palm Beach County, arrest rates by zip code in all of Boca Raton, West Boca was arrested for 36 counts of sexual assault on a minor. Our Sponsors Of course we remind our readers that arrestees are innocent until proven guilty, and also that despite our crime coverage, West Boca has a lower crime rate than East Boca and much lower than the county as a whole. BOCA RATON, FL - Boca Post ( A 40-year-old Boca Raton woman has been arrested after stabbing her 24-year-old boyfriend. Those who are considering using the Fair DUI Flyer should be aware that I went further in this incident than I recommend for others. For our intellectual property, terms, and conditions, read here. john melendez tonight show salary Heres what the investigating officer wrote: As written it seems like hes trying to squeeze an accident into an intentional arson. The number of counts for 33428 was inflated somewhat by one man arrested for 36 counts of sexual assault on a child. He was booked into the Palm Beach County jail early Friday morning. The Palm Beach County School District announces that the board failed to properly vote for the board's chair and vice chair which now requires a redo. The citys own data shows the municipal population at 84,000. Scroll way down if you just want to see the arrest. Do they have enough for probable cause? Arrest & Jail. Earlier this year I received national attention for my approach to handling checkpoints and traffic stops. Fourth, the zip codes are for the address of the person arrested, not necessarily for the place where the crime was committed. We are trained to read the whole statute. BE CAREFUL: Brightline Testing 110 MPH Speeds In Palm Beach County, Boca Raton Police Bomb Squad On Scene Of Suspicious Device, Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton Standoff Ends, Explosive Threat Unfounded, National Day Of Hate: Law Enforcement Says No Planned Events, No, Missing West Boca Raton Woman Has Been Located, Brightline Limits Operations Due To Bridge Issue, CRASH: Bicyclist Hit By Car On Glades Road, Hospitalized, VOYEURISM: Wellington Man Records Woman In Dressing Room At Wellington Mall,, Boca Raton Woman Rams Ex-Boyfriends Car At FAU Following Valentines Day, Suspect Accused Of Antiemetic Attack In Dania Beach Arrested, Century Village Couple Arrested, Husband Stabbed, THIS WEEK: West Boca Raton / Sandalfoot Holiday Caravan, TOMORROW: Boca Ratons Holiday Boat Parade, TONIGHT: Boca Raton Holiday Street Parade, Traffic Concerns, Boca Raton Woman Rams Ex-Boyfriends Car At FAU Following Valentines Day Breakup, Arrested, OOPS! Firefighters responded to the home again nearly two weeks later after reports of smoke and fire at the home. WEST DES MOINES, IOWA West Des Moines Police have made an arrest in a hit-and-run investigation that left a man critically injured last fall. About three hours later he unarrested me and gave me a ticket: In a good story the hero learns from experience and grows. The breakdown isnt perfect. Tied with that number is zip code 33498, west of 441 and north of Glades. UPDATE: Boca Raton ATF Raid Leads To Arrest, Man Was Under Surveillance For Months February 23, 2023 Trevor Martin Facing Drug, Weapons Charges Following Raid At Home Near Town Center Mall.. Boca Raton Standoff Ends, Explosive Threat Unfounded, National Day Of Hate: Law Enforcement Says No Planned Events, No, Missing West Boca Raton Woman Has Been Located, Brightline Limits Operations Due To Bridge Issue, CRASH: Bicyclist Hit By Car On Glades Road, Hospitalized, VOYEURISM: Wellington Man Records Woman In Dressing Room At Wellington Mall,, Boca Raton Woman Rams Ex-Boyfriends Car At FAU Following Valentines Day, Suspect Accused Of Antiemetic Attack In Dania Beach Arrested, Century Village Couple Arrested, Husband Stabbed, THIS WEEK: West Boca Raton / Sandalfoot Holiday Caravan, TOMORROW: Boca Ratons Holiday Boat Parade, TONIGHT: Boca Raton Holiday Street Parade, Traffic Concerns, VOYEURISM: Wellington Man Records Woman In Dressing Room At Wellington Mall, Arrested, Boca Raton Woman Rams Ex-Boyfriends Car At FAU Following Valentines Day Breakup, Arrested, DROWNING: 6-Year-Old Drowns In A Tamarac Canal, Man Struck, Killed By Tri-Rail Train In Delray Beach, UPDATE: Woman Killed, 3 Others Injured After Shooting In Breckenridge, Elderly Man Slapped By Nude Swimmer At A Delray Beach Park, Man Struck By Car, Killed In Pompano Beach, UPDATE: 2nd Victim Dies After Car Crashed Into Kings Point Condo, 33-Year-Old Woman Killed In Boca Raton Crash, GUN ON CAMPUS: Student Brings Gun To School, Arrested, DO OVER: New Election Required To Determine PBC School Board Chair And Vice Chair, BREAKING: PBC Closes School Wednesday, Thursday As Tropical Storm Nicole Nears. A Valentines Day breakup led to several aggravated assault charges for an aggravated ex-girlfriend who rammed her car into her ex-boyfriend's car on FAU campus several times. The charges against Mr. Brown date back about a month before the arrest, which always makes us suspicious about the quality of the case. Police say 35-year-old Zaccary Sandvig faces several charges, including leaving the . BY: STAFF REPORT | BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright 2023 MetroDesk Media, LLC) Boca Raton resident Trevor Martin the subject of an ATF raid [], Cops Allege Speeding, Inability To Stay In Lane During Pre-Dawn Stop BY: STAFF REPORT | BOCA RATON, FL ( (Copyright 2023 MetroDesk Media, LLC) Boca Raton resident Jean Da Rocha is facing a DUI charge and received multiple citations after a traffic stop initiated by the Palm Beach County Sheriffs [], Ironically Lives On Citation Drive. Coming soon I will be suing Coral Gables in federal court over this incident. With only 1.1 arrests per thousand residents,zip code 33434 generally runs from 441 to St. Andrews between Yamato and Glades. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And our population numbers are for 2011, which makes them somewhat out of date. Inmate Search. Meanwhile 33428 has the youngest population in West Boca with a median age of 41 years old. The settler violence in Huwara followed a Palestinian gun attack that killed two Israeli brothers. First, this is for only a three-month period the first three months of 2014. ANOTHER RESIDENT ARRESTED IN DELRAY BEACH, Delray Beach Man Charged With Not Registering As Predator, Multiple Weapons Charges Filed Against West Boca Raton Man, UPDATE: Boca Raton ATF Raid Leads To Arrest, Man Was Under Surveillance For Months, Boca Raton Woman Jailed For DUI, Receives Multiple Citations After Driving Issue, One Traffic Stop Leads To Five Citations, Including DUI, For West Delray Beach Woman, UPDATE: Read The Jason Dennis Arrest Report, Car Dealer Allegedly Ran Fraudulent Operation, Delray Beach Car Dealer Charged With Multiple Counts Of Fraud, DUI Charge For Boca Raton Man, Arrested Saturday. David Beall, 57, of the 21400 block of Bridge View Drive in West Boca Raton was arrested late Thursday night. That crime rate is nearly 40 times as high as in West Delray, and roughly quadruple the county average of one count per hundred residents. Boca Raton Police are telling people to avoid the area of 400-700 West Palmetto Park Road due to a potential explosive device. The associate was in custody in Venezuela at the time and Da Silva Castros location was unknown. Canal Points zip code 33438 was second-worst, but the population is only 354 so the numbers are statistically dubious. Contrary to more hyperbole being shared by a Boca Raton-based news website/personal blog, there was no double stabbing in West Boca Raton last night. The Broward Sheriff's Office has arrested a suspect wanted for the murder of Carl Jones who was shot to death on Christmas. This is the second in our series on crime rates. You cant charge someone for a misdemeanor (a crime) when the legislature defines it as noncriminal. A man was arrested after an explosive was found in a bag checked onto a Florida-bound flight at an eastern Pennsylvania airport, federal authorities said. Boca Post provides the most accurate, honest, and objective reporting on local Boca Raton Arrests available. Broadcast stations must credit on air. Local News and Real Estate for West Boca Raton. Da Silva Castro and a Venezuelan associate allegedly defrauded Betteroads Asphalt Corp. (subsidiary of Empresas Daz) of $7.8 million in 2011. A William Dandy Middle School student has been arrested for bringing a gun to school on Friday, December 9th, 2022. You can see my arrest in the video below: While Id like to think of myself as the hero of this story, the real hero is Sergeant Alejandro Escobar. Boca Raton has nine zip codes. In Kings Point Delray Beach, Nearly 20 Residents Arrested In 2022. Content copyright 2023 Metro Desk Media, LLC. He is required to register in person every 6 months with the Sheriffs office. Please contact her if you are interested in a listing in our Summer Camp Directory or being a sponsor of West Boca News. In West Boca there were 1.7 arrests and 2.9 counts per thousand people in the first quarter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neighbors tell WPTV it's in the area by a directory and mailboxes. Yes, I was arrested last week in Coral Gables. But proving his guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Demographics may play an interesting role in the numbers. Measured by arrest counts vs. population, West Delray Beachs zip code 33446 has the lowest crime rate in Palm Beach County. Boca Raton Man Arrested After Accidentally Shooting Friend, Woman Stabs Boyfriend In Watergate Mobile Home Estates, Arrested, VOYEURISM: Wellington Man Records Woman In Dressing Room At Wellington Mall, Arrested, DROWNING: 6-Year-Old Drowns In A Tamarac Canal, Man Struck, Killed By Tri-Rail Train In Delray Beach, UPDATE: Woman Killed, 3 Others Injured After Shooting In Breckenridge, Elderly Man Slapped By Nude Swimmer At A Delray Beach Park, Man Struck By Car, Killed In Pompano Beach, UPDATE: 2nd Victim Dies After Car Crashed Into Kings Point Condo, 33-Year-Old Woman Killed In Boca Raton Crash, GUN ON CAMPUS: Student Brings Gun To School, Arrested, DO OVER: New Election Required To Determine PBC School Board Chair And Vice Chair, BREAKING: PBC Closes School Wednesday, Thursday As Tropical Storm Nicole Nears. The Boca Raton Police are thankful for the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the United States Air Force's 482 Explosive Ordinance Disposal Flight yesterday while investigating a report of a barricaded subject with a grenade along the 30 block of SW 5th Way. February 24, 2023 February 24, 2023 BOCA NEWS NOW. We still think its a weak arson case. Next we have Alexa Shuman (also 23) of Boca West. Content copyright 2023 Metro Desk Media, LLC. No one was shot. Boca Post is an honest, unbiased, hyperlocal news source covering Boca Raton and the surrounding areas. Please keep in mind that there are all kinds of potential problems with our analysis. West Des Moines police have made an arrest in a hit-and-run crash that seriously injured a man four months ago. ANOTHER RESIDENT ARRESTED IN DELRAY BEACH, DIVERGING DIAMOND: Its Not Done Yet, FDOT Says Work Is Ongoing, KINGS POINT DOUBLE DEATH, LATEST ON CRASH, FIRE. David Beall Jailed Early Thursday. In the next part we will go through Boca Raton to see which zip codes have the most arrests and which have the least. Its the DUI charge that landed her in [], BY: STAFF REPORT | DELRAY BEACH, FL ( (Copyright 2023 MetroDesk Media, LLC) An arrest report obtained by reveals more details about how Delray Beach auto dealer Jason Dennis allegedly engaged in multiple fraudulent transactions as owner of Car City an automotive dealership in West Palm Beach. This is after they say hate groups have declared Saturday National Hate Day, which appears to be targeting the Jewish community with at least one report of anti-Semitism in Palm Beach From the arrest report, it appears that Mr. Agudelo voluntarily appeared at the Sheriffs office on Gun Club Road in West Palm Beach. We did not look at the type or severity of the crimes people were arrested for at least not yet. It does not require you to hand it over. She was booked Friday morning and released that afternoon. A heated argument turned violent and a couple from Boca Raton's Century Village community ended up in jail on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023. We see a possible connection between the two associated with North Bay Village, an island between Miami and Miami Beach along the JFK Causeway. A 40-year-old Boca Raton woman has been arrested after stabbing her 24-year-old boyfriend. Lets start with the zip codes that have the fewest arrests. Welcome to South Florida. The Spanish River grad might be a fan of another Chris, the Birdman, of the Miami Heat. To be clear, we are referring to the address listed for the person arrested. On review of the affidavits, the arson charge looks like a stretch. According to investigators, Heerawan set fire to multiple mattresses as well as vegetation outside of the home on the 10600 block of Boca Entrada Boulevard, where he lives with his parents. And the #1 West Delray is probably our sixth zip code since we often hear from readers in Saturnia Isles, The Bridges, and Mizner Country Club. News Desk - June 11, 2022 Boca Raton Arrests Boca Raton's Kristy Jerez Arrested After Threatening To Kill Husband's Ex-Fiance Children They also found substantial correspondence between Mr. Agudelo and a different woman [name omitted] (25) who has had a couple traffic cases in Broward County. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is urging people of the Jewish community to be vigilant and aware this weekend. All Rights Reserved. He has some history including a felony burglary in 2011 for which he got probation, and a 2003 felony case in Broward with burglary, indecent exposure and prowling counts. I had published a book in 2013 called Fair DUI. According to investigators from the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office as well as Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Heerawan is responsible for two separate fires at a home in the Meadow Lakes community located in West Boca on November 1st and November 13th. Third, some of the zip codes we included are small, making the data a bit less reliable. Out of an abundance of caution, there will be no school on Wednesday or Thursday as Tropical Storm Nicole approaches Florida's east coast. Call 561-576-NEWS (6397). Guilt orinnocence isdetermined in a court of law. Her name shows up as a possible witness in a 2009 lawsuit against IHOP, so she may have worked there in the past. Counts can be felonies, misdemeanors, non-criminal infractions, probation violations, recommits and others. ARREST MADE IN WEST BOCA RATON SHOOTING THAT LEFT MAN DOWN ON GLADES ROAD Arrest Boca Raton Florida News Palm Beach County December 12, 2022 CONSTRUCTION WORKER IN BOCA WEST. Mostly south of the 33434 zip code between Lyons and St. Andrews/Military Trail south of Glades Road, 33433 had more arrests with 1.6 per thousand and more countswith 2.6 per thousand. Print must refer to West Detention Center . There was one report of antisemitism in West Boca. Broadcast stations must credit on air. Online must link to We hope to do this again covering a longer period and think that will be more accurate overall. Anthony Brown (bottom right) was arrested Friday by Delray Beach police, allegedly selling cocaine. All Rights Reserved. The affidavits show that the vehicle parked in front of the house was registered in Mr. Agudelos name along with a woman at an address in Miami-Dade County. The Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office says Faraminan, of 136 NW 202nd Terrace, was taken into custody late last week and charged with premeditated homicide. On the far left and most serious, Mickey "Claws" Kibblinsky (age 8) faces three feliny counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon along with trespassing and other charges. As many of our readers know, I am a criminal defense (and personal injury) lawyer. COPYRIGHT 2023 METRO DESK MEDIA, LLC. Sure, that looks pretty clear. A West Boca man was arrested on Thursday after being accused of writing bad checks, totaling $85,000, as part of a business transaction where he was purchasing latex gloves. Were doing a three-part series on crime statistics in West Boca, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach County. Out of an abundance of caution, there will be no school on Wednesday or Thursday as Tropical Storm Nicole approaches Florida's east coast. Richard Utter (bottom left, 46) was arrested Saturday night for burglary. If you want to contact us, please review our Contact Policy first. Some of my activist friends started using them in checkpoints. I did one myself in Miami last year and it went well. This crime report also includes 5 other cases including an East Boca woman threatening police with a gun, an assault, a felon charged with battery in a really weird story, a DUI and also a property damage incident against a young man with a pending rape case in Broward. Boca Raton Standoff Ends, Explosive Threat Unfounded, National Day Of Hate: Law Enforcement Says No Planned Events, No, Missing West Boca Raton Woman Has Been Located, Brightline Limits Operations Due To Bridge Issue, CRASH: Bicyclist Hit By Car On Glades Road, Hospitalized, VOYEURISM: Wellington Man Records Woman In Dressing Room At Wellington Mall,, Boca Raton Woman Rams Ex-Boyfriends Car At FAU Following Valentines Day, Suspect Accused Of Antiemetic Attack In Dania Beach Arrested, Century Village Couple Arrested, Husband Stabbed, THIS WEEK: West Boca Raton / Sandalfoot Holiday Caravan, TOMORROW: Boca Ratons Holiday Boat Parade, TONIGHT: Boca Raton Holiday Street Parade, Traffic Concerns, OUT OF JAIL: West Boca Raton Math Tutor Arrested For Possession Of Child Pornography, West Boca Raton Business Owner Arrested For Writing Bad Checks, Boca Ratons Kristy Jerez Arrested After Threatening To Kill Husbands Ex-Fiance Children, Debra Gudema Arrested For DUI After Crashing Into A West Boca Residence, ARRESTED: Boca Raton Man Leaves Scene Of Crash After Badly Injuring Moped Driver, Hes Out: Former Boca Raton YMCA Camp Counselor Charged With Child Pornography Is Back At Home, West Boca Man Accused Of Kidnapping Woman, Keeping Her Hostage For 2 Weeks, UPDATE: Woman Arrested For Setting Fire To Boca Lakes Apartment Facing More Legal Trouble. 441 to St. Andrews between Yamato and Glades to remain silent which makes them somewhat out of date custody. 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