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I was taught by my dad that the most important things in life are god, family, health, grades, and football. I was a little light last season but I was able to gain about 10 pounds while still maintaining my speed. Dylan Buckner's parents say isolation from the pandemic made the 18-year . All rights reserved, Report: Jalen Carter Arrest Warrant Issued for Racing Car, All Eyes On a Strong' System That Could Hit Chicago Area Friday, But Much Uncertainty Remains, Election Results: See How All 50 Wards Voted in Chicago's Aldermanic Elections, Who Did Your Ward Vote For? Barbara Truesdell Moore. After another defensive stop and a punt, Leyden and the Hawks went to work again. After Bruce Capel, a 1961 Glenbard West graduate and football team captain who went on to play alongside Dick Butkus at the University of Illinois, was killed in Vietnam at age 23 in May 1966 . Then we were like, let's just try it again.". "I knew it was going to be high-scoring both sides," Maine South coach Dave Inserra said. He continually had a good disposition. (Pictured at left, 6-year-old Steve Edelson). 1,023 likes. In honor of Buckner, Purdy said he was "asking everyone to love and appreciate each other. Whitley admitted lying when first questioned by police, telling them he could not remember anything about the sexual encounter because of his crash injuries. Glenbard West High School has been gifted with so many talented athletes within the past few years that their talent has transcended the high school sports realm and into the NCAA. Duchon continues to attend Glenbard West home football games at the picturesque field named in his honor. "I couldn't look in the mirror because I didn't know how this could've happened to me.". Players (124) Staff (2) Do you have a team photo? See How All 50 Wards Voted in the 2023 Chicago Mayoral Election, Who is Brandon Johnson? a popular star on Glenbard West's powerhouse football team, died . "We can run the ball and pass the ball," said Korey Tai, who was 8-of-12 passing for 82 yards and rushed for 88 yards. A former Glenbard West football player was sentenced Tuesday to 16 years in prison for the January 2010 rape of a teenage girl. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The 'Official' page of the Glenbard West High School (Glen Ellyn, IL) Hitters Football Team. Copyright 2023 KTRK-TV. ", The school's principal called it a "profound loss. Prosecutors said Whitley attacked the teen about one hour before he and another student were involved in a fatal car crash. But Bruce told the Marines that he didnt join the Corps to play football. As we enter a new decade full of new faces and potential stars at West, we take a look at how well other Glenbard West Alumni are doing in their respected sports field. Deerfield police confirmed they were called to the hotel. As a safety and DB, I think my strongest trait is my ability to make a play on the ball when its in the air, and the quick cuts Im able to make in and out of my breaks. ". The Hilltoppers defense also came up with big plays. The 17-year-old Washington-Steel died from his injuries days after the crash, while Whitley was severely hurt. regular season opponent time/result W-L (League) game type; regular season result; Aug. 27, 2022: Aug. 27 @ Dylan Buckner, 18, was found unresponsive at the Deerfield Embassy Suites Thursday afternoon, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner's office. This season, Alec was able to haul in over 600 receiving yards and two touchdowns. And while Fecarotta questioned whether Whitley was just sorry or truly remorseful, after today's hearing, his defense attorney insisted he is. Former teacher at private school charged with child sex abuse, Rooftop repairman uses tool bag and knife to fend off would-be robbers, Contractor dies after electric shock at Texas City Marathon refinery, Man punched then shot during fight over truck in W. Houston, HPD says, Houston city council tables vote on Hobby Airport restaurant contract, Oak pollen already a big problem, but strong storms could wash it away, Man admits to sex trafficking waitresses out of family-owned cantina, At least 36 dead, 66 injured after trains collide in Greece: officials, Driver feedback needed for 3-mile Hardy Toll extension into downtown, Man found dead in middle of Fort Bend County crosswalk, police say, $100 bond set for catalytic converter theft suspect's evading charge, Man on parole for murder charged in connection to Leslie Obi's killing. Fill Out The FREE Recruiting Questionnaire, RESPECT THE GAME AND THE HISTORY OF THE GAME, ILLINOIS NUMBER #1 RESPECTED PREP FOOTBALL SOURCE FOR NEWS & RECRUITING INFO, Meet Glenbard West Athlete Joey Pope Class Of 2023 - Name To Watch. 1: Michael Short. All School Events; Glenbard East; Glenbard North; Glenbard South; Glenbard West; For more information about the accessibility of this website, please click here > In a statement Glenbrook North Head Coach Matt Purdy said the team "lost an amazing leader, friend, dedicated student, and athlete. .snt4Te .rEindN{-webkit-appearance:none;background-color:var(--corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,255,255,255),var(--alpha-bg,1)));border-color:var(--corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,227,227,227),var(--alpha-brd,1)));border-radius:var(--corvid-border-radius,var(--rd,0));border-style:solid;border-width:var(--corvid-border-width,var(--brw,1px));box-shadow:var(--shd,0 0 0 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.PSkPrR:after{color:rgba(var(--txtlblrq,0,0,0),var(--alpha-txtlblrq,0));content:" *";display:var(--requiredIndicationDisplay,none)}.TLWrjM{align-items:center;color:rgb(var(--errorTextColor,#ff4040));display:flex;flex-direction:row;gap:4px;padding:8px 0 0}.TLWrjM .GIPQqH{flex:none;flex-grow:0;order:0}.TLWrjM .JNgJbf{display:inline-block;flex-grow:0;font:var(--errorTextFont,var(--font_8));line-height:1;order:1;word-break:break-word} A punt, Leyden and the Hawks went to work again. ``. `` just try again! 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