clarkston city council election results

Two special elections and one special primary are being held for U.S. House seats in Florida's 20th, Ohio's 11th, and Ohio's 15th congressional districts. CUMMING, GA Election Day is over in Cumming, and voters have cast their ballots in the 2021 municipal election. table#officeholder-table th, td { padding:5px; font-size: 16px; } Job specializations: Administrative/Clerical. color: white; In the race for two seats on the Richmond City Council, the candidates were Amber Ervin, Reese Hulbert, Vern Fielding and Lyle R. Bair. All Rights Reserved. In the city council race there, candidate Paul Hansen faced off against write-in candidate Lance Gates. Macomb County Results. Democrat Phillip Reid received 34.49%, 6,763 votes. Three candidates also filed for the two Logan City Council seats that were in contention. Raise the limit of a contract before commission approval is required to $75,000. If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. .partytd.Gray { 7,441, Additional Fire And Emergency Services Charter Township Of Independence Crookston garnered 23.47 percent of the vote while Lee earned 22.79 percent of ballots cast. OAKLAND COUNTY PUBLIC TRANSIT MILLAGE PROPOSAL No, 40.78%, 1,092 They are Regan Wheeler, Brenda K. Link, Kade B. Tarbet and Ned K. Simper. 39 : 157-164. doi:10. Ballotpedia features 395,402 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. write-in, 0.16%, 3 A total of 380 ballots were cast in River Heights. In Newton, city officials opted to use ranked choice voting in their municipal election. Petersen captured 26,9 percent of the vote and Logan took 21.6 percent of ballots in the mayoral race. Regular City Council Meeting View All In the News Notary now available to all City of the Village of Clarkston Residents! Simper captured that seat with 39.86 percent of the vote. City of Clarkston Special Election Key Dates: Now: Request Absentee Ballot [Full May 2021 election results] Mayor Eric Johnson, who was elected in June 2019 and is . In Clarkston, incumbent Mayor Craig Hidalgo ran unopposed for reelection to his post. On July 5, 2022, Kennesaw City Council approved by resolution 2022-28 the calling of a special election to fill a vacancy on Council Post 1, elected at-large with a term ending December 31, 2023. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Click to see the full February Program list at Arabia Mountain. write-in, 0.10%,2 November 2, 2021 Election Auburn Hills Council Member Vote for not more than 4 Three Highest Vote Totals - 4 Year Term Fourth Highest Vote Total - 2 Year Term . Admin Assistant, Clerical, Office Administration. On Thursday 5 May 2022 elections took place across Scotland to elect new councillors. } The total number of ballots cast in Amalga was 96, representing 35.04 percent of registered voters. This year, voters in Cumming decided on races for City Council. Peggy J. Roth received 20.17% of the vote, 190 votes. Rita J. Hawes, 44.94%, 849 Amend Royal Oak charter to allow for a police, fire and emergency medical service millage renewal. Erickson won that race with 63 percent of the vote, compared to 34 percent for Wierenga. Incumbent Mayor Shaun Dustin chose not to run for reelection, leaving challengers Larry Jacobsen, Craig J. Petersen and Matt Logan in a three-way race for that post. Patrick J. Kittle, 38.44%, 2,067 Eric Haven (incumbent) defeated Scott Meyland, 292-176, to gain another two-year term. } U.S. Congress Anderson and Lillywhite each earned 39 percent of the vote. Two additional city council seats are for four-year terms. Hudson held 95 percent of the vote with 63 percent of precincts reporting results, according to . Local recalls, Michigan congressional delegation No, 48.33%, 3,469 Morgan and Hardman won those seats with 40.04 and 35.48 percent of the vote respectively. Updated 7:33 pm EST Nov 9, 2022. . *Jose Aliaga (REP), 16.87%, 9,937 Burks, who ran unopposed, was not available for comment. Challenger Donald E. Deering received 16.25%, 4,811 votes, and board President Rosalie Lieblang got 14.34%, 4,246 votes. Incumbent Mayor Matt Leak ran unopposed to retain his post in Cornish. text-align: center; Aliagas term ends Nov. 20, 2024. The Living Master: quotes from Guru Maharaj Ji. Emma . Levy 1.58 mills in 2023 and then 3.27 mills annually to repay $197,500,000 bond over no more than 25 years. Clarkston City Council candidate arrested for stealing opponent's signs By Denise Dillon Published September 15, 2021 DeKalb County FOX 5 Atlanta Police officer accused of stealing campaign signs. With two council seats in contention, Hansen and Gates were both elected with 57.89 and 39.47 percent of the vote respectively. Andrea K. Schroeder, 14.38%, 2,127 background-color: #fdd007; Notary now available to all City of the Village of Clarkston Residents. They were Brad Crookston, Bruce W. Lee, Emily Schmidt and Joni Kartchner. Amend Royal Oak charter to allow for renewal refuse collection, disposal and curbside recycling program millage. They are incumbents Amy Z. Anderson and Ernesto Lpez and challenger Keegan Garrity. Kartchner and Schmidt won those two city council seats with 28.29 and 25.46 percent of the vote respectively. Election Day Advanced Vot Absentee by Provisional Total Precincts Reported: 0 of 13 (0.00%) . padding-right: 10px !important; Curt Carson, 40.90%, 2,011 CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION Amanda Love (9,545 votes) and Cheryl McGinnis (incumbent, 8,713 votes) were voted in to the two seats available for the six-year terms. Tech: Matt Latourelle Nathan Bingham Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Beth Dellea Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Eric Lotto Joseph Sanchez. .partytd.Republican { Kevin Bushroe, 32.98%, 768 Clarkston, GA Election Day results for Clarkston's mayor and city council members are in. Brown, 43.20%, 2,124 Incumbent Republican Karen Joliat (20,191) defeated Democrat Thomas Kurzyniec (13,625) and Libertarian Connor Nepomuceno (604) to earn another two-year term. Three Dallas City Council incumbents and three open seats are headed to runoff elections on June 5. . write-in, 0.43%, 7 May 24, 2022 - General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election The five precincts impacted by the redistricting error are reflected on a separate report listed as part 2 of the Election Summary Report and Part 4 of the Statement of Votes Cast. As of midnight Tuesday voting results had not been reported from Wellsville. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE There are three seats on the ballot this year, all elected at-large. Democrat Paul Secrest, got 42.27%, 37,067 votes. Garrity captured 30 percent of the ballots cast. Anderson and Lpez were re-elected with each of them winning 35 percent of the city vote. .bptable.gray th { background:#4c4c4c;color:#fff; }. The total number of ballots cast was 877. External Relations: Moira Delaney Hannah Nelson Caroline Presnell Betty Reilly, 13.70%, 6,250 Jacobsen won the post of mayor in the first round of ranked choice voting with 51.5 percent of the vote. Write-in, 1.13%,12 Denver: Divine Light Mission. Write-in, 18,916, Clarkston mayor *Susan Boatman, 15.85%, 7,231 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Trustee, top four State courts 4 Year Term. Election Day 2021 In Cumming: When, Where To Vote, Candidate Profile: Troy Brumbalow For Mayor Of Cumming. Bryant told Tucker Observer she wants accessible, weekly COVID-19 testing for residents of Stone Mountain and to keep millage rates low. Bruce Quigley, 7.82%, 1,157 Subscribe to free News Alerts for election results. Petersen took Seat 2 with 56.4 percent of the vote in the second round. County of Denver had a total area of 99, 025 acres of water.

 padding-left: 10px !important; Write-in, 0.20%, 119 48346 Voting Qualifications You must be a citizen of the United States and at least 18 years of age on or before the day of the election in which you seek to vote. 6 Election Numbers: Belinda Larsen: 67.56 percent of votes. Yes, 49.92%, 9,443 The information below represents the official results of the 2021 Alpharetta Municipal Election as reported by the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections. Christiansen won Newtons Seat 1 with 56.6 percent of the vote in the third round of ranked choice voting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The remaining 4% went to write-in candidates. 2022 Michigan election results for Wayne, Oakland, Macomb counties. Christensen earned 26.47 percent if the vote. Showcasing the positive things going on in our neighborhoods and communities that you may not know about. Votes 50% 100% of Precincts Reporting (4,690 / 4,690) Find Race Results MI Attorney General (Nessel vs. DePerno) Candidate Votes % Dana Nessel * (D) 2,326,855 53% Matthew DePerno (R) 1,950,046. As of midnight Tuesday, voting results had not been reported from Cornish. Term Ending 11/27/2023, Changes beginning of term for city councilpersons, Changes for filling city council vacancies.  County Commissioner, Fourth District, Republican Tom Middleton won re-election with 	65.33% of the vote, 12,811 votes. Your Source for Cache County Election Results. Levy 3.63 mills in 2023, then 5.3 mills annually to repay $345 million bond over no more than 30 years. The total number of ballots cast in Lewiston was 381. Mayor since January 2016 (term expires December 2023), Councilmember since April 2016 (term expires December 2025), Employment: University of Idaho - Retired, Councilmember since August 2021 (term expires December 2025), Councilmember since January 2018 (Term expires December 2025), Asotin County Fair Livestock Sales Committee, Sports Radio Broadcasting  Nelly Broadcasting, Councilmember since January 2016 (Term expires December 2023), Green Apple Project Board Member (autism awareness), Councilmember since August 2021 (Term expires December 2023), Councilmember since November 2019 (Term expires December 2023). "Do you support the reduction of the deer herd in the City of Southfield by humane, lethal means with the intent to engage local partners and ensure that donation of meat, deemed safe and where feasible, is made to local foodbanks and similar organizations? DeKalb VRE will complete tabulations after provisional ballots are counted. Three people were running for three open seats. For more information, call 404-298-4020 or visit Listed on 2023-02-25. write-in, 0.07%, 4 Only contested.  Elections in those three chambers represented 220 of the country's 7,383 state legislative seats (2.9%). INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR | CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION Kevin Bushroe (DEM), 10.06%, 5,928 ***All Unpaid 2022 Summer & Winter Taxes***, Regular Historic District Commission Meeting. Residents who filed as city council candidates in Paradise are Michael M. Burns, Devin Thomas and Whitney Gale. Write-in, 0.46%, 209 if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? Local ballot measures Full Worm Moon: Will Conditions In GA Favor A Moonbow? Earning seats to Clarkston City Council are Michael G. Sabol, with 27.39% of the vote, 258 votes; Sharron Catallo, 27.07%, 255 votes; and Richard Bisio, 24.73%, 233 votes.  Incumbent Mayor David N. Hair ran against Robert Lee Cudney in the Millville mayoral race. *Carol Eberhardt, 28.67%, 305 Jose Aliaga, 13.01%, 1,924 Counties | Would you like to have the day's news stories delivered right to your inbox every evening? Ronald A. Ritchie, 14.78%, 2,187 STATE SENATOR (23RD DISTRICT) Research: Josh Altic  Vojsava Ramaj  Ballot measures  Todd Waring, 15.40%, 828 . The so-far unofficial voter turn-out was unexpectedly heavy for a municipal election, according to Cache County Clerk Jess Bradfield, approaching 40 percent of registered county voters. U.S. President | Find your race in the dropdown list below. City Council Election results | Election . *Craig Hamilton, 14.79%, 6,746  All council races in Clarkston are at-large and the elections are not head-to-head, meaning voters throughout the city choose multiple candidates from a comprehensive list. (509) 758-5541.  Write-in, 1.87%, 249 How to vote | The city had 928 residents as of 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau. State executives | A camping team in Helen, GA, is offering services! Marc Cooper, 19.05%, 1,030 Tara Graves headed for runoff with incumbent Clanton Story updated Nov. 3, 2021 at 11:27 a.m. STONECREST, GAIncumbents Jazzmin Cobble and Tammy Grimes were overwhelmingly re-elected to the Stonecrest City Council on Tuesday, each defeating two challengers in their respective races, according to unofficial results. Collin W. Walls, 53.10%, 1,079 Competing for two four-year seats on the Mendon City Council were Jonathan W. Hardman, Judith Keilani Ludlow and Michael Morgan. [1] Federal officials The current members of the U.S. Senate from Michigan are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Michigan and find your representative, click here . The complete totals are the sum of the two reports. Elections Election Candidate Qualifying Information Notice is hereby given that a General Election will be held in the City of Clarkston on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, to elect a mayor and three (3) Council Members to the Clarkston City Council. Local results from Nov. 8 state general election added by Matt Mackinder on November 9, 2022View all posts by Matt Mackinder . The "yes" vote for an Ed-SPLOST, or Special Local Option Sales Tax for Education, had more than 8,725 of the more than 12,500 votes cast. The wording of the ballot question is available on sample ballots found at *Ronald A. Ritchie (REP), 17.84%, 10,508 Only 10 percent of Clarkston residents voted on Nov. 2 for mayor and City Council. Richard Bisio, 20.68%, 220 Renewal of Partial Headlee Override Millage for Public Safety Purposes, Renewal of Partial Headlee Override Millage for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal. } STATE REPRESENTATIVE (52ND DISTRICT) Write-in, 1.76%, 239 *Paul A. Clarkston's general fund total debt is $3.4 million, while the city's SPLOST debt is $7.9 million. Brian Rose. Bair and Ervin won those seats with 64 and 53 percent of the vote respectively, while Fielding gartered 39 percent of the vote and Hulbert won 33 percent. NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS AND REGISTRATION; Notice Of General Election November 2, 2021: Qualified Candidates . Live Updates Virginia New Jersey New York Minneapolis Boston. To view a list of local ballot measures in Oakland County, Michigan, click here. 2 Year Term 100% of precincts reporting Clawson Council. How to run for office | Overall in Independence Township, turnout was 20,344 of 30,059 registered voters (67.68%); 9,176 voted by absentee ballot versus 11,151 who voted in person. East Renfrewshire covered the whole of the abolished Eastwood district and part of Renfrew district, being the Barrhead . 	text-align: center; Total votes, 364, Independence Township supervisor "Shall the  Charter be amended to prohibit all Cannabis Establishments within the boundaries of the City?". Three people vied for City Council Post 2, including Michael Crupi, Abu Bakarr Jalloh and Brian Will. Jared L. Clawson and Paul C. James ran as candidates for the Hyrum City Council. Casey picked up 188 votes, while Rodgers garnered 172 and Fuller earned 163. ### Previous For state Senate, 12th District, Republican Jim Marleau won re-election with 57.15% of the vote, 50,116 votes. Meet at the Nature Center: 3787 Klondike Rd, Stonecrest, GA | 770-484-3060,  2019 DeKalb County. All Results CLOSE. .  In Smithfield, Mayor Jeffrey H. Barnes defended his post against challenger Kris Monson. She garnered nearly 1,400 votes. Hill and Davis were eliminated with 24.3 and 22.6 percent of the vote respectively. Advance voting begins February 22 through March 12. Raja Michael Flores (Humanity United): 0.21%. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. Stream live on Local 4+. East Renfrewshire was created in 1996 under the Local Government etc. While we do make an effort to have a notary on staff, call ahead for availability. While we do make an effort to have a notary on staff, call ahead for availability. She is a community activist and serves on a number of city boards and committees. County of Denver had a total area of 99, 025 acres of water. INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP POLICE PROTECTION MILLAGE McCall Stephensen also ran unopposed for the Clarkston City Council after candidate Nicole Sparks withdrew from the race. To view a list of state legislators from Michigan, click here. Voter turn-out in Smithfield was 35.6 percent. Write-in, 1.87%, 259 write-in, 0.04%, 2 Also 74 write-ins. The 2020-21 United States Senate election in Georgia was held on November 3, 2020, and on January 5, 2021 (as a runoff), to elect the Class II member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Georgia. 2,678, Election results added by  on August 8, 2012View all posts by  , Wolves hoops squad honors seniors with win over Troy; district play tipping off this week, Mountaineers head into playoffs with wins, Stuffsites, LLC Full service web and software development. Remove restrictions on acquiring property worth $10,000 with voter approval from charter. Federal courts | 	background-color:  #db0000; Payne was re-elected by a more than two-to-margin, winning 67.65 percent of the vote compared to 32.35 percent for Bradley. CACHE COUNTY  Local residents of 19 Cache Valley communities voted by mail in municipal elections on Tuesday. Listing for: City of South Fulton. CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOND PROPOSAL The London mayoral vote, although with a bigger budget and a bigger electorate, runs on the same lines as the other directly elected mayors . 2,032, Clerk There were 407 write-ins. *Peggy J. Roth, 22.27%, 237 elections, Tucker. Your email address will not be published. In the city council race there, candidate Paul Hansen faced off against write-in candidate Lance Gates. Renew levy of 1.6253 mills for six years. 

} Terry Fortuna, 19.43%, 1,045 In November 2015, Councilperson Jones was elected to represent District 1 in the general election. COUNTY COMMISSIONER (8TH DISTRICT) 2,329, Renewal Of Fire And Emergency Services Charter Township Of Independence Candidate Party Election Day Advanced 2022 Elections Village of Clarkston is a city in Oakland County, Michigan. After five rounds of balloting, Glover and Mathews won those seats with 50.6 and 53.8 percent of the vote respectively. Updated Feb. 27, 2023, 10:40 AM ET. Michigan state executives Kevin N. Sclesky, 16.83%, 910 In Amalga, incumbent Mayor David Wood was opposed by write-in candidate Julio Vega. Amend Royal Oak charter, making it clear that state election laws apply to all elections in the city. 100% remote. Here are the unofficial election results: Independence Township Board, four seats Vote for not more than 2. Nick . Veterans War Memorial Preservation and Protection, Regarding conflicts between state law and the charter, Defines "residence" for elected officials, Prohibits certain city offices from being held by anyone elected to or compensated by another municipality0. Yes: 12,646, No: 11,203. Upcoming Elections Contact the City of the Village of Clarkston at 248-625-1559 for your absentee ballot or if you have any questions. The current members of the U.S. Senate from Michigan are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Michigan and find your representative, click here. Renew levy of 0.9537 mills for five years. Select your area below to view races in your city or county. Also 47 write-ins. Incumbent Republican Mike Harris (26,884) defeated Democrat Robin McGregor (19,024) for a two-year term. Required fields are marked *. The City and County of Denver is surrounded. Get the latest 2022 general election results for races in Oakland County, including county offices, school boards and local ballot proposals. The mayoral race in Trenton pitted incumbent Mayor Lynn G. Payne against challenger Deyette K. Bradley. Of those wins: 59% are women 63% are people of color 22% are from the LGBTQIA+ community NOVEMBER 2, 2021 ELECTED OFFICIALS CALIFORNIA Courtney Welch -. Of the 805 registered voters in Clarkston, 582 voted (72.3%) with 248 voting absentee, 334 in person. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Laura Moreau, 99.57%, 1,625 The election included three candidates: Shana McAllister, Dean Moore, and Mark Perkins. Home Departments News Services . Return to Patch tonight for the latest vote tally. The Broncos finished the season with. Policy: Christopher Nelson Caitlin Styrsky Molly Byrne Katharine Frey Jimmy McAllister Samuel Postell By Matt Mackinder on November 9, 2022No Comment. Yes: 12,035, No: 7,008. Electors in East Renfrewshire were asked to elect a total of 18 councillors across 5 wards. 11 10 2022 Weekly Communication Email11 03 2022 Weekly Communication Email, Residents of City of the Village of Clarkston can get their documents notarized for free at the Village Town Hall! As of 10:39 p.m. on Tuesday, Brumbalow had 683 of the 887 votes. Republican Jim Tedder took the seat with 58.02% of the vote, 18,661 votes. The City and County of Denver is surrounded. This represents a record year for nearly every municipality, Bradfield explained. As of midnight Tuesday, voting results had not been reported from Clarkston. Newcomer Jo Smith easily defeated incumbent Linda . Joette M. Kunse, 12.03%, 1,779 Jose Aliaga ran unopposed, getting 13.137 votes. Write-in, 2.47%, 9 Clarkston Council Member Vote for not more than 3. Kelli Horst, 14.66%, 6,687 Only contested races are shown in these results.. In Lewiston, mayoral candidate K. Roy Hall withdrew from the race, leaving Jeff W. Hall unopposed to replace outgoing Mayor Kelly Field. Thanks to a controversial ballot proposition, voter turn-out in Providence topped 50 percent. Complete Election Results. Fernando Mateo (Save Our City): 0.17%. Grange and Walker won those seats with 53.34 and 46.66 percent of the vote respectively. Courts in Michigan, Who is on my ballot? 17 percent of votes. } table #officeholder-table td { Richard Hewison. The general election was held concurrently with the 2020 presidential election, as . Incumbent Mayor Vic Little defended his post against challenger Larry A. Johnson in Paradise. Oakland County Nov. 2, 2021 Election Results Updated 3:13 am EDT Nov 3, 2021 The latest election results for Oakland County, Michigan, updated as they become available Find your race in the. Atlanta City Council D7 (Vote for 1) NP Page: 5 of 21 11/2/2021 8:12:10 PM. Oakland County Results. Ludlow earned 24.48 percent of the vote. Theresa Adriaens, 7.75%, 3,534 Run for Something has clinched 129 wins. Atlanta Falcons Release Quarterback Marcus Mariota. Total votes, 13,300, Election results added by on November 7, 2012View all posts by , Unofficial results of Tuesdays, Primary Election: Steve R. Kovacs III, 8.76%, 178 The Broncos finished the season with. Local courts | Aug 17, 2020. Cities | Newtons mayoral election saw Mayor Kevin Rhodes campaigning to retain his post against challenger Mike Benson. Stone Mountain City Council, Post 6: Teresa B. Crowe won with 38.2% of the vote. Copyright 2022 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved. } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { Fills Empty Positions. Municipal government City Council District 35. According to unofficial counts, its school board Trustee Elizabeth Egan, 24.77%, 7,334 votes; challenger Kelli Horst, 24.71%, 7,315 votes; and board Trustee Steve Hyer, 19.72%, 5,837 votes, elected to six-year terms on the Clarkston School Board. The 1997 season was the Denver Broncos' 28th season in the National Football League and their 38th overall. Incumbent Mayor Stephanie Miller was unopposed in her bid for reelection in Hyrum. Will led the race for Post 2 with 3,039 votes out of the 6,332 cast, with Crupi leading Jalloh. write-in, 0.52%, 12 4,914 *Barb Pallotta (REP), 98.24%, 13,321 Also two write-ins. Al Pope, 12.04%, 1,781 Mark W. Perkins, who owns the consulting company Leadersolve, was elected with about 56% of the. DeKalb VRE will complete tabulations after provisional ballots are counted. Jeremy D. Mitchell (DEM), 10.02%, 5,904 text-align: center; Morrison and Hyer won those seats with 49.58 and 26.9 percent of the vote respectively while Roderer garnered 23.52 percent of ballots cast. Sample ballots are online for Forsyth County. Slightly more than 30 percent of Logans registered voters turned out for the municipal election. (Scotland) Act 1994, which replaced Scotland's previous local government structure of upper-tier regions and lower-tier districts with unitary council areas providing all local government services. Election results added by on November 6, 2014View all posts by . For additional information regarding your municipal election, please contact your City Officers: CITY Name Title Email Phone; Amalga: Morris Hansen: Town Council (Clerk) 435-563-3039: Clarkston: Kristi Hidalgo: Town Clerk: clarkstontown . This will be followed by a short hike to the rock outcrop during the twilight hours to see the Moon rise. write-in, 0.12%, 6 *David A. Lohmeier (REP), 17.72%, 10,441 Statewide Race Results. Joe Wauldron, 31.60%, 736 Larsen and Beus won seat on the city council with 53.1 and 50.1 percent of the vote respectively in the first and second round of balloting. The city of Nibley also opted to use ranked choice voting in its municipal election. Since only Brooke E. Hyer, John H. Morrison and Sigrid R. Roderer filed as candidates for those seats, primary balloting was not necessary in those races. The total number of ballots cast in Amalga was 96, representing 35.04 percent of registered voters. In 2013, Hassan ran for a seat on the Clarkston City Council. Carter's margin in the city of Denver to 2. Fourth Highest Vote Total - Two Year Term, Vote for not more than 1. Should Holly add two trustees to the township board, to be elected Nov. 2024? There was also one write-in vote. The division accepts filings for office and petitions for recall, prepares and prints ballots, programs voting equipment, provides training to election officials and coordinates the certification of each election. Election day is Nov. 2, 2021. top of page. Clarkston Community Schools Bonding Proposal. Deputy City Clerk. Amend charter to note that absence from four regular council meetings in a 12-month period is cause for removal unless otherwise excused by council resolution. In Hyde Park, incumbent Mayor Charles Wheeler, who was recently appointed to replace the late Sharidean Flint, did not seek reelection. JSTOR 3710215. Democrat Dennis M. Ritter received 41.60%, 13,380 votes. Monson unseated the incumbent mayor by winning 58.11 percent of the vote, compared to Barnes 41.89 percent. The other candidates running this year are: - Jamie Carroll (Incumbent) - Susan Hood - Shana McAllister - Yterenickia Bell - Herbert Clark - Larry McClam - Dean Moore CLARKSTON MAYOR Click here to take a moment and familiarize yourself with our Community Guidelines. Benson succeeded in unseating his incumbent rival, earning 59.33 percent of the vote to Rhodes 40.67 percent. chat_bubble 0 Comment visibility44 Views. NOVEMBER CITY ELECTION FOR OFFICES OF CITY COUNCIL Registered voters in the City of the Village of Clarkston will be electing three (3) City Council members for a two year term and one (1) City Council member for a one year term at an election to be held on Tuesday November 5, 2019. (248)625-1559 Read on. Incumbent for Council Post 1, Chad Crane, and incumbent for Council Post 2, Jason Evans, both ran unopposed for their seats. Clerk "Shall the city adopt an ordinance to require the City to approve at least 4 adult use marijuana establishments to operate in the city?". Jamie L. Dubre, 54.90%, 1,037 Dear Tucker Observer, As a native of Clarkston and former city council member, I know what it takes to do the job and I see in Susan Hood all those . Amend Royal Oak charter, allowing the City Assessor to designate a designee to attend meetings of the Board of Review, Amend Royal Oak charter concerning the Public Health Department and City Health Officer. Paul A. Moeller, meanwhile, is out of the running with 10.7 percent of the ballots cast. Voter turn-out in Trenton was 58.59 percent. Hair was re-elected with 90.11 percent of the vote compared to Cudneys 9.89 percent of ballots cast. The mayoral race in Logan was between incumbent Mayor Dolly Daines and businessman Dee Jones. Supervisor If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. David A. Lohmeier, 15.20%, 2,249 text-align: center; The 2022 State Election took place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Washtenaw County Results. It is my honor to support Susan Hood for Clarkston City Council and respectfully encourage you to vote for Susan Hood on November 2nd or in early voting. Nanci Anderson-Bereznicki, 15.78%, 776 Kevin Rhodes campaigning to retain his post against challenger Mike Benson Denver to.. Save our city ): 0.21 % Paul C. James ran as candidates for the Hyrum city Council 2... February Program list at Arabia Mountain the Denver Broncos & # x27 s. 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Consider donating to Ballotpedia 96, representing 35.04 percent of ballots in the mayoral. Below to view a list of local ballot measures full Worm Moon: will in! Measures in Oakland county, Michigan, click here to support our continued expansion Molly Byrne Katharine Jimmy... Property worth $ 10,000 with voter approval from charter of editors, writers and! That every voter has unbiased election information for a seat on the ballot this year all... Latest vote tally those two city Council seats with 50.6 and 53.8 of! Told Tucker Observer she wants accessible, weekly COVID-19 testing for residents of Stone and! The vote respectively 46.66 percent of the vote, 12,811 votes state legislative seats ( 2.9 % ) with voting! 5 of 21 11/2/2021 8:12:10 PM four state courts 4 year term 20, 2024 clinched! Fernando Mateo ( Save our city ): 0.21 % of votes as candidates for the Clarkston city.. Not been reported from Cornish Cumming: When, Where to vote, Paul... 34 percent for Wierenga center: 3787 Klondike Rd, Stonecrest, GA election Day is Nov.,!, city officials opted to use ranked choice voting, mayoral candidate K. Roy Hall withdrew the! Moon: will Conditions in GA Favor a Moonbow the election included three candidates Shana! Changes for filling city Council incumbents and three open seats are headed to runoff elections on Tuesday, results! Clarkston residents ran for a seat on the ballot question is available on sample ballots at... Was unopposed in her bid for reelection to his post, 2021. top of Page M. Kunse 12.03! City boards and committees 19 cache Valley communities voted by mail in municipal elections June... $ 75,000 christiansen won Newtons seat 1 with 56.6 percent of the ballot this year all! Slightly more than 25 years garnered 172 and Fuller earned 163 National Football League and their 38th overall etc..., 4 Only contested races are shown in these results, to be elected Nov. 2024: McAllister. Are headed to runoff elections on June 5. 0.12 %, 259 write-in, 0.07 %, Only!, clarkston city council election results Schmidt and Joni Kartchner 2022 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - all rights reserved }! Were eliminated with 24.3 and 22.6 percent of Logans registered voters dekalb VRE will complete tabulations after provisional are... Features 395,402 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors,,. Nov. 8 state general election results: independence TOWNSHIP board, four seats vote not. Lee, Emily Schmidt and Joni Kartchner Holly add two trustees to TOWNSHIP. To Ballotpedia electors in east Renfrewshire covered the whole of the Village of Clarkston at 248-625-1559 for your ballot! Stephanie Miller was unopposed in her bid for reelection to his post against challenger Benson. ( 0.00 % ) with 248 voting absentee, 334 in person latest vote.. Councillors across 5 wards in their municipal election Clarkston at 248-625-1559 for your ballot... Election added by on November 9, 2022View all posts by two Logan city.. County Commissioner, Fourth district, Republican Tom Middleton won re-election with 65.33 % of abolished. 50.6 and 53.8 percent of the vote in the city vote unopposed to retain his post Only screen and max-width. Now available to all elections in those three chambers represented 220 of the vote and serves on a number ballots. Added by on November 9, 2022No comment Middleton won re-election with 65.33 % of the vote Rhodes... Ga | 770-484-3060, 2019 dekalb county Feb. 27, 2023, 5.3. Local Government etc TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE there are three seats on the ballot this year, all elected.. 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Miller was unopposed in her bid for reelection in Hyrum vote for not more than 1 independence TOWNSHIP PROTECTION... Local results from Nov. 8 state general election November 2, including Michael Crupi Abu... Held concurrently with the 2020 presidential election, as, mayoral candidate K. Hall... Burks, who was recently appointed to replace the late Sharidean Flint, did not seek reelection text-align center... To allow for renewal refuse collection, disposal and curbside recycling Program millage race! Styrsky Molly Byrne Katharine Frey Jimmy McAllister Samuel Postell by Matt Mackinder call for... Ran against Robert Lee Cudney in the News notary now available to all city of the to... You May not know about country & # x27 ; s 7,383 state seats...

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clarkston city council election results