You can draw whatever conclusions you wish based on this information. Cmkx or Cmkm diamonds inc shareholders have been waiting for a long long time. The Task Force will not be conducting any due diligence to determine the validity of any other potential assets of CMKM other than those stated above. Please be patient and refrain from calling or emailing the Frizzell Law Firm or the CMKX Owners Group. Because of the significant interest of various stockholder groups, it has been determined by the Task Force to delegate the various activities required to comply with a Distribution Plan. The language should have stated A stockholder will retain their CMKM shares upon receiving the Entourage Certificates.. We have gone to great lengths to put together a mailing list that we believe will reach an enormous amount of shareholders that are either not aware of this need to pull physical certificates or that may have had their holdings liquidated or sold without their consent. A stockholder will retain their CMKM shares upon completion of the verification process. To do this we have created a master list from a June 2005 NOBO list, January 2006 NOBO list and a Canadian NOBO list. CMKM Diamonds - Discussion Board. CMKX Shareholders Coalition (11-06-09) Letter to the current CMKM management (11-20-09) REQUIREMENT LETTER (04-23-10) Thank you everyone for your help and support! I know that shareholders are writing to you, and they are writing to Inspector Kotz from Oig office, and they are also writing to all the senators in their states and in Washington. Metacafe, On Nov. 18, 2005, Entourage Mining Ltd. announced that it had closed the private placement, which was a condition to completing the transaction involving the issuance of an original 50,000,000 shares of Entourage stock to CMKM. I dont see changes. CMKM Diamonds Inc Message board - Online Community of active, educated investors researching and discussing CMKM Diamonds Inc Stocks. Please only use the fax number of 903-595-4249. Sub-boards: To All Current Members--Please Read, The Stand, Hodges And CMKX Updates, Off Topic Posts, Members (Helpful Hints) & Joining W/an AOL Address. Electronic and/or other forms of ownership (i.e. When we speak of early resolution and imminent conclusion, we are speaking within the context of the legal profession and of lawsuits in general which, as many of you know, frequently stretch into years. I thought it was gold mining stock..??? The Task Force has been apprised of the significant rumors pertaining to the receipt of funds and erroneous agreements reached with brokerage firms short in CMKM's stock. First let me say I apologize in advance for any of you who read this on the boards who are on the mailing list and did not get this update. Below is the recent shareholder update by CMKX attorney Al Hodges. We have had multiple reasons over the past few weeks to believefundswere to be released sooner rather than later; on each such occasion I have so advised my direct clients as is my custom and practice in such matters. Please Login or Register . Do not buy, sell, trade or hold any Iraqi Dinars or any stocks, bonds, other currencies, or commodities based upon any postings or messages on the Website or referenced on the Website., Link to Hodges and Associates VS SEC 2010 Filing:, Link to SEC response to Hodges filing: That SEC wants this to happen before the Senate comes back from their memorial day break . It is currently not possible to estimate how long the verification process will take. I am a shareholder as well as a member of the Task Force. In addition, none of the Task Force Administrators have been in communication with any firm as to a proposal to cover a failed delivery in CMKM stock. Why do you think the bashers and detractors continue their assault on a non trading revoked company? I will be faxing it to Frizzell and Stoecklein requesting they sign and return immediately so i can mail in my certificate when i get it i pray the rumor is a fact that "the check is in the mail". Djzzz I wish my CERTS were IN THE MAIL but they are still in my accounts so i don't know WHEN I will get themI hope the check is IN THE MAIL TOOsome day it WILL BE I BETFlying Moose(cmkx-treme). Look at their banking structuresthat is an international status for the banks of Iraq Frank26 The Iraqi Stock Exchange and the Erbil Stock Exchange, oh my gosh they've been hot! Financial companies making tons of money on dubious products and when it all crumbled to the ground American investors - American taxpayers, the same ones that were never very protected by SEC, once again paid for the Big financial companies. The share dividend policy reflects the Company's acquisition strategy that identifies undervalued take-over targets in mineral resource and related businesses. Folks posting DD and coming together on forums. I recommend that you read the legal allegations carefully; they will explain what has happened with yourinvestmentup through 2009. The Board of Directors has nominated David DeSorneau as Treasurer. These are my comments to shareholders who have joined the CMKX Owners Group and contributed to the expenses of this investigation. Tyler, Texas 75701. If you have already sent it this way, Please do NOT resend. they will take the ones they now have. Other than the funds received from Casavant to pay for certain of the costs associated with the Task Force's operations, there have been no funds received from brokers/dealers or any other sources. SEC says they are investigating, but there are many discrepancies and selectiveness in their investigation, and from our point of view they are just dragging us out in time. The trading volume regularly triggered -- at 2,147,483,647 shares -- a 32-bit signed integer glitch in all quote services except Stockwatch, which programmed around the problem. Additionally, it should be known that the Stoecklein Law Group is not counsel for CMKM. The nominations will be voted upon by the majority shareholders at the January 15, 2003 meeting. Give Gift; Back to Top; Raging Bull is down, i think this is a good thing maybe shorty doesn't want us talking about the checks in the mail and learning shareholders are receiving the cash so we wait. Get Daily Updates of the NEWS & GURUS in your EMAIL, DINAR/IRAQ -- NEWS -- GURUS and DISCUSSIONS, By trixijude on CMKI: I'm%20ready! Folks, we are embarking on new territory here. when are we getting paid? 1 day 5 days 10 days 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Buy CMKX Online Today!, find the best broker here. Skip Navigation. Look at all the articlesyou tell me that this country is not international. The largest litigation ever against the SEC and the Department of Justice of the U.S. was at the sum of 3.87 trillion. Things have to be cleaned up, Nss has to be paid for, and Cmkx shareholders need to get paid for their damages from all parties. Some of the emails are expressing frustration about the lack of information and knowledge they are receiving from the company about company matters. 3 big, corrupt creatures taking turns with the underwear that is our nation and leaving huge skid marks across the American and world populations. I'm going to keep this short as I had just found it. We are requesting formal notification by ADP services to all OBO accounts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I love crayons with a side of garlic sauce. Dailymotion, As of today, November 4, 2005 there is only one thing you need to do. Because of the significant interest of various stockholder groups, it has been determined by the Task Force to delegate the various activities required to comply with a Distribution Plan. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). It will take a week or so to do their thing and remove shares from our accounts, but the fact is Ameritrade is in possession of our certificates my shares are also still showing in my account, but expect them to disappear soon. Posts: 4 Roll . On occasion, what began as a projected schedule of completion became something quite different when repeated several times over. Aug 15, 2021 at 12:22pm @sportsman93306 said: 1.Deadline 22nd Aug. 2. This toxic chemical attack causes extremely dangerous long term DNA mutations in animals and humans. Be the change you want to see in the world! Urban Casavant, CMKM's sole officer and director, has informed the distribution Task Force that neither he nor his immediate family members will receive any of the Entourage shares in the distribution. It is time to finish this business with dragging cmkx shareholders with all the secrecy is has been shrouded in.. Be the change you want to see in the world! The word scam is coming up a lot in the searches. 5. Other than the funds received from Casavant to pay for certain of the costs associated with the Task Force's operations, there have been no funds received from brokers/dealers or any other sources. Sources in Germany said we had 24-36 hours, which fit in with the Sat. 15 May deadline. Wednesday, my shares should not be showing in my account. All CMKM stockholders will need to be identified on or before March 15, 2006, or as further extended at the sole discretion of the Task Force. To All Current Members--Please Read. The ticker experienced it as well: During the spring and summer of 2004 the promoter from Saskatchewan, Mr. Casavant, then CEO, issued a paper mountain of stock, probably close to a world record. The question is when will all of the failed to deliver positions be finnaly enforced and paid for. The fact that the SEC participated in a sting operation using CMKX, then lied to CMKX shareholder representatives is only one issue in this case, the second is the modus operandi of the SEC and other regulators involved, including the U.S. and Canadian Governments, and in particular the RCMP and FBI. In 2009, the U.S. Attorneys Office in Las Vegas, Nevada, filed another action, criminally charging six of the defendants with securities fraud related to the CMKM Diamonds case, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. This is not an official response of the company or Urban Casavant. We are well aware of both the financial and emotional plight many shareholders are laboring under. The Task Force is in active communication with the Transfer Agent and is doing everything within their power to assist with an orderly and efficient transfer process. These CMKX folks all bought into a ponzi get-rich-quick scheme with a company with a non-existent value. No company has ever challenged the market to become transparent as you are doing. From%20DeltaDon%20 Re%3a%20update |,,d.cGU&cad=rja, Mark Z Says CMKX Is Ready to Go - CEO Says CMKX Has Been SHUT DOWN! I will do as I said I would do; i.e. CMKM/CMKX Buzzz. Total Received Fax's: 6746Total Fax's Filed: 6746Number of Certs: 11986Total Shares: 159,964,802,558Number of Shareholders: 5986. That is full 5 years. As most of you know my name is Al Hodges; I filed the Bivens lawsuit against past and present SEC Commissioners. .However, there is no code or intent to have you read between any lines.) jacbert: Recess Schedule Schedule for the 110th Congress (2nd Session) Tentative as of 1/4/08. The only exception to that is for certain items which are prefaced with the words information and belief; in that case, the allegations describe what we believe happened. Things have to be cleaned up, Nss has to be paid for, and Cmkx shareholders need to get paid for their damages from all parties. The suit contends between June 1, 2004 and October 28, 2005 "a total of 2.25 trillion 'phantom' shares of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. were sold into the public market through legitimate brokers, illegitimate brokers and dealers, market-makers, hedge funds, ex clearing transactions and private transactions. Onward! If your URL is correct, you'll see an image preview here. Quote. What is the question you propose here? LOLOLOL, HODGES UPDATE ON CMKX INTERESTS TODAY, 17 MAY, "STATUS OF RV" BY DINAR IRAQ AND DONG VIETNAM UPDATE 2/22/23. 3425000 0226 NFS LLC 5333468551 2669 NRTHRN TR 5000000, 0234 PENSON FIN 2153586698 5063 PENSON** 991833377 0443 PERSHING 527, 0311 PIPER JAFF 273873698 0701 PRIMEVEST 3000000 5076 RAYMOND** 4905000, 5002 RBC/DOMN** 760097272 5962 RELIANCE 10000000 5029 RESEARCH** 10842466, 2039 SEI PRIVAT 5250000 0997 SSB&T CO 43000000 2399 SSB/FRANK 23000000, 0419 STEPHENS 4000000 0750 STERNE AG 115267768 0012 SWISS AME 337003049, 5036 TD WATER** 515401272 0221 UBS FINAN 712188547 0642 UBS SECLLC 156900000, 0280 US BANCORP 40797940 0709 WACHTEL&CO 5000000 0733 WELLS LLC 3250026, 0623 WM FRANKEL 713457 8082 ZIV INVSMT 40000, 4/20/2006, Supported videos include: I have been getting a flood of emails lately from shareholders wanting to know about the inner workings of CMKM and various questions concerning contact from the company. The legal notice will essentially have the same information as the mail out, and will fulfill any required legal notification. Mr. DeSorneau was previously a consultant to CMKI. And we need to be let go. In addition, none of the Task Force Administrators have been in communication with any firm as to a proposal to cover a failed delivery in CMKM stock. CMKX has a role to play and we are doing our very best to assist in its successful conclusion. Questions such as When will this mess be over with? or How much am I going to get for my stock? or Is this company a scam? do not get responses from me. Most of you have heard by now that many brokers made the decision to withhold certs issued by the transfer agent until today because of the deadline mandated by the task force. The U.S. Department of Justice, which is pursuing a separate but related criminal case, issued a statement addressing rumors of a settlement fund, saying that it has no evidence of a fund available to pay claims of defrauded CMKM shareholders. Seventh, CMKI believes that its acquisition strategy, spearheaded by the Casavant Family, will require the addition of a seasoned management team. After the deadline Zim could no longer be redeemed. Judge Larry Hicks has taken over 5 months and still has not made decision on damages that John Edwards has to pay. We have more then 50,000. people that invested money in cmkx or Cmkm Diamonds inc. All together those people including myself have put in millions of dollars, in buying the stock. Once you can accept the truth of that statement, Im sure that you can understand that it is a highly technical, complex and multi-faceted undertaking. You were all advised about one month ago of the status of my efforts on behalf of all the shareholders. Our IT Guy suggests adding our e-mail to your whitelists or address books which may in turn clear the updates for delivery. Verification will take 2 weeks or so. The U.S. Department of Justice, which is pursuing a separate but related criminal case, issued a statement addressing rumors of a settlement fund, saying that it has no evidence of a fund available to pay claims of defrauded CMKM shareholders. I am simply a member of the CMKM Task Force. Do not read into this act anything of significance. We are not in a position to and will not speculate on hypotheticals. Opinions and memes welcome. Temporary Exemptions for Eligible Credit Default Swaps to Facilitate Operation of Central Counterparties to Clear and Settle Credit Default Swaps. From What I have read - CMKX --- has a LOT of bad press like the dinar. [Complaint paragraph 31] During the period of June 1, 2004 through October 28, 2005 a total of 2.25 Trillion phantom shares of CMKM Diamonds Inc., was sold into the public market through legitimate brokers, illegitimate brokers and dealers, market makers, hedge funds, ex-clearing transactions and private transactions. General Discussion. We know there are a large number of Fails to Deliver in this stock so we (Task Force) have decided to go beyond what would be considered the normal process of notification. - brokerage statements) will not be accepted by the Task Force as evidence of ownership. As some of you well know, you do not labor alone in such condition. As we total up the certed shares, there is an inescapable conclusion that something is amiss. The Stoecklein Law Group is currently involved only in assisting stockholders in the receipt of their appropriate number of shares of Entourage stock and other assets, if available. During the period from March, 2004 through August, 2006, on behalf of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. Robert A. Maheu, with assistance from others, negotiated a settlement with the illegitimate brokers, dealers, market makers, hedge funds, and other persons and entities that had engaged in naked short selling of CMKM Diamonds Inc. stock and cellar boxing the company. I see no reason to give the detractors any more ammunition to support their commentaries. All those brokers and clearinghouses made money on Cmkx shareholders. I fully understand your frustrations. The Task Force Administrators were of the opinion that any news relating to the Distribution Plan, without having receipt of the actual assets for distribution, may have sent an improper signal to the stockholders, implying that the assets were in the control of the Task Force.On Nov. 18, 2005, Entourage Mining Ltd. announced that it had closed the private placement, which was a condition to completing the transaction involving the issuance of an original 50,000,000 shares of Entourage stock to CMKM. Company Contacts. Further, CMKI has structured its mandatory 10% cash dividend policy (which is based on its net earnings) to benefit those shareholders of record on the declared dividend date. - brokerage statements) will not be accepted by the Task Force as evidence of ownership. Waterhouse Capital Markets VFIN Vfinance Investments, Inc. (1) Globenet Securities, Inc. was an active market maker during part of the trading day on January 6, 2003, but later "excused" itself from market making activities. I also opined, based on information being provided to me, that I believed such receipt was imminent. 7: 24 This was designed to help ALL shareholders. A place for theoretical discussions about business and stocks - specifically GameStop Stock ($GME). If you are a client and have questions that absolutely have to be handled by the office, Please call they don't want to turn away any client calls that must come to them. Go to. Explain as best you can the need to unite for a bit longer. The Transfer Agent has received numerous requests for certificate transfers and is doing its best to process requests as quickly as possible. (I expect my normal complaints from those that say I speak in code. It is confirmed that the cmkx has started paying out their shareholders. One contained a check for $1,000,000 and the 2nd a check for $2,000,000. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This Press Release contains "forward looking" statements as that term is defined by Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, (the "Securities Act") and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the "Exchange Act"). CMKM/CMKX Buzzz. Except this . The payout is an estimated $3.86 trillion. Even Madoff victims got some money back and very fast while we sit here still. The Task Force was formed solely for the purpose of establishing a Distribution Plan and supervising the distribution of the Entourage shares and other assets of CMKM, if any. Thurs. Cmkx shareholders are waiting. Greetings CMKX Owners Group members, Please be advised that this update is my communication to those shareholders that joined Phase II of the CMKX Owners Group and other shareholders that elected to continue receiving updates after the conclusion of Phase I. The Task Force has asked all stockholders to please be courteous to the Transfer Agent and understand the magnitude of their job at hand. cmkx shareholder are getting paid this week. If they don't increase the rate of their currency, all this market activity with the ISX and ESX will just crash. Because of my position on the Task Force and somewhat regular contact with Urban, Mr. Stoecklein and Mr. Maheu, this office and the staff compiling the cert pull information have become the call center for questions about the company. Proof of settlements of failed to deliver position in Cmkx of which I am a shareholder of I will see only if I get paid for my shares on account of damages that occured in Cmkx company, via naked shorting by market participants. On one day, CMKM traded 39.6 billion shares, presumably more than all the volume on all the exchanges of the world combined. The sales of the majority of such shares were at all times known to the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Defendants herein. No CERTS for me YET except the ones I got in MARCH of 2005THE NEVERENDING STORYFlying Moose(cmkx-treme), FRIZZELL LAW FIRM 305 S. Broadway, Suite 302 Tyler, Texas 75702 (903)595-1921 E-Mail. We are glad to answer as many of your questions as possible and be a sounding board for those of you who want to vent about the company, but please remember we do not run the company nor do we have all the information you are seeking. See December 3, 2002 Press Release. It is currently not possible to estimate how long the verification process will take. Considering the last day . We are not dealing in the shadows and can assure all CMKM stockholders that all members of the Task Force are working as a united front and are all being provided with the same information. has shut down the country for 10 days until Sat. 13 May: Four of his sources said to look for notifications by Thurs. What a momentous day for those who waited close to two decades. The kicker is that those plaintiffs have not been reimbursed for it. This office and Mr. Stoeckleins office have been in discussions most of the day with various brokerage firms, the transfer agent and the DTCC. CMKX Shareholders Group. The size of Nss in our markets and failed to deliver shares seems to be the biggest hush hush secret to be protected from the public even by SEC. Real shareholder ownership is undermined by naked short sales of stock and failed deliveries of real certificates that artificially inflate ownership and devalue the price of the securities. General. This might be the SINGLE most important thing that we as shareholders could ever been asked to do to help our company! (DTCC) for the sole benefit of CMKM/CMKX shareholders for damages in excess of $3.87 trillion, based on allegations that the S.E.C. Previous Thread; If I recall, the shares were roughly 0.0003 per share. All CMKM stockholders will need to be identified on or before March 15, 2006, or as further extended at the sole discretion of the Task Force. KW United We Stand! But its time to have this finished. In order to be considered a bona fide stockholder of CMKM, a physical stock certificate issued in his/her/its name will need to be presented to the Task Force for confirmation on or before the extended date of March 15, 2006, or as further extended in the sole discretion of the Task Force. You do not have access to The Iraqi govt. Note: Your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. 13 May that could be to bond holders accounts in preparation for the Shotgun Start. Any stockholder, who cannot produce a certificate or does not desire receipt of a distribution, will not receive a distribution of Entourage shares or other CMKM assets. Therefore, CMKM stockholders who hold their shares in "street name" will need to demand physical certificates from their broker in order to be considered a bona fide CMKM stockholder, and be entitled to their proportionate share of the Entourage common stock and any other assets of CMKM to be distributed to bona fide stockholders. Click Here. 15 May for that start. But there is is another major difference. And every broker made money on our purchases. Feb/04 - CMKM announces the company has obtained funding for US $1.8 million with a further pledge for US 3.2 million. The Task Force has established a Web site,, for posting of corporate updates and other relevant information as and when it becomes available. The Company is currently evaluating 7 companies each of whom will benefit from new managerial economic assessment, asset appraisals, accounting peer review and legal restructuring. It is donejust because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not occurring. Hodges And CMKX Updates. Fourth, CMKI, as previously announced, plans on approving at its majority shareholder meeting a mandatory share and cash dividend policy. ", You can see the report on the web site, or go to Not CMKX shareholder clients. From these we have deducted duplicates and people that have already pulled their certificates as of the 3-15-06 shareholder list. General. From John Martin 9:15am (Texas time) Thread started on: Today at 09:21:28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Martin just called me with the following requests: They have now geared up the office with 10 additional people to handle all of the faxes for this VERY IMPORTANT verification effort of all shareholders and their share counts. Made money on CMKX shareholders was at the sum of 3.87 trillion and present SEC Commissioners gold stock. An image preview here to your whitelists or address books which May turn. 1.Deadline 22nd Aug. 2 policy reflects the company has obtained funding for US 3.2.! Is correct, you 'll see an image preview here that the Stoecklein Group! No longer be redeemed ) Tentative as of the majority of such shares were all! Its acquisition strategy, spearheaded by the Task Force has asked all stockholders please. In turn clear the updates for delivery of garlic sauce what has happened with yourinvestmentup 2009. 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