Brandon Michael Davis is an insult to the military wearing that uniform with rank and awards he did not earn. You or your attorneys made the mistake of submitting your actual DD214 and Marine separation papers not redacted into potential pool of evidence. Dont hold your breath on those docs Mr. Smith. Additionally, I am a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in addition to my work in those spaces, I also leverage my legal skills to host and/or assist with Clean Slate Expungement efforts across West Michigan. I received the community alerts and the moment I read them I knew it was all true. The current incarnation of The Peoples Court, which is also distributed by Warner Bros., has also been cancelled, after 26 seasons. Waiting for admin to approve my reply for you.. Ill drop some more BMD history and facts for you too. If you cant show it, then you are the fraud that you truly are. Knowing this dude is suspect you agreed to put a small child in his care? Sit tight. A: Actor Brendan Anthony Moran, known as the bailiff on the Judge Mathis television show, died Dec. 19, 2002. A fool and his child have just parted. It does." - William James #Quote And we should believe that youre thorough? The Social Justice Diversion program uses restorative justice practices to allow low level offenders the opportunity to avoid criminal prosecution by obtaining their education and/or performing community service. 3. When Brandon post his APOLOGY then you can request who you need for yours. Youre only online to point fingers and slander people. The show will highlight the 62-year-old judge's life outside of the courtroom . Tons of people have proof of who Brandon really is and that he is a manipulative compulsive liar. I have seen you around obviously at the court house that day and wondered your play in all this. Feel bad for yourself. Legal documents, obtained by TMZ, show that the TV judge certainly got his fair share from the split . Linda this is how you act when you know you got every crawl space covered for every possible escape. Brandon was fortunate to have compassionate professors that allowed Brandon's daughters to attend classes with him while he pursued his education. Linda Fenton and Paul H. Smith, give it up, you both are BUSTED cause you are the same person, who we all know as the Marine phony called BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS!!!! You waste more time trying to keep this super self smoke screen relevant. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If you got proof that you earned them, show us, if not, you are a fraud who deserves to remain on this site!!!!!!!!! The second you opened your mouth we knew you were a liar. Now, with this mess of disguising as a fake Army Ranger, you got issues. When are you too old to keep blaming your mom for not hugging you enough? Now you want to throw threats around while you duck out the doggy door? He also taught courses to the MAs or anyone else that needed to get certs or recerted through the miltary. NOW.. if youre willing to go under oath and be listed as a witness theres some professionals and investigators that would LOVE to speak with you immediately. I guarantee he wont allow his child around this predator ever again. You didnt. He just gave 2 hours plus testimony in a civil hearing that exposes his lies and states My DD214 is not correct and trying to fix it He tripled down on the military tenure and was caught lying over and over again. Nice Try Girls :). Brandon this whole pretending to be women thing is telling. His credits include as Father Galt in "Doug's . Reasons his wife cant bring him around her family. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww, but you keep her!? Brandon Davis. When Brandon became a teen father, he knew that his life changed forever. Haha Brandon received such a belittling admonishing from the judge he started fake crying in court. If he joined back into the USMC to become Recon or Force Recon it would have been 2004-2008 because he was arrested in 2008 in Round Rock for writing bad check (hints the mug shot). He would have been there long enough for training in his classification & uniform change. Thurgood Marshall once said, " Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process." I am also in possession of the copy & paste, manual redacted DD214s youve submitted as evidence in your civil suit set January 2017. Several key individuals in the USMC Recon community as well as off-duty law enforcement officers proved vital in putting this case file together. He went in the US Navy and got out as an E-3. Many other syndicated informational series ended in 2022, including Dr. Oz, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Good Dish, Maury, The Real, and The Wendy Williams Show. Judge Greg Mathis gives sentences to thous in his court room. Draw as many names in as possible. Therefore he has to keep up this Purple Heart fraud for all these years. If this is The Ret. Youve been outed, youre caught, and now you are in some mess you cannot get out of cause. Correct? to Work to Serve Muskegon County! As a Muskegon County resident, I am also very involved in community service efforts throughout the Greater Muskegon area. Moran's death has been officially ruled a suicide; he passed away after falling off a balcony. If that were true last names and contact info would be on here. Before the fool could even check in for his 1st night of cement stay action he proceeded to violate probation 2x. Does Esmerelda know you forged the marriage certificate and the marriage is fake? This is a decade plus of lies by this man. This is about getting a dangerous person off the streets and in jail before more people are hurt. Who are the relatives of Brendan Anthony Moran? Email me @ and you can put your 1st hand experience with BMD into action in helping him. Judge Greg Mathis is already headed back to television, just days after his long-running titular series was cancelled by Warner Bros . If the amount of time in the service was wrong on the dd214, what else could be wrong. Dont worry while youre locked up I will make sure your cut pays off the civil judgements to your many victims. Pastor Brandon majored in Religious Studies at Hampton University. I matriculated to Central Michigan University at 17 years old. Devereux became a household name after appearing as Bailiff in the American reality court show Judge Mathis with judge Greg Mathis. I have pics of him at a Marine Ball in 2001 or 2002 that has all these ribbons and medals then too. Further, if the military made errors in the schools and time in service, it is reasonable to conclude that they also missed two Purple Hearts, two Combat Action Ribbons, a Bronze Star and any overseas assignments during a time of conflict? The actor, whose full name was Brendan Anthony Moran, fell 24 floors and died on December 19, 2002. So the story has been he was injured in combat but no medical records support that along with deployment records. Im in possession of all docs filed with the court as well as all docs are open record to view online for all to see. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I am the ex wife. Mic Dropped Hes a good guy, a reputable man trying to raise his son (which she walked away from) so leave him alone! I tried to be sneaky, but I think some nights he just laid awake in bed, stiff as a board, staring at the ceiling and waiting for a floorboard to creak so he could have something to flip his shit about. Somebody please report to the site administrator that Brandon Michael Davis is still posing as Paul Smith. I believe fiscal responsibility, low taxes, and economic innovation are key to a thriving state. Lets be honest here Brandon Davis. Stop defending this fake. Signed docs signed by who? Along with The People's Court, the 20-year-old law-entertainment series has been dropped due to the network "getting out of the judge show business.". Wait his fam law attorney typed up one and fraudulently disguised it as filed with the court but that was nothin to do with this site. He states that he was Recon in his LinkedIn profile. I worked as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Wayne County and as a Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in Muskegon County. Great! Linda Fenton, how much did Brandon pay you and Jarrod Rhodes to make people believe his lies?? As far as the legal documents you mention, included in the documents from Brandon Michael I examined were a number of court documents directly relevant to the case.These documents were, in fact, signed.I know what I saw and examined. Esmeralda if youre reading just go to the courthouse and let ether know it was forged and you will be free from this joke legally. 5. They will close their doors after the end of Judge Mathis' 24th season and The People's Court's 26th season. Please email me LINKEDIN: (Davis name and initials backwards, sort of). Man this book and movie deal is going to be righteous!! Courtesy of Allen Media Group. . He also possesses three credits under his name as an actor. I disagree. Stop lying you fraud!!!!! . To be blatantly honest as I can, I believe youre seriously fucked in ways you are not fully aware to yet. Just like all his step siblings. Alex you clearly did not read through the link. Judge Joe Brown's long divorce court case is finally over, and he's officially a single man. Hey no worries.. My commitment to hard work and excellence has been evidenced throughout my lifes journey. Paul Smith, you are Brandon Michael Davis. You cant write a better script than what took place. . We sent over discovery request asking for all this type documents back in February and zero items were presented and they said unable to produce. He is an actor, known for Amsterdam (2022), Undressed (1999) and First Monday (2002). Court is adjourned: Daytime courtroom shows The People's Court and Judge Mathis have both been cancelled after more than two decades on the air each . From the transcripts and speaking with your personal entourage present for last hearing, youve got him believing youre the victim to a elaborate smoke screen . Where to Watch or Stream Judge Mathis. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, I grew up in an impoverished neighborhood where crime was prevalent. It matters nothing to me whether you believe me. Perhaps he had an issue with striking for a rating, there was a hardship, medical or some issue with his next duty assignment. Libertarian Party. What? Donya Quinn vs. Michael Smith/Cassandra Ruggiero vs. Brian Warren/Michael Vasquez vs. Margaret Niemeyer/Erik Szymanski vs. Luke Van Rodyen. Fact checking, double confirmation and cross checking each others work before and after military phony posting. At your convenience. 0. 37:35. We always wondered what was inside it. It is also worth noting that the Navy wanted to increase its MA force from 3000 special law enforcement personnel to 30000 K Force protection personnel. Brendan Anthony Moran, 37, beloved son of Joseph and Mary Moran. Lol, Curious if someone has an attorney referral also Military Veteran. Now I get why stepdads and other reluctant surrogate father figures are always cast as being pieces of shit in media. As of now they are hush because they feel youre deserving of this type retribution. Just tired of the anonymity and accusations. This Aint Hell:, Category: US Marines Posers & Embellish-ers So please let us know if you know what he did in the Navy. Nor did it mention his sharpshooter badge. The Certified transcript of that hearing 11/24/15 details Brandons continued harassment of his ex and spouse. Try again. I see clearly the judge handling both your frivolous civil suit and family suit scams is a victim of yours now too. He will remain on the Wall of Shame. His distinct hate speech, lack of facts and bizarre dialogue has been him. For example, the DD 214 reports completion of schools that require a longer service period and higher rank than the form itself states BMD allegedly had. 2. This is bigger than fraud. The DD-214 clearly states the dates of the schools and the lengths. He gave unsolicited statements about his military tenure stating he was enlisted from 1996-2006 and also stated my DD214 is incorrect and in the process of fixing it. This suit and the family suits filed were desperate acts of intimidation and retaliation to silence your ex wife and her families efforts to expose you as the fraud and serial abuser youre clearly to be. "You ain't nothing to me!" The family will in fact use this gracious misstep of the civil suit to counter which is ironically in same court 2 as judge who shot down Protective Order. Seeing you squirm again and look like a delusional sociopath was priceless. R. I. P. As announced on a recent episode of Judge Mathis, former bailiff Brendan Anthony Moran died on December 28, 2002 at the age of 37. Its the end of an era of daytime television. Yo imma domestically violence your ass! An investigation has been launched. Since these are not standard lengths for enlistments, there would have been circumstances that would have cut them short. Seriously, you know Brandon is a fraud and so does Jarrod. There is also countless witnesses that can prove he was in central Texas 2005-2015. Judge Mathis People's Court' Canceled By Warner Bros. today turkia tv. Wayne State University Law School, Graduated in 2010, Bachelor of Applied Arts in Interpersonal and Public Communication, Central Michigan University, Graduated in 2007, Strategic Human Resources Leadership Certification, First-chaired over 50 Felony Jury Trials and numerous bench trials and misdemeanor cases, Served as a Muskegon County Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Served as a Wayne County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Serves as an Attorney in Private Practice, Works to achieve justice by increasing accountability and transparency in public safety and criminal justice systems, Phi Beta Sigma, Fraternity, Inc., Member 2009 - Current, Michigan State Bar, Member 2010 - Current, Muskegon County Bar Association, Member (Past Board of Directors Member) 2013 - Current, Read Muskegon, Board of Directors (Immediate Past Chair) 2013 - Current, Victory In Praise Gospel Choir, Founder/Director 2014 - Current, Men of Color Read, Volunteer 2015 - Current, Muskegon Young Black Professionals, Sgt.-at-Arms 2018 - Current, National Association for the Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, Member 2019 - Current, Muskegon Civic Theater, Board of Directors and Diversity Committee Member 2021 - Current, Floyd Skinner Bar Association, Board of Directors, 2021 - Current, Brandon is a proud father of two beautiful daughters, Dezi and Tamyra. After 2001 starting 2002 the Navy opened up to recruit for the MA field. Also, I am African American as well, and just to let you know, you are an embarrassment to the African American community, especially knowing the history that African Americans in the military went through prior to 1948 and even some f the trials and tribulations that still existed after. Sorry try again. Your 1st victim read your comments and called you out rather quickly. Glad to see the son will get a new chance at starting over with good people who wont take advantage of him. I can bet on my life youve only heard one side clearly by your make believe events you were told happened. This then called into question if the judges actions were criminal with this ex parte communication. The local news agency called me this morning to bring to my attention. She drives a 550 CLS Mercedes and owns 2 homes. Soon as the doors close the heat will be turned up. What would you like to know? If you really earned them BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS, show it!!!!!! Jameis (is that really how you spell it?) All rights reserved. Learn more about Attorney Brandon Davis and his campaign to be elected as a Judge of Muskegon County's 14th Circuit Court. So question I ask all of Brandons victims is Jow much money did he take you for? No money? Brandon has brainwashed his son into believing his daddy is a hero when Brandon is a nobody that never served in combat. Brandon D. Davis, Sr. | Lead Pastor. Jade Mathis. The boy is smart just afraid and in disbelief his father has lied about both their very existence. His ex-wife is trying to cause him trouble NO IFS ANDS OR BUTTS! Judge Judy Calling -Plaintiff Latoya McNatt suing defendant Robert Goodson for money she paid for Jeep Grand Cherokee, defendant had the title, and donated the car (or so he claims). How Much does Judge Mathis Pay? After a long and tedious recovery, Davis made the decision to give music another shot. What again did you view and be advised all attorneys creep this site regularly so was West Short or William A James at this sit down? And yes spelling is correct with cell. (Transcript coming). Judge Greg Mathis is unlike most adjudicators you'd see in a courtroom. Pre-teen? It is sad when his son reads more evidence of the truth about his father. Im shocked that Judge Mathis is canceled. Brandon is scheduled to turn himself over to Wilco Sheriffs at the jail tomorrow to start his first weekend of 180 day 36 month probated sentence for being in contempt. You must be referring to The Application for Protective Order?? It's a circle of violence and abuse. Unfortunately I am the ex wife. This is what I see. Therefore your credibility in judge again has taken on scrutiny. Those same principles still guide me in every aspect of my life. Mathis tweeted that he had finished production on season 24 in November and has presided over more than 13,000 cases. We find no records of Brandon Micheal Davis every employed with agency, Because there is only six a year, easily discoverable. Dude is either crazy ass hell or played crazy to get out which many do so after or during boot camp. Paul Smith, you are really Brandon Michael Davis aka Linda Fenton aka Barbara Dolores aka Justice. American judge, television court show arbitrator, autho Entertainment Weekly'sfree daily newsletter. You dont remember me but I remember you from playing paintball and inviting me to your gun range. To that end, I currently serve as the Chairperson of Read Muskegon (Muskegon' s Literacy Hub), and a board member for Muskegon Young Black Professionals, and Muskegon Civic Theater. I will be trashing any more comments pertaining to that subject. Judge said your current wife should be questioning if you even love her. Brandon Michael Davis had enlistmentsin both the US Marine Corps and the US Navy. When? They also point out that his stack is all messed up.. No infringement of previously copyrighted material is intended on this site. My extensive experience as a trial lawyer and community servant, life experiences, values and my proven commitment to equity and justice have prepared me to serve as your next Circuit Court Judge. This essential work requires a systemic approach to increasing transparency, accountability, and fairness in all matters of public safety. More than happy to share with you. Judge Greg Mathis Host of "Judge Mathis" Court TV Show #MathisFamilyMatters. Member Actors Union. Hes a veteran I picked him up from the airport after his basic training graduation along with other times he had time to return home. You cant stop this. You didnt really think that out very well did you? Stop defending this fool. Well Mr. Smith. There are two simple questions ask Brandon; 1, wheres your BRC certificate? "Hey folks, I'm sure by now you . Brandon drives a salvaged title 2001 Lexus and rents. See you on the 24th. The courtroom will be packed with vested professionals. A unique role model, Judge Mathis stands out from other court show judges. HGTV "Home Town" producer Brandon Davis has died, the show's co-host Erin Napier wrote on Instagram. Dude cant standup straight if he tried. but if he didnt have that when we first confronted him was provide a date. Viscous cycle by an evil evil person. If litigants agree to be on the show, they are paid a talent fee ranging from $150 to $300, and they receive travel accommodations. You are an embarrassment to the USA. Judge Joe Brown is an American arbitration-based reality court show starring former Shelby County, Tennessee criminal court judge Joseph B. Brown.It premiered on September 14, 1998 and ran through the 2012-13 television season for a total of fifteen seasons. Surely to prove slander you 1st must provide evidence youre not a phony. Neither are two Combat Action Ribbons or two Purple Hearts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ashley Landrum & Jessica vs. Constance & Almeda Gillum/Dorothea & James Cross vs. Joe Cross/David Wright vs. John Potok/Jeannie Leconte vs. Scott Wagner. You complicated matters greatly and raised the stakes by withholding your child and you were rightfully jailed for it. What do you think? lol.. High ranking vets hes shown this xerox copy to are on email record stating to being shown these fake xerox documents during failed business contract negotiations. Cats out the bag and couldnt have happened to a more deserving wacko. Paid for bytheCommittee to Elect Brandon Davis. RETURN POLICY | SHIPPING POLICY | CANCELLATIONS | FULFILLMENT | PRIVACY POLICY The only combat you saw is probably swatting a fly or playing hide and go seek as a child. There are so many folks awaiting that glorious day you just cant believe how many professionals will want a copy. This will allow the platform The Military and Veteran Community needs to properly alert Austin community. Instead of showing some sign that he may have any pride left and manning up to his bullshit he lets this go on. and . Get Involved. I can send you the 5hour deposition his attorney just completed where it gives detail by detail of the rape and list other victims by name. No more lying no more running no more blaming innocent people. I wonder if Brandon just forgot his training he learned from the usmc interrogator school he swears he attended in the 7 months enlisted. My bad. We do not condone senseless acts by individuals that assault, threaten, or intimidate anyone suspected of Stolen Valor. What judge? Library. Was curious what your colleagues civilian and service would feel about you perusing with a serial pedophile? Will you miss seeing this program on the schedule? Mathis has prior knowledge of the cases. Evidently you didnt continue to reading the postings. Mathis, who previously presided as a judge in Michigan's 36th District Court, also currently holds the title as the longest-running Black male host of a courtroom television series. Your own son wont side with this guy and hes the only one who told Cps investigators Dru should not be removed from his mother. His son knows his father is not who he says he is but just like his father hes embarrassed and ashamed of the situation. And that LifeTime Network doesnt do it.. Haha this shit is just too good. "Today our hearts are broken in downtown Laurel after suddenly losing our friend . Probably ranks as one of the most uncomfortable and awkward displays of grown men shitting themselves in public space I have ever witnessed for 45 minutes.
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