Many factors affect vaginal odor and pH, including diet, hygiene, and sexual activity. Neither did I. Heres what you need to know and when you should contact your doctor. Sweet Potatoes. Obvi, we just can't win ladies. Walk right past these babies in the drug or grocery store. Just dry your vagina with a clean towel. Most cases of swollen labia arent serious. And does pineapple really sweeten the pot? Practicing good hygiene is essential for the health of your vagina (and your overall health, of course). Heres how to use ginger to get a nice tasting vagina with home remedies. One of the vaginas (many) superpowers is that its a self-cleaning machine. Shehata NAA. Discover ways to manage your symptoms of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with medications, antibiotics, and home treatments. The primary reason why should make vagina taste good is simply to keep your partner interested in getting down on you. Watermelon flushes out the toxins from your system and helps keep your vagina clean. The first step to feeling better is resisting the urge to ignore your grief. According to the Kinsey Institute, fruit (especially citrus, bananas, and papayas), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others), parsley, wheatgrass, and celery up the flavor of semen . Itching, sore vagina and a burning sensation during sex should prompt you to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach. Cases of congenital syphilis a disease that occurs when a mother passes syphilis to their baby have tripled in recent years. Probiotics for preventing recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Probiotics introduce good bacteria down there, too, 4. Whats more, such foods can help you balance the pH level of your vagina and keep it healthy. Choose a strong deodorant for your underarms. Celery is a green veggie that can do wonders for the scent of your vagina! Weve all heard or heeded the popular advice: Drink cranberry juice to treat UTIs. Foods . The drugs, which are. A tampon starts to smell after overstaying in the vagina which also can be a good cause for infection. It's not really pleasant," he said. On the other hand, citrus fruits (e.g., oranges and grapefruits) can make the smell . Like garlic, curry seems to stick to your skin when you cook or eat it. Vagina! Put your phone on do-not-disturb and get ready to seduce yourself. If the discharge and bad odor from your vagina are caused by a fungal infection, this home remedy will help get rid of it. #9. It increases your metabolism, leading to excessive sweating. (2021). I loaded up on four foodsand one remarkable tablet, more on that laterrumored to change the vagina's taste and/or smell, then had John go down on me to test each one out. (2016). A healthy vagina has a neutral scent that is not foul or unpleasant. 3. Also, avoid wearing tight pants that cause you to sweat. A womans mind should be free from worries of how her vagina tastes when her partner is down there. So, while sex toys made of porous materials can introduce new pH-altering, infection-causing bacteria to your bits, nonporous sex toys wont. As to what not to eat? If you still want your man to take his tongue down there, even after multiple rounds, then it would be better to talk him into using condoms. 4. So, staying hydrated is important to avoid foul vagina odor. You dissolve one tablet on your tongue and, thanks to a taste-modifying molecule called miraculin, any sour foods you eat suddenly taste sweet. But one of the major symptoms of low estrogen is vaginal dryness. Sadeghi N, et al. With that being said, dont expect it to smell like a perfume bottle. (See your gynecologist if that happens.) "Healthy bacteria or flora help keep a balanced pH and the vagina healthy, contributing to a normal range of odors produced by the vagina," says women's health expert Dr . Because you know what? Spend more, save moreSave up to $50 on orders $125+, $30 off orders $100+, and $15 off orders $75+. They help with the circulation and prevent vaginal dryness. Its important to note that most studies focus on supplements with high levels of isoflavones, which may not be present in all foods. A balanced vaginal pH needs to stay between 3.8 and 4.2. The science community has confirmed that eating certain groups of foods will affect the natural pH (the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid solution) and smell of your bodily secretions. Let's get one thing clear: As long as you're healthy, your vagina smells and tastes perfectly fine. Fruit provides vital reproductive nutrients, 8. Otherwise, you will end up with a stinky breath that will turn your man off from kissing you. Either way, it has great health benefits for vaginal health. 8. And celery and parsley both have the power to actually . Gunter said that garlic-derived metabolites could change the odor of breast milk, so it's likely the same reason some people may feel they smell differently after eating garlic. Genital hygiene behaviors and practices: A cross-sectional descriptive study among antenatal care attendees. What causes an imbalance? If it smells bad (like ammonia, cottage cheese or rotting fish), he will be reluctant, or will avoid being intimate with you. 5. Always check for products that indicate higher strength through the ingredients contained. Apple, Avocado, Flax Seed And Water: These are super healthy foods that help in lubricating you down there. My quest to determine whether the things you eat can really change your vagina wasn't about vaginas being unacceptable as they areagain, there's no need for healthy women to change the taste or smell down there. It probably shouldn't be your favorite dish. What about washes, douches, and other hygiene products? Water. A thick white discharge is normal, but when accompanied by a strong unpleasant smell, then a yeast infection might have occurred. Before I conducted my first taste test, I consulted with San Francisco-based gynecologist and author Jen Gunter, M.D., and asked her if there was any reason to believe pineapple would work. If you eat strong-smelling foods such as onions and garlics, it can lead to a . The only possible way to make you taste good down there is by properly cleaning using plenty of water and a mildly scented soap (or no soap at all). Here's our color swatch guide to, The clitoral hood is a fold of skin that surrounds and protects the glans clitoris. Citrus fruits, guava, strawberries, kiwifruit, green and red peppers and broccoli are all rich in vitamin C. Leafy greens should be consumed in abundance. Douches contain chemicals that are irritants. Cranberries or cranberry juice. The trick here is that you're doing it all wrong whole your life. They are readily available and come with few or no side effects. Next on the menu? This is because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Overall rating for taste: 10 tastes and smells just like citrus! He didn't taste like garlic, nor did his semen. But if youre currently dating someone who consistently makes disparaging comments about your flavor or uses it as an excuse not to give you head, dump em. Most supplements such as neem and Lactobacillus encourage the growth of good bacteria in your vagina thus combating the foul smell. This healthy vegetarian lentil stew, for example, contains half of them: sweet potatoes, leafy greens, probiotic-rich Greek yogurt, and avocado. Eating pineapple has a multitude of health benefits, says Dr. Roskin, like fighting inflammation, promoting tissue healing, and boosting your immune system. Stop eating foods that increase metabolism as they cause a sweaty bikini that can lead to a bad odor. When theres a change, you notice. 4. Eat cardamom and cinnamon instead of onions and garlic. If youre really worried about how you taste in bed, add these items to your shopping list the next time you hit the grocery store. You may also like: Try These 8 Things To Have Better Orgasms. Vaginal douching is the process of cleaning your vagina with water or using a mixture of fluids. Cranberry juice is great for improving your vaginal health. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Within a minute of investigation, John declared, "You taste very greenvery, very green. It did! Never criticize your partner's body and be "yay for each other. Take a deep breath in! In fact, Ingber says the thing that affects the taste of your vagina the most is where you are in your cycle. Barking out orders in bed might not be the sexiest way to conduct this experiment, but I was on a missionand a deadline. (A vagina has both good and bad bacteria when harmful bacteria outgrow in number and overwhelms the good bacteria, leading to infections which among other symptoms lead to a foul-smelling vagina.). Plus, it acts as a mild antibiotic and can prevent yeast infections. Is It Safe to Drink Coffee While Pregnant? Spices, smoked foods, onion, garlic, broccoli, asparagus, and coffee are all on the list of foods that can sometimes change the smell of your vagina. This also prevents infection and gets rid of weird smells. You should eat around 200g of pineapple a day to notice a significant change. Track your Menstrual health using Healthshots Period tracker, That said, what you eat affects each and every part of your bodyincluding your vagina. 7. Kinsey Confidential. These will help you smell good, fresh all the time. Rzepecki AK, et al. Do this daily for at least a month until you are back to normal. Getty Images / Animation by Jocelyn Runice. Also, include yogurt and other probiotic resources in your regular diet to rebuild the nutritious balance of bacteria in the body and make the vagina smell good. When youre menstruating, the blood will give your vagina a metallic taste. Pro-tip: Think beyond guacamole! 4. This is because the mans semen has a different pH than that of your vagina. Use the mixture to rinse the vagina thoroughly twice a day until odor goes away. Alternatively, you can drink the mixture a glass a day, until odor subsides. Airbrush nails are dreamy, hazy and so beautiful. Feeling well-rested as hell. This citrusy wonder is rich in vitamin C and acidic in nature. If you notice that your pee . Additionally, Dr Pepper can help to reduce the risk of vaginal . Also, note that foods such as garlic have a strong aroma that can be easily carried in your sweat. Drinks that contain caffeine, such as alcohol and coffee similarly cause your body to sweat a little more than normal. The best female probiotics for supporting vaginal health include those in the Lactobacillus family, especially acidophilus , rhamnosus, and reuteri strains like Lactobacillus rhamnosusGR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14. Literally because when you feel different down there, like with a new odor or more-than-usual discharge, it could be a sign that your vaginal pH is off. Proper vaginal care, such as good hygiene, safe sex, and regular gynecological visits, all play a role in keeping your pH in check. Try these three steps to get rid of feminine odor from sweating. Smelly vagina: 12 reasons for odour down there. Ultimately, John said, "I really don't care what you smell or taste like anyway." But is it a good thing to do? Most, if not all deodorants contain aluminum chloride which is great in reducing sweating. Finally, the caffeine in Dr Pepper can dehydrate you, and dehydration can cause vaginal dryness and irritation, which can also lead to an unpleasant odor. Urban legend has it that foods like pineapple make your cum or vagina taste good, while stuff like stinky cheese makes your junk taste rank. You need to shower and wash yourself regularly to smell good!,, Sweaty Vagina: Causes & How to Stop Female Crotch Sweat Odor, Itchy Vagina After Sex: Causes If Swollen, Irritated & After Unprotected Intercourse. Thats why your urine smells more strongly when youre dehydrated, Ingber says. 2. (2017). Mogilnicka I, et al. It is also helpful for maintaining body's temperature & cell integrity. Tiffany La Forge is a professional chef, recipe developer, and food writer who runs the blog Parsnips and Pastries. After this experience, I can quite safely say John's not just a trooper, but also a keeper. Help fight odor in the laundry by adding a glass of vinegar to your already soaked clothes. Preconception diet, fertility, and later health in pregnancy. However, if you notice a strong unpleasant smell from your vagina, it could be as a result of unresolved health issue. There may be no documented studies to show that pineapple changes vaginal odor. 6 foods that make you taste sweeter down there. And 10 Other Things You Should Know. Discover new workout ideas, healthy-eating recipes, makeup looks, skin-care advice, the best beauty products and tips, trends, and more from SELF. These essential fatty acids were shown to improve sexual function in pregnant women by preventing increased pregnancy anxiety although more research is needed. Vitamin A and pregnancy: A narrative review. Ciebiera M, et al. This can happen due to causes such as infection, hormonal changes, or just poor hygiene. It also improves the smell of urine in a big way! Sounds like chemistry class, right? Women should smell like womenmaybe a little salty, maybe a little sweet, but always with our own unique, indescribable aroma. Asparagus. Vaginal sprays also contain chemicals that cause irritation and inflammations. Even though studies have not shown how to change the taste of your vagina, it doesnt stop women from guessing. 1. Since asparagus is proven to cause smelly urine, how could it not do the same for your vag? Foods and drinks to improve your vagina taste (June 2015): 8 Foods that might make your vagina smell and taste better:, 12Natural remedies to get rid of vaginal odor fast (May 2014), The only time for concern is when it smells "fishy" or otherwise unpleasant, because that can hint at bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, or some other health issue. Herbal supplements help get rid of vaginal odor, along with reducing vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis. Sweet potatoes. Porous materials have tiny microscopic holes that bacteria can climb and reside in. Green, black or red grapes: Know which is the healthiest of them all, Bored of running for weight loss? Vitamin E and fish oil, separately or in combination, on treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. One reason the vagina can smell like onions is poor hygiene habits. It's like a mix of asparagus and grass. Well, it does. Take half a cup of apple cider vinegar and add a glass to lukewarm water. That is to say, it may taste like rotten fish, spoiled meat, or matzah, for example. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Douching tampers with good bacteria present in your vagina that keep the environment odor free. O'Reilly's clients have reported that eating sweet fruits, vegetables, and herbs can "temper the taste of vaginal discharge to heighten its sugary flavor," she says. A moist and warm environment is a haven for bacteria. 2. In addition to Healthline, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Womens Health, Greatist, and more! Getting rid of vaginal odor can improve your confidence in bed and socially. Drinking water in plenty is necessary as it helps the body flush out toxins that build up to cause. Your diet does more than impact your waistline. 1. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. Vaginal cancer: Symptoms include heavy vaginal discharge with a strong odor. Some foods such as coffee, alcohol, and pepper increase your body metabolism hence excessive sweating. Eating less sugar. Stick with edamame, tofu, tempeh, and miso. They're high in vitamin C and manganese, and they also have a good quantity of folate (vitamin B9) and potassium. But John didn't smell or taste it on my vaginaat least not that night. Sugar decreases your vaginas good bacteria ability to fight infections resulting to an unpleasant smell. Apple cider vinegar contains both anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that help eliminate bad odor both of the feet, vagina and even body. You know your vaginas signature scent. Taking a shower and rinsing your vagina thoroughly before sex goes a long way in ensuring you enjoy the full pleasure of the oral. At times, however, the vagina may end up smelling fishy quite literally! Most supplements conation neem, and Lactobacillus which encourage the growth of good bacteria in your vagina thus combating the foul smell. What Happens if This Common Abortion Pill Gets Banned? In fact, keep your entire pubic area clean if you want to have a vagina that smells good and tastes nice. Mix 3% of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water and use the solution in your bath or use a cotton wool to apply onto your armpits. Apart from being useful in throat related infections, it has also shown excellent efficacy in eliminating odor from the vagina. Yogurt with live cultures or probiotic supplements may help prevent yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. That said, what you eat affects each and every part of your bodyincluding your vagina. 2. It is antiseptic which makes it a perfect solution against bacteria. Most of the time its typical, even if it's a different color. A higher intake of fiber may also help to prevent BV. So whether you want a pair of basic black clogs, comfy slides, or some absolutely adorable Pokmon Crocs, you can go wild and save, no matter what you purchase. You know whats hot? (2018). Deodorants do not combat sweat. OSU points out that eliminating these foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables might yield a milder scent. What Causes Vaginal Odor? Water intake and diet modifications can also help, including adding Lactobacilli supplements a type of probiotic to your routine. Here's what we found in our fruity research of all things food and vagina related. 2. Its all about staying connected with your partner through the slump. using flavored condoms during penetrative sex, using strong-scented soaps and detergents. Like other parts of the body, the vagina has a pH level that needs to be maintained within a certain range - 3.5 and 4.5, to be specific - in order to prevent the growth of unhealthy bacteria and facilitate the growth of good . Diagnosis, or treatment toxins that build up to cause smelly urine, how it. Yay for each other, on treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a cross-sectional descriptive study antenatal! Expect it to smell after overstaying in the drug or grocery store research is.. Foul or unpleasant a moist and warm environment is a haven for.! Both of the time strong-scented soaps and detergents infection, hormonal changes, or matzah, example... Fight infections resulting to an unpleasant smell, then a yeast infection might have occurred chloride which is the of! 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