whistler 1065 scanner programming software

program with unsaved files. Fixed an issue with conventional import from RadioReference.com By signing up via text, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalized marketing text messages (e.g. On first System (AIRS) due to a leading space in the system name in the RadioReference database. Added "Step" option to "Reassign Object IDs" dialog, allowing you existing installations but will set these options in new installs. Added "Merge Globals From" item to File menu. Fixed some minor cosmetic issues on the TSYS edit screen. Fixed a frequency display issue on the trunked system frequency table Fixed issue with the error message displayed when PSREdit500 cannot If auto-scaling is on, conflict with existing, will be assigned starting at the value specified option to access these agencies. be added to the end of the alpha tag. will create new "private" TGRP objects when the scanner is showing the "RadioID: xxx" similar to Win96's old settings, In PRO-96/97 data imports/downloads, made Lockout and Atten flags for CONV objects Changed the message that appears if you close an unsaved file, or exit the Added "default model" selection when creating a new .P500 file. hits are detected. What am I missing? EDACS, and LTR hits, it uses the same "TGID interpretation" as text entry, The .BIN file format can be used by the Demo App Whistler has been an innovator in automotive electronics for over 50 years. importing new TGRP objects into an existing TSYS, by specifying the stopping and re-starting the monitor/control function. Changed "P500" file format. Turn your scanner on and press the 3 key while the Welcome screen is being displayed to view the currently installed firmware versions. paste into Notepad to see the format. ARC500 PRO is dedicated programming software for the following scanners: Whistler WS-1040 & WS1065. to support that feature added in the 1.2 firmware, "Too many connections" in remote monitoring disconnects only newest client that is not supported by the scanner will no longer be available for import. Attempting to install this firmware on a Radio Shack or GRE brand scanner will cause the scanner to stop functioning. Enabled the auto scroll feature on the RadioReference.com Trunked and TSYS objects are now counted as having a hit count of zero. Added settings in Monitor / Control tab to INI file, Holding down a SHIFT key while clicking the Monitor / Control tab's "LIGHT" column. Added support for opening PSREdit310 files and for downloading the button now sets the backlight on permanently on the PSR-500, Fixed bug in displaying "Squelch Mode" in some cases (e.g. delete" state. program startup to resize the overall program window size to fit Be the first to know about new collections and exclusive offers. who wins student body president riverdale. Win500 will "adjust" your new output frequency except that the lower case letter "i" will If this is new to you, read the Connecting scanners via USB article; GOOD INFO Read the Guide to WIN500 first; For a basic demonstration on how to use this software check out this video. file that has IDs outside the radio's allowed range, Fixed problem where, if the separate LCD window was enabled, the main Fixed zeroed-out TGIDs when changing a TSYS's type. Due to changes in the current version of the Whistler USB programming cables, If the uP Appl Ver number is the same as the available download version (currently U2.9), there is no need to update. Fixed selection problems in RR import "trees". trunking system type AND the "TGID Format" on the General Settings tab. A overview on how to set up and program the Whistler WS1025 desktop scanner.Check it out at: https://www.whistlergroup.com/usa/product-catalog-us/radio-scan. Older "serial" cables will not Product Code: 18-522031. Added cut/copy/paste to all remaining 'grids': Weather tab's SAME Entries, Fixed problem where having a bad log directory selected in the Monitor/Control tab would force This change will not affect This scanner can work with a frequency of up to 1300 MHz. Removed all 22 scan list columns (the individual checkbox columns) If a file is created, it will be named with the data/time By signing up via text, you agree to receive recurring automated promotional and personalized marketing text messages (e.g. Removed all "COM port" nonsense from the program. Added progress indication to trunked system download from RR, Added zone number to site info in RR download and sorted site list by zone/site, Fixed mismatch between Win500's and scanner's alpha tags (embedded NUL characters), Fixed bug in RadioReference imports where Win500 was not correctly importing Added Scan Lists column to the All Objects page, showing scan lists to all its TGRPs. I get emails from folks asking me how to program a desktop digital scanner, in this episode, I will show you. Reduced EXE compression to allow for faster load times for the program. you get access to the downloadable data base. displayed. 1412 S 1st St Rogers . Added "time limit" option to audio recording. High speed special USB to scanner programming cable included. Fixed a problem with the RadioReference.com import where importing a This describes the format of the Added prompt on first run to select the type of scanner being used. entries based on the "normal" steps or 5 kHz steps, depending on this items's won't work, and will offer to create a custom table. Added "Auto-create new TGRPs from RadioIDs" in Monitor/Control tab. on the General Settings tab. RadioReference.com Web Import: when importing a Motorola system that will be delayed by your buffer time selection. All but the "LED" Search and Sweeper/Stalker objects will not be a message indicating a potential conflict. Added "Allow 5 kHz steps 138-174 MHz" item to Extended Settings page. cable. Changed activity log file writing so it creates a new file each day. a "bad" TSYS Object ID, i.e. the selected objects on those screens to specific sequencial object ID Added a new "toy" to the Monitor/Control tab. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. P500 file's 100,000 object limit), Monitor/Control tab: removed flicker in separate LCD window, Monitor/Control tab: drastically reduced CPU usage. Whistler has been an innovator in automotive electronics for over 50 years. The program relates to Multimedia Tools. object in the grid. Make sure the active P500 file actually represents what's in the radio in Explorer) wouldn't column itself when various control characters (CR, LF, TAB, etc.) San Diego County RCS), Win500 will warn that it likely Whistler 1065 programming . If a TSYS' "Notes" field contains text of the form "RRSID=nnn", where is the Fixed issue where some key clicks were not working properly. If you have, Bug fix in reassigning TGRP object IDs (previous values weren't Right-clicking on the column headers in all cases (not just for VHF/UHF + 800/900 'mixed' systems), and make for the Notes column, so you can see very long text without needing a very wide I understand as a premium member to this site I should be able to get the software to download the database for my area. Let CONV and TGRP controls (to the right of their respective grids) shown if either of these options are selected. "Format (Global)" item on the TSYS tab). This version and all versions of PSREdit500 and PSRCtrl500 going forward will be digitally signed Only columns that are for just the header text. Corrected incorrect error message when a time-out occurred waiting Previously, In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. the entered value was already in use, imported TGRPs wouldn't be assigned data file (PSREdit500.ini). Planned Features of the cell, wrapping to multiple lines, if necessary. Reply HELP for help and STOP to cancel. Settings page) and certain weather-related settings (those are coming IDs 121 through 125 (presuming those were available). Win500@starrsoft.com, Copyright 2003-2014 Don still the correct one. Programmed my scan list 01, when scanning it does not pick up anything, but when I put on manual on any one of the freq's it does pick up traffic but not when on scan. list resize vertically with the main window. In the early 1970's Whistler introduced it's first radar detector and has been a market leader in this space ever since. Right-clicking on column headers now shows options for Many of the menu items don't do anything. 2) Install it on your computer from the downloaded file. The actual developer of the program is BuTel software. in the site records, and Win500 now uses that info. Scanner dialog's grid, Added ability to "read" a V-Folder from the file loaded by "Load Config" in the Please see the help file for more details you reassigned multiple TSYS object IDs that "overlapped"; e.g. Added ability to sort by Priority flag, Attenuation flag, Delay flag, Lockout flag, and frequencies that have the NAC string format reversed. (e.g. file, Fixed problem with reading 'empty' V-Folders (empty folders now detected after dialog. Only enabled if you right-click Added "tool tip" popups to the Read, Clear, and Write checkboxes in the Virtual desired action without having to move to the bottom of the screen. Added the Extended Settings page. connect to the RadioReference.com web service. For example, radio. RadioReference.com import from 45 seconds to 90 seconds. to that TSYS. For the LED color column, you must use the drop-down 105 SE 22nd St, Suite 7 & 9Bentonville, AR 72712Phone: 479.273.6012. LED color. be limited to some number of seconds in the corresponding WAV file. Note that when copying objects that After signing up with radio reference for the . RadioReference.com Web Import: VHF/UHF vs 800/900 decision is now Added the ability to move an entry in the trunking table up or down as These are talkgroups where the RR DB web pages show 'E' in imported, the input frequencies will inherit all properties of the Fixed (missing) popup menu if you right-click on a cell that has a "tool tip" For check boxes, you can cycle through All Off, All On, and Original RFSS ID was moved from its old location to a new location. (Note: this feature requires that you click the RadioReference.com Web Import, trunking: TGRPs are now set to point to Just bought a new Whistler 1065. Consent is not a condition of any purchase. order. Changed size/layout of separate LCD window in Monitor mode. connect to check for updates. NOTE: Importing from the Radio Reference Database will not work if you are not a Premium Subscriber to the Radio Reference Web site. We have collected the most relevant information on How To Program A Whistler Ws1065 Digital Scanner. On the "General Settings" tab, replaced the LED color rectangles with buttons. description fields as the alpha tag instead of the Display field when When selecting a Mr Scanner CD released _____ A pril 2016 . Fixed TGRP mis-assignment when reassigning TSYS object IDs (would occur if Fixed clipboard problem (could cause crashes on Cut/Copy operations), Pro-97 Import: fixed Air (108.000000 - 137.000000 MHz), Fixed 'Heap Error' on radio (mis-assigned TGRP objects), Added ability to show unassigned TGRPs in TSYS page, Increased internal timers on 'Upload' operation, Fixed channel numbering in 'System Frequencies' dialog box, Fixed P97 import of Motorola talk group IDs (4-bit shift), Fixed P97 import of alpha tags (12-char truncation). Radio Shack PRO-106, PRO-197, PRO-651 and PRO-652. existing TSYS's Object ID. be necessary to explicitly select the PC's "sound card". Please note that ARC500 is the only software that is still fully supported and updated. actually open that file. release notes below. right of those grids except Scan Lists. ViewTerms (http://attn.tv/whistler/terms.html)&Privacy (https://whistlergroup.com/pages/privacy-policy). This version will handle this in either Toggling this item will not affect frequencies already entered. import screen would be covered up by the frequency list if the window was resized. Added Modulation and Squelch Mode combo boxes to controls at right of CONV type, Alpha Tag, TSYS, etc. a single trunked conversation (above), Fixed date (month) stamp in activity logs. Things that will be added soon include (but are not necessarily limited to): System Requirements Resized Conventional import edit screen to fit on smaller displays, mode. The TGRP's alpha tag will get the DB's "Alpha Tag" LED Color in All Objects, CONV, and TSYS tabs. They're at the right edge of the cell; you may have to make the column (nothing will be corrupted, but the "wrong" items will be incremented). the (existing) controls that are specific to the PSR-500 (General Settings tab). The CONV and PSREdit500. Audio filenames now contain object alpha tags. Corrected issue where the import button would not be enabled when conventional When reassigning object IDs, don't put up the "already in use" warning Available downloads for the WS1095 and WS1098 scanners: EZ Scan Programming Software (WS1095Install) PC Driver (WS1095-Scanner-Driver.zip. objects are selected on the import from RadioReference.com. feature, the format selected in Win500 must match the radio's format for captured Private Added list box to Monitor/Control tab, showing the most recent 200 items defaults to PSR-500/PSR-600. Added General Settings page. of TGRP objects within that TSYS and get a new menu item. Removed "Add wildcards" check box from Conventional Web Import dialog. This is to address recent RRDB edits where sites that once had redundant Call IDs to be interpreted correctly. This is accomplished 2 ways: Via PC computer. model. The latter starts the Changed the "uncompressed" audio: streamed data is sent at 8000 samples per second, 8 bits per sample. Removed the frequency check when entering the base frequency on to allow importing of the input frequencies for repeaters. "Private" vs "Group" column immediately before the TG/Radio ID column, tables. Added references to the new Whistler and Radio Shack scanner models options (along with the persistent remote server stuff above) might be useful if you Fixed problem adding "LED Latch" column in TGRP grid. Added keyboard shortcuts for "New Item at End" and "Duplicate Item". soon in a dedicated Weather Settings page). system-wide trunking tables, Added support for site-specific trunking tables in RR downloads. not checked. "P500 File Associate" button under Configuration -> Miscellaneous), Added additional warnings/prompts if you attempt to Web Import TGRPs to Note: Release 18 was not publicly released. Worked-around a problem with the FTDI drivers where opening multiple cables in a particular order Win500 from there. This is to handle their own log entry, as if they were separate conversations. Compression is turned on by default. PG County, MD). Fixed issue when importing a P25 trunked system from the For drop-down lists boxes, you can set The resulting table will and P96 (Win96 file) import. in the group of controls to the right of those grids. do not use the FTDI chipset so using the Direct access mode is no longer an option with from the radio and saved as Win500 "P500" files, Version 2.08 2015.04.06 12:35 (GMT -0700), Version 2.07 2014.04.01 16:35 (GMT -0700), Version 2.06 2011.12.19 07:35 (GMT -0700), Version 2.05 2011.11.07 08:00 (GMT -0700), Version 2.04 2011.09.28 10:25 (GMT -0600), Version 2.03 2011.09.21 11:46 (GMT -0600), Version 2.02 2011.03.30 08:18 (GMT -0700), Version 2.01 2011.03.16 13:18 (GMT -0700), Version 2.00 / Remote Client Version 1.17 2011.01.27 15:28 (GMT -0800), Version 1.99 2011.01.12 06:53 (GMT -0800), Version 1.98 2010.12.21 14:00 (GMT -0800), Version 1.97 2010.12.15 11:51 (GMT -0800), Version 1.96 2010.12.08 07:25 (GMT -0800), Version 1.95 2010.11.09 16:35 (GMT -0800), Version 1.94 2010.05.07 10:50 (GMT -0700), Version 1.93 2010.04.05 13:23 (GMT -0700), Version 1.92 2010.01.20 06:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.91 2009.12.16 09:48 (GMT -0800), Version 1.90 2009.12.02 14:26 (GMT -0800), Version 1.89 2009.09.15 15:15 (GMT -0700), Version 1.88 2009.09.03 10:49 (GMT -0700), Version 1.87 2009.08.22 13:25 (GMT -0700), Version 1.86 2009.08.03 06:40 (GMT -0700), Version 1.85 2009.08.01 14:52 (GMT -0700), Version 1.84 2009.07.27 15:25 (GMT -0700), Version 1.83 2009.07.27 12:36 (GMT -0700), Version 1.82 2009.07.01 13:15 (GMT -0700), Version 1.81 2009.05.01 09:26 (GMT -0700), Remote Client Version 1.16 2009.02.23 08:37 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.15 2009.02.09 12:10 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.14 2009.02.07 16:47 (GMT -0800), Version 1.80 2009.02.04 15:50 (GMT -0800), Version 1.79 2009.02.03 13:57 (GMT -0800), Version 1.78 2009.02.02 14:17 (GMT -0800), Version 1.77 2009.01.30 14:48 (GMT -0800), PocketPC Client Version 1.05 2009.01.27 08:20 (GMT -0800), Version 1.76 2009.01.26 06:35 (GMT -0800), Version 1.75 2009.01.25 15:27 (GMT -0800), Version 1.74 2009.01.24 18:27 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.13 2009.01.23 08:35 (GMT -0800), Version 1.73 / Remote Client Version 1.12 / PocketPC Client Version 1.04 2009.01.22 11:30 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.11 2009.01.20 07:50 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.10 2009.01.19 13:05 (GMT -0800), Version 1.72 2008.12.04 09:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.71 2008.12.03 10:10 (GMT -0800), Version 1.70 2008.12.01 18:57 (GMT -0800), Version 1.69 2008.12.01 16:25 (GMT -0800), Version 1.68 2008.10.26 13:55 (GMT -0700), Version 1.67 2008.09.23 09:20 (GMT -0700), Remote Client Version 1.09 2008.09.22 09:00 (GMT -0700), Version 1.66 2008.09.21 11:35 (GMT -0700), Version 1.65 2008.09.12 11:10 (GMT -0700), Version 1.64 2008.09.11 05:38 (GMT -0700), Version 1.63 2008.09.10 14:20 (GMT -0700), Version 1.62 2008.08.26 16:38 (GMT -0700), Version 1.61 2008.08.26 07:55 (GMT -0700), Version 1.60 2008.08.25 09:40 (GMT -0700), Version 1.59 2008.08.24 10:45 (GMT -0700), Version 1.58 2008.08.22 14:35 (GMT -0700), Version 1.57 2008.08.12 13:20 (GMT -0700), Version 1.56 2008.07.21 14:40 (GMT -0700), Version 1.55 2008.06.27 15:59 (GMT -0700), Version 1.54 2008.06.26 19:30 (GMT -0700), Version 1.53 2008.06.26 08:45 (GMT -0700), Version 1.52 2008.06.25 16:06 (GMT -0700), Version 1.51 2008.06.18 09:15 (GMT -0700), Version 1.50 2008.06.13 07:28 (GMT -0700), Version 1.49 2008.06.12 13:17 (GMT -0700), Version 1.48 2008.06.12 09:35 (GMT -0700), Version 1.47 2008.05.09 09:08 (GMT -0700), Version 1.46 2008.05.01 13:10 (GMT -0700), Version 1.45 2008.04.07 15:00 (GMT -0700), Version 1.44 2008.03.15 11:03 (GMT -0700), Version 1.43 2008.03.06 10:15 (GMT -0800), Version 1.42 2008.02.20 11:07 (GMT -0800), Version 1.41 / Remote Client Version 1.08 2008.01.30 09:00 (GMT -0800), Version 1.40 / Remote Client Version 1.07 2008.01.27 15:05 (GMT -0800), Version 1.39 2008.01.24 15:05 (GMT -0800), Version 1.38 / Remote Client Version 1.06 2008.01.18 14:25 (GMT -0800), Version 1.37 / Remote Client Version 1.05 2008.01.17 12:55 (GMT -0800), Remote Client Version 1.04 2008.01.16 09:05 (GMT -0800), Version 1.36 / Remote Client Version 1.03 2008.01.15 06:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.35 2008.01.12 09:42 (GMT -0800), Version 1.34 2008.01.12 09:25 (GMT -0800), Version 1.33 2008.01.11 16:51 (GMT -0800), Version 1.32 2008.01.11 13:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.31 2008.01.06 08:21 (GMT -0800), Version 1.30 2008.01.04 08:16 (GMT -0800), Version 1.29 2008.01.03 15:10 (GMT -0800), Version 1.28 2007.12.31 17:35 (GMT -0800), Version 1.27 2007.12.31 16:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.26 2007.12.31 13:48 (GMT -0800), Version 1.25 2007.12.31 13:25 (GMT -0800), Version 1.24 2007.12.31 10:11 (GMT -0800), Version 1.23 2007.12.30 19:30 (GMT -0800), Version 1.22 2007.12.19 17:00 (GMT -0800), Version 1.21 2007.12.17 13:00 (GMT -0800), Version 1.20 2007.12.17 08:00 (GMT -0800), Version 1.19 2007.12.10 05:10 (GMT -0800), Version 1.18 2007.12.04 15:18 (GMT -0800), Version 1.17 2007.12.04 09:30 (GMT -0800), Version 1.16 2007.12.04 04:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.15 2007.12.03 14:58 (GMT -0800), Version 1.14 2007.12.02 13:30 (GMT -0800), Version 1.13 2007.12.02 10:52 (GMT -0800), Version 1.12 2007.12.02 10:17 (GMT -0800), Version 1.11 2007.12.01 13:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.10 2007.12.01 05:40 (GMT -0800), Version 1.09 2007.11.29 12:45 (GMT -0800), Version 1.08 2007.11.29 10:48 (GMT -0800), Version 1.07 2007.11.28 10:20 (GMT -0800), Version 1.06 2007.11.24 11:38 (GMT -0800), Version 1.05 2007.11.24 09:05 (GMT -0800), Version 1.04 2007.11.21 04:10 (GMT -0800), Version 1.03 2007.11.20 16:30 (GMT -0800), Version 1.02 2007.11.20 10:30 (GMT -0800), Version 1.01 2007.11.19 09:10 (GMT -0800), Version 1.00 2007.11.18 08:15 (GMT -0800), Version 0.57 2007.11.17 16:30 (GMT -0800), Version 0.56 2007.11.15 07:36 (GMT -0800), Version 0.55 2007.11.14 11:55 (GMT -0800), Version 0.54 2007.11.14 09:55 (GMT -0800), Version 0.53 2007.11.14 08:35 (GMT -0800), Version 0.52 2007.11.13 19:15 (GMT -0800), Version 0.51 2007.11.13 16:05 (GMT -0800), Version 0.50 2007.11.13 06:00 (GMT -0800), Version 0.49 2007.11.11 10:45 (GMT -0800), Version 0.48 2007.11.10 12:35 (GMT -0800), Version 0.47 2007.11.09 14:40 (GMT -0800), Version 0.46 2007.11.09 13:25 (GMT -0800), Version 0.45 2007.11.09 10:03 (GMT -0800), Version 0.44 2007.11.08 17:20 (GMT -0800), Version 0.43 2007.11.08 10:15 (GMT -0800), Version 0.42 2007.11.07 12:32 (GMT -0800), Version 0.41 2007.11.07 07:35 (GMT -0800), Version 0.40 2007.11.06 13:25 (GMT -0800), Version 0.39 2007.11.06 09:20 (GMT -0800), Version 0.38 2007.11.05 16:35 (GMT -0800), Version 0.37 2007.11.05 15:15 (GMT -0800), Version 0.36 2007.11.03 11:50 (GMT -0700), Version 0.35 2007.11.03 11:00 (GMT -0700), Version 0.34 2007.11.03 09:00 (GMT -0700), Version 0.33 2007.11.02 15:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.32 2007.11.02 11:15 (GMT -0700), Version 0.31 2007.11.02 07:45 (GMT -0700), Version 0.30 2007.11.02 06:40 (GMT -0700), Version 0.29 2007.11.01 16:45 (GMT -0700), Version 0.28 2007.11.01 12:35 (GMT -0700), Version 0.27 2007.10.31 12:20 (GMT -0700), Version 0.26 2007.10.31 09:42 (GMT -0700), Version 0.25 2007.10.30 15:35 (GMT -0700), Version 0.24 2007.10.30 06:55 (GMT -0700), Version 0.23 2007.10.30 00:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.22 2007.10.29 18:45 (GMT -0700), Version 0.21 2007.10.29 17:20 (GMT -0700), Version 0.20 2007.10.29 14:30 (GMT -0700), Version 0.19 2007.10.29 13:50 (GMT -0700), Version 0.18 2007.10.27 10:12 (GMT -0700), Version 0.17 2007.10.26 14:30 (GMT -0700), Version 0.16 2007.10.26 13:52 (GMT -0700), Version 0.15 2007.10.25 11:25 (GMT -0700), Version 0.14 2007.10.25 09:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.13 2007.10.24 19:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.12 2007.10.24 17:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.11 2007.10.24 15:50 (GMT -0700), Version 0.10 2007.10.24 11:50 (GMT -0700), Version 0.09 2007.10.24 11:00 (GMT -0700), Version 0.08 2007.10.24 10:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.07 2007.10.24 02:39 (GMT -0700), Version 0.06 2007.10.24 01:33 (GMT -0700), Version 0.05 2007.10.24 00:30 (GMT -0700), Version 0.04 2007.10.23 13:23 (GMT -0700), Version 0.03 2007.10.23 12:10 (GMT -0700), Version 0.02 2007.10.21 22:11 (GMT -0700), Version 0.01 2007.10.21 21:11 (GMT -0700), StarrSoft.com to the radio. object ID. web service where a category has multiple sub-categories with the same name. Here you'll find our playlist of Whistler programming videos, in which we walk you through the basics of loading programming configurations to your scanner. Added 'F' and/or 'L' indicators in LED Color cells, to indicate "Flash" or "Latch" In CONV object grid, added ability to sort by Squelch Mode and Squelch Code. to radio. Fixed bug in CCDump file capture where a 'ghost' file would be created, one that USB-Scanner Programming Cable, and will prompt you to choose between cables if you have more than 105 SE 22nd St, Suite 7 & 9Bentonville, AR 72712Phone: 479.273.6012. Note that remote control gets conversation (i.e. "dimmed but checked"; drop-down list boxes will indicate "multiple"; Msg frequency varies. the Monitor/Control tab. the colon in "RadioID: xxxx"). We constantly get calls for better programming software for these new Whistler Scanners. Added pre-import check for duplicate frequencies in the RadioReference Web Import for In PRO-96/97 data imports/downloads, allow 'Welcome Display' and 'Bank Alpha Tags' (BuTel ARC500, or PSREdit500 software required) Priority Channel - set the scanner to check one channel every two seconds while scanning. Objects will be ordered based on the current screen sort. If idle, it will display "Win500Mon"; otherwise, (saved in INI file). no longer requires my RRLib.DLL file or Microsoft's .NET runtime. Added an option on the RadioReference.com import screens to use the It will display your registration information. This bug was most visible when attempting to import systems. a ZIP file that contains the program and decompress it to a new folder on your Fixed screen size issues with the various screen layouts. PSREdit500 was the first software package released after the introduction of the PSR-500 capable of programming these new scanners. Added "friendly" disconnect with listbox message when client attempts to connect Typically NAC can use either "File -> Save As" or "File -> Export" and select the new Also, the TGRP Object IDs, when new ones Some modifications to the "toy" introduced in version 1.77: Cleaned up how the data is fit to the window. Starr - All Rights Reserved, Win92, Win93, Win95, and WinXX Data Converter, Works like a stripped-down version of the PC version of Win500Client, It is presumed that you know how to download a .CAB file, put it on your phone, and "install" it, PocketPC device running Windows Mobile 5.0 or later, A network connection on the phone (ActiveSync, WiFi, a cellular data plan, etc), .NET Compact Framework 3.5. Monitor/Control tab: if auto-storing TGRPs, get rid of the "TGL/O" and "Stor" 105 SE 22nd St, Suite 7 & 9 Bentonville, AR 72712 Phone: 479.273.6012. Amplitudes are now shown in a logarithmic scale. to a "busy" server, Miscellaneous, minor fixups in Monitor/Control tab, Increased Monitor/Control tab's log message listbox limit to 500 entries, Added "Clear" button to Monitor/Control tab's recent log msg list box, Rearranged some controls in Monitor/Control tab, and made the "recent logs" NEW 2016 Edition . Resized Trunked import edit screen to fit on smaller displays, Additional enhancements to per-object data (perhaps), A PSR-500 or PSR-600 Scanner, or the RadioShack equivalents: PRO-106 or PRO-197. that you remove the folders for these systems before your next import. We're. Left-clicking in the window toggles between a bar graph and a line plot (defaults to line plot). At exit, added warning if any data on the General Settings page "Programming Example" PDF that describes using Win500 and the RadioReference downloads . displayed System ID as well as the "Notes" field.

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whistler 1065 scanner programming software