medication management goals and objectives

Remind patients to bring all their medications to their appointments. ), Master techniques and strategies for diagnostic assessment of preschool, school-age, and adolescent patients, Understand the importance and impact of family dynamics among children and adolescence, Understand the importance and impact of school experiences and peer relationships, Become familiar with the various classifications of medications and their appropriate uses with child and adolescent patients, Be familiar with techniques and applications of play therapy, Gain experience with behavior modification techniques, parent management techniques, brief therapy, and longer-term psychodynamic therapy, interview children at various ages including toddlers, latency age, and adolescents, and will understand how to adapt an interviewing style to elicit information, interview families so as to elicit important diagnostic information and to provide information, instruction, and reassurance as appropriate. Knowledge of the psychopharmacologic interventions used in the treatment of cognitive disorders. The goal of metacognitive therapy in ADHD is to improve organization skills, planning, time management, and resolve thinking distortions that lead to negative moods and the perception of limited options. Provide tips for clinicians on strategies to overcome common barriers to medication filling and adherence. Ability to deal effectively with the issues and concerns that the college and graduate student population present to psychopharmacological management. The Behavioral and Substance Addiction Clinic at the University of Chicago evaluates and treats individuals with alcohol and drug problems (including marijuana, cocaine, opiates) as well as those with behavioral addictions gambling, sex, stealing, spending and internet addictions. By implementing this, the CM can do the final check of administering the medications. Improve patient education There are many reasons why so many patients fail to adhere to a regimen. Many patients have come to UCMC for tertiary treatment of complex multimorbidities. Reasonable timeline: 6 months of therapy. Non-adherence is associated with higher rates of suboptimal outcomes as well as increased admission and readmission rates, morbidity and mortality, and healthcare costs. Can use sanitary napkins or tampons appropriately and in a timely manner. Acrobat PDFMaker 15 for Word Consider assertive outreach (including telephone calls and home visits) for patients who consistently do not appear for appointments or are nonadherent in other . At the end of the twelve-month rotation, the resident will have acquired: The resident will be conversant with standards for metabolic screenings, assessment of movement disorders, Depression and Anxiety written inventories, and other standards of care, and will incorporate these measurements into patients' medical records. The resident will demonstrate an ability to: At the end of this rotation, residents will display the following: The Treatment-Refractory Mood Disorders Clinic provides consultation and treatment for referred patients. endobj Referrals are received from all Medical Center specialties and from local as well as regional geographic areas. The resident will evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with: The resident will demonstrate knowledge of: The resident will understand and provide the psychiatric care of transplant patients before, during, and after their surgery. If you can see the customer do something (i.e.-complete a journal There is no evidence from controlled trials to indicate how long the patient with ADHD should be treated with medications. They have the ability and knowledge to implement programs as part of their daily practice to ensure that patients are adherent to their medications. Management Goals and Objectives", November 1981, Management Review (AMA Forum)Management Review (AMA Forum) zS.M.A.R.T. The Anxiety Disorders Clinic provides consultation and treatment on treatment-refractory cases that are often referred from the Department, Hospital, and community. Establish a clear treatment framework (e.g., a treatment contract) with explicit agreements about the following: Goals of treatment sessions (e.g., symptom reduction, personal growth, improvement in functioning) When, where, and with what frequency sessions will be held A plan for crises The evidence on effectiveness and safety of these methods is lacking in adults. If the wrong medication is. hVYo8+|lP. 2. Improve Medication Management and Health Outcomes With Clinical Pharmacist Support It's the HEDIS is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The results of this analysis should be used to identify opportunities for improvement. It should provide patients with steps they should take if they have questions or concerns about adherence. Step 5 - Evaluate and refine. Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings. Objectives help your team understand what needs to be done in order to achieve the intended outcome (goal). When patients fail to get regular exercise, it could be an indication that ADHD is affecting their organizational skills. Residents will gain experience in liaising with community-based (Cancer resource Centers) and web-based resources (Care Pages, American Cancer Society, and Livestrong). uuid:3bfb92e7-2a9b-5745-a0a7-80ed3c9c0d7e Target Date: 10/1/2014. pEb$%_YrEff?7;/_*+WWYdu^DVD&eY]:{{Y~y\_'fi\YfeokMtR,RxR- 1vgj/Vayf7%+.s=>0lJlq! To sign up for updates or to access your subscriberpreferences, please enter your email address below. Residents will communicate with multidisciplinary transplant teams effectively, and receive feedback from them. 416 0 obj <>stream Unfortunately, statistics show that about half of all patients do not take their medications as prescribed. Rockville, MD 20857 Knowledge of the various psychotherapeutic components of supportive psychotherapy with treatment-resistant mood disorders patients, including teaching the patient self-observation, dealing with suicidal impulses, and recognition of mood swings and their impact on judgment and impulsivity. The resident will learn to work with the families of patients undergoing complex treatments. These professionals must also speak up when they see room for improvement in their workplace. application/pdf Sample process that can be used as an example when developing a medication management process. A recognized best practice following discharge is an appointment with primary care practitioners (PCPs), preferably within one week of discharge. Feel a sense of accomplishment. Residents will communicate with multidisciplinary cancer treatment teams effectively and will incorporate feedback from them. And Example Goals and Steps . What follows are descriptions for each of the treatment goals: Knowledge of side effects of the various treatments, and available treatment responses to them. There is a documented withdrawal syndrome for stimulant medications. The resident will learn to work with the families of patients undergoing cancer treatment. It should provide helpful resources that can assist with overcoming cost challenges, filling and refilling prescriptions, and sticking to a schedule that can grow in complexity with the addition of new medications. The clinics collaborate with primary care providers in the evaluation and treatment of medical problems which may intersect with psychiatric presentations, such as sleep disorders, some cortical and subcortical dementias which are comorbid with affective disorders, and the common renal, thyroid, hematologic and hepatic consequences of medications commonly used in psychiatric practice. Overview of Treatment Recommendations for Adults ADHD, FDA-Approved Stimulant Medications for Adult ADHD, Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings, Stratification by ADHD with and without co-existing mental health conditions, Psychoeducation and effective coping strategies for the patient and family, Vocational and/or educational accommodations, Family therapy for adults with ADHD who are parents or have difficulties in relationships, Drug contracts for patients at high risk of substance abuse, Treatment response monitoring Vigilance for any patterns of medication misuse as a necessary part of stimulant prescribing, Review medication use and effects, considering any dose or time of administration modifications (inquire about how long the effects last and any changes in symptoms or medications effects during a day), Monitor for treatment adherence and side effects, Review information from informants (when available), Monitor for signs of substance abuse/dependence. Essential Functions and duties of position included: Provide Medication Therapy Management Review to patients (COA-Care for . Trials of off medications and medication holidays can be used to assess the patient's functioning without pharmacotherapy. hb```f``2g`K@9$V0894 e&a6LdIMm*0e6aJ *d$p0-- (C|*SbCYB #CM f:F+;Z?h~H2X D @ l $; Hs 8LEr05uJ`s;&O9Aq/?g`3 _ Ability to treat patients and their families using the mode of treatment most suitable for the patient in their current situation. Oncology - Effective 2016. Decrease the number and duration of angry . This would alert the nurse that all the residents were getting their medication at the same time, which is impossible. No matter which goal you choose, you'll want to consider the pros and cons of each treatment approach. When symptoms and function improve, visits every 3-6 months are recommended. There is not enough research to conclude what type, intensity, or duration is best. This procedure may be customized to be practice specific. Techniques used in the evaluation and treatment of adults comorbid presentations of anxiety disorders and other major psychiatric disorders (mood, alcohol/substance abuse, and dependence, etc.). Reporting medication errors is beneficial to improve the learning process for nurses. Residents rotate through this clinic for 6-month blocks and see one new diagnostic evaluation and three follow-up patients per clinic. Implementing this system had proven to be cost saving as it improved efficiency and help nurses to have an access for information on the medication fast and easy (Potts, 2004). or psychomotor retardation (e.g., slowed reflexes, moving as if one feels they are weighted down, moving like one is in slow motion, etc. Nurses often excuse the behavior of colleagues when a medication error occurs, or nurses will pass the buck to a senior nurse to report the medication error (Haw, Stubbs and Dickens, 2014). It also includes behavioral rehearsal, behavioral practice, and role-playing. The time that nurses spend in clarifications had greatly reduced and this allows nurses to focus more on patients care. This technology will provide an additional check and implement safety (Poon et al., 2010). 4, Withdrawal Management. Ability to complete psychopharmacologic assessments of TRMD patients and to follow-up these patients. Provide a sample process for use when designing a medication management strategy and implementation. Telephone: (301) 427-1364. Respect for, and communication withreferring physicians, therapists, and caregivers to optimize treatment. The following Goals and Objectives apply to all psychotherapeutic modalities. Sustain a Tripod Grasp Control 4. x\o/Ef_\p stream P P D W s O O " q q q $ P ' ' q q 4. Improve Academic Performance It is a potent selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. The primary goal of treatment is to minimize the impact of ADHD symptoms on patient function while maximizing the patients ability to compensate or cope with any remaining difficulties. Education must speak to the importance of following a regimen and the risks of failing to do so. Top reasons, as identified by the American Medical Association, include fear, misunderstanding, cost, and worry. Learn about the range of medication options for patients with severe mental illness, and what medications are likely to be most effective in diminishing particular symptoms. define target symptoms and then choose an appropriate intervention (e.g. Secondly, the way the resident receives his medications should consist of the CM stating what each of the medications are so the resident is aware what he is taking. - Moderate caloric deficits - Weight loss 1 to 2 lb/week The initial target goal of weight loss therapy is to decrease body weight by 10 percent. Top reasons, as identified by the American Medical Association, include fear, misunderstanding, cost, and worry. PGY-2 residents begin to treat 3 patients in psychotherapy, and PGY-3 residents increase their psychotherapy caseload to 8-10 patients per week in psychodynamic, CBT and supportive psychotherapy. They are specific statements that have a set target that your teams need to reach. interact with patients, their families, referral agencies and support staff in developing long term treatment plans. . The resident will learn to coordinate care and treatment plans with the patients, primary care doctors, psychotherapists, and social workers. Asking patients to follow up with their PCP is well and good, but actions speak louder than words. 9 SMART Goal Examples for Occupational Therapy 1. Referral is always at the physicians discretions with patients preferences considered whenever possible. gain an increased knowledge of the psychopharmacology considerations in a medically ill population and learn to work with the neuropsychiatric side effects of transplant-related medications. 1 Healthy People 2030 focuses on the prevention, screening, assessment, and treatment of mental disorders and behavioral conditions. Since medication error can kill, there is the need to be vigilant at all time in dispensing under supervision. Learn to monitor therapeutic efficacy and toxicity for each of these agents. 388 0 obj <> endobj Initial and follow-up treatment (both pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic) of anxiety disorders, including strategies for choosing a new treatment based on the previous treatment history and presentation of the patient; Familiarity with the literature related to the effectiveness of these treatment approaches, including newly emerging evidence-based medical practices. Residents participate in diagnostic evaluations, treatment recommendations, and ongoing management. Knowledge of psychopharmacology as it applies and pertains to the college and graduate student population. The Clinic is composed of one faculty psychiatrist, 1-2 resident psychiatrist(s), one faculty clinical psychologist with cognitive-behavioral therapy expertise, 1-2 clinical psychology interns, and 2 clinical psychology externs. While methylphenidate and amphetamine have different mechanisms of action in the brain, they generally have a similar effect in terms of improvement of ADHD symptoms. 5600 Fishers Lane The factors of workload, ineffective communication, and distraction all contribute to medication errors (Sears et al., 2013). About half of all people in the United States will be diagnosed with a mental disorder at some point in their lifetime. Residents will become aware of the range of services for patients with addictive behaviors including inpatient and outpatient substance use programs, self-help groups, and other available resources. Whether through a call, email, or use of an automated system that provides instructions, condition- and medication-specific questions, and/or information from their clinician(s), such proactive follow up can help identify regimen adherence issues early and keep patients on a road to recovery. As for private hospital we do practice cost saving and by recommending this system my organization would be able to achieve cost saving as well as incentives and improved efficiency in delivering high quality and safe care for our patients. 3. Some cravings (not usually severe in this initial phase). In people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), problems with metacognition more often encompass difficulty in planning or executing tasks. Measurable, time-limited goal Patient will initiate 2 or more social contacts per week for the next 4 weeks. Through this activity I have learned that it is not always easy to take medications at the right times. PSYCHOTHERAPY LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR SPECIFIC PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MODALITIES, COMBINED PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY. Knowledge of the techniques used in the evaluation of adults with treatment-resistant mood disorders (TRMDs), including evaluation of previous pharmacologic, somatic, and psychotherapeutic treatments. Menstruation IEP Goals. Checklist for staff to provide a quick reference for the steps to creating a medication list with a patient or family member. This multidisciplinary team meets weekly in case-based discussions and didactic sessions. This worksheet (ARIES Master Data Collection Form) can be used to remind Medical Case Managers of the . Neurology - Effective 2018 . hbbd``b`@ H !f$t7Hr*HP=L ? Residents will create rapport with and patients with histories of addiction and will develop skills at eliciting comprehensive histories from patients with addictive behaviors. Briefly, treatment of ADHD in adults includes: Cognitive Component: Focused on identifying and modifying thinking errors or thought distortions so that the patients thoughts are more aligned with success and confidence. Ability to collaborate effectively with family and referring professionals. Yvonne, your post was extremely intriguing to me as a community health department is not an environment I have had the privilege of experiencing. First, the medication administration record (MAR), could become computerized. The resident will Conduct supportive psychotherapy for select patients who are currently going undergoing crises, going through transitions, or otherwise are appropriate for these services. The resident will understand and provide the psychiatric care of patients with complex medical and psychiatric co-morbidities. Several tips and resources for the patients are summarized in the patient handout, Managing Adult ADHD. Since nurses are the largest subgroup of healthcare professionals, their ability to make strides towards improved medication administration is undeniable. A Journal of Hospital Medicine study showed that "patients lacking timely PCP followup were 10 times more likely to be readmitted for the same condition within 30 days of hospital discharge and nearly seven times as likely to be readmitted for the same condition or receive other care.". Knowledge of the psychopharmacologic interventions used in the treatment of cognitive disorders in older adults. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4184981, 'eaa77725-6c84-4a9f-a677-00f9885fe386', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Sign up for new blog notifications by entering your email address below. The resident should develop the skills to. A variety of self-help resources such as books, websites and apps exist for adults with ADHD. Organizations should then implement changes and monitor and measure whether these changes are having the effects desired that will help prevent such a medication error from occurring again. Procedure: Engaging Your Patient To Create a Medication List [PDF, 176 KB]. case management service plans bizfluent, s m a r t behavior change outcome objectives, quick guide to Client experiencing medication side effects . ), Be able to explicate the differences in purpose and organization between a clinical and a medicolegal evaluation, including the different ethical responsibilities entailed, neurological illness and co-morbid psychiatric disorders, psychiatric disorders presenting with neurological symptoms, neurological disorders presenting with psychiatric symptoms, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as they pertain to patient presentations, common neurologic disorders and their management, presentations of neuropsychiatric syndromes, the intersection of neurology and psychiatry, an understanding of the consultation process, and responsivity to consultation questions and requests, an understanding of the resources available to patients at the interface of neurology and psychiatry. The idea remains that the dispersal of stable patients to MNAs in regards to medication administration allocates more time for RNs/LPNs to prioritize care for critical patients. Polypharmacy, which is generally defined as taking more than 5 medications, is a growing trend as the world population ages. Be familiar with the various diagnostic conditions seen during childhood and adolescence including ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Substance Abuse Disorders, and Learning Disabilities, Understand the difference in symptomatology between children, adolescent, and adults, Understand the occurrence of commonalities in children and adolescents, Develop competency and appropriately prescribe and manage stimulant medication for ADHD including Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Adderal, Develop competency and appropriately prescribe and manage non-stimulant medication for ADHD including Wellbutrin, Clonidine, and Strattera, Develop competency and appropriately prescribe and manage SSRI medications for depression and anxiety, Be aware of the various structured diagnostic tests (CBCL, Conners, CDI, etc. Knowledge of interactions between drugs used in mood disorders treatment, as well as interactions with drugs used for common medical disorders. I have discussed with my mentor {and all areas of weakness have been recognized as a great opportunity for improving my experience in medication administration. Information card that can be provided to patients along with an appointment reminder before the appointment. It is designed to ensure Registered Nurses exercises professional judgment and should provide support when making clinical decision making. The aid can be handed out as a pocket card or posted at workstations. While errors remain, the objective of reducing inaccuracies among primary nursing staff was achieved by, Alternatively, in an emergency, urgent and acute prescribing circumstances, supplementary prescribing is not suitable because the clinical management plan needed to be agreed in-between Independent Prescriber, Supplementary Prescriber and the patient before prescribing (DOH, 2006). And yet thousands of deaths every year are attributable to adverse drug events (ADEs). Goal: Improve mental health. At the follow up visit, consider the following: About 60% of adults experience improvements in quality of life and symptom reduction in response to treatment. Basic Clinical Skills hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4184981, 'd338dd13-e7cb-460c-9420-55dd0ee6010f', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); There are many reasons why so many patients fail to adhere to a regimen. Content last reviewed December 2017. The resident will learn to work with patients with advanced medical illness and be sensitive to their physical limitations. Metacognitive therapy is as a type of therapy that involves changing how people think rather than what they are thinking about. PRIMARY AIM OF THE PATIENT MEDICATION POST BASIC NURSE PROGRAMME To enhance the skills and knowledge of the nurse to promote leadership and excellence. As the nursing code of ethics states, nurses have the duty to protect the health and safety of those in their care (Winland-Brown, Lachman, O'Connor Swanson, 2015). Behavioral Component: Involves engineering the environment to be more conducive to concentration and focus, and learning what reinforces and maintains problem behaviors, and constructive behaviors so that constructive changes can be implemented that support the patients ability to function well. GENERAL OBJECTIVES If goal is achieved, further weight loss can be attempted if indicated. I have noticed some errors that needs to back up all the time. A complete and accurate medication list is the foundation for addressing medication reconciliation and medication management issues. the pharmacologic management of these disorders, and the complications attendant to the use of SSRI's TCA's, MAOI's, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and atypical antipsychotics, the treatment of refractory mood and anxiety disorders. learn to evaluate psychiatric symptomatology in medical patients and will become adept at distinguishing between symptoms arising directly from medical illness (e.g. %%EOF Advantages and risks of typical and atypical antipsychotic medications, in particular: learn to identify and treat tardive dyskinesia in its earliest stages. However, DOH (2006) specified that supplementary prescribing also provides a perfect structure for newly qualified. Residents will have the opportunity to work with patients who are dying and to develop skills dealing with end of life issues. Pharmacists are in a unique position to help. uuid:9fefe832-e4df-8949-ba01-4aae37089cab Learn to deal with difficult patients and family members without rupturing a therapeutic alliance. One of the most critical steps organizations should take is to perform a comprehensive root cause analysis every time a medication error and ADE occurs (another worthwhile goal). Residents will have a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of the concept of suffering and of compassion (suffering with). by Cheryl Hall on August 28th, 2021. Ability to educate patients and families regarding psychiatric and cognitive disorders in the older adult population. introduction a, treatment plan goals amp objectives, sample goals and objectives for supporting a culture of, how to write a treatment plan for mental health healthy, writing measurable objectives . Residents will develop and demonstrate a respectful attitude toward patients with addictive disorders. Improve Fine Motor Skills 5. %PDF-1.6 % Open and Close Containers Independently 6. %PDF-1.5 Handout 9 - Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Part D What do MTM pharmacists do? You and your mental health provider will work together to define your long-term objectives from treatment. Education of patients about anxiety disorders. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Organizations should set a goal of zero medication errors and ADEs, including those associated with modifying patient regimens. Willingness to explain and discuss findings to patients, caregivers, and their families. Do the facility employ process to assure nurses are checking the medication in order to avoid the administration of an incorrect drug or dosage? Medication Management and Occupational Therapy. Microsoft Word - T019_ProgramGoalsObjectives_MAT.doc Simple list that is used by practice staff who engage with the patient and/or family member during preparation and is then used for medication reconciliation. gain an increased knowledge of the psychopharmacologic considerations in a medically ill population and learn to work with the neuropsychiatric side effects of complex medical and psychiatric treatments. Multivitamin supplements containing B group vitamins and vitamin C are recommended. A complete and accurate medication list is the foundation for addressing medication reconciliation and medication management issues. Goal: Increase and practice ability to manage anger Walk away from situations that trigger strong emotions (100%) Be free of tantrums/explosive episodes Learn two positive anger management skills Learn three ways to communicate verbally when angry Be able to express anger in a productive manner without destroying property or personal belongings Sep 2022 - Present7 months. Boost their self-esteem. Non-measurable goal 347, August 2019, about 1 in 5 American and Canadian adults took 5 or . Goals are based on the problem statements and reasonably achievable in the active treatment phase At least one goal should relate to an SUD condition and treatment Goals and objectives are often confused in treatment plans so keep in mind there is a difference. b.Ask the patient what the medication is for and document why the patient takes it. Methylphenidate and amphetamine are the two most commonly used stimulant medications for treatment of ADHD in adults (FDA-Approved Stimulant Medications for Adult ADHD). Learn to monitor and treat side effects of psychotropics, especially EPS,metabolic issues, neutropenia. When appropriate and only with the written consent of the patient, the resident will communicate with ancillary medical providers, mental health providers, and other relevant sources of information or providers of education, structure and/or care to the patient, to establish and maintain an optimal treatment plan. The clinical forensic experience is, of necessity, a part-time experience. For example: Initech's goal was to increase annual profits. Study the educational activity online or . Quick guide to Client experiencing medication side effects of psychotropics, especially EPS, metabolic issues,.! 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medication management goals and objectives