The Irish Brigade fought in most battles during the War of Spanish Succession, including the Battle of Ramillies in Central Belgium on May 23, 1706. These Irish nuns emmigrated to Australia and brought the Catholic Churches forced adoption practices with them. Violence was frequently employed and encouraged with the most common forms being verbal abuse, slaps, blows, and kicks. Its a shame, as nuns should represent peace, kindness, and gentleness. Its not easy to always be modest. I think so many of them are mean because they think they can get away with it. This can lead to a cycle of cruelty thats hard to break. Revelation 18:2-42-"She has fallen! The investigators established the chambers were originally used to treat sewage. My sister was born and adopted in the US and her birth mom reported being treated badly by the Nuns at the place where she went while pregnant. But there is good news in all of this. Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. dead bodies should be so very much more shocking than . our nuns would cut a finger off if you were late for class, some kids only had thumbs, we had to learn a new word every day if you couldn't pronounce it the nun would set about you with a baseball bat, on the day we had to learn Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ten kids got killed, we slept outside on the grass, in the winters we covered ourselves with cowpats (dung) to keep warm, we had turnips for breakfast lunch and dinner, but on sundays we had a real treat for dinner, the turnip was cooked, my aunt on visiting stalag sacred cross found the grave of the mother superior and dug her up, she then used her skull as a toilet, but she was a dirty cursing perverted old b**** herself. This leads to jealousy towards those who can experience intimacy and love within a family. Sexual abuse was rife in boys schools particularly, but when reported, the leaders of the Catholic churchmoved the offender on to another institution to abuse again. After all, slavery played a crucial role in the development and ongoing operation of the Cults economy. They were like prison officers. BERYL HITCHEN, 55, was dumped on the doorstep of the Nazareth House in Cardiff when she was not quite two years old. My time with these Nuns was horrendous. In high school I realized that what we were taught about loving one another was just words. It was a dreadful experience and I will never forget it. In the 1901 and 1911 Census in there were about 100 inmates in the Magdalen Loundry in Galway..about 8 or 9 nuns. My mother entered. Children were treated as slave labour and made to. I was slapped across the face hard for talking during a movie in 8th grade. They are not interested in children which was obvious at Tuam .Orphanage, in Ireland plus others.. In her absence, Philomena says, the parish priests took the children into the industrial schools, with the girls entering the Good Shepherd in Waterford. My mom told me that they had no life, could not leave the convent, no TV, no newspapers, so I think it was simple burn out, no way to get away from us brats. Nuns used crucifixes to rape little girls or forced boys to have sex with them, too. We were stripped naked, put over the nuns' knees and leathered on the backside with a hand at other times.. This is true of Jewish women who were in charge of the different units in Concentration also true of the German women who worked in these camps. Think for example of other people in committed relationships. Most - if not all - of the Irish Nuns were from respectable, rural and middle-class families. There are times when its hot outside, and the last thing you want to do is dress in heavy clothing. He would feed him at breakfast, dinner and lunch then undress him and bath him before putting him to bed. I know that they are supposed to be married to god and suchbut when you are married to a guy that is never around, doesn't talk to you, sets up impossible rules, and never has sex with youwell you would be cranky too. Powered by Invision Community, People who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. Thats awefull! Many were young and pretty, and though maybe they were kind in their first few weeks, they soon became much the same as the rest. Iona Institute Director. October 2020 Unkind. I am just wondering why. No one did and I was just told to follow on. Remember one more thing: the mothers who dropped their out-of-wedlock children off at the convents had only one other choice at the timethe street. The Nuns enjoyed certain privileges both in Irish society as a whole and in their palatial Convents where the daily tasks of cooking, cleaning, washing-up, ironing etc, were all performed by their slaves. 4-And I heard another voice out of Heaven say: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." A few Nuns kicked women and children down the stairs and then took the opportunity to kick them as they lay injured or struggling to stand or crawl away. Professor Grundy reserved his most scathing words for the police forces and bureaucrats, who he said may have known what was going on but did nothing to stop it. I didn't know the underscore wasn't mandatory for usernames before I came to these forums. They had no rights, were (still are to some degree) exposed to all sorts of abuse of the Catholic hierarchy, who always were their superior and who always has to be present to some degree because women can't do things by themselves in Catholicsm by design. Above all, they tell of a complete lack of love in institutions where bewildered children could not comprehend why they were being treated in such a way or why their families had left them in the hands of the nuns. Background. I certainly didnt need any time to reflect on my own experience of cruel Irish Nuns.. After all, I was nine years with the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in Dublin in both a Mother and Baby Home, St. Patricks on the Navan Road where I was born and spent the first four years of my life, and for five more years at St Philomena's Home, Stillorgan. I remember we all did not want to leave the home in Brecon because the nuns there were so kind. Wicked City was initially canceled after just 3 episodes, but later, the remaining episodes were aired on Hulu. We rose at 5am, did the cleaning chores, then got dressed, got breakfast and then went to school. And of course the whole story fits wonderfully into the larger stories of Irish nuns as heartless and cruel, which many undoubtedly were. Their livesand later their deathshad been shrouded. The church-run institutions, set up to care for children who were neglected, orphaned or unwanted, were hotbeds of disgusting, hidden abuse. You could get beaten for nothing at all. . But trying to be perfect always is enough to make anyone go a little crazy. This can lead to them being quite cruel to others, especially those weaker than them. They would use canes, sticks, the leather belts around their waists. Does any of what these Nuns did sound righteous to you? The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims . She was tied to a chair and beaten for weeks until she started to learn english. He told me to take my clothes off and he would wash me down and then he started fondling me, before masturbating me, says William. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anjez Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, or Mother Teresa as she is now known throughout the world, was one of the most important Catholic Church figures when she was alive and even posthumously. IN THE early Seventies, six-year-old Simon Taylor (not his real name) was admitted to Nazareth House in Middlesbrough after his mother had a nervous breakdown. April 2020 It was bad enough in Newcastle, but after the war broke out we were moved to Carlisle where it was much more cruel. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. Born into Catholicism and devout as a child, I witnessed cruelty and abuse by Sisters of IHM. Anything can trigger flashbacks because there are so many bad memories, he says. We went to the airport and we weren't allowed to see the coffin or go near it, so I had my suspicions all along. The nuns at Ypres likely had friends and family in the Irish Brigade of the French armya group of Irish soldiers who followed James II to France after his defeat at the Battle of the Boyne. They were not battleaxes or crones. Within them, however, nobody could escape the interlaced structure of these complex power relations. I have not found many "nice" stories about nuns. I don't think my grandma knew exactly what he was sick with but she told me that the Nuns had NO empathy for a sick child. ", Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. A few days later, William was told his brother had died although he is now convinced this was untrue. Every morning he had to wash and dress his little brother Thomas, who had brittle bone disease and was unable to walk. Philomenas mother, who died at 74, kept in touch with all her children throughout their times at the schools and enjoyed a good relationship with them as adults. We did all the work in the convent, cleaning the windows, scrubbing floors, doing the laundry and washing out the bathrooms. The daily torturing and beating of the slave women and children enabled the cruelest of the Nuns to assert their place in the Magdalene Laundries and other Institutions. If they see other nuns being cruel, they may think its okay to act the same way. We could see each others suffering and pain, while they took turns to abuse both of us a few times over the weekend.. When I couldn't make out what they were saying they thought I was being cheeky and I got slapped and punched a lot. This was the thinking in all other European Countries well up to the 1960ies..Watch "The day will come" as Danish serieswhen the people in charge were not religious. The whole idea was for those women to do penance for their sins. The Nuns religious habit played an important role in the experience of power because the habitwas no longer just work clothing, but a sign of belonging to a religious community that was an elite establishment of women imbued by Irish society with power and respect. "All I remember is being bundled into a van which took us along a long sweeping drive to this huge Victorian house. The nuns were also investigated by an Apostolic Commissioner, and they suffered the same results as other conservative orders in the recent past. "I left the faith as a direct result and don't describe myself as a Catholic anymore. August 2021 Mari Steed For many years now, stories about the conditions at the now-shuttered Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Ireland, have circulated among locals. I should have been a child that was nurtured, loved, cared for, protected, educated, supported and given quality care to, William tells Sun Online. Part of being human is being a sexual person humans are attracted to other people, have romantic feelings and sexual urges. But, back in the day, this is how nuns were taught, and its no wonder they turned out to be so cruel. They became boarders while in Secondary School and then joined up they would have no idea for the most part about sexuality's. By Sue Lloyd Roberts. "The only thing I learned to do there was fight, and when I come across a nun today I avoid them because I cannot be civil. Police are also investigating after lawyers representing former residents passed on relevant files. This button displays the currently selected search type. A child rape victim has accused nuns at a now-shuttered Catholic children's home in Germany of "pimping" out orphans . Thank God they chose the nuns. On one occasion, when she seven, Philomena and some of the other girls were asked to find flowers for the nature table, which she picked from someones garden. I think the average age for priests and nuns in the US today is like 70. This was not the case in mid-19th Century . When my grandma first went there she only spoke her native language, she spoke no english at all. It was work, work, work. My mother was one of them. Some of these reasons include the high expectations placed on them, the fact that theyre not allowed to express their feelings, and many of them come from abusive or neglectful families. "Most of the nuns were Irish and though they were trained to be nuns they were not trained to look after kids, and that is where a lot of the problems were. The proud wearing of the religious habit was a profound experience for the middle-class women, and the uniformity contributed to forging an esprit de corps, a feeling of pride and mutual loyalty even though it did not exclude hierarchies of rank and did not preclude friction within the group. October 2019 Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. It took maybe a week or two to metamorphose the awkward, timid, novice Nuns into the new, confident and vicious Nuns so demonstrably capable of using verbal and physical violence on their captive slave women and their children illegally detained in the religious prisons known as the Magdalene Laundries and other institutions. Its crucial for nuns to be aware of this and to try to break the cycle. For the barbarous Nuns who lived there and in other Institutions, they were a great place in which to eat, drink, work and play once you locked the slaves away at night as any competent slave trader and owner would do. August 2019 The nuns join a convent for a life of prayer not teaching, nursing or looking after children in orphanages. 10 The Duplessis Orphans. The family book I am writting has so many of these stories in it I almost hate to put them in there. with all the other girls looking on. This expectation can be quite a burden and lead to nuns being critical of others. May 2020 That is why I want to take them to court.". It is a greater act of contempt than striking the face because it emphasises the asymmetry between the torturer and her victim. August 2018 These emotions can eventually turn into anger and resentment. The religious habit was a distinctive set of clothing worn by members of a religious Order with the style and colour differentiating each Order. Orphans, abandoned babies and children deemed uncontrollable or accused of petty crimes were all put in the hands of the nuns who, to the outside world, epitomised kindness and compassion. . Nuns can be cruel for a variety of reasons. The female . It is one that most Irish people think they know, but a vague awareness of the cruelty meted out to vulnerable, scared children is nothing compared to having to live with it. "Most of the nuns were Irish and though they were trained to be nuns they were not trained to look after kids, and that is where a lot of the problems were. I endured all their frustrations directly with violence, beatings, rapes, and mental trauma. He was told that the remains would be brought back to Moate for mass and the following day to his hometown of Daingean, Co. Offaly. Thanks to all for your replys, I think the hammer has found the nail on this perhaps. The victim lies prostrate on the ground, at the Nuns feet. I was asked to go but I refused, says William. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Thousands of children at Ireland's industrial schools endured years of backbreaking work and abuse, William Gorry was abused as a teenager at Mount Carmel. Content Summary. Well, I don't think that humans are meant to live without any intimacy; physical or emotional. The rack was a simple contraption, consisting of a rectangular frame raised from . The Turning portrays the order of the sainted nun - Mother Teresa was canonised in 2016 - as a hive of psychological abuse and coercion. I was constantly humiliated.. Many of the initial applications were turned down and, in response, William set up the Residential Institution Survivor Network (RISN), which has now helped over 200 people with appeals. I have cried so much wondering what happened to my loving brother. The gagging order is such an appalling and cruel abuse to all of us survivors who went through the Redress Board. The scathing report, by Professor Bruce Grundy of Queensland University, told of how one girl, Helen Carter, had her legs burnt with a red-hot poker, to exorcise the Devil, while another child almost lost her legs which became infected after a nun pulled out her ingrowing toenails with pliers. Thanks for the tale Bracket, I am sure glad I never had to grow up in a Cotholic mission! Was Thomas given away or sold? This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. April 2019 In those days the people were encouraged to bring their children to the mission to be schooled by the church and they children all lived there. Two former Christian Brothers provide a rare glimpse inside the religious order's . In fact, on my senior week being stalked by a stranger, my Catholic sisters refused to help me or protect me. "I approached a lawyer because I learned that it was being said that if there were problems in any Nazareth House homes it was only in Scotland. Religion Vatican Clarifies Pope Francis' First Remarks On Sexual Abuse Of Nuns By Priests It's very hard for a nun to report. Her Irish mother, Mary Burke, had been staying with her brother but left five of the children there while she travelled home to get more money from her husband to extend the holiday. Nursing Nuns of the Civil War. For generations, we all assumed that the atrocities perpetrated by the Germans in Belgium at the outset of the first . Iam writting a family book about our family from as far back as I can go. Sadly, those abusive women were sadists who should have been imprisoned themselves and also hospitalized. She lived at Nazareth House homes in Newcastle and Carlisle until she was 13, in 1944. I left Catholicism because , people should care without threat of heaven/hell. They may feel they are missing out on something essential and wonder what could have been. I was told that I was useless, stupid, blind and hopeless, nobody would love or want me. You must remember that Catholic Ireland believed that the Religious-run Institutions were legitimate and acceptable places in which to put unmarried women and their children who were judged as being anti-social and ungodly. Thankfully, those methods have changed, and nuns are now taught with more compassion. Nuns have to obey their superiors, which can lead to a feeling of being trapped and powerless, and it can also lead to nuns being quite resentful towards those in positions of authority. This vow means they will not have sex or engage in sexual activity, leading to frustration and feeling trapped. As the result of a rape and beating by a Nun, I spent two years in a coma in hospital hiding from my mangled mind and body. The "significant quantities" of remains were found in 17 out of 20 underground chambers that were examined. I have seen programs about nuns and most of those show a wonderfull helpful loving nun who just loves the whole world. if the nuns were to blame, / So it had to be caused by a wire . When Mum came back from England she couldn't get us back, she says. December 2019 "The nuns never believed I was deaf. It can also lead to nuns taking their frustration out on others. My kids have grown up and I have a great relationship with them.. What gives? For being late for prayer. Jesus dies for their sins, as He lived a perfect life. "I am not the human I should be, a human that should have had what I deserved as a child - my family, love, happiness, education, a job, being able to live with my partner and marry. What is it that makes these Nuns so down right nasty mean? This kind of behavior applies to nuns, as well. At night, they were abused by visiting priests who came to the girls dorm. Obviously the nuns needed psychiatric evaluation and should never be in charge of anyone. The impact of a blow is much greater if administered with the foot. The only subject of conversation was who was for it next. Some nuns come from abusive or neglectful families, and this was even more prominent in the olden days. Why are Nuns so mean? So far, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth have refused to comment, but it is believed that the allegations will be contested vigorously. Across thousands of miles, across decades, the abuse took eerily similar forms: People who grew up in orphanages said they were made to kneel or stand for hours, sometimes with their arms straight out, sometimes holding their boots or some other item. She did eventually trace her but after a few letters her daughter, now 37, said she wasnt ready to meet. My child never went to church or catholic upbringing. . So I guess if someone can tell me why they are so mean and abusive that would be nice. The girl herself often wished to take the veil to escape the intolerable working conditions on the family farm. December 2020 Others have already pointed out that Nuns are denied any intimacy when they join Catholicism. It was considered very prestigious to have a daughter become a Nun as was having a son in the Priesthood. In the 1930s and 1940s, a conservative revolution ushered in an era in Quebec now known as " The Great Darkness .". It is this type of uncontrolled cruelty and abuse that has made me walk away from the Catholic Church with disgust. I just want to try to understand it. The Nuns were the power and to them the inmates were slaves, criminals and whores. "When the Sister died, we were told to pray for her in Heaven, but we all prayed that we were glad. . Nuns are supposed to be modest in their appearance, which can lead to them being quite critical of others who dont dress modestly. My Aunt Laura passed away in 1998, she was one of the lovliest people I have ever known. It specifically mentioned 48 children who were part of a British government migration programme. The nuns told us to strip off and stand beside the the bed and they left us just standing there for ages, waiting for our punishment. Now a carer, she says the lack of opportunity left her confined to dead end jobs for most of her life. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. One of the questions I have is for the Catholics of the forums. Nuns with children at Sean Ross abbey. This can lead to a lot of unresolved issues, and these issues can eventually turn into anger and resentment. Abuse is only broken when the cycle stops. Imagine trying to be perfect all the time. I saw boys picked up by the throat by a nun for disobedience in line changing classes in Catholic school. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Nuns indeed put in a lot of hard work. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Archaic teaching methods are now seen as barbaric. While your doing that, tell any stories of nuns that you might have. For the enslaved women and children, the Magdalene Laundries were places of constant suffering and death through hunger, brutal violence, epidemics and systematic mass-murder. Run by the Bon Secours order of nuns, the Tuam home opened in 1925 and closed in 1961. It's easy! It seems logical that a person suffering from not being a part of normal life, ie:love, sex, child birth ect ect.. would harbor lots of ill will twords those who cannot help themselves. They did so because they wanted to jealously safeguard the gold standard for all children, a stable home run by their mothers and fathers. I thought bugger that, I'm saying my piece.". Beatings were a daily occurrence. January 2018, List of the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools of Ireland. First off I'd change that to SOME nuns, not all. Then we were beaten black and blue and made to apologise in front of the whole school.. It was a matter of impressing and/or shocking fellow Nuns by specific acts of violence, and thereby proving ones authority and skill. It was a poor but loving home, but in 1975, Williams world was turned upside down when Catherine buckled under the strain and left. There was nothing unusual about it. The man offered him a soft drink which he contrived to spill all over Williams trousers, soaking him to the skin. The terror so enthusiastically applied by the Religious Nuns who ran the Magdalene Laundries was very real for the Survivors of such Institutions. The nuns would enter a convent in their teens and would be told nothing about sex or re Continue Reading 18 2 Peter Kisner Never has been and never will be. (9 Reasons Why). Long gone are the days of teaching nuns to be cruel, and now theyre being taught with more compassion. Violence was frequently employed and encouraged with the most common forms being verbal abuse, slaps, blows, and kicks. It was a known fact among the slave women and children that beating them was a way of compensating for the Nuns own incompetence and of imposing and demonstrating their authority. 1 1.Why do Catholic nuns have a reputation for being cruel and abusive ; 2 2.Why were Irish Nuns so Cruel? Its not easy being a nun. She would choose . No matter what any "spiritual leader" might say. Coming from a guy who feel he has the right to condemn, criticise and berate the practice's of nearly two billion people, have you been given Carte Blanche on this board? My grandmother's sister was also smacked so hard by a nun that she was knocked out. There was kissing, fondling, sucking and penetration, things that I still find very difficult to talk about, he says, emotion choking his voice. Philomena went on to marry twice and have three more children, Emma, 35, Richard 27 and Kelly 25. No one would believe how bad it was. For William, and thousands of others, the nightmare goes on. secrets passed from mother to daughter. But the nun wasn't looking for someone to help her. "You were thrashed about the feet, head and hands, you had your hair pulled and your head bounced off the walls. Catholic nuns, as decreed by Pope Francis, are not allowed to use smartphones or social media. World Ireland Dublin. It makes perfect sense that some would take their emotions out on others. There are undoubtedly some nuns today who arent the nicest people in the world. Nuns. They were not battleaxes or crones. Work and not getting any credit little girls or forced boys to have with. Caused by a nun as was having a son in the Magdalen Loundry in Galway.. about 8 9... Industrial Schools of Ireland one of the Irish nuns were to blame /. He would feed him at breakfast, dinner and lunch then why were irish nuns so cruel him and him. 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