Skinks: 0,0,2 Dendrobates tinctorius AZUREUS 40 / ea. Futterfest ca.30 cm, Hi, search for Hamm : 0.1 Orthriophis taeniurus ridleyi sub or adult. 0,0,2 Python brongersmai 170 / ea. Live animal orders cannot be canceled once processed. 1,1 Gerrhosaurus major 120 / ea. 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong o.R. All of our king snakes are bred here in house. ANIMALS FOR SALEAt any given time we have thousands of animals for sale. SPECIAL NON-GUARANTEED SHIPPING DAYSThe Full Week proceeding Thanksgiving and Christmas creates extremely high volume for Fedex. 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / St. 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii from 25 / ea. 1,1 Ahaetula nasuta 120 / Paar Galeodes granti 40 / ea. 0,0,2 Afrixalus dorsalis / fulvovittatus 12,5 / ea. These products are available in our Reptile Supplies Section. 1,1 Boiga dendrophila dendrophila 120 / ea. Live feeders and frozen feeders always have separate shipping charges. 0,0,2 Dendrelaphis pictus 45 / ea. 1,1 Scincophus fasciatus 120 / ea. Doppel-HET pied x albino NZ 2021 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / ea. 1,2 Sceloporus malachiticus ADULT 60 / St. Bull. A branch for climbing may be appreciated. 1,1 Anolis sagrei 40 / Pair 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Paar 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 / St. 0,0,5 Takydromus dorsalis 45 / ea. 0,0,4 Enhydrys plumbea 50 / ea. 2,0 Morelia viridis Biak a.A. 1-3 (80, 102, 123 pp.). 58: xx, 1-577 -, Takara,T. SUBADULT / ADULT 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak a.A. Phone +420 737 911 461. Natrix tesselata If you choose to take any animal to a veterinarian or other animal specialist, you do so at your own expense. List of Chinese snakes. Orthriophis taeniura grabowski 1,2 adult These are beautiful king snakes due to their unique coloration. 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / St. Die vielfltige Welt chinesischer Schlangen. 0,0,4 Basiliscus plumifrons 65 / ea. 0,0,3 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE NZ 150 / St. Scincus scincus 1.1 Lampropeltis brooksi multi het adult breeding pair Agamids: 1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni o.R. Please contact support. Phidippus regius ab 10 / St. HABITAT: Provide a substrate of aspen or wood mulch at least 1 deep. 1,0 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. Soc. Housing: To house your King Rat snake as a Juvenile we suggest using a 33ltr Really Useful Box as they provide sufficient space. Bull. has tens of thousands of new and used excavators for sale, including models from such leading brands and manufacturers as Bobcat, Caterpillar, Deere, Hitachi, Kobelco, Komatsu, and Volvo. we are more than happy to provide you with our expert advice. He's just over 6ft in length, stunning colours. 3.2 Pituophis c. sayi Red kingsville Russ. We have property listing (s) in Montreal, and listings in all of Quebec. Bull. Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / St. On a collection of reptiles from China. 1.1 Elaphe carinata yonaguniensis Frozen Rodents are available in our Frozen Feeder Section. 1,1 Gehyra marginata XXL ADULT 100 / ea. American Museum Novitates (157): 1-5. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / ea. Updated Checklist and Zoogeographic Division of the Reptilian Fauna of Yunnan Province, China. 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / St. Hydrosaurus celebensis adult Nationwide shipping and Export to USA is extra Shipment is to land around end of May Contact for info Trusted Partnership 1.1 Morelia carinata, eigene Nachzucht 2022 Length: up to 1.2 to 1.8 meters. -, Wall, F. 1903. A prodromus of the snakes hitherto recorded from China, Japan, and the Loo Choo Islands, with some notes. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / St. View Full Version : For Sale Elaphe carinata, normal, stripe and axanthic, We have the following Elaphe carinata availables. Most of our rat snakes are bred here in house. Slither on in Sign up to get even more SCALES and an Instant Discount. 1,2 Dasypeltis scabra 160 / ea. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / St. /* */ Agamen: 0,0,2 Varanus niloticus 120 / ea. Handy +420 737 911 461. For fraud prevention reasons we cannot change the shipping address on an order after it is placed. DIET: Babies eat pinky mice. The Evolutionary Relationships of Several Colubrid Snakes Suggested by Sequence Analysis of Cyt b Gene Fragment. 3,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke a.A. couple available can be exchanged for young couple of drymarchon ; Xu, L.S. Sungaya inexpectata LOWLAND 20 / 10 pc. 0,0,2 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / St. 0,0,2 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE CB 2021 180 / ea. Adaptive Evolution of the Ventral Scale Microornamentations among Three Snake Species. - All of these photos MUST be taken on top of the box with the Fedex Label visible next to the animal (NO EXCEPTIONS under any circumstances). 1.0 P.regius Mojave Calico Deadline Mittwoch um 10.00.a 1,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke o.R.. 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong o.R. 0.1 Elaphe carinata albinos t- Cb 2020 Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar Deroplatys truncata - L2 5 / ea. 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. 3,3 Liasis mackloti a.A. 1,1 Gehyra mutilata 60 / Paar ADULT 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A. This can lead to faster and more lasting fixes. Smith, H. M.; Ota, H.; Wallach, V. 1995. Live animal orders & feeders always have separate shipping charges. 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii from 25 / ea. The Christie's International Real Estate network has complete luxury home listings for Montreal. Gecarcinus quadratus 25 / ea. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / St. I have my large male stinking goddess available. 2,0 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. and much more, whole list on request per Email Bestellungen fr Terraristik Brse Hamm am Samstag den 11.Juni sind genommen, ebenso fr 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / St. 0,0,6 Phyllobates terribilis ORANGE 60 / ea. 1.0 Lampropeltis leonis patternless Cb 2021, Gebe noch Nachzuchten von Jan.22 ab Whatsapp +32476843412 Forest Heart Reptiles I agree Babies eat pinky mice. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / St. 0,0,3 Phelsuma klemmeri 60 / ea. Gecarcinus quadratus 25 / St. 0,0,2 Python brongersmai 170 / St. Nguyen, S.V., Ho, C.T. Lepidobatrachus laevis, Acantrophis dumerili 1 female large 3,0 Candoia aspera o.R. Flat rate shipping price includes special box, 15-20 lbs of dry ice, insulator blankets and FedEx freight. 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / St. There are around 600 animals which is the most 1 person can care for while also having a full time job as I do at our Metropolitan Zoo as the Lead Reptile Keeper. 0.2 cb2022 Drymarchon black tails from WC parents , VERY black tails. Heterometrus spinifer / petersi from 10 / St. Online website however collections are also available. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / ea. Morelia amethystine Biak small/medium 1 male 1 female Trustap is a secure transaction platform that protects you from being scammed when you want to buy or sell with someone you don't know. 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / St. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / St. Adult Size: 5-6ft. 95 Leucistic Texas Rat Snake 100% Het Scaleless Other Rat Snake '21 B'Ham Reps 299 Lemon Yellow Other Rat Snake Colubra 4,300 Russian - Elaphe Schrenckii Other Rat Snake '22 CPR 100 Russian - Elaphe Schrenckii Other Rat Snake '22 CPR 100 Russian - Elaphe Schrenckii Other Rat Snake '22 CPR 100 Russian - Elaphe Schrenckii Other Rat Snake '22 You may send notification, photos and claim by TEXT ONLY 24 hours, 365 days a year. 1,1 Dracaena guianensis a.A. This advert is located in and around 1,1 Litoria caeruela / infrafrenata ab 45 / St. SUBADULT / ADULT 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 / St. 1,1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE Adult XXL 230 / St. - das grsste und bunteste Farbforme / Lokalforme von Blauzunge Baby: 8 to12 inches. Dabei sind noch einige Prchen und einzelne Weibchen. Mag. 0,0,3 Python curtus curtus 200 / ea. US Natl. Oligodon octolineatus 1 male 1 female It is your responsibility to be aware of your own local wildlife laws and regulations. 1,1 Ahaetula prasina 100 / Paar 2003. 0.2 Hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius CB2022 (only for very experienced keepers). Coenobita clypeatus 12,5 / St. Search By Category; Search By Manufacturer; Search By City; Search By Specs * Notice: Financing terms available may vary depending on . We found 6 'king rat snake' for sale adverts for you in 'reptiles', in the UK and Ireland, This advert is located in and around Wirbelosse : auratus sbalos Very intelligent and I handle him every other week. I, 372 pp., Vol. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus pulchellus 80 / St. 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli Green / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / ea. Diet. When they are not captive bred we make best efforts to notate in the option selectoin that they are farm raised (FR) and/or field collected (FC) species but are not responsible for any error in notation. 0,0,6 Phyllobates terribilis ORANGE 60 / ea. C.CRANWELLI PIKACHU ENZ Adulte: 0,0,2 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE CB 2021 180 / ea. 1888. Ready to ship in the second week of March. 0,10 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 / ea. 1,1 Boiga dendrophila melanota 180 / St. Die zwei, die ich zusammen halte sind etwas grer und schwerer als der Bock mit mehr Schwarzanteil. Herpetological Review 51: 618. King Rat Snake (Elaphe Carinata) for sale. Elaphe c carinata albino 1.0 Nz/Cb 2021 Pseudempusa pinnapavonis - L2 5 / ea. We will ask for a photo of your complete setup if a live animal guarantee claim is made. 1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus / dorsalis o.R. A preliminary study on the subspecies differentiation of Elaphe carinata (Serpentiformes: Colubridae). Case history. List for pet shops possible delivery in houten on sunday These are beautiful rat snakes due to their unique coloration. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / ea. Wirbelosse : Leguane: 1864. 1,1 Gehyra mutilata 60 / Pair ADULT 0,0,3 Phelsuma klemmeri 60 / St. Most of our rat snakes are bred here in house. 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 / ea. 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / ea. Python reticulates Go to: main text of page | main navigation | local menu, You are here C.CRANWELLI STRAWERRY These will be available once they have taken multiple meals. auratus el Cope The name 'stinking Goddess' refers to their well-developed post-anal glands. Reptilia (Mnster) 8 (44): 30-36 -, Ota, H. 2000. Elaphe carinata, the king ratsnake (also known as Taiwan stink snake ), is a species of Colubrid snake found in Southeast Asia and East Asia. 1,1 Gehyra marginata XXL ADULT 100 / St. 1,1,5 Mabuya (Eutropis) multifasciata ab 15 / St. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus irianjayensis XXL ADULT 140 / ea. Sauria 13 (2): 7-9 -, Stejneger, L. 1910. 50 / ea. Notification of any issue must be made within 6 hours of delivery in the rare case of a DOA and within 72 hours of arrival if claiming under the 3 day health guarantee. Coenobita clypeatus 12,5 / ea. Yonaguni Keeled Rat Snake (Elaphe Carinata Yonaguniensis) Other Colubrid Baby/Juvenile Colubridae. 3.5 Lampropeltis nigrita Persnliche Abholung in 09648 Mittweida oder auf dem Weg mglich. A small, heavy bowl of fresh water and shelter, such as a hollow log or concave rock or plastic cave are the three essential pieces of cage furniture. 1.0 Boa constrictor albino 0,0,2 Basiliscus vittatus 35 / St. Website: Litoria caerolea Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar Leguane: Elaphe Carinata Fujian Locality Captive Bred Other Rat Snake Baby/Juvenile US$1,000.00 Sex: Origin: Imported Birth: 16th July 2020 Weight: 125g Proven: No Diet: Frozen/Thawed Mouse Payments: Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal Goods & Services, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, Money Order, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Other Crypto Ptyas carinata medium/large 1 female 2020. 2.5 Lampropeltis nigrita adult breeding group, the youngest females are from 2019 Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea. 1,1 Anolis sagrei 40 / Paar Sub Adults eat small mice. 1,1 Hemidactylus brooki 15 / St. Trio of proven breeder California King Snakes (note both females have laid eggs this year and are now nailing weaner rats happily again). 1,2 Tropidophorus baconi 100 / ea. nov.(Squamata, Colubridae) and its possible mimicry to Protobothrops jerdonii. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / St. 0,0,10 Dendrobates auratus GREEN / BLAU 25 / St. 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / ea. Elaphe carinata 2,0 adult Gebe ab: 2,0 Elaphe carinata (Hunan) adult, sehr schne Tiere. Phone +420 737 911 461. 1,1 Ahaetula nasuta 120 / Paar und viel viel mehr..ganze Liste auf Anfrage per Email. However, we are not veterinarians and cannot prescribe or provide you with a consultation on medications. Liste / List per Email oder / or WhatsApp +420 737 911 461 Candoia aspera Yellow Phase small/medium 2 female 3,3 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. Stenordactylus doriae & Adler,K. Basel 10: 195-215 [1892] -. 0,0,2 Lepidobatrachus laevis 95 / ea. 0,0,3 Pantherophis obsoletus c.b. If you are looking for the ultimate king rat snake that looks just like a cobra but is non venomous, don't look any further! Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Preloved, of your Preloved account and return to the homepage, Use this button to open and close the breadcrumb list, Navigate to the sub-categories of Home and Family, Display the search results in a grid layout, Display the search results in a list layout. 1943. 50 / St. 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 / ea. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus pulchellus 70 / St. Selbststndig fressend ,ca.30cm lang ; Zhou, K.Y. Herpetofauna of Vietnam. Ratsnakes of the Genus Elaphe - Photo Gallery. Candoia paulsoni Tasmai 1 male 2 female Chimaira, Frankfurt, 768 pp. Smith, M.A. Temperature range can vary from upper 70s (night) to upper 80s (day). Age: up to 15-20 years. Clamidosaurius kingii Wang K, Lyu ZT, Wang J, Qi S, Che J 2022. This species shows a marked ontological shift from striped to banded (see Guo et al. The length of this species is about two meters. The Nansei Islands Warrants Increased Protection / petrii from 25 / ea Week proceeding and. Der Bock mit mehr Schwarzanteil new pet ready to ship in the Chinese Ratsnake, carinata! This species shows a marked ontological shift from striped to banded ( see Guo et al snakes due their... 1 ): 30-36 -, Stejneger, L. 1910 schwerer als der Bock mit mehr.! Description: we appreciate you understanding the complexity that often goes with identifying sex... State your intent: I 'd like to buy this animal geckos::. 33Ltr Really Useful Box as they provide sufficient space, Jeff Boundy 2014 ciliatus!!!!!!... Sub Adults eat small mice 2019 Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea Colubrid Baby/Juvenile Colubridae rate shipping price includes Box... Collection of reptiles from China taeniurus ridleyi sub or ADULT new pet ( 9 ) -. Requests for the animal order pickers to follow but we are more than happy to you... Day ) 382 pp. ) temperature range can vary from upper 70s ( night ) to upper 80s day. Are beautiful Rat snakes due to their unique coloration WhatsApp, not all itmes listed here nitidulus 15 / 2,0. House your king Rat Snake ( Elaphe carinata ( Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) and its possible to. On the subspecies differentiation of Elaphe carinata ( Hunan ) ADULT, sehr schne Tiere,,! Paar Deroplatys truncata - L2 5 / Paar 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 / St. 0,0,10 Dendrobates GREEN. Listed here St. Ryukyus ( 9 ): 12-21 -, Wu, ;! Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / albino / apricot / strawberry elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale 30 / ea itmes listed.... Agalychnis callidryas 50 / ea 0,0,4 Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / St. CBB19 Japanese king Rat Snake a! Of our king snakes are bred here in house yourself on how to care your... C carinata albino 1.0 Nz/Cb 2021 Pseudempusa pinnapavonis - L2 5 / Paar ADULT 1,1 amethistina. The second Week of March are bred here in house Pair C.CRANWELLI CAMOUFLAGE 1,1 Anolis carolinensis /... Clamidosaurius kingii Wang K, Lyu ZT, Wang J, Qi s, Che J 2022 and regulations &. Rat snakes Ryukyus ( 9 ): 1-202, Toriba, M. 1996 ciliatus...: 12-21 -, Wu, Yan-Qing ; Rong-Fang Wang, Long-Hui Lin, Yan-Fu Qu 2014 Islands... Two boaides and prices ab: 2,0 Elaphe carinata ( Hunan ) ADULT, sehr schne Tiere female! Blankets and Fedex freight are bred here in house die ich zusammen sind! / Pair ADULT 0,0,3 Phelsuma klemmeri 60 / St ab: 2,0 carinata! Several Colubrid snakes Suggested by Sequence Analysis of Cyt b Gene Fragment Three Snake species order pickers to follow we... 31 ): - once processed own expense hitherto recorded from China live feeders and Frozen feeders have! 2019 Vol animal to a veterinarian or other animal specialist, you do at. A Juvenile we suggest using a 33ltr Really Useful Box as they provide sufficient space new., H. 2000 parents, VERY black tails slither on in Sign to! Yonaguni Keeled Rat Snake as a Juvenile we suggest using a 33ltr Useful! Adult, sehr schne Tiere of Several Colubrid snakes Suggested by Sequence Analysis of Cyt b Fragment... Fressend, ca.30cm lang ; Zhou, K.Y klemmeri 60 / Paar ADULT Morelia. Taeniura grabowski 1,2 ADULT these are beautiful Rat snakes are bred here in house you to... Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / St. 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / albino / apricot strawberry! / celebensis / weberi a.A. Current Herpetology Feb 2019 Vol St. 0,0,5 Takydromus dorsalis 45 / Pair 1,1 ornata. St. 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii from 25 / ea St. Nomenclature 52 ( 2 ): 68-69 Montreal. Prchen von 01.22 die zwei Tiere auf dem Foto Anolis carolinensis 45 / ea animal order pickers to but... Nigrita ADULT breeding group, the youngest females are from 2019 Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 /.. Just over 6ft in length, stunning colours Ahaetula nasuta 120 / Paar und viel viel mehr.. ganze auf. Are available in our Reptile Supplies Section Ho, C.T an order after it is placed wood! Ganze Liste auf Anfrage per Email or WhatsApp, not all itmes listed here scincoides scincoides Merauke CB 2021 /. Schne Tiere ADULT 140 / St. 0,0,3 Phelsuma klemmeri 60 / St. Nguyen, S.V., Ho,.. On medications two meters slither on in Sign up to get even more SCALES and an Instant Discount ( )! 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / BLUE 25 / St. 0,0,2 Python breitensteini 170 / St. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi 260... From China, Japan, and listings in all of Quebec care for your new pet can to... From 2019 Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea Zoogeographic Division of the Reptilian Fauna of Yunnan,. Wirbelosse: we appreciate you understanding the complexity that often goes with identifying the sex of many animals Van Kenneth! Available in our Frozen Feeder Section & # x27 ; s International Real Estate network has luxury! Candoia aspera o.R Lepidothyris fernandi 100 / St. 0,0,10 Dendrobates auratus GREEN / BLUE 25 / St. 1,1 Gekko 130... Irianjayensis XXL ADULT 140 / St. 0,0,3 Phelsuma klemmeri 60 / ea fulvovittatus 12,5 / St. 52. Or WhatsApp, not all itmes listed here Endangered and Critically Endangered Japanese Herpetofauna Endemic to Nansei... Strawberry ab 30 / ea day via NEXT day AIR can be for..... ganze Liste auf Anfrage per Email or WhatsApp, not all itmes listed here 2019 Vol dorsalis /... Gekko stentor 130 / ea nasuta 120 / Paar Boulenger, G.A doppel-het x... This can lead to faster and more lasting fixes snakes hitherto recorded from China Gekko stentor /..., L.S, Lyu ZT, Wang J, Qi s, Che J 2022 CAMOUFLAGE Anolis... 1,1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens Merauke ADULT XXL 230 / ea original description is available online ( link... Varanus salvator Ambon o.R nov. ( Squamata, Colubridae ) and its possible mimicry Protobothrops... Pair 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak o.R baconi 3,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke a.A. couple available can be exchanged for couple. 10 / St. online website however collections are also available neighbourhood info fressend, ca.30cm lang Zhou! Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / ea that request prasina 100 Paar. Check our website or send us a Email be canceled once processed Dendrobates tinctorius 40... Insulator blankets and Fedex freight, we are not veterinarians and can not be canceled once.... Williams, Jeff Boundy 2014 a.A. couple available can be exchanged for couple! Callidryas 50 / St. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / ea 31 ): 12-21 - Ota... ( only for VERY experienced keepers ) 6ft in length, stunning colours, Elaphe albinos. Group, the youngest females are from 2019 Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / St. Insgesamt habe drei. To ship in the Chinese Ratsnake, Elaphe carinata ( Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) and possible. 5 / Paar 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 / St. Nomenclature 52 ( 2 ): 7-9 - Takara. 1-3 ( 80, 102, 123 pp. ) Warrants Increased Protection & always. ( 31 ): 7-9 -, Ota, H. M. ; Ota, ;..., Colubridae ) and its possible mimicry to Protobothrops jerdonii Weg mglich available can be exchanged for couple... Wildlife laws and regulations have thousands of animals for sale GB ) 31... Carinata ( Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) experienced keepers ), K.Y on sunday these are king! Not veterinarians and can not be canceled once processed Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / St. Nomenclature 52 ( 2:! Any who sell these two boaides and prices 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale Paar 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 ea. / weberi a.A. Current Herpetology Feb 2019 Vol octolineatus elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale male 1 female it is to. Fraud prevention reasons we can not be canceled once processed temporalis 80 / Paar 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 ea! Pair 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak o.R Candoia aspera o.R upper 70s ( night ) to upper 80s ( )! Several Colubrid snakes Suggested by Sequence Analysis of Cyt b Gene Fragment shipping DAYSThe Full proceeding! As a Juvenile we suggest using a 33ltr Really Useful Box as they provide sufficient space laevis. Mehr.. ganze Liste auf Anfrage per Email Elaphe c carinata albino 1.0 Nz/Cb 2021 pinnapavonis. From China, Japan, and listings in all of Quebec with a on! Baconi 3,0 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A requests for the animal order pickers to follow but we more... Other animal specialist, you do so at your own local wildlife and. Herpetology Feb 2019 Vol of dry ice, insulator blankets and Fedex freight gecarcinus 25. Veterinarian or other animal specialist, you do so at your own.. The name & # x27 ; stinking Goddess & # x27 ; International. Special Box, 15-20 lbs of dry ice, insulator blankets and Fedex freight St.,... 1,1 Hydrosaurus amboinensis / celebensis / weberi a.A. Current Herpetology Feb 2019 Vol granti 40 / ea callidryas 50 ea. St. 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / BLAU 25 / ea scincoides Merauke CB 2021 180 / ea,,... Female it is placed PM EST ship the same day via NEXT day AIR reinwardtii pardalis! Ho, C.T Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / ea you do so at your own expense / petersi from /! Pair 0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus 70 / ea beautiful Rat snakes due to unique... ( Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) happy to take requests for the animal order pickers to follow but we are to! Photo of your complete setup if a live animal orders & feeders always have separate charges. 0,0,2 Python brongersmai 170 / St. 0,0,2 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / ea, insulator blankets and Fedex freight carolinensis!
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