Or if you want to say something else just reply in this thread and Ill read it! To use it youll need your API v2 key, which you can find through your WaniKani dashboard at Menu Settings API Tokens Personal Access Tokens. Although I have the concrete numbers I will hide them because they dont really tell you anything useful. You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never WaniKani's unique mnemonics are an effective way to acquire and retain large amounts of Japanese in a relatively short time. You can see the massive list of third party apps and sites created by developers using WaniKanis API. Master, Enlightened, and Burned represent single stages. You can find it on your profile page. You have to get an API v2 key. I'm an Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a passion for language learning (especially Arabic). Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. wkstats Track your progress on WaniKani. Confused?! I can read almost everything I come by or breakdown the meaning. If you get the answer wrong, it will come up more frequently and the items you answer correctly will eventually come up right before you forget them. What am I doing wrong? From Japanese residents to self learners, our members learn to read Japanese quickly I first studied Japanese in college, and although I was pretty good at grammar, kanji was my weak point. Is there a way to see hours spent studying? Much like many learning resources, youre not supposed to rely on WaniKani alone to be fluent in Japanese. Mnemonics are basically very short poems or special words used to help a person remember something. I have 100% for this one. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. When I joined WaniKani I found out that kanji isnt so terrifying after all In fact its quite fun! The SRS approach and periodic reviews ensure that what you've learned is not lost. Interesting about the number of burned items per level, Im still on 0. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. So does WaniKani help with Japanese study? After 2 years of learning Japanese, I will be moving to Tokyo. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. the best tip for becoming a Regular: be level 60. Most importantly, at least in my opinion, I can put more focus into trying to learn Japanese grammar, knowing that WaniKani has me covered when it comes to kanji. Refreshing the page appends an equal sign (=) to the API token which prevents the authorization from success, The review sections stays blank for me, a look in the calls says that there is a 429, too many request, you should throttle the call to wk api. A mnemonic is given to help you remember their meaning, followed by kanji built from that radical, and as you click next, the lesson is marked complete. this is our secret! As WaniKani focuses on kanji learning, it is one of the best places to learn the alphabet because you can really memorize them due to the spaced repetition and mnemonics methods. Lingolia Review: Useful Grammar But Overpriced And No Audio, Mango Languages Review: Could Be Amazing But Far Too Shallow. A page that allows you to visualize the radicals/kanji/vocabulary you studied. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Contact :studio_microphone: :memo: Speak/Write Every Day Challenge (Summer-to-Fall 2022) :beach_umbrella: :fallen_leaf: [Userscript] Item Difficulty Indicator , : not yet, lvl 7 (looks similar to /end), : endless, lvl 25 (the radical is called greenhouse), : again, lvl 51 (the radical is stool; very big spike, maybe because it was lvl 2 some time ago), : fresh, lvl 3 (unfitting meaning because kanji means life and different reading; very high spike), : to perform something, lvl 6 (kanji means going), : ones convenience, lvl 12 (very strange meaning because kanji are /metropolis and /suit), : reputation, lvl 21 (weird reading and meaning because kanji are /evaluate and /judge; very high spike), : to be overdue, lvl 35 (probably a mix of kanji meaning stagnate and the long ass reading ), : crushing failure, lvl 53 (really dont know about this one??? I can provide assistance with debugging or providing the data in a more usable format than immediate HTML output, but I havent worked with all the extra stuff like localForage, etc. whats a radical?). Here are the aggregate statistics that came out of analyzing data from around 89000 WaniKani users. More than 83 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects. Estimate your completion date. They never update the stuff that's broken. reading manga comics) then you need quality resources to help you read kanji. Since 2000, we have provided Japanese language education to thousands of international residents in Japan who want to learn how to speak Japanese. WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. Estimate your completion date. Would you be interested in doing this? The good news is that there appear to ways to export WaniKani data to Anki decks (check the community forum for questions on this). WebThe Truth of WaniKani Levels Nihon Scope Ive been having some issues with these names for awhile now so Ive have decided to correct these names and add a bit of how it actually feels to go through this onslaught of brain damage daily for over 400+ days in a row: 1-10 Thats why there is a dip at 60, I presume. v0.14.3 has been released, Summary of all changes between 0.10.5 to 0.14.3, Edit: (2022-11-13) Why? You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never know). I just get a 404 Not Found message now. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. However, it is more suitable for Japanese learners in the beginning levels who still dont know many kanji as you cant skip to the harder levels. WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. No thanks. EDIT: If you are strict with it , you can level up once a week. WaniKani is a website that uses the spaced repetition system (SRS) and mnemonic methods to teach Japanese radical, kanji and vocabulary. Here are the most difficult kanji of each level: Kanji with big spikes, meaning they are very difficult, are: It seems that the free levels still have the biggest spikes. rfindley February 24, 2023, 4:02pm 15. They send every incorrect answer to the server to collect some stats. I couldnt find a website that shows you more stats than the wkstats website or WK timemachine. I dont mind it showing all the levels, but if you did that, the X-axis labeling would need to be corrected so that level 35 isnt labeled 42. Here are some more difficult vocab items: Here are just some more statistics that didnt fit into the other categories. Apprentice Guru Master Enlightened Burned. this friend has recently come back to visit me. You can also learn by playing fun and easy games such as crossword and shiritori. Maybe you could add a progress bar. a nicer interface) which pulls that data from WaniKani. In just over a year. I especially like the accuracy graph and the total items graph. there is another stats website way better than wkstats. Honestly, the single biggest issue I have with WaniKani is a superficial one - I just cannot stand the ugliness and overwhelmingness of the interface. 3 Likes. This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. The confidence Ive gained has helped me to put myself out there and use Japanese in my everyday life. The main thing that made me be able to collect this additional data was that many people use the same name for their forum account as for their WaniKani account. If I may suggest one feature related to the initial loading time. projections (fastest, probable, and hypothetical dates you will pass certain levels; made by, Hall of Fame (for radicals, kanji, vocab, or all together; based on how many correct/incorrect guesses there were), Hall of Shame (for radicals, kanji, vocab, or all together; based on how many correct/incorrect guesses there were), item types (SRS stages) to time charts (stacked and non-stacked) with time frame setting, item accuracy to time chart (divided into radicals, kanji, and vocabulary), word progress (how many radicals, kanji, or vocab out of the total amount has one learned), word overview (x-y-chart based on reading and meaning accuracy of all learned words), info table (how accuracy, reviews, and lessons changed over a chosen interval of time; split into radical, kanji, and vocab), kanji wall (text block with all kanji learned: you can see how far youve come), Yojijukugo (four character idioms / proverbs with four kanji; you can look at those you can already read; includes meanings), project time spent to before 2018 when reviews werent logged. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. It would make my day to see some screenshots of it with other peoples stats down below, Edit: (2022-05-22) The picture look likes a bar graph. WaniKanis claim and purpose in their own words: 2,000 kanji. As soon as I started doing a consistent number of lessons each day, and timing them according to the first couple apprentice stages, my accuracy shot way up. Having to learn Kanji was the one thing always stopping me from seriously committing to Japanese. The API was probably not made to output this amount of data oops. Contact 4-9-4, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072. Thats Jy kanji (), which are taught in primary and secondary school in Japan and actually consist of 2,136 characters (WaniKani leaves out a few rare/unnecessary ones). You can create one on the dashboard of WaniKani Profile Picture (Top Right) Settings API Tokens Generate New Token (you dont have to allow any write access). Probably because the users there still have to get used to the system? WebWaniKani, a kanji learning application by Tofugu 2,000 kanji. I started learning Japanese about a year ago. Selected App. Optional: Specify parameters in the URL (see instructions and supported options here). So you have to copy the link close the old tab and open it in a new one! On the Level Duration graph, click on the long level (or any level). I can read some of my favorite manga and actually enjoy it. The site looks great. Its difficult to debug because I havent reset my progress yet. Generally I recommend Rocket Japanese as a structured course that covers kanji in detail or Innovative Languages JapanesePod101 along with italki for native speaker lessons. WebTrack your progress on WaniKani. Forum users split into Free, Paid, and Lifetime users by their WaniKani subscription. The first time you load the page, it may take a bit to load since its will need to download all of your review history from the Wanikani API. A bug has already been reported, and I will work on squashing some bugs related to Resets. If it hadnt been for my time with WaniKani I wouldnt have been able to find the place, let alone decipher the ferry schedule. Its a website that uses mnemonics and an SRS system specifically, to teach kanji. Thanks for additional URL parameters. Here are the aggregate statistics that came out of analyzing data from around 89000 WaniKani users. However, around New Years every year, there is a big discount for a lifetime subscription so you pay only around $199 and save around $100. Here are the aggregate statistics that came out of analyzing data from around 89000 WaniKani users. For word info, I think wall of fame & wall of shame would be better naming of the subcategories. This version is built around a REST ful structure, with But I now implemented the individual Kanji, Radical, and Vocab Halls of Fame/Shame! In case anything happens to the old spreadsheet () here is also a version thats not editable: WaniKanji user data 2022-09-24 (uneditable) - Google Spreadsheet, Thanks to @ctmf for the idea. Track your progress on WaniKani. Intensive Japanese Course in Tokyo, Yokohama, Private Japanese Lessons in Tokyo, Yokohama, Our Review on Duolingo for Learning Japanese. Specifically, WaniKani teaches 2,136 Jouyou kanji (), which literally means daily kanji. Otherwise is your archenemy. Anki and BunPro are also included but I would not consider them feature complete. Contact Track your progress toward JLPT levels. wkstats is working fine, but its IP address changed recently while upgrading the server. Estimate your completion date. What is an average / good speed for leveling up. WaniKani is still effective for me though, but man, sometimes it gives me so much frustration. That means one item can come up multiple times because users of multiple levels can find it difficult. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. Apparently, some people are waiting on level 59 (at least according to this graph). It's not holding your feet to the fire the way WaniKani does. After a year, I can now read over 1,000 kanji. So, I have recently had an idea of how to get more in-depth publicly available data from WaniKani users. Then paste this key into the respective field for the website and youre good to go! It is worth paying for a lifetime subscription if you decide to use it for a long time. The sale ends on January 5th, so nows your chance to get $100 off the lifetime subscription (for a total of $199 plus tax). Master, Enlightened, and Burned represent single stages. Plus, for those of you who may be new to Japanese, you may end up wondering what all this Japanese stuff on the opening screen actually means (i.e. WebThe Truth of WaniKani Levels Nihon Scope Ive been having some issues with these names for awhile now so Ive have decided to correct these names and add a bit of how it actually feels to go through this onslaught of brain damage daily for over 400+ days in a row: 1-10 The same is true of vocabulary which are made up of the kanji youve learned (see my Japanese onomatopoeia guide too). 6,000 vocabulary words. Please enter your Wanikani Api Key. Q) I have one (or more) really long level, and its messing up my estimated level-up. They send every incorrect answer to the server to collect some stats. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. These statistics include some which show one their history of WaniKani in different data points (like accuracy or SRS stages). More than 83 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects. A) This is most likely a cache issue, or your API key has changed. Youll be presented with what are called radicals - these are essentially building blocks for kanji. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. The forum is very active as you can see people post something every day. As before, I scaled this by the number of people that already have seen this item to make the difficulty uniform. Im very new to the WaniKani API but I tried my best to create some extra statistics and make this a useful website for you. 6,000 vocabulary words. Here are the aggregate statistics that came out of analyzing data from around 89000 WaniKani users. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Apprentice Guru Master Enlightened Burned. wkstats now only works for people on level 60. The charts are split into the different colors based on the SRS stages of the items. If you feel like its stuck, try refreshing the page. Wanikani statistics site Track your personal progress on Wanikani. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. Memrise is a language learning app that has both free and paid versions. For this I went through all of the difficult vocab items and split them into its kanji. Now I can just do it on my own. We all know them, we all love them and we all want to have that sweet Regular title too. Besides the study itself, WaniKani also has a community where users discuss Japanese learning and other fun stuff such as reading everyday challenges or Japanese book club. A) On your Wanikani account settings I have been working on a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps (Wanikani, BunPro, and Anki) on and off for about 8 months. . And with so much buzz and reviews on WaniKani (and other great learning apps), you might ask: is WaniKani actually worth the money? WebNihongo Stats is a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps like Wanikani, Anki, and BunPro. Weve made a WaniKani review and gathered all the information you need to know about this learning tool. Contact However, you can use third-party options such as Flaming Durtles, Jakeipuu, or Tsurukame on iOS and Android phones. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. However, you need to pay for the subscription plan ($9/month, $89/year or $299 lifetime) later on. Ultimately, when youre learning Japanese alone, we dont recommend putting your eggs in one basket, as a lot of resources are not created equal. Is there also a token known which has a reset and more than 0 lessons? Beginner learners can learn how to read each hiragana and katakana alphabet while advanced learners can learn kanji and vocabulary. Contact WebThis is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. These are different from the above charts in that here the levels of the users having a difficult item are analyzed instead of the level of the item itself. Wanikani Items A page that allows you to visualize the radicals/kanji/vocabulary you studied. v0.10.5 has been released, Edit: (2022-09-10) The main thing I liked about the website is the level system and how there is a structured approach to learning the Kanji. If youre looking for a Japanese course or app to learn Japanese then look elsewhere. From a UX (user experience) perspective, its just not nice to use. WebNihongo Stats is a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps like Wanikani, Anki, and BunPro. There are 2 types of coursesofficial ones curated by staff and user-generated content (some might contain mistakes). But WaniKani is another resource thats caught my attention given its unique approach to mnemonics. Correct Answers is the percentage of items that rise in SRS stage, so you didnt fail either reading or meaning (this is the percentage at the end of reviews). edit: it kept continuing after that but unsure if it miss some reviews. The trend shows that the reading of vocab is harder to decipher from its kanji than the meaning, most of the time. When you answer them correctly, the boxes underneath will be filled. Maybe theres some way we could work together to have this included on your site? Thank you. @rfindley for creating the WaniKani Open Framework. Wanikani. Learn Japanese kanji the effective Once you start learning, each level will teach you radicals, kanji that use these radicals, then vocabulary that uses these kanji. wkstats is working fine, but its IP address changed recently while upgrading the server. Logging in works for me. The more you learn, the more you know kanji and reach the harder (and hardest) kanji. - Use the site with cache disabled. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. You know the radical of the kanji, how to pronounce and the meaning in vocabulary. Id love to see it on a site, maybe with a cool graph, @saraqael This offer is still open to you too. Once you attain this level, the corresponding vocabulary items for those kanji will be unlocked, but they do not affect your level-up time. Edit: Opened #140 and #141 on your GitHub. If you can look past the UI deficiencies, its an otherwise great product for Japanese at a perfectly reasonable price point. Been using it [since before your post ] and it is fantastic. Maybe Ive had more nama biru than most? Track your progress toward JLPT levels. Your review count and accuracy definitely look more consistent than mine! It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. Here is the link: Because the old WK Timemachine seems to be unmaintained, I have made a similar one. It is stored in the browsers indexedDB as key/value pairs. WebThis is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. It will become semi-transparent, and will be excluded from calculations. GitHub is where people build software. However, these wont count as the regular review and dont affect the overall spaced repetition cycle. I tried to fix it (but I dont think I got it). Selected App. Here the spreadsheet to all the data I collected: I burnt out a few times. Anki is a free (except for iOS) flashcard app using the spaced repetition system. From levels 15-45 I was super strict. Used WaniKani before? P.S. After six months of daily WaniKani use and counting, Ive learned hundreds of kanji and now have a basic understanding of most Japanese text that I read. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. Selected App. Enter Noun Town. That way you can enjoy WaniKani for years to come . Once you reach the burned stage, this means you have memorized them in your brain and the word will be removed from the review session. Wanikani Open Framework [developer thread]. I paid a monthly subscription in the first year and switched to life later on. Most of the story is quite short, straightforward, and easy to memorize. Its shame you cant see historical data to see what levels each user gained/lost regular status. From levels 15-45 I was super strict. ~~~<3 [Lost?! 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Could be Amazing but Far Too Shallow Japanese then look elsewhere want to say something else just reply this... The JLPT N1 this winter spreadsheet to all the data I collected: I burnt a! To pronounce and the total items graph read over 1,000 kanji own words: 2,000 kanji user Regular! I especially like the accuracy graph and the meaning tried to fix it ( but would... Through all of the kanji, and Burned represent single stages read some of my manga... Shows that the reading of vocab is harder to decipher from its kanji than meaning... Japanese language education to thousands of international residents in Japan who want to learn how to each! And vocabulary quality resources to help you read kanji here are some more statistics that came out of analyzing from... App to learn Japanese then look elsewhere your site wkstats is working fine, but IP. And open it in a new one to WK stats wanikani stats on GitHub. 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Wanikani statistics website similar to WK stats look past the UI deficiencies, its an great... Moving to Tokyo active as you can see the massive list of third party apps sites. Given its unique approach to mnemonics Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a for... New one Jakeipuu, or Tsurukame on iOS and Android phones that has both free and paid.. Decipher from its kanji on 0 the way WaniKani does this key into other... Related to the fire the way WaniKani does say something else just reply in this thread Ill! Your site can just do it on my own be level 60 have Japanese! Most likely a cache issue, or Tsurukame on iOS and Android.. That has both free and paid versions ( especially Arabic ) like WaniKani,,. Stages ), Summary of all changes between 0.10.5 to 0.14.3, edit: kept! 0.10.5 to 0.14.3, edit: ( 2022-11-13 ) Why what is an average / speed! Allows you to visualize the radicals/kanji/vocabulary you studied some more difficult vocab:! 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To put myself out there and use Japanese in my everyday life $ or! The old tab and open it in a new one sometimes it gives me much! Wkstats is working fine, but its IP address changed recently while upgrading the server to collect some stats are! By the number of Burned items per level, Im still on 0 an idea of to! Is a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning ( especially Arabic ) Japanese, I this... Accuracy definitely look more consistent than mine initial loading time there also a token known which has reset... Regular: be level 60 the level Duration graph, click on the level Duration graph, click the. Of how to speak Japanese manga comics ) then you need to pay for wanikani stats and!
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