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A look through its contents reveals plenty of cringe-inducing behaviors. It makes me so sad. One of the girls became pregnant because of it. Sexually assaulted a boy 8 times in a bedroom over a six-week period in Colorado when he was a pastor at First Baptist Church in Yampa. There were pictures when he was young, as a paratrooper, and praying in his study. Dr. 1. 7) There was a door that directly and privately connected Jack Hyles office to his secretary Jennie Nischiks office where Jennie could go into his office undetected if she wanted to. He left the church without facing church discipline and with no follow up. Please stop lying about IFB churches. Instead of taking the blame for his actions as the older more mature spiritual leader, Schaap blamed the girl as well as his attorneys for his long jail sentence. Critical thinking was always discouraged and was seen as the expression of pride. Many of the members who followed Shifflett from Calvary to start First Baptist of Culpeper, blindly supported their pastor even with the mounting evidence against him. Did the Apostle Paul receive this kind of treatment? He did step out on Cindy, so divorce was an option, and she took it. Im so glad Jesus sent you by to tell us what to write and read. Sentenced for criminal sexual abuse of a teenage girl within the church. Jack Hyles and Dave Hyles, she recounted the many experiences she had in the Hyles family and the many adulteries, perversions, and abuses of her ex-husband, from the years they were at FBCH to the years they lived in Texas. They do not tolerate dissent and they have complete control when there is complete agreement. No church discipline was taken with Wilson. I suggest you have a close look at the website called Stop the Baptist predators. A church member accidentally found one of the tapes and turned it over to Pastor Tom Neal, Gregs dad. Since believing not makes him lost, believing makes him saved. He admitted that he repeatedly molested a 13-year-old female student at the school. One person gave his testimony of many phone calls he had with a friend who was a student of HAC. http://www.nwitimes.com/uncategorized/fbi-asked-to-join-child-sex-abuse-probe-michigan-kids/article_760a5709-4107-5c95-83ec-94457e7b4861.html, Arrested for soliciting an undercover officer in a local park. He wants us to marry + become eternal lovers!, 3) Schaaps cover stories for his numerous rendezvous with the teen. 1. He had complete freedom within his fathers church to be alone with young girls. Judy, Jennies daughter, recounted the same story and would see them both flash the headlights of their car as a signal to each other. They diligently followed up on these individuals but were extremely disappointed to find that not even one was interested in the things of Christ. A once close friend of Schaap, Jerry Kaifetz, said that Jack Schaap elevated himself weekly from the pulpit beyond what should have been tolerable for any Christian to hear. And so many IFB churches are guilty because they fail to investigate, discipline, and warn. ! 12) Dave Hyles and Brenda Stevens brought her baby to Illinois with them who she had with David Stevens. The other of sorted sexual secrets privately, secrets that only his close family knew. As a close witness of. He told Paula how much he resented his dad for it. http://www.gvlsc.com/2010/09/bob-jones-master-of-divinity-major-sex-crimes/, CHARLES TUCKER EMPLOYEE OF NORTH LOVE BAPTIST CHURCH IN ROCKFORD, IL. 11. 24 are former pastors, and 8 of them had important leadership roles at or connected to their church. no one showed support for the molested daughter or family. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. (CBS) -- The longtime pastor of a northwest Indiana church has been dismissed due to an "improper relationship with a young woman." Dr. Jack Schaap, who . 5. The church simply relieved Lloyd of his duties and he left the state. In fact, Id say quite better because I know me! You dont really believe you know better than these men of God, do you? My answer is still the same today: I dont, but I know what Gods Word says. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZWv0o7E3-Q 7:05-8:17, 10:04-11:50). According to Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jack Hyles daughter, Hyles had affairs, and had a mistress, Jennie Nischik, for many years. Jack Hyles knew about it. (Voyle Glover p 127-128, 423; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 31:45). (Jerry Kaifetz p 78; Testimony of a student of FBCH schools and of HAC, a graduate of HAC and the seminary, a HAC Graduate, a witness to the FBCH bus ministry, a convert of FBCH, 1/6/99, 9/23/02, 9/23/02, 11/3/02 rapid net.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/testim.htm; Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction December 30, 2012 by Tara Lohman; The Hyles Effect by David Cloud p 78-86 Dr. Jack Hyles Enemies of Soulwinning Chapter 4; Repentance and Soulwinning by David Cloud p 16-17). One Pastors School attender said that he has received dozens of communications from Hyles inviting people to various conferences at his church. I said I do not believe it., Hyles Answer to Robert Sumner: UNTRUTH #14 (Voyle Glover p 239-240), When we critique anothers area with evidence, it is called judging. This Wednesday, we will hear the sentencing of disgraced pastor Jack Schaap, who has pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl who attended his church. Dave Hyles had over a dozen affairs while he was the pastor of Miller Road Baptist Church. (Its as if Hyles is saying that God is just as close to the person who is living an immoral, drunk lifestyle than one who didnt pray last night. Marriages dissolved, friends lives were wrecked, and as the children grew, they were rapidly moving spiritually away from the church and from God. Indicted for alleged sexual conduct with a 14-year-old boy in his congregation. He took a guilty plea to the fouth-degree Criminal Sexual Conduct. Beware of the Wolves in Sheepskin The Snakes that Run Our Churches Exposed The Truth about the Jack Hyles Pastor Army. No church discipline was given to them for committing such and act. Please subscribe to keep reading. They would baptize people who didnt understand the gospel. Serious bruises on his child were found by his first wife Paula. How many children and wives were abused from the influence of Hyles and Schaaps teachings on severe discipline and the treatment of wives? It is primarily Hyles that has influenced many of them and they have been spread around the country in multitudes of IFB churches. Hyles would hold lavish parties for the Hyles-Anderson College girls and one of these parties cost $14,000. Well, wonder no more, you who are looking for the latest dirt on the Hyles/Schaap crime family. Well, I am an atheist, so I worship neither your God or government. 300? Jack Hyles was a very prideful man who elevated himself constantly before his followers. The one in deep sin is no different than the one who has a cold heart. Molested two boys that were 13 and 14 years old. http://www.georgianewsday.com/news/60563-james-harris-youth-counselor-charged-with-child-molestation.html, JAMES MCCOY FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AND ASSOCIATE PASTOR AT CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH IN SOUTHINGTON, CT. Sexually abused, exploited, and assaulted a teen girl in the church within a two year period. Got thrown in prison for 22yrs. He would glorify himself through the many pictures he would distribute to people of himself and was honored with a room dedicated to him. She also knew that several of them went to Jack Hyles about their affairs with Dave and many parents of these girls reported Daves behavior to him as well. The latest dirt? HE WAS IDOLIZED AND WORSHIPED BY HIS FOLLOWERS. 2. Christopher Settlemoir showed signs of sexual perversion by racking up $100 of gay porn charges on the cable at the apartment where he was staying as part of the pastors internship program. Hyles and Jennie would give each other secret car light signals as they arrived home. (Note: some of them were guilty of molesting both boys and girls). Mulligan was considered a Hyles Man running his ministry in the style of Jack Hyles. Well the new pastor of fbc hammond Indiana preach on gay are evil and wrong and a pastor should never judge no one only god can judge so i think pastor john wikerson. Even though Hyles didnt specifically go to the extreme of teaching the torture of children, some of the church leadership that followed him were influenced by his teachings on sever punishment and took it further. The church knew that Jerrell had a history of assaulting women but paid him to travel alone to preach, representing the church, acting on its behalf and holding himself out to be a Baptist preacher. I can only imagine how different THAT world might be. Phil Schaap aka Philip van Noorden Schaap was an American jazz disc jockey, archivist, producer, and historian. And if Im wrong (Im not!) Hyles shared stories that motivated people to put the work of the Lord first, even if their families were sick or injured. Dont attempts at cover ups by conservative churches to whitewash such practices, mean that people who are interested in human welfare, like Bruce, have every right to expose them. Or, to put it another wayif everyone believed and interpreted the Bible as YOU dowed have a different world. Yes, it is a very hard truth, as the disciples noted. Hyles wrote advice to married couples about marriage and admonish men and women to be careful around the opposite sex so that there is not appearance of evil, and then refuse to follow that exact advice, even when urged by men in his church to close up the inner door between his office and Jennie Nischiks office. Arrested on another three child abuse related charges. God has demerits and he also has merits. Joe and Evangeline were found guilty of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated assault, aggravated perjury, aggravated rape, and 7 other counts of rape. 11 months ago 5M views 6. Bruce, I feel I must challenge your exasperation, Men who are driven to the level of high leadership that Schapp achieved usually have extreme sexual drives. Jack Hyles would say and do anything to validate his ministry and his massive ego. Unfortunately many of these people have not experienced miraculous regeneration and a new birth in Christ. Hyles allowed Vic and Jennie to live in a separated state for years, and even used his own money to make sure that they remained separated. The Church immediately took the side of the Gregory Jones and failed to conduct a genuine, impartial investigation before declaring that he is innocent. I plan to have the largest baptismal service in the history of Independent, Fundamental Baptists in America, with five baptistries being used at the same time. Yet I dont see any contradictions with any of the witnesses. A Response to Tim Challies (Part Two) | Here's the Joy. In one of the letters that he wrote to the 16-year-old girl, he said that his sexual relationship with her was part of her personal salvation and something Jesus Christ wanted. http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/11259416.html, http://www.theledger.com/article/20071130/NEWS/711300384, MIKE STROUF BROTHER-IN-LAW TO PASTOR JACK TRIEBER OF NORTH VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN SANTA CLARA, CA. The church leadership did not tell the congregation what was going on. As people elevated Jack Hyles in their minds by the stories he would tell about himself, lies, embellishments, and distortions were more easily accepted. According to the many witnesses that I have listed, Jack Hyles believed that, if you didnt see it, it didnt happen. He often told FBCH in one form or another over the years, I often say this: I do not believe an accusation against a brother or sister unless I saw it happen or they admitted it happened. You never disagreed with Hyles publicly or privately. I suggest that we mark a date on our calendar, and on that date we burn the earth to ashes including every idol; every coin; every dollar bill; every temple; every human being; every grave; every crypt; and every blasphemous, ungodly, perverted, lying human being. God knew that evil resulting from the former was not as much as the good resulting from the later. According to him, the victim "seduced him". He exercised no disciplinary action against his son. The following details are short profiles of each IFB church pretender. Jesus is still on the throne. For those who have been abused, if they werent bitter Id wonder if they were truly in touch with their own emotions. The pastor and church continue to support him. The churchs board of deacons fired Schaap and shared with law enforcement officials allegations he had been having sex with a then-17-year-old girl attending the churchs high school. When Jack Hyles was questioned about this, he defended himself by saying it was the slip of the tongue, that he didnt actually teach this. When Jack Schaap found out that Kaifetz read Glovers book, it completely ended their friendship. Repeatedly raped a 12-year-old girl when he was a teacher at Manchester Christian Academy in Port Orchard, WA. STANLEY DANIEL FORMER PASTOR OF EL BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH IN ROANOKE, AL. Not sin according to me or you or any other man but according to our Creator, and I accepted the payment that was made for my sins by Jesus when he shed his perfect blood for me. Are you saying this is a mitigating factor? He kept men who should be responsible in the dark. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/11/17/church-officials-teacher-arrested-in-new-sex-assault-case/, TERRY R. CARLSON TRUSTEE, COUNSELOR, AND BUS DRIVER AT KISHWAUKEE BAPTIST CHURCH IN ROCKFORD, IL, Charged with one count of criminal sexual assault and 14 counts of criminal sexual abuse and six counts of indecent solicitation of a child. And when you have at least 55 independent testimonies all confirming the same thing, it would hold up in any just court. This is my throne! Sermon: I Shall Not Be Moved, preached in 1973 (Voyle Glover p 147), The leader of leaders must learn to share glory. Jack Hyles was the system. This person recounted how her father was reported by a neighbor for child abuse. The pressure that the families of the victims received from Hyles caused them to drop the charges. But I would say this to anyone reading this post: theyre bad people that work at WalMart but Im not going to stop shopping there. Hyles said he would never criticize another Bible-believer and was so adamant about speaking evil of another person. Out of those 63 churches, 22 of these criminals are associated with Hyles with most of them being HAC graduates and several of them being on staff at FBCH/HAC. 21 of them were either former students or graduates from Hyles-Anderson College. The families were followed, there was at least one break in, and a clear message was being sent to drop the charges. The victim said that Schaap made her believe that what they were doing was right in Gods eyes. No one but Hyles knew the income of Hyles Publications, not the deacons or the treasurer of the deacons board, even though it was a ministry under FBCH. There is no Biblical church discipline and no investigation. Gods degree of patience with you when you stumble is determined by how fast you are running. 14) Jack Hyles was forced to say something about his son to FBCH after handouts were distributed in front of FBCH at Pastor School in the early 90s. 7. FBCH is under new leadership. Both Hyleses escaped punishment for their debauchery and perverse behavior. And regarding bitterness, it is a blessed thing, ever so human and real and important and necessary. He was so injured that he spent a week in intensive care and needed a blood transfusion. He was obsessed with things sexual to the point that they permeated his life, charged every conversation and his every thought. The thinking goesGod hates divorce and God intends for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. Then came the weekend, but if I thought Id actually get to see my husband, I had another thing in store for me. D. PROFANED PULPIT: THE JACK SCHAAP STORY. It was a disgraceful practice! Daves first wife, Paula, testified of his serial philandering, as did many others. HYLES WOULD USE THE FRADULENT QUICK PRAYERISM METHOD TO GET MANY PROFESSIONS OF FAITH. THIS METHOD WOULD PRODUCE MANY FALSE CONVERSIONS THAT SHOWED NO EVIDENCE OF LIFE CHANGE. Way of Life Literature, P.O. In order to believe, you have to repent of unbelief. Now some people would look at this and give the response, All these people are liars and are falsely accusing a man of God. But I challenge you, what good reasons can you find to prove that these witnesses are liars? He taught in the Pathfinders Department, the churchs ministry to the retarded. Hyles honored Timothy Leonard and Mark Foeller (who was in jail at the time) at his Pastors School in 1993. Everyone gets married by Contract with the Government thats why the Government grants the divorce. Nobody!theres nothing so deadly as for Gods people to talk about each other! Sermon: The Danger of Union, preached 4-13-70 (Voyle Glover p 54, 56), Im not going to lift up my hand against Gods anointed He may hurt me, but if hes Gods man, I dont wanna hurt him I dont wanna criticize him Sermon: I Have Sinned, preached August 1972 (Voyle Glover p 56), I often say this: I do not believe an accusation against a brother or a sister unless I saw it happen or they admitted it happened I did not say it is not true. He continued to preach, If I were Gods pastor I would remind him and say, God you need man., In the sermon, Thank you Adam, Hyles preached the theme of thanking Adam for sinning. (Jack Hyles is preaching in this subtle way that as long as you have done many good acts for God, you can get away with sins like adultery. James Calvin Schaap ( jschaap@dordt.edu) is a writer and professor of English at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa. She said that other women that he was having affairs with would come to her and confess that they were sleeping with him. If he did not want to change fine divorce him but know this, Cindy was just as responsible for her lack of wanting to be Jacks wife in every sense of the word. have extreme sex drives? However, my fellowship can be strained, but just like my relationship with my earthly parents cannot be undone my relationship with my heavenly Father is unchanging. Jack is doing time for grooming and seducing a minor- Fundies, get over it ! I consider Voyle Glovers testimony to be the backbone of much of the initial details that you will see at the beginning paragraphs of nearly every point I examine. Convicted for molesting a 7-year-old girl. He was one of 4 child molesters who temporarily found safe harbor at this church. Driver in ditch nearly 5 times the legal limit, Porter County police say. He said he was forced to perform oral and anal sex with him two or three times a week. Threatening me with future accountability before a fictitious God really has no effect on me. Some of the members made threats to at least 3 of the victims. Jack Schaap, 64, was released Wednesday from the federal prison system, according to Bureau of Prisons inmate records. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scientists Teaching Bacteria to Preserve Food, Conservatives Blacklisted under Guise of Misinformation. http://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/combs/ http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=216, KERRY MARTIN FORMER HYLES-ANDERSON COLLEGE STUDENT / FORMER PREACHER AT TEMECULA VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CA. And how many souls have been given the false hope of heaven, when they were lead quickly through a short presentation of the gospel, prayed a prayer without understanding what they were doing, and were told that they were saved even though they never really had a heart change through true repentance and faith in Christ? Schaap was fired for having a sexual relationship with a 16 year old girl. i was there also between 1986-88 and always though Jack Schaap was a pervert and was just waiting for the chance to take over FBC when Dr. Hyles passed away. One, for his trips to an Illinois forest preserve, was that he needed to spend time with God walking and praying. To explain his taking the girl alone to his Michigan cabin, he told his assistant that he needed to spend extended periods of time alone with the girl to save herboth literally and spirtually. He posted his own bond ($100,000) and remained free. It was a bit cultish, in retrospect. At least 9 of the churches showed no support for the victims or their family. Let them talk about why they are bitter? Jack Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, pleaded guilty two years ago to taking a 16-year-old girl across state lines for sex three times. It showed Brenda in sexual poses in these ads. A faculty member at HAC called Pastor Voegtlin and told him that he committed adultery with one of the students after he was caught. After that, Hyles would ring the phone once and it would stop ringing after that. This is the next chapter in the story of the First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, an organizationChicago magazine has been following since a feature in the January 2013 issue. At least 9 of them were defended and supported by the members of their church. shouldnt congregations be warned when these things happen and the church tries to cover it up? (Witnesses: Judy Nischik Johnson Book Interview p 394). Kill them! The former son-in-law of Jack Hyles, Schaap is now serving tim. All of his thank yous were to all the people in his life, but not one of them was a thank you to the Lord. A former student who went through the FBCH school system and was a student at HAC said, my first hand knowledge of SO MANY discrepancies in the teachings vs. [practice] had caused me great confusion, frustration, and turmoil. Another former student who graduated Hammond Baptist High School and attended Hyles-Anderson College said that FBC was a cesspool of hypocrisy and Im glad I got out. Another former student of HAC admitted As a young man I read the New Testament extensively and faithfully. The church showed no support for the victim. Hyles wanted to be in charge of what you believed, ignoring passages like Acts 17:11 about following the example of the Bereans. 1 deacon of another church who asked the Sheriffs office to investigate the crime was dismissed and escorted off church property. Jesus says, If I can arrange a contractual agreement where man agrees quietly and honestly that you are right and he is wrong, that he did the sinning and you were holy, I will put my life on the line. The leaven of these churches continues to grow because hardly any church discipline is done, which produces more victims and more devastated families. Jack Schaap, former pastor at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, was sentenced in 2013 to 12 years in prison for his sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parish girl. He was arrested. Mothers would throw themselves into church ministry work and soul winning, giving their all to Jesus, and in the process, abandoning their own kids. Blames attorneys for 12-year sentence. But there was a point in time when I realized I was lost and in sin. 8 were allowed to continue working freely in their same position in the church during their probation or after their bond or allegations. He branded her as a seductress. You dont think he deserved a prison sentence for what he did? David Cloud reported that Hyles repeatedly boasted about the numbers of people that were saved from his ministry. This is mine [pointing to the pulpit]. AS PEOPLE ELEVATED JACK HYLES IN THEIR MINDS BY HIS STORIES ABOUT HIMSELF, LIES, EMBELLISHMENTS, AND DISTORTIONS WERE MORE EASILY ACCEPTED. He recalls being instructed on several occasions to go into the projects and fill the buses with little black boys and girls whom he was told explicitly to never bring into the church auditorium. One simply does not give another woman, not your wife, that kind of money without questions being raised, nor to a woman having marital problems. This is a lie and it is hypocrisy. 8 were allowed to continue working freely in their same position in the church without facing church discipline was to... Paratrooper, and historian found safe harbor at this church when there is complete.! 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