which statement describes employee benefits

d. doctor for a professional sports team, a. doctor in a clinic that serves a low-income population, Cameron is choosing a career out of high school with no further training. Youre considered the provider of a fringe benefit even if a third party, such as your client or customer, provides the benefit to your employee for services the employee performs for you. a. Deposit $412.79 In addition to federal income tax, many people also pay Debit. a. The loan has a duration of ten years. There are two options offered to reduce the price: either a 25% discount off the price or a rebate of $300. a. b. Bankruptcy stops aggressive action by creditors. c. down payment c. $5,250 Which factor might have a strong impact on her career decisions? a. 156,000 She should take the position that offers the largest salary. c. She should research the average salary of similar positions to see if the offers are fair. Will her sister like the jacket too? d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, d. when the consumer buys more than is needed, Which transactions can increase the balance in a checking account? c. They find it easy to get a loan from the bank. to pay interest if he does not pay in full by a certain date, Quincy listed information from his credit report. When making a major purchase, first determine your (blank) income by subtracting the deductions from your gross pay. long service leave) and termination benefits. c. Taking action. Check all that apply. He will get the house for a lower price. c. a savings bond d. Therefore, we are not permitted to delete your personal information unless your employer or former employer requires us to do so. They are always offered at variable rates. b. payments change from month to month d. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $25.20 less than paying cash for the laptop. d. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. the right to safety and the right to be heard, the right to be heard and the right to redress, Say that a company has treated you unfairly or dishonestly. If the loan has an interest rate of 5.3%, compounded monthly, how much interest capitalization has occurred by the time he graduated? She saves money and also makes intelligent choices when spending it. c. Postsecondary education includes college classes and vocational training. Each loan had a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 5.3%, compounded monthly. c. If an employer wants the employee to work more hours in a week, the result is a larger paycheck. a. II & III only a. careful consideration of short-term goals. The Department of Labor's Health Benefits Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides information on the rights and protections that are afforded to workers under COBRA. Which statement is true about her method of payment? A high-risk investment is characterized by The consumer has the right to fair settlement of disputes. c. Form a decision. d. the hourly pay rate. no annual fee Someone buys a new boat with a loan from a boat dealer. b. a greater percentage chance of loss. It creates a base for happiness and satisfaction of the workforce that limits the labor turnover and confers a stable organization. b. Hafsa wants a guaranteed return, and won't need the money for several years. How much of a refund can Yarin expect? a. a money market account What does reconciling an account involve? a. a. She should use Facebook advice from friends since they know her best. She expects she will need to contribute $9,000 annually to her education. higher property taxes. Check all that apply. Which statement about the cost of the laptop is true? Round all dollar values to the nearest cent. c. d. The bank will charge a fee for having a negative balance. Fringe benefits are additional compensation provided to employees above and beyond an agreed-upon wage or salary. If there are 12 special characters and Koshi does not repeat a letter or number, how many possibilities are there for his password? credit card, What is the compound interest on a three-year, $100.00 loan at a 10 percent annual interest rate? Which resource is most likely to give balanced, accurate information? Careers, Salaries, and lifetime Income (GVC). d. professional photographer for special events b. high school diploma d. a. Which questions should Lakesha answer before making her decision? c. Shondra should be sure she will have enough in her account to be able to make the monthly payments. She plans to graduate in four years. d. requires a signature for rent-to-own agreements $496,700, Brandon owes his brother $120. $1,384.00 3. scholarships and grants. Toby plans to pay off each loan in monthly installments, starting from his graduation. $29.90 Shares are traded. right to safety They are payable for more than 12 months. 4,000 c. a. utilities d. local social security tax. municipal bonds c. d. Shona can afford the rug in store A. b. $721.93 b. c. money to start the account a) The income may be used to find a replacement for the key employee. b. b. to help people buy homes credit card with a $4,000 limit $3,739.52, Zoe filed for bankruptcy several years ago and now wants to take out a loan for $15,200. Consumers Union right to dignity. b. He took out an unsubsidized Stafford loan worth $8,180 to help pay for his tuition. c. b. when costs rise too quickly due to demand At what point does buying in bulk stop being a wise spending choice? a. She will have $1.84 left over. $1,000 Store A has the rug for $45 with a 10% discount. Kenya used money directly from her bank account to buy the jeans. assets II and III are governmental; I and IV are not. Question: 4. d. You must return the car after the lease ends. c. She should research the average salary of similar positions to see if the offers are fair. Select three options. Kenya did not have enough money in her bank account to buy the jeans. b. income c. $292,700 There are exemptions that allow you to keep essentials. a. Fringe Benefit Examples d. saving to pay a tax bill in four months, c. if you are putting aside a chunk of money to purchase a house in five years, Which of these is the best reason for Nina to maintain up-to-date and accurate records of her bank accounts? Round to the nearest dollar. interest on student loans. The sales tax is 6% on either purchase. e. There are penalties for ending the lease early. How much more will Viola's monthly payment be if the loan is unsubsidized than if the loan is subsidized? one is already in debt. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. b. the total income available to spend. the person's education level, an unpaid utility bill that has been given to a collection agency a. visiting different housing locations. b. Roderigo will allow interest capitalization. Which of the following options could help you resolve the issue? b. Julio is correct because he can pay $45,000 and have no more liabilities. title loan 2 percent Most students are young enough not to have much of a credit score or credit history, so a second party such as a parent or guardian can establish security of payment. Balance asking nicely Commodities are traded. c. to determine the customer's income the person's social security number $1,918.60, A person who filed bankruptcy in the past is able to get a 30-year mortgage loan at a rate that is 6% higher than what they could have received if they had not filed. Most companies often provide health insurance for their employees in cases of unforseen circumstances such as accident or sickness . How is Jessica's lender likely to view this credit score? skimming I, II, and III, Olivia has taken out a $13,100 unsubsidized Stafford loan to pay for her college education. These benefits are given for retirement like the life insurance, health insurance which makes the life of employee easier after retirement. b. Employee benefits are added perks offered and provided by employers on top of compensation and can include extended medical insurance, paid time off, profit sharing, learning and development strategies, retirement benefits, and more. b. The simple interest on a loan of $200 at 10 percent interest per year is How much should Georgia pay in federal income tax this year? $137,532.67 e. proof of her address d. A grant is the price of attending classes at a school. Has she compared prices? Once stocks are on the market, which best explains how their prices are set? There is never a sure way to predict the likelihood of success. A credit score is based in part on a. b. to have the full amount available in his bank account right away c. Companies take advantage of the demand to make people spend more money on excess products. Life insurance. Prices are controlled by the issuing company. d. money market account, Lupe is ready to open a checking account. c. c. 6 percent The auditor provides accounting services to employee benefit plans' sponsors of commercial enterprises. Which is an example of easy-access credit? What is meant by the "right to redress"? is variable. Borrowers taking a balloon payment mortgage most likely d. It shows that the owner is willing to budget for short-term financial risks to avoid long-term risks. a. How much more in interest will Zoe end up paying for her loan because of her bankruptcy? b. All of the loans were subsidized. Which would be most helpful when considering a large expenditure that might require repeating payments? a. used cars can require repairs sooner If Byron been able to save this money for the year and then put it into a savings account earning 2% simple interest, how much money could he have in savings after another year? $553 Defines the benefits that the employee will receive at the time of retirement. All the above discuss are requirement of employees so that they benefited. Tamera has a positive credit history. 175,760 to determine the customer's job title c. d. EFT from a different bank into the account. The loan has a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 7.5%, compounded monthly. He will be able to find a house he likes more quickly. Most students aren't responsible enough to know much about any type of loans, so a co-signer is there to make sure everything is secure. b. IV. a. d. $3,360 Management is concerned with tax consequences. when they are able. Employee benefits are the total income you receive over your lifetime. In some cases, it is safe to avoid insurance because d. d. How much in finance charges can I afford to pay? city agency. A student loan must be paid back, but a scholarship is not paid back. Ariel wants to compare the salaries for positions she was offered at two companies. b. e. paying a credit card balance in full each month, b. making late payments An official website of the United States Government. The loan has a duration of ten years and an interest rate of 7.6%, compounded monthly. DOL a. She should research the average salary of similar positions to see if the offers are fair. a. getting a high interest rate on a credit card offer d. They are available to any student who meets lending standards, regardless of financial need. d. You do not have to share banking information. Visit the websites of all of the companies to learn more about them. c. the total housing or rent payments. b. a. Assume the person could have received the lower interest rate on the loan and saved all of the difference in the payments for the first 10 years of the loan. Kenya used money directly from her bank account to buy the jeans. 6,760,000. medical and dental coverage. d. The career is shrinking and will provide fewer opportunities over time. Social security and medicare are She must be sure there is at least $135 in her bank account for the purchase. b. state income tax. b. e. proof of her address d. a. She should check her own records to see if she made a mistake. $36,490.25. Are there any expenses you have forgotten? Someone buys a new vehicle with a loan from a car dealer. b. a. The loan term is four years, and her payments are $819.20 per month. $25 per year until the loan is paid off. What is Keisha's net worth? a. lower up-front costs Which step in the decision process should Marlene take? The 25% discount is better; it saves $75 more. c. a commercial bank A refrigerator is priced at $1,250. a. e. can be broken at any time, a. requires a credit check a. Emma is more prepared to meet her basic needs. Shred all mail with personal information before discarding it. $247.44 Payments are generally higher than buying. I. Perkins loan d. private loans are only available to parents, while federal loans may be issued to the student. d. c. Alan's lifetime income includes both his career outlook and his career environment. Check all that apply. $10.00 Which is considered a good credit practice? Shred all mail with personal information before discarding it. c. How much will the bike cost when adding the finance charges to the price? Lakesha does not have enough in her bank account to use a debit card for the purchase of a bike she needs to get to work. d. the person's credit rating Amanda wants to buy a new car. a. Alan's lifetime income is his employee benefits, like health insurance. d. Postsecondary education includes personal skills and interests. On-the-job training is usually paid for by the worker. 9,000 d. Gathering information. a. Shona can afford the rug in store A. The point at which it is no longer advantageous to buy in bulk is known as marginal d. Find out the cost of living for the job locations, and compare them against the offered salaries. Enjoli enjoys science and foreign language classes. b. It is possible to rebuild your credit after filing bankruptcy. If Kanya uses the credit card and pays the full balance during the billing cycle, she will spend $50.40 more than paying cash for the laptop. phone number $354.22, Henry wants to avoid interest capitalization on his $7,800 unsubsidized Stafford loan. Julio has a house worth $220,000. Take action. only goes down. c. It's important to keep accurate records. a. identification card d. $91,700 Shondra is thinking of making payments for her laptop by setting up automatic withdrawals with the store. my recipe calls for 4/5 of a cup of flour and I want to make it 1/2 of the recipe how much flour do I need? c. includes interest rate information c. See if the job offers are fair by going online and finding average salary information for chemists. $260.37, Calculate the monthly payment for a 5-year car loan of $23,570 at 10.43% interest, compounded monthly. In a mortgage, the amount of money borrowed is called the (blank). subsidized Stafford loan a. e. savings for your emergency fund, Ramya's mom was hired for a new job with a yearly income of $84,000. $505.79. d. Check her records against her bank statement. Which describes an example of using unsecured credit? c. Checking accounts are processed immediately so customer and bank records always match. A person's credit score can range from a low of 300 to a high of what number? c. a. mortgage payments decrease as equity increases. d. Select two options x2 4 = 0 x2 = 4 3x2 + 12 = 0 4x2 = 16 2(x 2)2 = 0. 6,500,000 c. c. how much has been withheld for taxes d. She worked hard to learn as much as she could about her profession. c. her Social Security number c. a. property taxes d. She must check her credit history. Speak to their corporate consumer department. Yuri wants to pay for his new chair using a check. $324.33, Toby just graduated from four years of college. Which statement is true? What will she need to do this? b. d. Employee benefits are nonsalary compensation granted by an employer. a. musician in a band on tour b. employee benefits c. Employee benefits are benefits related to a specific trade. The benefits a worker receives from an employer typically include: federal grants. d. What is one difference between a vocational school and on-the-job training? a. the career's location c. used cars can have lower initial cost Which will most likely help her get the lowest interest rate? d. progressive tax, Why were savings and loans (S&Ls) originally established? Kenya used a debit card to buy a pair of jeans. She should check her own records to see if she made a mistake. a. Post-employment benefits are employee benefits (other than termination benefits and short-term employee benefits) that are payable after the completion of employment. Such workplaces also enjoy good employee-client relationships. Better Business Bureau a. college savings account for his daughters Which is the better choice, and what is the extra amount saved? b. making late payments Credit cards are secured loans for large amounts, while personal loans are unsecured for small purchases. c. savings account b. $85,000 a. corporate tax. A pet groomer gave 9 baths, 15 nail trims, 8 brush-outs, and 5ear cleanings.For every 5nail trims, the groomer gave 3. Which details apply to a financing contract? Mr.Collins buys a table and sofa for $2,028.The table costs 30% of the price of the sofa. the right to be heard and the right to choose Rupert has a negative credit history.Which compares their credit limits and likely interest rates? Food and Drug Administration $15,135.20 As Ruth Ann is researching careers, she decides she enjoys living in her hometown and doesn't want to relocate. a. medicare tax b. debit of $10 d. Raj is looking for an investment with a fast return so he can reinvest. b. The statement describes employee benefits is Compensation employees receive from employer over and above their income. b. federal loans are obtained by banks, while private loans are backed by the government. Which statements apply to leasing a car? date of birth. $5,436.20, Which factors positively affect lifetime income? d. You must return the car after the lease ends. d. She should call the bank to have the charge taken off her account. c. salary $477.27 d. Companies know they can stop production and still make money on sales. How much must Henry pay every month to avoid interest capitalization? 5,040 Throw away credit card applications in the garbage. They are usually given a low interest rate. d. Tuition is the price of attending classes at a school. Treasury bills Select three options. Which is the most important consideration when deciding to purchase or lease a vehicle? Do I need this car or should I use my old car a little longer? the economy, market performance c. d. The career is shrinking and will provide fewer opportunities over time. a. The rebate is better; it saves $75 more. b. car payments must become part of the budget. Transcribed image text: Question 16 Which of these statements best describes management concerns about benefits? b. d. Yuri must check his credit card balance. A) It is enforced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The loan had a principal of $4,850, an interest rate of 6.5% compounded monthly, and a duration of ten years. d. Check her records against her bank statement. d. The car had a list price of $22,499, and he was responsible for 7.96% sales tax, a $2,138 vehicle registration fee, and a $262 documentation fee. Which person made the best payment decision for their preferences? Which statement best describes benefits for full-time versus part-time employees in Canada? When people take out a mortgage, they must pay back the money To help her decide, she will do some research. b. right to choose making sure she has a positive credit history d. They have a history of paying in full each month. $433.88 d. Jessica is low risk and will pay her outstanding balances on time. In general, the amount the employer must include is the amount by which the fair market value of the benefits is more than the sum of what the employee paid for it plus any amount that the law excludes. Individuals injured on the job while employed by private companies or state and local government agencies should contact their state workers' compensation board. b. I and II are governmental; III and IV are not. What must Shondra consider before she decides to pay with automatic withdrawals? d. property taxes decrease as equity increases. Select three options. Insuring clause d. bankruptcy. b. Fido's decision is sensible because the cost of the car loan should be less if his credit history improves. Which would be most helpful when considering a large expenditure that might repeating... Pay $ 45,000 and have no more liabilities your lifetime his new chair using a check $ in. Rating Amanda wants to avoid insurance because d. d. how much in finance charges can I afford to off... 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which statement describes employee benefits