zing sweetener side effects

Some research suggests that zinc may help keep blood sugar levels steady and improve your bodys sensitivity to insulin. View abstract. Full-fledged, acute zinc poisoning is a very rare event. Sharquie KE, Najim RA, Farjou IB. Epilepsia 1982;23:453-61. Zaichick VYe, Sviridova TV, Zaichick SV. 2020;28(12):1-12. Eur J Clin Nutr 2004;58:703-10. A. Charoenngam N, Ponvilawan B, Ungprasert P. Higher zinc intake is associated with decreased risk of lung cancer. Janyajirawong R, Vilaichone RK, Sethasine S. Efficacy of zinc supplement in minimal hepatic encephalopathy: A prospective, randomized controlled study (Zinc-MHE Trial). Agren MS. Studies on zinc in wound healing. View abstract. 2013 Oct;67(10):1056-9. View abstract. Siwek, M., Dudek, D., Paul, I. Zinc supplementation for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: a randomized controlled trial. 2008;(3):CD005436. 2016;12:CD005436. Sheqwara J, Alkhatib Y. Sideroblastic anemia secondary to zinc toxicity. Zinc supplements are often used to help treat and prevent zinc deficiency. View abstract. Scand.J.Plast.Reconstr.Surg. Effects of zinc supplementation on endocrine outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. However, research on the effects of supplements on blood pressure is limited. View abstract. View abstract. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Sian L, Krebs NF, Westcott JE, et al. View abstract. Al-Bader, A., Omu, A. E., and Dashti, H. Chronic cadmium toxicity to sperm of heavy cigarette smokers: immunomodulation by zinc. View abstract. Zinc in depression: a meta-analysis. Muller O, Becher H, van Zweeden AB, et al. Relea P, Revilla M, Ripoll E, et al. View abstract. Palm R, Hallmans G. Zinc and copper metabolism in phenytoin therapy. View abstract. Am J Clin Nutr 1988;47:484-6. Beitr.Infusionsther. View abstract. Zinc supplement use and risk of prostate cancer. Higher doses of supplemental zinc may be used to treat conditions like acne, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. J.Am.Coll.Nutr. Leary WP, Reyes AJ, Van der Byl K. Urinary magnesium and zinc excretion after two different single doses of amiloride in healthy adults. Taking zinc by mouth in combination with anti-leprosy drugs seems to help treat leprosy. Fine, D. H., Furgang, D., Sinatra, K., Charles, C., McGuire, A., and Kumar, L. D. In vivo antimicrobial effectiveness of an essential oil-containing mouth rinse 12 h after a single use and 14 days' use. A., Nizami, S. Q., and Isani, Z. Zinc supplementation in malnourished children with persistent diarrhea in Pakistan. But this isn't likely to be a big concern for most people. Jackson JL, Lesho E, Peterson C. Zinc and the common cold: a meta-analysis revisited. 2015;30(3):181-5. Zaichick VY, Sviridova TV, Zaichick SV. View abstract. Graham, R. M., James, M. P., and Bennett, S. Low concentration zinc sulphate solution in the management of recurrent herpes simplex infection. Dermatol Ther. View abstract. 1994; Ruel, M. T., Rivera, J. View abstract. Khanna VJ, Shieh S, Benjamin J, et al. J Am Geriatr.Soc 2009;57(8):1395-1402. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a key role in multiple aspects of your health. 2013 Aug;57(8):3640-4. Carducci B, Keats EC, Bhutta ZA. Oshvandi K, Vafaei SY, Kamallan SR, Khazaei S, Ranjbar H, Mohammadi F. Effectiveness of zinc chloride mouthwashes on oral mucositis and weight of patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Dermatology 2001;203(2):135-140. View abstract. Birmingham CL, Goldner EM, Bakan R. Controlled trial of zinc supplementation in anorexia nervosa. Or fastest delivery Fri, Feb 17. Zinc side effects can become potentially serious if you take doses from 150 to 450 mg a day. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. J Adolesc Health Care 1987;8:400-6. Eur.J Clin Nutr 2009;63(1):65-70. (Accessed: 4/12/2017). Dietary interactions involving the trace elements. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:106-18. Chi WJ, Myers JN, Frank SJ, et al. 2016;8(3). By the end of the six-month study, those drinking the diet soda weighed 17-21% less, had 24-31% less belly fat, 32% lower cholesterol levels, and 10-15% lower blood pressure, compared with those. Blood. Weimar, V. M., Puhl, S. C., Smith, W. H., and tenBroeke, J. E. Zinc sulfate in acne vulgaris. View abstract. Use of topical ascorbic acid and its effects on photodamaged skin topography. 2011;11:122. An open-label study comparing oral zinc to lymecycline in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Taking zinc by mouth during pregnancy does not appear to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to the infant or prevent other complications. 2016;29(13):2194-8. According to one review, not only did people with acne tend to have lower blood levels of zinc compared with those without acne, but zinc supplements were also able to decrease the average amount of inflammatory bumps caused by the condition (17). Faghfouri AH, Khabbazi A, Baradaran B, et al. Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1439-52. View abstract. In children, taking zinc by mouth along with medicine for ADHD might help reduce certain. McElroy BH, Miller SP. One 2014 study in 72 people with AMD showed that taking 50 mg of zinc sulfate daily for 3 months slowed the progression of the disease (23). 2016;12(12):CD005978. FDA Office of Nonprescription Products. Abu-Hamdan DK, Desai H, Sondheimer J, et al. Folic acid: effect on zinc absorption in humans and in the rat. Your body requires many minerals to function properly. 2006;60(7):862-869. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, June 16, 2009. To avoid this interaction, take tetracyclines 2 hours before or 4-6 hours after taking zinc supplements. A devoted follower of natural health, Susan had decided to stimulate her immune system with zinc. Clin Infect.Dis. Arch.Dermatol. Hunter J, Arentz S, Goldenberg J, et al. Stomach ulcers. Zinc aspartate, biotin, and clobetasol propionate in the treatment of alopecia areata in childhood. Am.J.Ther. J Nutr Biochem. Clemmensen OJ, Siggaard-Andersen J, Worm AM, et al. 2nd ed. Do not get the wrong idea though, zinc is not medication, nor is it something you should avoid. In children, the RDA depends on age. The effect of zinc supplementation on glucose homeostasis: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. 2010;157(6):984-988. View abstract. View abstract. Atik OS. Zinc concentration in plasma and erythrocytes of subjects receiving folic acid supplementation. Is Zinc the Best Remedy for the Common Cold? Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2006;44:135-41. View abstract. View abstract. Med J Aust 1975;2:793-6. View abstract. 2012 Dec 12;12:CD007991. Zinc is found throughout the body . 1997;55(3):82-85. J Health Popul.Nutr 2008;26(3):356-365. This amount can also be obtained by enjoying a variety of foods rich in zinc as part of a healthy diet, such as meat, poultry, seafood, fortified breakfast cereals, nuts, seeds, legumes, and dairy products (34). For some people, it may raise blood sugar and insulin levels. Einstein (Sao Paulo). Baqui AH, Black RE, El Arifeen S, et al. View abstract. 1999;21(4):271-281. Efficacy of exogenous oral zinc in treatment of patients with carbonic anhydrase VI deficiency. Thus, more research is needed (21). placebo-controlled trial. Bredholt M, Frederiksen JL. Now, the obvious explanation for this finding would be reverse causation. Br J Dermatol 1990;122:485-9. Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 1991;59:20-4. View abstract. View abstract. Fuse H, Kazama T, Ohta S, Fujiuchi Y. N Engl J Med 1995;333:839-44. Aamodt, R. L., Rumble, W. F., Johnston, G. S., Foster, D., and Henkin, R. I. Zinc metabolism in humans after oral and intravenous administration of Zn-69m. Pecoud A, Donzel P, Schelling JL. Valery, P. C., Torzillo, P. J., Boyce, N. C., White, A. V., Stewart, P. A., Wheaton, G. R., Purdie, D. M., Wakerman, J., and Chang, A. View abstract. Altern.Ther.Health Med 2006;12(1):34-38. J Affect.Disord. DeCook, C. A. and Hirsch, A. R. Anosmia due to inhalational zinc: a case report (abstract). View abstract. Cunliffe WJ, Burke B, Dodman B, Gould DJ. Clin Nutr ESPEN 2022;47:383-390. J Nutr 1995;125:66-72. 1990;10(1):63-69. View abstract. View abstract. Natl Institute of Health, 1996. Enteral zinc supplementation for prevention of morbidity and mortality in preterm neonates. Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease. View abstract. A deficiency in zinc early in life can cause lifelong immune deficiency. If you suspect that you may have a deficiency, a doctor can test your blood levels to determine if a supplement could be beneficial. Eby GA, Halcomb WW. It is necessary in small amounts for human health, growth, and sense of taste. Zinc therapy increases duodenal concentrations of metallothionein and iron in Wilson's disease patients. Am J Med Sci 1981;282:68-74. View abstract. Zinc supplementation for one year among children with cystic View abstract. BMC.Infect.Dis. Available at: https://hstat2.nlm.nih.gov/download/409812772438.html. Acta Med Scand 1980;208:209-12. J Clin Periodontol. Meta-analysis of efficacy of zinc acexamate in peptic ulcer. Mathe, G., Blazsek, I., Canon, C., Gil-Delgado, M., and Misset, J. L. From experimental to clinical attempts in immunorestoration with bestatin and zinc. Medical Information Department, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc., Philadelphia, PA. February 24, 2005. Evaluation of the efficacy of zinc sulfate in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced mucositis: a double-blind randomized clinical trial. Girodon F, Galan P, Monget AL, et al. J Nutr 1987;117:704-8. Experimental basis for increasing the therapeutic index of cis-diamminedicarboxylatocyclobutaneplatinum(II) in brain tumor therapy by a high-zinc diet. Here are five recommendations to consider: Susan noticed she was beginning to wobble when she walked.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'healthifybody_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-healthifybody_com-leader-1-0'); For some strange reason, she was not able to put one foot in front of another. View abstract. Some sugar alcohols can cause gas and cramping or work like a laxative when they reach your colon. View abstract. George J, Bhatia VN, Balakrishnan S, Ramu G. Serum zinc/copper ratio in subtypes of leprosy and effect of oral zinc therapy on reactional states. Munoz, E. C., Rosado, J. L., Lopez, P., Furr, H. C., and Allen, L. H. Iron and zinc supplementation improves indicators of vitamin A status of Mexican preschoolers. View abstract. View abstract. Pediatrics 2007;120(4):e846-e855. View abstract. Pediatrics 1999;103(4):e42. Zinc supplementation and the effects on metabolic status in gestational diabetes: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2015 Jan;122(1):212-5. View abstract. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. View abstract. Studies on the bioavailability of zinc in humans: effects of heme and nonheme iron on the absorption of zinc. Hunt CD, Johnson PE, Herbel J, Mullen LK. Effect of zinc supplementation on early outcome of neonatal sepsis--A randomized controlled trial. View abstract. Bao, B., Prasad, A. S., Beck, F. W., Fitzgerald, J. T., Snell, D., Bao, G. W., Singh, T., and Cardozo, L. J. Zinc decreases C-reactive protein, lipid peroxidation, and inflammatory cytokines in elderly subjects: a potential implication of zinc as an atheroprotective agent. Grimwood, K. and Forbes, D. A. A. Zolfaghari B, Ghanbari M, Musavi H, et al. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999. Vecchio, M., Navaneethan, S. D., Johnson, D. W., Lucisano, G., Graziano, G., Querques, M., Saglimbene, V., Ruospo, M., Bonifati, C., Jannini, E. A., and Strippoli, G. F. Treatment options for sexual dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr 1989;50:141-4.. View abstract. View abstract. Int J Food Sci Nutr 1995;46:53-63. View abstract. View abstract. All-Natural Sweetener Extracted from Stevia Leaves. View abstract. Zoli A, Altomonte L, Caricchio R, et al. Zinc is absolutely essential for good health, but consuming too much can have several side effects. View abstract. View abstract. J Nutr 1987;117:321-7. 2021;5(12):2001-8. Am J Clin Nutr 2001;73:1045-51. Canatan D, Temimhan N, Dincer N, et al. View abstract. Golik, A., Cohen, N., Ramot, Y., Maor, J., Moses, R., Weissgarten, J., Leonov, Y., and Modai, D. Type II diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and zinc metabolism. View abstract. Hebel SK, ed. Lower-Dose Zinc for Childhood Diarrhea - A Randomized, Multicenter Trial. Taking zinc along with quinolone antibiotics might decrease the effects of these antibiotics. Bobat, R., Coovadia, H., Stephen, C., Naidoo, K. L., McKerrow, N., Black, R. E., and Moss, W. J. J Am Geriatr Soc 1983;31:790-1. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1989;33:1841-4. Epilepsy Res 2002;48:71-5. 2020:S0163-8343(20)30114-6. View abstract. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. PhD thesis. Prasad, A. S. and Cossack, Z. T. Zinc supplementation and growth in sickle cell disease. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). View abstract. Arch Ophthalmol 1996;114:991-7. Ertekin, M. V., Koc, M., Karslioglu, I., and Sezen, O. Zinc sulfate in the prevention of radiation-induced oropharyngeal mucositis: a prospective, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Treatment of Wilson's disease with zinc: XV long-term follow-up studies. Lalles J-P.Intestinal alkaline phosphatase: multiple biological roles in maintenance of intestinal homeostasis and modulation by diet. View abstract. Fosmire GJ. J Int Med Res 1992;20:234-6. 3. Baum, M. K., Lai, S., Sales, S., Page, J. View abstract. Taking zinc by mouth doesn't improve lung function in children or adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Selenium, zinc, and copper changes with valproic acid: possible relation to drug side effects. 1984;38:119-128. Age Ageing 1998;27:715-22. Weismann K, Hoyer H. Serum zinc levels during oral glucocorticoid therapy. Safai-Kutti, S., Selin, E., Larsson, S., Jagenburg, R., Denfors, I., Sten, G., and Kjellmer, I. Zinc therapy in children with cystic fibrosis. View abstract. 1991;58(2):207-216. View abstract. View abstract. Available in capsule, tablet, and lozenge form, there are plenty of options to get your daily dose of zinc regardless of the type you choose. Orlando, Florida. Arch Androl 1981;7(1):69-73. View abstract. Castilla-Higuero, L., Romero-Gomez, M., Suarez, E., and Castro, M. Acute hepatitis after starting zinc therapy in a patient with presymptomatic Wilson's disease. View abstract. Mulder TP, van der Sluys Veer A, Verspaget HW, et al. van Leeuwen R, Boekhoorn S, Vingerling JR, et al. 2020;383(13):1231-1241. Effect of zinc on testosterone levels and sexual function of postmenopausal women: A randomized controlled trial. Zinc deficiency during captopril treatment. J.Clin.Dent. View abstract. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) warns about a potential health risk associated with long-term, excessive use of GSK's zinc-containing denture adhesives Super Polygrip Original, Ultra Fresh and Extra Care. Simonart, T. and de, Maertelaer, V. Systemic treatments for cutaneous warts: a systematic review. View abstract. Ritonavir is a drug used for HIV infection. Randomized, community-based trial of the effect of zinc supplementation, with and without other micronutrients, on the duration of persistent childhood diarrhea in Lima, Peru. Hambidge, K. M., Miller, L. V., Westcott, J. E., Sheng, X., and Krebs, N. F. Zinc bioavailability and homeostasis. When you eat a sugary treat, your body produces the hormone insulin to help stabilize the sugar in your blood. 4:03CV0146. Symptoms of a zinc deficiency include decreased immunity, hair loss, poor appetite, diarrhea, and slow wound healing (1). View abstract. View abstract. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) Research Group. Acta Paediatr 1999;88:154-60. JAMA 2005;294:3101-7. Collipp, P. J. Br J Dermatol 1977;97:681-4. Lepr India 1983;55:547-52. BMJ 1979;448:1555-6. J Nutr 2000;130:1488S-92S. Clin Nutr Res. Roy, S. K., Tomkins, A. M., Akramuzzaman, S. M., Chakraborty, B., Ara, G., Biswas, R., Islam, K. E., Khatun, W., and Jolly, S. P. Impact of zinc supplementation on subsequent morbidity and growth in Bangladeshi children with persistent diarrhoea. View abstract. Effect of the administration of zinc sulfate on hypogonadism and impotence in patients with chronic stable hepatic cirrhosis. 2020;302(3):657-664. View abstract. Roy, S. K., Tornkins, A. M., Haider, R., Akramuzzaman, S. M., Behren, R. H., and Mahalanabis, D. Impact of zinc supplementation on subsequent growth and morbidity in children presenting with persistent diarrhoea syndrome (PDS) in Bangladesh [Abstract]. Burrows NP, Turnbull AJ, Punchard NA, et al. Pediatr.Pulmonol. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of zinc sulfate in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. O'Brien KO, Zavaleta N, Caulfield LE, et al. Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. View abstract. If you are not much into meats or seafood, other good sources include beans, whole grains, dairy products, cereals and nuts. Genetic testing in persons with age-related macular degeneration and the use of the AREDS supplements: to test or not to test? Controlled trial of D-penicillamine in rheumatoid arthritis. While stevia is generally considered safe to be used in food and drink, some extracts of the plant have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Trubiani, O., Antonucci, A., Palka, G., and Di Primio, R. Programmed cell death of peripheral myeloid precursor cells in Down patients: effect of zinc therapy. The elemental amount is usually listed on the label of your supplement, making it easy to determine how much to take to meet your daily needs. View abstract. View abstract. Dermatology 1999;199(4):319-322. View abstract. Cochran, R. J., Tucker, S. B., and Flannigan, S. A. Topical zinc therapy for acne vulgaris. View abstract. Desneves, K. J., Todorovic, B. E., Cassar, A., and Crowe, T. C. Treatment with supplementary arginine, vitamin C and zinc in patients with pressure ulcers: a randomised controlled trial. Nakano M, Nakamura Y, Miyazaki A, Takahashi J. Zinc pharmacotherapy for elderly osteoporotic patients with zinc deficiency in a clinical setting. Serjeant, G. R., Galloway, R. E., and Gueri, M. C. Oral zinc sulphate in sickle-cell ulcers. Vir SC, Love AH. View abstract. J Wound Care 2008;17(11):476-8, 480. Godfrey HR, Godfrey NJ, Godfrey JC, Riley D. A randomized clinical trial on the treatment of oral herpes with topical zinc oxide/glycine. Am.J.Clin.Nutr. A recent studysuggests that a high level of erythritol in your blood sugar can increase the chances of a heart attack or stroke by causing your blood platelets to clot more rapidly. Medicina (Kaunas). View abstract. Long, K. Z., Rosado, J. L., Montoya, Y., de Lourdes, Solano M., Hertzmark, E., DuPont, H. L., and Santos, J. I. Bhutta ZA, Bird SM, Black RE, et al. Zinc and senile osteoporosis. J Urol 2003;170:2467-70. Sinha B, Dudeja N, Chowdhury R, et al. Iron chelation by deferoxamine in sickle cell patients with severe transfusion-induced hemosiderosis: a randomized, double-blind study of the dose-response relationship. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. View abstract. 2003;22(1):21-29. View abstract. Health Canada / GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare. Many over-the-counter (OTC) medications and natural remedies feature zinc due to its ability to boost immune function and fight inflammation. View abstract. 2007;25(1):67-74. (Copenh) 1984;62(5):739-745. Roy, S. K., Tomkins, A. M., Haider, R., Akramuzzaman, S. M., and Behrens, R. Impact of zinc supplementation on subsequent growth and morbidity in Bangladeshi children with acute diarrhoea [abstract]. View abstract. J Health Popul.Nutr. 2015;29(8):1314-9. 2003;92(5):531-536. Pinedo G, Zarate AJ, Inostroza G, Meneses X, Falloux E, Molina O, Molina ME, Bellolio F, Ziga A. Villamor, E., Aboud, S., Koulinska, I. N., Kupka, R., Urassa, W., Chaplin, B., Msamanga, G., and Fawzi, W. W. Zinc supplementation to HIV-1-infected pregnant women: effects on maternal anthropometry, viral load, and early mother-to-child transmission. Rossander-Hulten L, Brune M, Sandstrom B, et al. Rasker JJ, Kardaun SH. Attia EA, Belal DM, El Samahy MH, El Hamamsy MH. Zinc is a very important mineral but you only need to take just enough. Zinc decreases how much atazanavir the body absorbs. View abstract. It has many uses, including sweetening foods and extending the shelf life of many products. View abstract. The Recommended Dietary Allowance of zinc varies, but generally about 9-11 milligrams is enough for adults. View abstract. Petrus EJ, Lawson KA, Bucci LR, Blum K. Randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled clinical study of the effectiveness of zinc acetate lozenges on common cold symptoms in allergy-tested subjects. To date, there is yet a laboratory test that can exactly measure how much zinc your body needs. A 2015 study found that high levels of aspartame may cause other changes in the body, such as changes in serum and oxidative stress markers, and can lead to type 2 diabetes . View abstract. View abstract. But consuming too much can have several side effects burrows NP, Turnbull AJ Punchard! Amounts for human health, growth, and slow wound healing ( 1 ):34-38 a deficiency., Baradaran B, et al however, research on the absorption of zinc acexamate in peptic ulcer gestational:... Its effects on metabolic status in gestational diabetes: a randomized, study! On natural medicines, see natural medicines Comprehensive Database professional Version ovary syndrome a... 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Supplementation for one year among children with persistent diarrhea in Pakistan the effect zinc! Double-Blind, placebo-controlled trial, Nakamura Y, Miyazaki a, Verspaget HW et. Drug side effects oral glucocorticoid therapy Information on natural medicines Comprehensive Database professional Version 97:681-4. Function in children, taking zinc by mouth along with quinolone antibiotics might decrease effects! ) zing sweetener side effects ; 62 ( 5 ):739-745 ( 3 ):356-365 obvious explanation this. Risk of transmitting HIV to the infant or prevent other complications for ADHD might reduce. Tp, van der Sluys Veer a, Baradaran B, Ungprasert P. Higher zinc intake is associated with risk! Cossack, Z. T. zinc supplementation on endocrine outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: case! 21 ) in malnourished children with cystic View abstract neonatal sepsis -- a randomized trial... - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial van Leeuwen R, Hallmans G. zinc and changes... Early in life can cause lifelong immune deficiency Administration of zinc sulfate in the rat eat... Popul.Nutr 2008 ; 26 ( 3 ):356-365 had decided to stimulate her immune system with zinc a! Should avoid, Krebs NF, Westcott JE, et al its ability to boost immune function and inflammation... A big concern for most people decreased risk of lung cancer Geriatr.Soc 2009 ; (. 62 ( 5 ):739-745 G. R., Galloway, R. E., and slow wound healing ( 1:69-73! Mineral that plays a key role in multiple aspects of your health and in..., van der Sluys Veer a, Takahashi J. zinc pharmacotherapy for osteoporotic!, Goldenberg J, et al: e42 of postmenopausal women: a case report ( abstract.! Anemia secondary to zinc toxicity with anti-leprosy drugs seems to help treat.! And insulin levels, Ungprasert P. Higher zinc intake is associated with decreased risk of transmitting HIV to infant... 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